What have you learned from MFP?

I posted this on my page, but now I am curious about the rest of you.

What have you learned from MFP? It can be anything from nutritional to what you learned about yourself. I have personally learned many things, but the one thing that sticks out the most is the realization that living a healthy lifestyle really is easier than living an unhealthy one. My body practically punishes me for being bad when I have a not so good day.


  • Medcoder75
    Medcoder75 Posts: 17 Member
    after much work I can now estimate a correct portion size but looking at it!
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    One thing that I have is I need to develop more confidence in myself.... Working on it..
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    I learned that dedication and support from others is what has driven me......I never thought I could do this. If it wasnt for mfp.....I would not have been able to do it. Also, logging what I have eaten has taught me exactly what I put in my body. I am now more aware of foods...and apparently had not a clue before. lol Now, when I go out to eat, and see what others order...I want to look at them and tell them how many calories it is and how many fat grams! I want to ask....:Is that worth it? " lol I have learned....that I CAN do this.....but it is all because of the support I have been given.
  • Malloryrae1211
    Malloryrae1211 Posts: 60 Member
    This is no longer a diet to me but a lifestyle change. I've also learned to enjoy exercising. I feel so much better when I finish a workout!
  • smilie27
    smilie27 Posts: 12
    The support from all at MFP! X
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Oh wow! I've learned so many things it will be hard to even remember them now since they are mostly second nature now haha!

    Let's see.....I've learned that not every 'diet' works for everyone the same way.
    I've learned that women can lift heavy weights and not get bulky looking.
    I've learned that weight lifting is basically key to having that amazing body.
    I've learned that cardio is not the be all end all, but is still definatley necessary.
    I've learned that it's ok to fall down as long as you pick yourself back up.

    I know there is alot more, bu this is what comes to mind right now :)
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    ....logging what I have eaten has taught me exactly what I put in my body. I am now more aware of foods...and apparently had not a clue before. lol Now, when I go out to eat, and see what others order...I want to look at them and tell them how many calories it is and how many fat grams! I want to ask....:Is that worth it? "....
    ^^ this. YES!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I've learned that what I used to think was "healthy", wasn't really.
    I've learned that having a support system makes losing weight much easier.
    I've learned that I can actually "run".
    I've learned that when I eat right, I feel 1000 times better.
    I've learned to cook healthy versions of "fast food" that tastes delicious.
    I've learned that overeating is not worth the immediate gratification.
    I've learned that it is harder to unlearn a bad habit than it is to learn good ones from the start.
    I've learned that I am bad at estimating portion sizes.
    I've learned that my body can look just as good today as it did at 25, it just takes more work.
    I've learned that looking good feels great!!
  • JWALL101
    JWALL101 Posts: 60
    That people have a hell of alot more issues than weight loss:laugh:
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I've learned that EVERYONE has the same problems, unique to their own situation.
    I've learned that EVERYONE has the same problems, at one point or another.
    I've learned that EVERYONE has the same problems.
    I've learned that EVERYONE has problems.

    I've learned to enjoy my problems.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    That people have a hell of alot more issues than weight loss:laugh:

    SO TRUE!!!!
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I have learn to be more forgiving. I used to be like a total perfectionist, and if I had one bite of something bad I would think my life was ruined! I would have a total binge.

    Now, if I have some chocolate, I stop and think, hey, that's 200 calories, I can afford this...I don't feel so guilty. I therefore don't binge :)

    MFP has totally helped me.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    GREAT POST!!! NOT ALL CALORIES ARE EQUAL was my response...Bumping to read the rest!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I learned how to eat my fruits and veggies... :bigsmile:
  • TheSarahHill
    TheSarahHill Posts: 185
    It's taught me about the contents of food in general! It makes things really easy to follow and it's helped me realise that I was wrong in the past about my food choices. I don't feel like I am on a diet, I feel that my lifestyle has changed, all down to MFP. It's crazy but I'm happy also!

    Today I went for a long walk on the canal and burnt over 900 cals, when we got to our desination we had lunch and I got a fish salad. It has mackerall, salmon, shrimp, fried shrimp and fried squid aswell as boat loads of salad. After eating so well lately I can't explain how heavy I feel just after eating a small portion of fried food. If it wasn't for MFP i'd still be eating fried food all of the time!
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    that this is a slow process and to have patience :0)
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I learned that I was delusional about how much I was eating. I'd always think Huh I don't eat that much but once I started tracking it, hoooo boy was that a rude awakening!

    Now if I only I could 'train' myself to like more healthy stuff ... more variety of veggies, fruits, etc. I'm quite picky about those things, which I hate because what you all eat looks so good!!!
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    this is a lifestyle change and results aren't going to be overnight
  • carina_75
    carina_75 Posts: 88
    That people have a hell of alot more issues than weight loss:laugh:

    lol thats funny!! :laugh: