
I know ..I know... muscle weighs more than fat etc etc...but it really is hard when you put your heart and soul into eating right--- I finally started exercising this week and didnt loose SQUAT!!!! Need Motivation AND fast before I eat a twinkie! LOL


  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Try to remember it's not ALL about losing weight! It's about being healthy too!
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    I understand the frustration. What has been helpful for me is to remember that you will look smaller from working out (even when that smaller # doesn't show on the scale. Hang in there and keep up the exercise!
  • BrePrepared
    BrePrepared Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I see in your picture that you have two little ones. That should be some healthy motivation right there! I'm overweight and want to have children of my own some day soon. This is why I need to lose weight, so I can run and jump and chase down the little munchkins. Also, you've lost 15lbs!!! That's THREE 5lb bags of sugar!!! Put them in a backpack and walk around with them for a while, you'll feel the motivation right there!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! Think like the hare and not the tortoise my dear, you will get there I promise!!!

    Warmest Blessings,
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    BrePrepared, you almost made me cry!! Good luck to you because you will make a great Mommy one day!!
  • Medcoder75
    Medcoder75 Posts: 17 Member
    :smile: Thanks!!!!!!!! That definately helps! I appreciate it all.
  • laurenlivesfit
    laurenlivesfit Posts: 17 Member
    Dont worry! I was having the same problem. The weight on the scale was coming off so slowly, but the reward in the mirror is amazing! Believe me, you will see the difference in the way your clothes fit in a week or two :)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Dear Frustrated: I'm happy that you have made the change and you are working towards your goal by exercising!! I was in the same boat, and I am sure not for the last time, but one day you just let it go and it will happen. My personal problem with the scale has been sodium so keep that in mind. Maybe drink more water??
  • Medcoder75
    Medcoder75 Posts: 17 Member
    Be prepared--- I have been down this road already once--- had weight lost it all then got pregnant and now I am reloosing it---- however, what I am saying is--- i am greatful for the original weight loss because if I hadnt I would never have been pregnant in the first place! She was worth the weight gain back I will tell you that---:) (The other child is my nephew) :)
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member
    This happened to me- I was stuck in the same rut of these same fluctuating 2-3 pounds. It killed me no matter what I did one day I would lose then another day I was up and so on it was a vicious cycle I kept at it. I had a me day where I just stopped and re-evaluated everything, started the next day I had to drink more water than I felt humanly possible that day for a test and had some really healthy things to eat the next day got on the scaled and I had lost weight and kept at it I finally am out of that vicious cycle.

    Moral of the story: Just keep going, shake it up and like everyone said you will make it! This is the tough part keep going, you've come so far now don't turn back :)
  • sunnyd1975
    I hate those weeks, so hard to keep being good. you're half way to your first goal already though, which is really awesome!

    if you haven't already, take measurements of some body parts so you can compare something else besides weight.

    Other things that help: I hit plateaus (often the same weight where I stayed for a while on the way up *roll eyes*) so I remind myself that it just takes longer to overcome those same weights on the way down. Also consider where you are in your cycle.

    good luck!
  • Medcoder75
    Medcoder75 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!! I truly appreicate--- you guys really put it all into perspective! I am gonna try drinking more water....and i never thought about the sodium and water would help with the sodium! great ideas everyone! I HAVE PUT THE TWINKIE DOWN! hahaha