

  • What?!?! No Martial Artists out there?!?! I find that hard to believe. BUMP!! :smile:
  • Hi JKDBudda! Not sure you will ever read this, so I will keep it short. I didn't come to know Bruce Lee until long after he had past away. I only knew him as "some Martial Arts guy". I actually started training in Wing Chun without knowing ANYTHING about him. I'm pretty sure that is rare these days. I became a fan of Bruce…
  • 100% Whey Protein Isolate is the best kind of protein powder to get. I get mine from Costco. The brand name is Kaizen and it’s in the MFP database. They have two great flavours: Vanilla Ice Cream and Decadent Chocolate. Both go great with fruit! You can mix it with soy milk if you want, but its more calories. I can drink…
  • Your focus determines your reality. - Qui-Gon Jinn (A shout out to my geeks! :smile: ) If you focus on how bad you currently feel, or how bad you think you look, that will only make you feel bad things. Rather think about how good you will feel to be successful. How great you will feel if you take off the weight you want…
  • They have it in the list of cardio in MFP. Just search for "Tae Bo".
  • Watch out for any flavoured waters or cabonated waters. They will still have aspartame in them, which is probably what is causing your headaches. Just drinking water may flush out that out of your body. You may also what to try adding liquid Chlorophyll to your water. That will counter-act any acidity in your blood that…
  • MFP does take into account the weight you've entered into your information when calculating your calories burned. As my wife and I will enter in the same amount of time for the same excercise, but my calories will be more because I am bigger. The site does suggest to manually enter in your calories burned if you used a…
  • I train in the art of Jeet Kune Do (The way of the Intercepting Fist). It is the Martial Art developed by the late Bruce Lee from Wing Chun Gung Fu, Western Boxing and Fencing tactics. The problem I’m having is with trying to figure out how many calories I burned during a training session. Some sessions might be more…
  • (This is a shout out to my fellow geeks!) Songs by composer John Williams will pump me up! Including the Superman Theme, Indiana Jones Theme, Star Wars, and "Duel of the Fates" from the Star Wars Prequels.
  • Living in Brampton, but still proud to be from the Hammer! You'll notice that when you are looking up certain foods that it will say (Canada) beside it sometimes. Use that one, as the nutritional values can be different.