

  • my breakfast smoothie: 1 cup plain nonfat yogurt 1 cup frozen strawberry/banana 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1/3 cup water perfect~ :)
  • Bodycombat technique/track practice for an hour... Felt great! :)
  • I usually log everything I plan to eat in the morning, but I'll move things around as stuff changes. I try not to worry if I go over, but I usually don't.
  • I have a 45 minute commute, work in an office, and it's below freezing outside. To stay healthy I drink a ton of water with lemon slices in it and used a pedometer to make sure I am walking. I also try to exercise for at least 30 minutes once I get home by changing asap into some workout clothes. Even if it's just 15…
  • Monday: Yoga/Bodyflow Tuesday: Bootcamp Wednesday: Cardio/Circuit Training Thursday: Bootcamp Friday: Rest Saturday: Bodypump/Bodycombat Sunday: TurboKick I am addicted to my classes! My schedule can be kind of wonky because I prefer to work out in the mornings.
  • I think if you have your goal settings set to "sedentary" it would count as exercise.
  • 10 AM, 455 cals consumed, -75 net. :) Proud though - at 51g of protein and only 7g fat.
  • Most women gain water weight/bloat before, and a bit during their period. I personally gain 2 pounds every period, on top of my daily fluctuations. It should go away in a week. :)
  • I don't want to speak for the main poster at all, but I think she probably can't concentrate on her grades. In my own experience, the depression you feel is overwhelming- an eating disorder is mental first, what you do to your body second imo. She realizes she is unhealthy, hence the recovery, but recovery is a really,…
  • I'm dealing with some disordered eating habits- this site's been a great tool for me in terms of setting a goal and meeting it. I think you are on the right track and I wish you the best with recovery. It takes longer for the mind to catch up with your body (as I'm sure you know). If you ever need to to talk to someone, or…
  • I don't get hungry that often, but I when I need to eat to make sure I get all my calories in the for the day, I eat either luna lemon zest bars, or plain yogurt with fruit. I've found I'll be okay with eating those when I'm not hungry, because with almost anything else just thinking about it makes me feel sick lol
  • 22 here! request sent~ :)
  • Online! We were members of a forum based on common interest, and turns out we lived close to each other! :)
  • I've dealt with a few "nice" guys and the biggest problem is that they make themselves so inoffensive there's no way to say no without looking, and feeling like a terrible person. :( I've also seen "nice" guys object women the most- no one is quicker to slut shame than a nice guy. It's a really bad cycle that gets…
  • When I switched BC a few months ago, I gained about 6 pounds in 3 weeks mostly in my tummy, also gaining about a cup size and a half. I'm not sure why this happened, but it's gone away completely with dieting. If the BC makes you put on weight, it's only temporary. You can diet/work it off.
  • It's not beating a dead horse! I know a lot of people who have used electronic cigarettes when quitting, and although I've never smoked cigarettes proper I have used electronic ones and they're really awesome. My mom quit after 15 years as well and she had to work hard to not put on weight right after, but now there's…
  • Alcohol is bad for just about everything- it is one of the most addictive and damaging drugs someone can take, and is easy to get addicted to. However, drinking is okay in moderation. It's okay in a good environment that does not encourage getting drunk off your face if the people drinking are being responsible. Anything…
  • I think this is a "not all calories are created equal" situation. However, when I've binged a bit when it comes to beer I've never noticed a problem if I look at my progress over a week. Everything's okay in moderation. :) I think the wine thing.... If I am drinking wine, I drink a lot less! It's much easier for to drink a…
  • Good luck!! I've been thinking of doing a juice fast or the apple fast and starting off with only 3 days or so. Can't wait to see your results :)
  • Yeah, this is the hardest thing... I've had classes were we look at fast food culture and one of the biggest things is family environment- if you have kids to feed and you're tired, you just want them to be happy and have food, and this can lead to a cycle of feeding your family off of fastfood. There's a lot of other…
  • Since I've changed my diet, I've found I don't get hungry that often. I just try to have set meals every day because it's something my body needs, even if I'm not super in the mood for it.
  • Ah, no! I get pizza probably once a week, and eat it over a few days haha. Fast food is not bad if you are smart about it. I've found it hard to fall in the swing of preparing a lot of my own meals, so for me fast food can be nice to give my daily diet some variety. Just gotta plan for it.
  • I was having lots of issues with energy until I started doing a Super B-complex and magnesium supplement along with my multi.
  • Generally I look up the generic version of the food in the database, and add 50-100 cals. and good luck on the 30DS!!!
  • Your post reminded me! Not all fast food is created equal. I was in Japan a few years ago, and went to a KFC because it was raining and cold and I just wanted to point at pictures on a menu and get fed, so I ordered a regular coke, chicken strips, and fries. The portion sizes I got probably wouldn't even be considered a…
  • I've found this true for my boyfriend and I as well. A lot of my body hasn't changed, but my face/shoulders/arms are looking thinner.
  • Make sure you see a doctor and talk about this with them! A friend had the same problem in high school, and turned out she had thyroid issues. Went on a liquid diet for months and never lost a single pound.
  • Ah, I hate sodium. I track it too, and if I see myself having a high sodium day I know to not trust the number on the scale too much the next day.
  • I think you'd have to drink upward of 2L in an hour to really strain your kidneys? I've never had a bad experience with water and I drink an insane amount. The only thing I've noticed is that sometimes when I go to the bathroom it isn't waste, just water getting flushed, but I've never experience any kind of discomfort.…
  • Oooh, I used to get horrible caffeine withdrawal in high school if I didn't drink a soda for a few days. I just switched off soda and went to green tea, and I also sometimes take aspirin in the morning that has a high amount of caffeine.