
Hello everyone,

I have been at this journey did ww online and mfp for about 2 months lost total of 51 pounds and have been at a stand still for 4 weeks and yesterday I added Sodium and Fiber to food diary and realized that some days I have been way over sodium so maybe this is the reason why????? all the talk about clean diet its go to be sooooo true no processed stuff. just wanted to see what everyone thought and they also could add those tabs to food diary


  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    A good way to dilute the extra salt is to drink buckets of water... I'm talking at least 100oz a day! (A gallon of water is 128oz so just down most of one of those!)
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    I added sodium to my tracker, i upped my water intake to at LEAST 8 glasses a day plus added in water loaded fruits (oranges, peaches etc) and the weight has melted off with exercise.

    But I dont really care about the scale.. I worry more on measurements. Weight can redistribute... inches go away! I have lost only about 8lbs so far, but I have lost 10 inches from my body!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    That could absolutely be the reason your scale isn't moving. If I eat too much over 2300 mg of salt, the scale just won't budge for me, no matter how much water I drink!
  • tnorkus
    i did the same thing a while ago. It was a shock to see how much sodium I was ingesting on a daily basis. Limiting my sodium along with increasing my water has helped me a great deal over the past few months.
    I seem to be EXTREMELY sensitive to sodium as I will pack on the pounds after eating out. I beleive its the sodium making my body retain excess water. after a few days I will return to my starting weight but it has been a learning experience to see how my body reacts to salt.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You've lost a lot in a short period of time so it could just be your body catching up - that happens to me sometimes. In fact, I just broke a month long plateau but the whole time I didn't worry too much because I could tell my body was changing (clothes fitting better, etc).

    Maybe it's time to take some measurements so you can check progress that way in stead of depending solely on that number on the scale...

    Watching sodium is pretty vital though - thank you for posting to remind everyone else about it. Definitely try replacing part of your diet with fresher foods. Check your labels and try going with the low or reduced sodium options if you do need/want packaged items. They are necessary sometimes as they make life so much easier! Instead of canned veggies, go with frozen or fresh. And, of course, drink at least 8 cups per day, if not more. There is such a thing as overhydrating though so be cautious - the general rule is no more than 1 fluid ounce per every 2 pounds of body weight.
  • uniquesoul73
    uniquesoul73 Posts: 151 Member
    Sodium is almost always the culprit in stalled weight loss. It (sodium) causes massive fluid retention in most people. From the beginning of me using MFP, I included the sodium tab because I have/had high blood pressure and had to watch my daily sodium intake. I notice that when I stay within my sodium intake range, I lose at least 1 pound a week...and that loss does not include exercise. So I say always watch you sodium intake.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I added sodium to my tracker, i upped my water intake to at LEAST 8 glasses a day

    I changed my sodium level to 1500mg/day and started reviewing which foods were giving me problems. Ocean fish (salmon, tuna, ect.) seem to have more sodium, but I'm still under 2000mg on those days.

    Recommendations on sodium from: (I have high blood pressure)
  • cervenec
    Ah, I hate sodium. I track it too, and if I see myself having a high sodium day I know to not trust the number on the scale too much the next day.