

  • That is ridiculous. I don't eat those very often, but I think I'll completely avoid them now. This is more evidence that making your own meals at home is so much better for you.
  • -name: Nicole -city/state: Kansas -highest weight EVER: 295 -STARTING WEIGHT when you join: 289 -team: (i.e.: team jacob, team edward, team bella....etc...etc.) team edward -goal weight you want to be by fall 2010 (when production for breaking dawn starts) 240 -goal weight you want to be by november 18, 2011: 180 -how long…
  • I totally get this, I have been obese since my early 20's. When I was in high school I was probably 20-30lbs. over weight and made to feel like I was 300lbs. I am sure that weight would have shifted around a bit as I got older if I had an accurate idea of how I looked. Unfortunately I felt so big in my mind I never noticed…
  • Honestly, I have tried to tell my husband but he never believes that I am that heavy. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. :) I now only tell him how much my goal weight losses are. Right now it's 20 lbs, and another 20 by my birthday since I got tired of arguing that yes, I am over 200lbs, I promise. Who the hell…
  • Thanks for the warm welcome!
    in Newbie! Comment by anybristow May 2010
  • Usually right under 400, I have a smoothie I make that keeps me nice and full til lunch
  • Elliptical! I can burn 740 calories in 45 minutes, I love and hate it!
  • We are marching in Lawrence, Ks. It will be emotional, I'm sure I'll be a mess!
  • I know this sounds dumb but try trading in your favorite junk foods for something lower in cals. You could eat them in smaller portions, trade in chocolate candy things for sugar free low cal jello pudding, fruit and sorbet's can be traded for sweet candies and ice cream, even flavored yogurt can be used as a sub for a…