Question for the ladies...



  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I've been married to my husband almost 5 years now... he knows. That was NOTHING compared to showing my credit report when we got married! LOL! When he loved me and supported me through that I was pretty sure that he could love me through anything. My husband is 6'2 - I'm 5'2... when we met we weighed the same amount 250. When I started this journey - my first goal was to get back down to that... I reached it last week. Don't ya know that all the healthy cooking took its toll on him too... he now weighs 239! Oh well... eventually I'll weigh less than him!

    Sometimes it really bothers me that I weigh more than he does... then he reminds me that I carry a lot of weight in my chest and that I have hips.... then he points out that I have more muscular legs than he does.... it's all good.

    I'm good with him knowing... the fact that he knows... he sees me naked... AND he still loves me? It makes me feel pretty darn secure in my marriage!
  • tristan83
    tristan83 Posts: 51 Member
    I used to tell my husband but the more I gained the more he gained. We have been married 3 1/2 years. I gained 15 pounds and he's gained 40! he has no interest in weight control or weight loss but I do so I usually update here. I seem to share my victories more with the pets since they're the ones that walk with me or watch me workout. :laugh:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm comfortable with numbers, unlike a lot of women, so yes, my boyfriend knows. He now weighs more than I do, after my 20 lb weight loss... and he's 6 inches taller. :\ It kinda sucks but when I weigh and see a loss, I can tell him how much I weigh and he'll congratulate me... I was 150 when we first started dating and I got to 180 3 months later... so I'm 10 lbs away from where I was when we met.

    I agree with all the women saying their husband or man is their biggest support. I wouldn't say my bf is my BIGGEST support but he definitely encourages me. The other day, he texted me and asked how I was. I told him I was frustrated with my weight, and he told me, "Baby, you're beautiful. Don't worry about it, it'll come off as long as you keep working hard." I instantly felt better. :bigsmile:
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    My husband has always known generally how much I weigh, not because I ever told him. He was a paramedic for 17 years and is VERY GOOD at etimating weight. I really hate that about him! I am not a very private person, but my weight is one thing I DO NOT share with ANYONE...except my doctor.
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    he knows wha ti weigh but it dont bother me...hes more embaressed because hes over weight n he knows im losing weight so i know hes trying to lose weight secretly but wont admit it when i ask him if hes trying to lose weight! ....n i thought girls were worse with that type of thing! :wink:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I've been with my SO for 6 years and he knows and has always known how much I weigh. Will I get on the scale in front of him? No. :wink:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I've been with my SO for 6 years and he knows and has always known how much I weigh. Will I get on the scale in front of him? No. :wink:

    LOL - me either. It's one thing for him to "know" - another thing for him to see... kinda like pooping... I'm pretty sure he knows that I "do" - he just doesn't need to "see" me do it! LOL!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've been with my SO for 6 years and he knows and has always known how much I weigh. Will I get on the scale in front of him? No. :wink:

    LOL - me either. It's one thing for him to "know" - another thing for him to see... kinda like pooping... I'm pretty sure he knows that I "do" - he just doesn't need to "see" me do it! LOL!

    That is the strangest thing I have ever heard!!! What's the big deal? My bf's usually still in bed but it's like he has a 6th sense for knowing when I'm as soon as I step on the scale, I know he's peeking. It doesn't bother me. Why should it?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,722 Member
    Do your hubby or boyfriend know how much you weigh? My husband has NO idea and I refuse to tell him until I'm at my goal. haha! I weigh more than he does and I HATE it! I'd be mortified if he ever found out!

    Just wondering if your SO knows your weight?
    My husband has never asked me what my weight is, so I suppose he doesn't know, but I'd have no qualms telling him what it is.
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    I've been married 30 yrs and my husband has NEVER known my weight! I tell him how much I've lost and he's excited for me and tells me he can tell but I just cannot tell him verbally my weight. I guess it's shame. He loves me anyway and has always loved me regardless of my weight. He has always been very thin. Was teased about his size all his life until the last 10 or 15 yrs. He has the skinny genes, I have the fat genes. We have 3 grown kids. The girls are both in 108 lbs each. (we're shorties). My son is heavy. He is not tall either. He looks just like me. I really believe we have genetic tendencies that we have to fight to overcome. I have learned that I can NOT eat tons of carbs as I would like. My son has the same tendency. My daughters on the other hand, both eat alot of carbs but like their father but do not gain too much weight. One daughter is a vegetarian and eats ALOT of carbs. I truly believe that our genes do dictate what kind of diet we can eat.
    But NO, my husband does not know my actual weight and won't unless I can get down to a reasonable size.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I've been with my SO for 6 years and he knows and has always known how much I weigh. Will I get on the scale in front of him? No. :wink:

    LOL - me either. It's one thing for him to "know" - another thing for him to see... kinda like pooping... I'm pretty sure he knows that I "do" - he just doesn't need to "see" me do it! LOL!

    That is the strangest thing I have ever heard!!! What's the big deal? My bf's usually still in bed but it's like he has a 6th sense for knowing when I'm as soon as I step on the scale, I know he's peeking. It doesn't bother me. Why should it?

    I have a feeling that for me... it's the amount that I'm overweight by... I haven't ever felt comfortable in my own skin... I've been "morbidly obese" my entire adult life. Even when I was in high school and looked "thin" - according to doctors charts and society's ideals - at a size 9, wearing a 38 DDD - I was still considered overweight. When you've never felt "ok" in your body - it's hard to let someone (even the one you love most) see you at your most vulnerable... and standing on the scale naked is when I feel my most vulnerable. Strange or not... it's very much how I feel.
  • busyiam
    busyiam Posts: 33 Member
    I have always told my husband how much I weigh. We'll be married for 20 years at the end of this month and I don't keep things from him, even when I was at my heaviest.
  • BamaRose0107
    BamaRose0107 Posts: 635
    My husband has known how much I weigh from the very beginning, he has been with me through my transformation and has been my main support. He even measures me once a month. I still weigh a few pounds more than him, but it does not bother me. I know we are different people with different body types so who cares. He would probably weigh more than me if he had my curves, but then he would just look silly:tongue: .
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    My sister and I weigh in together every Monday. I am the only person she has ever told her weight to that isn't a doctor. I feel a little bad for her that we weigh in together because she's 5' even and in the mid 140's. I'm 5'9" and in the 140's. But she started losing weight so she'll be in the 130's soon. My husband knows. I wasn't nervous to tell him at all. It's just a number and if I said I weighed 300 lbs I would still look the same. Recently, I told him my current weight and he about freaked out because the last number he remembers is 165...which was over a year ago. He already doesn't like me losing weight anyway...he's anti health which is odd considering he's had cancer twice. I would have taken something different from that.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Yep, mine knows. I tell him what the scale says, whether it's up or down. When we met 4 years ago, he was about 235lbs and I was 150lbs. In 3 years, we went through hell and back a couple of times together and I gained about 40lbs. He also gained about 35lbs. He eventually had to go on two blood pressure meds and is still on them. He is REALLY lacksidaisical when it comes to going to the gym and is a pain in the *kitten* when it comes to eating healthy. It drives me insane. BUT, this past Christmas after getting on the scale and hitting 190lbs, I decided enough was enough and started my journey. He jumped on the gym wagon for a while, but it has been tough for him. He started a new job and they are constantly changing his hours, so getting him to the gym is tough. I am lucky enough to have the time to go everyday and it's starting to show. Not on the scale, but in the way my clothes are fitting, etc.

    I do have to give him credit though. While I was gaining so much weight, he never made a comment to me. He just took it in stride and figured I would wake up and realize just how big I had gotten (luckily I did). Now, he comments all the time about how much thinner I look and even today he commented that my biceps are bigger than his now!!!

    So yeah, he knows and is 100% supportive (though he can be quite whiney when it comes to the gym).
  • mrsmojo82
    mrsmojo82 Posts: 54 Member
    When my second ex husband and I first started dating, he didn't know. While we were together, I gained a LOT of weight. My highest ever was 309. By this time, we were together a couple of years, so I told him. Right before we got married, I lost a little over 100lbs. We were married a little over a year (together about 5 1/2 total) I gained about 40 lbs. Since we split in Oct., I've lost almost 60.
    He never said anything about my weight, even at my highest while we were together, but the night he told me he wanted a divorce he said that I'm very beautiful, and that if I only got into shape, I'd have all sorts of guys flocking to me.
    Damn, I hate it when he's right. ;) lol
  • confuseacat
    confuseacat Posts: 137 Member
    Heck no! The only one who knows is my doctor and of course myself. Why would he need to know?? And I lock the bathroom door when I get on the scale nekkid. With three kids , husband and one bathroom I better lock the door or they burst in or knock. 'Mom, you in there?"... never fails.
    weight is a very personal thing to me and as long as I am losing people can know that, but I just like keeping the number on the scale to myself.That's just me. I have issues from childhood with the scale numbers and I will prob. never get over it so I keep it to myself.
  • anybristow
    anybristow Posts: 11
    Honestly, I have tried to tell my husband but he never believes that I am that heavy. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. :) I now only tell him how much my goal weight losses are. Right now it's 20 lbs, and another 20 by my birthday since I got tired of arguing that yes, I am over 200lbs, I promise. Who the hell would lie about that? lol
    Even still he tells me that would be too much weight to lose and I'm gonna look like a stick. He has some serious love goggles on.
  • anybristow
    anybristow Posts: 11
    I've been with my SO for 6 years and he knows and has always known how much I weigh. Will I get on the scale in front of him? No. :wink:

    LOL - me either. It's one thing for him to "know" - another thing for him to see... kinda like pooping... I'm pretty sure he knows that I "do" - he just doesn't need to "see" me do it! LOL!

    That is the strangest thing I have ever heard!!! What's the big deal? My bf's usually still in bed but it's like he has a 6th sense for knowing when I'm as soon as I step on the scale, I know he's peeking. It doesn't bother me. Why should it?

    I have a feeling that for me... it's the amount that I'm overweight by... I haven't ever felt comfortable in my own skin... I've been "morbidly obese" my entire adult life. Even when I was in high school and looked "thin" - according to doctors charts and society's ideals - at a size 9, wearing a 38 DDD - I was still considered overweight. When you've never felt "ok" in your body - it's hard to let someone (even the one you love most) see you at your most vulnerable... and standing on the scale naked is when I feel my most vulnerable. Strange or not... it's very much how I feel.

    I totally get this, I have been obese since my early 20's. When I was in high school I was probably 20-30lbs. over weight and made to feel like I was 300lbs. I am sure that weight would have shifted around a bit as I got older if I had an accurate idea of how I looked. Unfortunately I felt so big in my mind I never noticed the massive weight gain until I looked at an old picture one day. I am still not comfortable in my skin but am working on it.
    There is no way anyone but my doctor (and I'm not even thrilled with that) will see me on a scale; like you that is where I feel naked and vulnerable.
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    My Husband totally knows!!! During and after pregnancy is when he got alll toooo familiar with it! :wink: Oh and He weighs maybe 135 pounds. Sick:cry: