nmain Member


  • I feel like you just wrote this about ME! You are doing amazing and have given me something to work towards!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me if you would like!
    in new Comment by nmain April 2011
  • Welcome! You will find a lot of support on this site! Feel free to add me if you would like! Good luck, I know you can do it!
  • I feel the same way. I started this journey on Feb. 18th and I have only lost 11lbs. I have been told by my doctor that what I am doing is correct and I shouldn't try for more weight loss per week. I have not had one person say a single word about my weight loss besides the support I get on here and a few co-workers, that…
  • You can add me if you like!
    in friendless Comment by nmain March 2011
  • I just got Gaiam Yoga for weight loss..It comes with two DVD's. Really great work outs! I got mine at target for around $14.
  • I have started it...I like it so far...a few times the camera has gone wacky on me and wont track what I am doing but that's more of a ps3 move thing than the game I think. I wish the USA website for the game would let you track things like the UK website....hopefully soon!
  • Welcome!
  • Welcome! You will soon find out that this site is amazing(if you havent already!) TONS of support found here! Best Of Luck!
    in Newbie Comment by nmain March 2011
  • Great Job!!! :happy:
  • Welcome! I am pretty sure most of the exercise's are put in by other users and going by what they got out of the work out. Some things seem really high in calories burned,..just my thought though.
  • I just got it about 3 weeks ago...I like it for the most part, sometimes it messes up and I am not 100% sure how to log it on here for exercise...I wish you could weigh in and see each days work out not the total since you started. But for a "game" its great!!
  • Welcome Susan! Sorry to hear of your Aunt, its never easy but may you think of all the wonderful moments that you shared and it will get you through the rough times. This site is amazing, so many great people with the same mind set and soooo supportative! Add me if you would like, Nicole
  • 9lbs is GREAT!! I have 70lbs that I want to shed and I am right there with you on the long road issue. Keep up the good work, it will be worth it in the end!! :bigsmile:
  • Welcome!! You will LOVE it here!
    in Intro Comment by nmain March 2011