Dmax12 Member


  • You might be an ectomorph body type, this means its harder for you to slim than to simply bulk. I would calculate your %BF and if its on the higher end you probably need to adjust your diet accrodingly. You might be defineing muscles which are under layers of fat and the result os a "rounded" look.
  • I am 100% pro-life, but by definition of the legal system an unborn child is not its own, but rather a function of the mother, therefore the law CANNOT step in unless they declare that unborn child as having a separate life and individual rights. Pro-Choicers do not want this. Since Tabaco's second hand effects "have not…
  • Alcohol - Drink and drive with a kid in the car and he/she will be! and your right to operate a motor vehicle in a normal fashion as well as large sums of money. cigarettes - they have, millions of dollars are raised via tabaco taxes that support anti-smoking movements You could go on all day, but unhealthy food is not…
  • It’s about taking away children whose immediate wellbeing is being threatened by neglect, you’re making a wildly absurd statement by taking an action out of context. Hopefully you were just being sarcastic
  • Thats entirely untrue, As a human being you should understand that trama is part of life and sometimes better than the lack of the trama e.g. Resetting a broken bone, setting someone in a tub of ice water to lower and extreme fever. If you think putting a child through any type of trama is "sick" i would say you would…
  • SOOOO everyone seems judgemental, simply answer this. Would you rather have your child (Sibling, grandchild, etc) go through some trama early in life, or increase the chance GREATLY that they die young with health problems? I think thats the core of whether they should be taken away.
  • Sit down and talk to your girls about it individually (or leave the skinny one out all together) she if she wants to loose weight, and offer support to do so, she might be an endo-morph body type and has a harder time thinning out, thats life and will require different eating and excersize styles than say an extomorph…
  • Not quite I get whats being said here... Kids who are too skinny but are being fed a poor diet should be taken away??? YES and absolutely!!! am I not understanding the hypothetical situation here? Kids only eat poor foods as a result of their parents, kids only play inside as a result of their parents. The point of being a…
  • If you want REALLY easy, look up "raw Cooking" its a method where they are completely organic and don't believe in heating anything, so they just mix a bunch of stuff together. The more recipies you look at as a whole, the more you will be "inspired" and thinhk of new ways to cook "fatty" meals without sugar (replace it…
  • You can't burn "belly" fat. As it turns out thats just the first place fat is stored when you gain fat, as a result its also the last place you loose it. Focus on whole body burnning. Focusing on "ab" workouts will increase muscle mass, but won;t burn your belly fat any faster. Check out Lie #1 on this site, they explain…
  • It all depends on your stride, the way you walk and the shape of your feet. Personally I think your best and only option is go to a reatailer that deals in sports shoes, otherwise your shoe may be adding unintended stress on your knees. I used to use only cross trainers, then a guy at a retail store pointed out that I run…
  • Yeah, for sure. But all it means is I cant get those awesome individually wraped organic presliced apples. learning to cook in advance and in bluk, freezing, canning, etc are all ways to greatly reduce the cost of eating a very healty diet.
  • Protein or fruit shake, 10oz can net you 600 cals easy. If you find this is common for you get liquid meals (slimfast, ensure, etc). they are awesome in a pinch and since your eating for two, the extra nutrients will be a great help.
  • Good for you! the best way to reach success is to understand "This is a slow process" realize that and it helps prevent you from becoming demotivated. This is also a lifestyle change, eating the way you once did is no longer an option, thats what got you into this deal, its time to find some new healthy treats! Best of…
  • Scramble some eggs or fry them in either olive oil (Extra Virgin) or Coconut oil, then throw them between some stone ground bread (Ezikiel 4:9 bread is widely available) this is a complete protien and will keep you full until 9 - 10 and is VERY low on the calorie scale for an entire meal. EDIT - also try to get grain fed…
  • When you eat something simply because you ate it yesterday and will be easy to log ~ You might be addicted to MFP
  • Just one word... awesome
  • This has been a pretty cool read, thanks to all who added and thanks to niner for starting it up.
  • hmm, I have read many different articles on this, though yes you can only build or burn, the way in which you build can be controlled. Lifting heavy weights at low reps will result in simple bulk, but by using lighter weights at higher reps with targeted moves will result in a specific muscle getting the bulk of the work…
  • Deleted due to it being said a few times before :-)
  • Protein is one of those "New studies suggest..." topics. Its always a changing study. Going over is not bad as protein is not fat soluble, as a result your body gets rid of anything excess. So its better to be over rather than under. However those "studies" I talked about earlier suggest that too much protein can damage…
    in Protein Comment by Dmax12 August 2011
  • I like this! I have driven myself into the organic but fine dinning parts of life and want to loose a few pounds and increase my overall eating habits. I have recently started cooking foods im not too familar with (ohhh danger) to expand my cooking abilities and I think it would be pretty neat to learn some new ways to…
  • I would suggest "Restoring your digestive Health" By Dr. Rubien. I was EXTREMLY sick (spent a lot of time at the doctors and was hospitalized a few times) and meds were not working, I did his routine (it is pretty rough, not exactly the best tasting stuff ever) and I went from being VERY underweight to having to loose a…
  • I know for me when I started counting all my intake, it became easier to avoid many foods. I started looking at them as "Calories" instead of "The best bean and cheese enchiladia EVAR"
  • As was once said by a great man... "DO IT!"
  • Invest in high quality energy bars and protien shakes. If your caerful and get a good quality product you can get an easy and HEALTHY 500+ cals added a day :-)
  • You can always tie a pole to your back... for real :-) than in time it will become your natutral posture :-)
  • Also, when you stop taking it your body will be in "starvation mode" which will cause few calories to be hoarded in the body (Yo-Yo Dieting). It also causes some damage to your intestines.