ejoy77 Member


  • I find that, if I have an insatiable urge to snack at night, it's probably due to one of the following: a.) I didn't eat enough filling, healthy food earlier in the day. If I pack lots of fruits/veggies and lean proteins in my day, my body generally isn't craving a lot of crap at night, because my nutritional needs have…
  • I don't know what your musical tastes are, but I love Cold War Kids and Foster the People for running. And Florence + the Machine.
  • Is there really no flour in your cake? And no fat (oil? butter?) of any kind? If there is, you're missing some significant calories there. But if you've accounted for all of the ingredients, then yes, you've got an accurate calorie count there.
  • If you haven't seen a doctor yet, that would be the place to start. I'm with everyone who is saying it sounds more like sciatica than IT band. But then again, I'm not a doctor, so what do I know? You'll get a better idea of how to take care of your specific problem by seeing a medical professional, rather than asking the…
  • This is also very true. I really enjoy running, and yet there were still times when I was training for the marathon when it was so difficult, and I questioned why I had ever signed up in the first place. I won't lie: those super long training runs can be HARD. Also, when you first start running, before you've established a…
  • Good luck to you! I do want to add one more thing: I'm not trying to be all negative or anything, but it is entirely possible that you will encounter an injury along the way, which could interfere with your plans. It happens, and since you're going to be increasing mileage a lot fairly quickly, it really is a real…
  • ^ This! I think it's absolutely possible for you to finish a marathon a year from now (so don't listen to the naysayers), but the first step is really just to establish a base of running. C25K is a great place to start. Get to the point where you can run 5K, then keep doing that 3-4x/week. Once you have that well…
  • Yes. But make sure you have an accurate heart rate monitor. I had an inexpensive Timex one that gave me wildly inaccurate estimates. I use a Polar now, and it gives much more accurate readings. So an HRM is the best way to estimate, but only if it's accurate.
    in Zumba Comment by ejoy77 June 2014
  • Well, that depends on a lot of things. How much do you weigh? How intense is the class? How intensely are you doing the moves (i.e., big movements, or just kinda shuffling around)? I am 5'4", weigh about 150 lbs. I go to a pretty intense Zumba class once a week, and I tend to go all out when I'm working out (because,…
    in Zumba Comment by ejoy77 June 2014
  • Humidity wrecks me, too. In fact, that's pretty normal, I think. It makes it so much more difficult for your body to regulate it's temperature, and it can be just draining. Here's a thing to remember: No single run is reflective of your ability to run. You can't judge what you are capable of doing by any single attempt. I…
  • One way I have found to balance the need/desire to fuel my body while training with my attempts to lose weight is to scale back my weekly weight loss goal a little bit. I run half marathons, and have run one full marathon. I actually gained a few pounds while training for the full, because I was just hungry. all. the.…
  • If you have access to a grocery store with a bulk section, you can usually find it there. Or if you have a grocery store with a natural foods section, I'll bet you can find a large container there. I buy mine in a very large container from Sam's Club.
    in Quoina... Comment by ejoy77 April 2014
  • I love to listen to audiobooks and podcasts while I'm running. The This American Life podcast basically got me through training for my first marathon. Even better? It's free!
  • Why not just eat a reasonable quantity of food, which may or may not be above your MFP calorie budget, but which is enjoyable and guilt-free? I don't think it has to be an all-or-nothing deal, like either you strictly stick to my calorie budget, or you binge-eat and make yourself feel guilty about it afterward. Just be…
  • I agree with so many other who are saying DO NOT buy a dress that is the size you hope to be, or even a dress that is smaller than the size you are when you purchase it. I'm sure you will be successful with your weight loss, but bodies are unpredictable in the way/speed they lose weight. Also, life is unpredictable--who…
  • Like others have said, get off the treadmill and run outside. It will feel harder at first, and you may not be able to run as long as you could on the treadmill before taking a break, but it's much better to get acclimated to running outside now, because that's where the race will be. Also, don't worry so much about…
  • Like so many people have said, go to the gym straight from work. Nothing makes me lose momentum more than going home after work. At this point, it's just part of my daily schedule to go to the gym or go for a run directly after work. It's expected. It would be weird for me not to do it. It really just has to become part of…
  • I totally understand how you feel. I avoiding working out with free weights in my gym for the longest time, mainly because I worried about people looking at me and thinking, "You don't know what you're doing, and you don't belong here." A couple of things helped me get over that hurdle: 1.) Join a gym that fits you.…
  • I have low back and hip problems, too. I've found that water aerobics really gives me a good workout without putting stress on my back and hip.