kecarlto Member


  • Beanless chili is always good in the fall! I have been loving Everyday Paleo's Walnut Red Pepper dip with raw veggies for dipping. not-potato salad (basically potato salad made with cauliflower) is a good classic potluck dish. Crock pot pulled pork is easy and delish as…
  • I was worried about the same thing when I started paleo about 5 months ago. I could not see myself going without dairy at all but, surprisingly, after the initial carb flu was over I had no problem not having dairy or carbs. The results/benefits were well worth the sacrifice and I learned how my body responds when I do eat…
  • Check this link out from nom nom paleo She documented each day and took pictures of everything she ate when she completed a whole30. There are also tons of recipes on her site that are free. Good luck everyone!
  • YES! I've been wanting to do a whole30 but have been putting it off. I'm already paleo (80/20ish) except for occasional alcohol, corn chips and making desserts "paleo-friendly" so I could use a push. Will start after vaca on the 6th. Stoked :happy:
  • I made these brown velvet cupcakes for my nephew's second birthday and they were very good. The icing is just ok - made out of cashews. I will try a different icing if I make them again. I would recommend icing them (or any cake made with coconut flour) as soon as possible as they…
  • Yes! Weekends are so much harder for me, too. I tend to have lots of trouble with that "TGIF and I don't have to work tomorrow" glass of wine that sometimes morphs into 3 glasses if I'm with friends and in turn makes me hungry for things that I don't want to eat but hey, at 3 glasses of wine who really cares, right? Yeah -…
  • YES!! Don't turn your back on bears, men you have wronged, or the dominant turkey during mating season. A year from now, you may wish you had started today.
  • I've lost about 25 lbs since starting paleo in April - so about 3.5 months ago with a total loss of 59ish lbs. I have been fairly strict (disregard my lapse last weekend) with occasional wine and a little sheep milk cheese every so often. I do think that there is definitely a difference between men and women and how they…
  • I have a pekingese named Kevin. My cat, who thinks he's a dog, is Scurvy. And they both live up to their names :tongue:
  • Good advice. I coached as well (age-group) and I think the best way to work on increasing your lung capacity is to slow your stroke down and concentrate on breathing every 3 strokes. Take a rest between laps if you feel that you need it - there is nothing wrong with catching your breath! Work on being able to swim a few…
  • Yes! I used to swim both competitively and for fitness and I taught/coached age group swimming for quite a few years. Swimming is a fantastic workout. Good for you! I would add one more day a week (3X/week) if you can as you will have better results. 45 min is a good length of time. I think that you will have better…
  • Hi! I don't know how educated I am on this subject as I have only been paleo going on 2 months so keep that in mind...anyway, the first couple of days for me was like being sick. I learned why they call it the carb flu. Not so much the first day but the two after that. I did, however, go cold turkey and cut out…
  • I thought that eating paleo would be boring too but I was wrong. True, it is a lot of meat and veggies but there are tons of ways to prepare them that I'd never tried. Roasted broccoli is now one of my fav ways to eat broccoli (roasting is not just for potatoes!) and zucchini noodles for spaghetti are so much better…
  • I'm fairly new to paleo as well (day 35) and eat bacon. If you have access to a Trader Joe's you can find some of the best priced organic produce if you don't have the option of fresh local or farmer's market. They also have some pretty darn good nitrate/nitrite free, uncured bacon. Chelll224 have you checked out Sarah…
  • Todd!!! Don't give up!!! The quest to being healthier is hard. I've lost 53 lbs, sure, but it's taken me over 2 years to do it and I still have a long way to go. And, yes, I've given up myself and then kicked my own @$$ and got back on it. It takes time but you will start to feel better. You can do it!! :happy:
  • Haha! Just peeked at your diary - and your statement is so true. You lift?
  • I am living a paleo lifestyle and feel the best I have in years. I had been following the dietary exchange for about 1 year (lots of fruits and veggies, low "healthy" carbs, lean protein and low fat dairy) and did have some success but stopped losing weight and started to feel tired all the time. After switching to paleo…
  • No more PMS!!??!!! I'm so jealous! My mood is more stable for sure but I am still ravenous the day or two before. Hopefully that will resolve itself over time. I am weighing every day as well and hate not seeing the scale go down. I tend to eat less when that happens resulting in not feeling very good so I'm thinking of…
  • Hey, AnDCorby, I literally just sent you a message about this... I will just agree with MikeFlyMike and recommend keeping your healthy fats up. Listening to your body is important and most people don't even know what their body is trying to tell them because of all the extra crud they have in their system. Keep it up,…
  • Congrats! Nursing school can be pretty tough and getting through it is quite an accomplishment. Good work. Planning, planning, planning...oh, and logging have helped me stick with my goals the most. Plus, I like to think that I'm being stubborn as opposed to having will power because I really have no will power at all. I…
  • I've used it up to a week but it's usually gone before that. It's also really good on berries. If you use pasteurized eggs it keeps longer which is pretty easy to do on your own but I probably wouldn't use it after the week mark.
  • I started paleo about a month ago and literally felt like I had the flu for the first few days. I drink coffee at work (4 days a week) and for the first 2 weeks I continued to use heavy cream (no sugar) and still seeing a lot of benefit from changing my diet but I couldn't get rid of a cough I had had for almost 2 months.…
  • I did some research and found a ton of good recipes. Thanks for all of the suggestions. I decided on the brown velvet cupcake recipe I found on They were moist and delicious the first day, ok the second day and dry if left without frosting after that. They were made with coconut flour which is quite…
  • tons of great recipes in everyday paleo not to mention the easy workout guide :happy:
  • Thank you! I will check all of these and do some experimenting!
  • I'm 5'10" and my goal weight is 175-180. I think you have to take into consideration your body type. I think some people have a bigger frame in general or more muscle mass so they may have a higher goal weight. I was 175 in high school and was very slim - as in, no boobs slim - but I am also very muscular. I can't imagine…
  • I apologize for having offended anyone. The remark I made was not meant to be rude . It was more of a tongue-in-cheek answer to what could be done with gamey goat milk followed by a short explanation on why I thought that. I understand that some people (my father being one of them) like it, love it, want some more of it -…
    in Goat's milk Comment by kecarlto May 2012
  • I'm sorry to tell you this but nothing good can come from goat milk. I can't even eat goat cheese. I used to raise goats and think that goat milk/cheese tastes the way a goat pen smells...yuk! Makes me want to hurl! LOL. Some people love it and I just don't get it. Oh, well.
    in Goat's milk Comment by kecarlto May 2012
  • Just checked him out... Wow. Just. Wow. That's all I can say.
  • Great job! I'm so glad I had a good friend that turned me on to paleo. I thought I'd miss all the pasta and cheese but I haven't (yet). I'm on day 14 and have lost 11.5 lbs so for and am loving the food that I am cooking and eating. I have been struggling with weight for years as well as PCOS (which I hear paleo eating…