carolyndowdy Member


  • Good luck on your journey. I have been trying for three years for a place to find support. This really helps. I have only been on here about 4 days but it is helping me.
  • Thanks guys...........I love mfp. New to this. I have a family that loves to eat and I have trouble getting any support from them. (not to be critical). I just appreciate the help.
  • This is my goal. trying to learn to live without flour is a hard thing. After years of abuse of them it is a addiction I'm trying to overcome. I would be happy if I would just eat clean 5 or 6 day but it is a big change and a hard one.
  • yes I am insulin resistant. Which is pre diabetes. trying to avoid it.
  • I feel your pain. I am praying I can do it also. I have to. My body is falling apart.
  • Thanks, Lori.......Exactly the kind of friends I will be praying for you also. I was really excited when I found this last night too. I have been looking for a support system for three years. Excited that I have finally found one.
  • I purchase my vitamins from His website is so informative. He studies vitamins and what vitamins are best absorbs. If you have a facebook you can like his page and get updates.
  • new to this site. Trying to learn how to use it. I too work a job behind a computer with a very seditary job. I have gained up to 210 the last time I weighed. I use to have so much energy. (before menopause) I have been told by the dr that I am insulin resistant and that my crp level is high. I feel like I appear healthy…