

  • Hm never heard of this before though i was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis 2years ago (some people may know it as hashimotos disease) the tiredness that comes along with it is not the best but should be easily managed, For those with a under-active thyroid the effect you may not that you will have a lot of…
  • my body doesnt abosorbe supplements to well
  • breakfast vary between: Nothing or 2pieces of toast maybe a huge bowl of cereal Snack: Biscuits,toast,lollies,fruit Lunch: more toast or something left over from dinner' Dinner: Pile of chips sausages. or other junk god i dont think i can recall all the crap in one day i could eat 2packets of honey jumbles 5 cups of sprite…
  • This made me smile thank you muchly
  • And thank you for sharing with everyones opinions its got me thinking seriously talking to this with my nitritions it goes in one ear out the other
  • Thanks for the idea ill stop into bookstore today =)
  • Okay well this does give me a piece of mind dont think i could live without breakfast again lol.
  • does soy milk have an effect on the thyroid ? i was diagnosed with hashimotos and doctors nor my nutirtionist ever said to avoid soy products
  • Ok got it! Berry fruit xD hmm what about watermelon and passionfruit are they any good?
  • HAI THERE macas employee here~ i know its horrible but mcdonalds will never be good no matter what fast food is fast food and for those who are speaking of the apple slices they havent been injected with chemicals so on so forth they are just normal apple that have been soaked in lemon juice like presevatives if you want…
  • Youve got some good ones there~! have you heard of SuG? they are amazing <3 more oshare kei ' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7RWxUbyp44
  • Never actually tried pork before Xo might pick some up and try it tomorrow! god i dont even want to add up my diary for tonight i dont even think id know how im probably way over and seriously upset with myself
  • O,O sounds different but interesting
  • Kinda am kinda not? I dont like to eat red meats love fish .chickens ok.....maybe turkey.. Do you think maybe if i started making smoothies/shakes and add eggs for protien? Im not sure on whats foods are high in protien x(
  • SODA! lol sorry you made my day But YESEM! major j-pop fan here! well actually ! im more of a oshare kei and visual kei fan but if it came to j-pop i think id rather j-trance! gah love miza! <33 if you dont know what j-trance is check it out here mizca! love her music…
  • Its okay you will get there! just takes time which sucks T_T but its worth it
    in JEALOUS! Comment by KazNoms August 2011
  • loss i think ill fix that ticker now..sorry, but okay thank you but im not to good with measuring things out i just guess serving by eye and hope its right
  • thank you all for the support! and good feed back With the quick added calories its things that i couldnt find or work out like we had a bbq chicken tonight and i tore off few strips for a wrap and the other is stuff like dates or from something i made and know the calories for. And i havent adjusted my ticker since i made…
  • got a cold milo on the way and a museli bar i swear it will bring me over 1300cal for today
  • Of course! if youll have me =)
  • why hide the real you from people that are here supporting you~
    in pictures Comment by KazNoms August 2011
  • this all sounds yumo! so i decided id try making my own and loved it thanks guys<3 mine was; 1 low cal multigrain tortila(100cal) 1 can tuna(tomato and basil about 215cal) 1 cup sliced lettuce(10cal) and just a small dash of sweet chili sauce on top to spice it up and help kick up the metabolism(well i hope XD)
  • Yea ive noticed it tells me im not in sync with the trainer and i am! But its getting my heart pumping
  • Thanks for the tips everyone =) okay so watch carbs(should i switch bread for say wraps? Or sald veggies?oh with veggies watchs a better substitute for potato?) Up water intake okay but how much is to much?can it have bad effects Also i dont excercise so lower cal food limited which sucks And any ideas to cut sodium levels?
  • Thanks for the tips! Guh i love my bread though! (i use to eat so much at least 8pieces a day xD) Any ideas for breakfast?( oh apart from weetbix i tend to also eat at least 4dried dates aswell! Though i never add them to diary cause they arent listes x3)
  • hm they are quite higher than usual(lately ive been eating powder soups yes i know not good but its a quick fix when ive got no time to prepare dinnner >.>) but thats only been over the past couple of days.(around 1560 ish i think it should be in the diary)
  • ok so i tried the recipe adding but im not so sure if it correct if youd please take a look at it and compare with the list ive put up please
  • im not quiet sure how you did it but i tried a few different ways and i didnt work out xs @clubworld: thanks for pointing out my mistake there lol that is rather awkwards.................... >.> anyways the recipe! free for the taking its super yummo! and i hope someone can help me here Mums beef casserole Ingredients:…
  • Hmmm so cucumbers ey~