Low Thyroid and Excercise



  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 315 Member
    Well, after almost a year of gaining and 3 to four months on a plateau while having a 1400 calorie diet and exercising about one hour a day... my new doctor found the right dosage for me again.
    I'm taking my new pill almost 45 days... and the last 2 weeks I have a constant and fast loss. :happy: :happy:
    I'm still afraid that it will stop somehow, after so many months of disappointment.
    Talking with numbers I lost 4 kg in 5 or 6 months and the last 15-20 days I lost 3 kg more....
    I really didn't change my meals at all! I believe that the last days I eat more than the past five months.

    So you can tell I have tried without the right meds and it didn't work out for me.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I honestly don't think you should wait for your taxes to go to the doctor. The testing and medication isn't terribly expensive, and it makes the world of difference.

    When my levels are low, I feel like crap. I can't stay awake, let alone work out or cook healthy meals. Now that I am stable on a good dosage, I feel like I can do anything. The weight is starting to come off. I do have to exercise and eat right to make that happen, but when my levels were low, no amount of exercising or eating well seemed to matter.
  • jla891
    jla891 Posts: 13 Member
    hello. I just started my profile back up...I also have hypothyroid , and need to lose weight IM GROSS..5ft even and pushing 150. I work out..but omg I feel gross ..i dont lose weight!...what are your tricks ..what do you girls eat!?
  • Hm never heard of this before though i was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis 2years ago (some people may know it as hashimotos disease) the tiredness that comes along with it is not the best but should be easily managed,

    For those with a under-active thyroid the effect you may not that you will have a lot of trouble losing weight due to your water hold retention and might find it a bit harder on your muscles which are weaker as-well.

    Glad thyroid was brought up because a lot of people do not realize that your thyroid effects on your body are dramatic and will make you feel like your not working hard enough even though you might be overworking it
  • ElisetheQ
    ElisetheQ Posts: 58 Member
    I had hyperthyroidism for several years, and finally opted for the radioactive iodine (the lesser of the two evils in my opinion) this summer, because my hyperthyroidism was out of control.

    I have hypothyroidism now, and just started the Levo about 6 weeks ago.

    From what I've heard, and experienced, it is nearly impossible to lose weight without being on thyroid meds while being hypo; for several reasons, but including what you already mentioned, it's hard to get your heart rate up to a 'fat burning' level.

    Like I said, I've been on the Levo about a month and a half, and I'm still gaining weight despite my low-cal daily intake and regular workouts. Now, my med dosage has just been raised, since I'm still hypo.

    Once I'm within the normal range, I foresee no issues in losing weight (I've always been able to lose weight quickly with diet and exercise) as long as I continue eating healthy and working out regularly, and my doctor agrees.

    But when you're struggling with hypo and without medication, you're fighting a downhill battle. You can't win against your body; I'd strongly urge you to try the medication; already I feel so, so, SO much better than I did before, and I'm still a little hypo!

    Hope this helped! :)