Did you guys hear about McDonalds?



  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    For those of you finding it hard to give up or at least cut down on processed food, read this
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    Hmm... I actually like the apples there, I don't eat the caramel sauce tho, extra calories and it's probably icky anyway :x
  • pickenslmc
    pickenslmc Posts: 47 Member
    We go to McDonalds every now and then. I sometimes order my boys happy meals, but usually just either nuggets or a hamburger. If we do get happy meals most of the side-apples or fries just get wasted. This is part of the problem with McDonalds and restaurants in general with children-especially young children, it is hard to pay for food that isn't eaten. In turn parents try to force children to finish all of the food. In my opinion food should be a non-issue, if they don't want to eat don't try to force them, if they get messy while eating don't rush to wipe mouths after every bite. Children are conditioned from an early age to overeat, bottles are forced as an easy way to calm babies down and exploration is limited in concern for cleanliness during meal time. Many babies don't even taste real food including fruits and vegetables, but are fed tons of processed purees with almost no taste. I am fortunate that my boys (both are still young at 2 and 4, so this may change as they age) won't eat unless hungry and even when given treats don't eat until overly stuffed. Both drink mostly water, not chocolate milk or juice. I think nursing both helped them to eat in this way as did the introduction of real fruits/veggies/meat instead of purees. If more importance was placed on providing babies with nutrition and comfort appropriately during the first year of life, I think eating habits as they grow would be more normal and an occasional trip to McDonalds less of an issue even if the entire side of a happy meal was fries.
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    Ick. That child will not be very healthy. If that child was removed from the parents (say to grandma) he would learn to eat good food (provided Grandma fed him good food). My children no longer eat a lot of unhealthy options because I don't serve them in my home. We avoid mcdonalds because of all the fillers and chemicals and fat. Children will eat if they get hungry enough. Encourage those parents to see their pediatrician about this Mcdonald's diet. How awful for the child!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i think its a good idea for the littlies. a small fries is still a lot of fries for a little one, I prefer the idea of the half fries and half apples rather than full apples though. If i want apples i wont be going to mcdonalds for them
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    They're replacing their fries in kids meals, excuse me, "happy meals" with 1/2 apple slices and 1/2 fries, or all apple slices.

    "New Happy Meal: McDonald’s will begin rolling out the new Happy Meal in September 2011, with the goal of having them available in all 14,000 restaurants during Q1 2012. The new Happy Meal will automatically include both produce (apple slices, a quarter cup or half serving) and a new smaller size French fries (1.1 ounces) along with the choice of a Hamburger, Cheeseburger or Chicken McNuggets, and choice of beverage, including new fat-free chocolate milk and 1% low fat white milk. For those customers who prefer a side choice of apples only, two bags of apple slices will be available, upon request.
    By adding fruit in every Happy Meal, McDonald’s hopes to address a challenge children face in meeting the recommended daily consumption of produce. McDonald’s has offered apples as a requested choice in Happy Meals since 2004. And, while recent research found that on average, 88 percent of McDonald’s customers are aware of the option, apples are chosen in only 11 percent of Happy Meal purchases. "

    Here in CA they give you a choice.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    im pretty sure here in the UK they give you a choice too, but its either or, and i never choose apples because my kids get loads of fruit and veg every day. If im going to mcdonalds its because we want burger and fries. I do always either get tropicana or milk as the drink though
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    McDonald's Apple slices taste like soap yuck!!!!:sick: so do there carrot sticks. If you want your kids to eat healthy don't take them to McDonald's
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    If a kid is going to McDonalds often enough that a small bag of apple will make a difference to their health, they are screwed anyway.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    I think if you're going to eat McD's, you're going to eat McD's. Fries and all.

    Apples and healthy stuff if optional here. Even have WW points. But the salads are so foul and over priced. Give me a cheeseburger any day.
  • KazNoms
    KazNoms Posts: 83
    HAI THERE macas employee here~ i know its horrible but mcdonalds will never be good no matter what fast food is fast food

    and for those who are speaking of the apple slices they havent been injected with chemicals so on so forth they are just normal apple that have been soaked in lemon juice like presevatives if you want you can go to the website and ask the head office about it though.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    my kids will only eat.... is a crock.

    seriously!!! if you give them a nutritious tasty meal, and they don't eat it, fine, they starve, until the next meal, where they will be served the same thing again, eventually they will get hungry enough to eat.
  • Gabbylou22
    Gabbylou22 Posts: 43 Member
    I don't think it'll really make that much of a difference, when I was a kid maccas was an awesome treat, my family ate super healthily all the other time so it wasn't like it ruined my siblings and mine, if anything it meant we built a healthy relationship with fast food. It's an occasional thing, not an every day thing.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    OR....you could avoid McDonalds altogether?
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I heard Mcdonalds owns Chipotle not sure if thats true or not.

    pretty sure this is true.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    p.s. my kids eat the apples! hah. and actually prefer them.
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    I babysat a 2 year old last month. In the morning, I sliced him up some bananas and got some cheerios for him. He shook his head and got out of his chair. I felt bad and tried several more times to try to get him to eat before his parents got back. I offered him scrambled eggs with some chopped up ham-steak and he shook his head and went and sat down. So i gave him juice and let him watch a movie. When his parents got back I apologized that I couldn't get him to eat.

    She says "Oh that's alright, he only eats McDonalds" and laughs like it was funny.


    Are you serious???!!! The "American Diet" is a learned behavior! Thank God for growing up poor ... My mom would take us three kids to McD's and share 2 small fries with 4 people! Soda was not in our house, we grew our own veggies and picked alot of fruits. I feel sorry for kids nowadays, most parents don't know how to say "no" to their children. My friend works at Head Start (federal funded program for low income families) and she sets up appts with dentists to have rotten teeth extracted from 3 to 5 year olds! All because Jane or Johnny wants sodas and cookies, and mommy can't say no! We're all going to Hell. Sorry ... this kinda stuff really gets my blood boiling!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    We don't often take our kids to MacDonalds but when it do i'm happy for them to have fries. My son didn't like chips before he started school so we did used to get the apple slices for him instead of fries but they did taste really strange, he didn't seem to notice but i couldn't eat them yuk!

    Here in the UK i don't think the size of the fries in the happy meals are too big, my kids manage to eat the full portion.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I can't imagine why a 2 year old would ever have been to a McDonalds. I can understand it as an adult "treat" (for treat read weirdness), but I can't think of a single reason to take a baby there.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    I babysat a 2 year old last month. In the morning, I sliced him up some bananas and got some cheerios for him. He shook his head and got out of his chair. I felt bad and tried several more times to try to get him to eat before his parents got back. I offered him scrambled eggs with some chopped up ham-steak and he shook his head and went and sat down. So i gave him juice and let him watch a movie. When his parents got back I apologized that I couldn't get him to eat.

    She says "Oh that's alright, he only eats McDonalds" and laughs like it was funny.


    Ok, this is making me feel better about my super picky 2 1/2 year old. He'll only eat the pre-packaged Gerber Graduate meals and mac & cheese, but he loves fruit and mixed veggies. If I were to even take him to McDonald's he's probably throw a fit.