marlown Member


  • Friend me if you like. Great job and keep up the good work!
    in Hello Comment by marlown December 2017
  • Incredible and inspiring. It's possible even in our 50's! Thanks for sharing your story!
  • Hang in there! Similar to me, but "never give up" is my motto! I am around your age, 5'7 and now under 175, but it's the long haul that counts. Take it one day at a time and if you have a bad day, make the next day a good one. Recovery is key on this weight loss journey to health and fitness. If we fall down, we get right…
  • Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration! Just what I needed to hear!
  • You can friend me if you like. And go out to the forums and request some MFP friends that may seem compatible with your goals and are active participants. You need at least 10 pals to help keep you accountable and to make it interesting. Good luck with your new goals. You can do this! Way to go!
  • Wonderful work! Inspiring!!
  • Awesome! You can do it! Feel free to add me.
  • My friend requests aren't going through, so feel free to add me, if you like. Welcome to MFP!
  • Awesome!! Good for you. I will send you a friend request.
  • I understand the lack of energy. But you're probably not getting the proper fuel in what you eat. 5 hour and candy are not healthy on a regular basis, maybe occasionally. Friend me, if you like. I'm somewhat of a food addict, but have learned how to manage it, at least most of the time..
  • Add me. I'm not at low carb as that, but I am a fan of low carb.
  • Friend me. And if you don't get at least 10 responses, go on the forums and find friends that you think will be an encouragement and request them. In order for this to work we need friends that are active on MFP every day. If you get some friends and they stop logging in or adding their food and exercise, go request some…
  • Don't give up! That's when it gets worse. Just start over every day and try to get some good days in a row. I have been on every diet under the sun and low carb is good for quick weight loss, but I've also noticed you gain it back very quickly, and especially when you go back and forth with it. Lowering sugar and carbs…
  • Most of my weekends have been "bad" lately. Can't change yesterday but back on it today! Don't quit and never give up!!
  • I say MFP is my "FB for Health and Fitness". Much better than FB. Life changing if you interact and seek active friends (and do the work:)).
  • Welcome to MFP! Fill out your profile completely and request at least 10 active friends from the community forums under "recent discussions". Lots of encouragement and information available. Some good advice in the replies to your post. Start your journey today. Don't wait any longer! You can do this and you are worth it!
  • You can do it! Go on the community forums and request at least 10 friends on MFP after your profile is all filled in, including your "story", goals, etc. If your friends don't log in every day or most days, replace with active friends. Feel free to friend me. Start today and don't put it off. Your health and life are worth…
  • Good for you! Visit the community forums to request at least 10 friends who stay active on MFP to get support and accountability. Start logging your food and exercise and you can do it again!!
  • Every day. It's my accountability. Very motivating, whether good or bad...
  • Keep doing the right things and it will catch up. I totally understand the frustration, when you expect it to go down and it doesn't. This journey takes a lot of patience. You can do it. Pull out your bag of tricks - i.e. step up your cardio or go for a walk, try cutting sodium a little to see if that helps, read something…
  • I would like to lose 20 before summer. Friend me if you like.
  • Hi! If you don't get at least 10 friend requests, then just go out on the community forums and find pals and add them as friends. If they don't turn out to be active (logging food and exercise everyday and commenting and liking..), then go back out to the forums and "friend" some more peeps. I tried MFP before without…
  • Go on the community forums and look at responses and then request friends from there. You need at least 10 active friends to stay accountable and be encouraged. You can do it!
  • You need friends on MFP. Start logging your food and try to stay within your allotted calories. Feel free to add me for encouragement and I need the same. It's not easy, but you can do this. If I can do it, anyone can. But it's a journey and lifestyle, not just a diet. You are worth the effort!
  • IrZeo: Actually a big difference! Awesome job! Totally inspirational!
  • It's not easy, even scary sometimes. When I had a personal trainer, he would have me do things where I was thinking the whole session "I can't do this", "I'm going to cave", "I can't breathe", "this is just too heavy", but I kept pushing myself. Not all trainers are equally motivating either. I have been with, heard…
  • Friend me! Happy to support and enjoy the same accountability..
  • St. Louis, Missouri metro area, USA
  • Congrats on your weight loss! Not 6'2 and 190, and a little older than you:), but would love to support your health and fitness journey. I have recently made some new MFP friends and am super-motivated to reach my goals, so feel free to add me!
  • I love the title. 10 of my 18 friends suck. Tell it like it is. lol. Sorry it just struck me funny. But I completely understand. Happy to encourage or support any way I can and like the support as well.