Lamemind Member


  • Water fills me up just as much as any bag of chips would
  • metformin is not just used for insulin resistance, in pcos it is also used to preserve fertility (I'm not saying it helps pregnancies) PCOS is usually treated with metformin + BC, but it sounds like your doc knows what hes doing, a step wise approach to get you assimilated to one drug instead of throwing multiple ones on…
    in PCOS Comment by Lamemind May 2013
  • More than 2 lbs a week starts to get dangerous and can mask serious medical problems as well. The 2lb limit is something you should stick to, slow and steady wins the race. Increased sodium in addition to causing you to keep water weight, will also make you hypertensive (high blood pressure) which is not healthy for the…
  • There is no hard fast rule to the maximum amount of protein your body can take, it all depends on how much muscle mass you have (the more muscle mass, the more protein you can handle). That being said, people are taking way too much protein (in my opinion). It is a great carbohydrate alternative, but its still an energy…
  • As a healthcare professional, I would advise anyone losing more then 10 lbs in one month to be evaluated by a MD. Even if you had changed your dieting patterns, its not okay to allow that kind of weight loss to go unchecked. There are some things your doctor must rule out before you can continue with your diet and/or…
  • I weigh myself everyday, I don't take the weight gain too seriously. At the end of the month, the small ups are trumped by the downward slope and that's what keeps me motivated :)
  • Its okay to not eat your calories back after exercise as long as the net calories doesn't go below 1200 (1500 if your obese). I would talk to a doctor if you lose more than 10 lbs a month using the advice I just gave, it could indicate a medical issue instead of healthy weight loss.
  • First off. Alli isn't a wonder drug, it won't show results by itself. Only when adding Alli to a proper diet and cardio plan will you see weight loss. You can expect a small increase in weight loss when done in such a fashion. If you don't take your diet or cardio seriously, you won't get any added benefits besides the…
  • lol, how about we all just motivate each other from this website... just in case.
  • Net calories should not go under 1200. I would recommend measuring body fat as well as weight. Just because your weight doesn't change, doesn't mean that your body fat isn't going lower.
  • It will work, but exercising makes it a lot easier. Muscles will burn calories for you all day, without you having to even use them. The goal for weight loss is to keep your total calories low. Aerobics will help your blood flow so that difficult to reach fat can be accessed by your body as a fuel source. It will happen…
  • I work similar hours at times and I depend on lots of water. I found gum makes things worse. Just drink that water up and stay busy :)
  • fish oil isnt perfect, I wouldn't recommend it unless you had your cholesterol checked. There are different types of cholesterol, and fish oil will make some of them worse but others better, so unless you know which ones are out of line its not really the best option to take blindly. I would recommend taking off the fish…
  • i just took a look at your diary and i noticed your taking fish oil and flax seed oil supplements. Try to not take the flax seed oil supplement for a day or two and see if you improve. If you see no improvement, stop taking the fish oil (unless it was prescribed to you by a medical doctor or recommended by a pharmacist or…
  • bloating is caused by insoluble foods, the most common causes are fiber and artificial sweeteners. Too much protein can also become insoluble and like others have said, some people cant digest dairy products.
  • nothing like this will ever work correctly, I even tested it out just to have some proof and I can confirm that this was way off
  • It shouldn't impact your caloric needs significantly for you to worry about it. Talk to your doctor before starting a diet, you will require more aggressive vitamin and electrolyte replenishment. Try a very conservative model to weight loss, don't be too aggressive with it, dieting will cause more flares but in the long…
  • 8 glasses of pure water is bs. 8 glasses of fluids (soda, tea, etOH and anything that dehydrates you, does not count) is what you need nutritionally. When a diet wants you to drink more water they intend you to replace unhealthy drinks such as juice and soda with water. Water helps you stay full without the insane amount…