

  • Haha...nice profile pic as well. Whats the fun in reasonable...I usually dedicate a solid 3 miles to thinking through my post run fatkidathon. Currently the AYCE Sushi Buffet is tops on my list.
  • Nice! I just started running in February and have had similar results. You could have told me in January that I would run more than 3 miles and I would have laughed at you. 9 months later I crush (crush for me, i know there are plenty of people who destroy me) a 10 mile race at a 1:18:10/7:49 pace and am going for my first…
  • bleh...challenges can only be setup on iphones...thats crap
  • Sounds like a plan...we going for an 80 mile month or 20 miles/week?
  • I'm game...need some motivation to stay at at least 20 miles per week
  • Hello, Tom here, tomhoffman84 on Nike. Just started running in March, using Nike+ in April. I've done my first five races, two halves, two 10 milers, and a 10k this year. Going for a 1000 mile year en route to running my first full marathon on May 17. I use the app to track my runs, but I just got a garmin forerunner and…
  • tomhoffman84 Currently doing 20-25 miles per week (though I'm slowing down recently) and am looking to maintain about 20 thru December until marathon training starts in January at which point I'm either following Higdon intermediate 1 or 2 until my first full in May.
  • I bet these guys are a lot of fun to hang out with. Debbie! womp womp womp womp.
  • I'd start creeping the Wendy's late night menu...small frosty, value fries, and a jr cheeseburger...760 calories (yes, I just Iooked that up)
  • Shooting snot rockets are fun part of runnning...especially during crowded races with spectators.
  • I kind of think we are all sick...and I love it.
  • Another good idea is to have more than one pair of good running shoes, you can work a rotation that will extend the mileage you get out of shoes. By letting them dry out completely and the foam or other cushioning fully regain its form between runs, should get a little more out of them. Right now I have two pairs of…
  • The 200 ft climb in 1500 ft might be a bit tough for starting out hill training...thats about a 12% slope for a pretty significant distance. Typically with hills, if your goal is to make to the top and keep going, shorten your stride, give the same "effort" if you will as if you were running the flats. You want to have…
  • Just ordered a new pair, same ones. has 25% off one item with code schoolrocks Took the $120 pair of shoes to $95, even the $120 was $15 cheaper than I paid when they were first released.
  • I've typically heard its a diaphragm thing, need to stretch it out properly. I'll paste some info from an article below, but one method to stop it is to breath deep, hard, and loudly. I know this may be weird if people are around, but doing that will help stretch out your diaphragm and alleviate the pain. Also, start a…
  • I'm in...trying to get back to a 100 mile month after not reaching that in July/August.
  • Not knocking those who run in compression, I just have no issues without them, so don't feel the need to start. If it works for you, then go for it! I've been amazed how much compression makes my legs feel refreshed in the morning, I havent seen anything that goes foot to knee though besides compression these…
  • Minamalist shoes have a place and time, but for a first time, novice runner, I would strongly suggest something cushioned to start with, minimalist shoes aren't a good fit for new runners. By the way, year ago, the most I'd ever run was 3 miles, now my long runs are up to 18 miles and I registered for my first full…
  • Lots of good articles out there about this, google away and you'll find out a lot about training programs and how to get started for heavier people, most are good sources. An important thing is learning proper running form. Impact forces can be up to 2.0-2.5x your body weight when you run, especially if you are running…
  • I eat sweet treats daily. Like i'll crush 2-3 servings of frozen yogurt in a day 2-3 days a week while its in the house. I don't mess with the baked goods too often, though I am a "bar" addict, so I eat at least 2 bars a day between meals...they are just more nutritious sweet treats. The point is, going into this by…
  • I'm with you...I've lost motivation over the last couple weeks, starting to slip into bad weekend and evening eating habits and skipping workouts. i'm going to start varying my workouts on my non-running days to try and get excited about them again, I think part of my problem is I'm bored of the routine.
  • I weigh everything... like sit the frozen yogurt container on the scale and eat out of it until it says 68g everything like dropping two extra pieces of cereal to hit 30g everything like mangling a perfectly butchered massive chicken breast by cutting off an extra 1 ounce piece just so I can freeze 8 ounce portions of…
  • I'm glad there are a lot of people with higher weight loss totals with similar thoughts...assumed some people who have struggled with their efforts would read this and be like "seriously, stfu."
  • Yup. Fat guy mentality all the way. I still have a little overhang on the belly, so when I run, as I pass cars or other people, I feel like everyone is thinking "haha, look at chubs running!" Meanwhile...I'm running 10, 12, 15 miles at between an 8:30-8:50 pace on my long runs and even though I celebrate every new PR, like…
  • I felt like typing it out so I can see how ridiculous I sound...figured it would help as well haha
  • Change your routine...mix in new workouts, increase intensity/duration, zig zag your calories daily, add more weight training to build some lean muscle mass/burn fat, watch your sodium, lots of stuff you can do! Some good articles out there about plateau breaking methods. If whatever you are doing is not working, as simple…
  • Whenever I reach my goal weight of 170 (13 to go!) I'm going to the brazilian steakhouse and eating my weight in meat.
  • Truth. I'm the director of a charitable surgical organization that does work abroad, obesity & poverty is definitely a US thing. Regarding the rise in obesity in Latin America, it has more to do with American style processed food creeping into their culture. I'm from PR, been to DR, Panama, Mexico, Guetamala, and…
  • Amen to the poster who pointed out that correlation is not causation. There is a correlation between poverty and scholastic achievement, crime rate, drug use, intelligence, income potential later in life, and many other characteristics. By saying poverty causes obesity, you then can reach absurd statements like "drug use…