xTry2Defyx Member


  • wow all awesome ideas! Especially the stuffed pepper- yum!! Thanks guys!
  • I just bought it and have gotten to use it twice. I definitely feel my body working different muscles which is good! I think it's a good thing to throw into the mix once or twice a week to change it up. I was getting bored doing the elliptical at the gym all the time so I'm starting to do Zumba at home one day a week.
  • I didn't even know they made it! That's awesome! I'm too shy to go to classes at my gym, so this will be an awesome addition to my workout routines!
  • My husband and I make homemade pizza all the time. Having it tonight actually! We grab pizza dough from the store (try to get whole wheat) and while he likes his with sauce, reduced fat cheese and tons of veggies, I go without the sauce and just do fresh veggies and a little reduced fat mozzerella. My favorite is fresh…
  • Request sent :) Having people on here to chat with is amazing...even just to see others progress is a motivation in itself! You can do this! If I can, anyone can!
  • I don't plan for a week, but I do plan the day ahead! That way I know what I can and can't eat ahead of time. For example, if I plug in my planned meals for tomorrow, I may have some extra calories for snacking. I find that it keeps me on track!
  • I just changed my food diary to show me my daily intake. On a lot of days I've been great with it...but holy crap! I didn't realize the amount in a little bit of cold cuts for lunch! They put me over the top more often than I'd like. Time to make some more changes!
  • Just noticed someone else posted this earlier. Oops~
  • Thanks so much ladies! I feel SO much better. I'd never weighed myself around that time and probably shouldn't have. Good to know for next time. Thanks again! :flowerforyou:
  • Totally agree. I did the 7-day free trial and canceled after 2! I couldn't figure out what the difference was besides calling my calories/fat/carbs allowed "points". I get amazing support and excellent advice and knowledge by being on MFP. No need to waste more money to become healthy...we already spend enough on those…
  • I did the free trial of WW and didn't like it at all. The site is confusing and I felt like I was only keeping track of my "points" but while on this site, I'm keeping track of my fat, calories and carbs. I think they actually share the same concept (Letting you know how much you're supposed to eat to obtain your goals).…
  • Great job! Mini successes give us the strength to keep going! And look at how much that "mini" success made a difference!!
  • Thanks so much everyone! I'm a big fan of hummus and guac...maybe I just need to broaden my snack choices. I always look for easy options, but I think I'll need to start prepping things the night before to ensure I make better choices.
  • I am constantly in the same boat! I love my drinks, but have tried to slow down since I started. I actually was an avid wine drinker (and still want to be...) that is, until I looked up the amount of calories in wine! Most wines are 22-25 calories an ounce! So if you have a high tolerance (like I do) then you're easily…
  • You look wonderful! A real inspiration :)
  • It sounds like you're doing a really great job! Don't get down on yourself! Truthfully, from what I hear, the weight comes off faster in the beginning because that's when your body is making a change. As your body gets used to the change, it becomes harder. Harder doesn't mean you should be discouraged! Maybe change up…
  • Hello fellow shorties! Last time I went to the doctor, I found out I was barely 5'3...all this time I thought I was 5'4! But i'm glad I fit the criteria to be in this group :) I totally agree- the BMI tells us all that we should be unrealistic weights. I'm so glad to hear that I'm not alone in feeling that while I'm…
  • Stay focused! I started on MFP awhile ago but fell off the wagon. I just got back on and although I haven't weighed in yet, I'm noticing great changes in my body. The key for me is the food tracker. I never realized that even those little things I was eating before can add up to such big things. For example...a small…
  • Do you have a Trader Joes near you? They have amazing deals on great, healthy food! I also buy fat free yogurt and pudding packs (less than .50 a serving). If you buy large packages of grilled chicken (which are normally cheaper when you buy in bulk) you can always cook more at a time and eat them for various meals (like…