anotheryearolder Member


  • Pink Lady is great too but not found as often as Honeycrisp. They have that same sweet crunch.
  • Plain greek yogurt, frozen blueberries and honey. Sometimes I blend the frozen berries and then freeze the whole thing until it's like ice cream.
  • Poop isn't a bad thing. Chemicals in poop is another topic and I agree with you that I don't trust China as to what they are willing to put in the food chain. The baby formula and dog food fiascos are two that come to mind. However, some people up thread mentioned eating organically and implying that they were therefore…
  • @BflSaberfan - No there wasn't a guard IN the school. My source is Wikipedia. There was an armed guard assigned to the school but he was not in the school when it happened. He was in the parking lot at the time.. He did get a shot off from the parking lot at one of the perps but didn't have on his prescription glasses and…
  • @ BflSaberfan - Sorry but you are wrong. There were no armed guards at Columbine and it's too bad that there weren't. It took the police forever to get there and there was still shooting going on when they got there. Someone that wasn't a bad guy in there with a gun would have been a very good thing. People should realize…
  • Yum, gotta make some of these.
  • I'm sitting here grabbing a bite of lunch and getting caught up - again - :laugh: and I can't help but laugh at your elk "stew" stories Kate and Linda. Thank goodness DH has never boiled an elk head in my kitchen. I have a lot of strange hunting adventure stories but I do believe the boiling in the kitchen tops any of…
  • I just got my first elk ever. The hubby and I went to Idaho and I got a 900 pound 6x6 big boy. :bigsmile: We spend a month on the road (we live in FL) and spent close to 3 weeks camping in Yellowstone and topped it off with a great hunt. The really great news is that our son and grandson are coming with us to hunt…
  • Oops - I put my post in the wrong place.
  • We're back! For those that remember my stressing about driving by myself with a big pickup truck and a trailer to pick up my DH in Indianapolis, I made it with no mishaps. :laugh: I did end up going through downtown Atlanta instead of catching the by-pass, which I did NOT intend to do. :noway: I was not a happy camper (pun…
  • Auntiebk/Barbara & Nancy – We will be in the lower eastern part of ID. I'll wave but you will need binoculars. We are visiting the parks in the area for a couple weeks and then hunting around the NE corner of the bottom part of ID. Lots to do and not enough time to do it. Sorry, in my rush to get things done, I posted this…
  • Auntiebk/Barbara & Nancy – We will be in the lower eastern part of ID. I'll wave but you will need binoculars. We are visiting the parks in the area for a couple weeks and then hunting around the NE corner of the bottom part of ID. Lots to do and not enough time to do it. See you all in Oct. Faye
  • Meg - The coconut milk I use isn't the the canned sweetened kind, it's in a carton and no sugar is added. It's only 45 calories per cup. It has been a good substitute for milk so far. I have only been aware of my milk problem for a year or so. Before that I thought gas, bloating and associated issues were normal.…
  • Meg – thanks for the recipe. I'm going to try it with non-dairy cream cheese and coconut milk. Sounds yummy! :bigsmile: I can't use milk due to lactose intolerance but thank goodness I can still eat hard cheeses. No cheese at all would really put a crimp my eating habits. Lin – I leave out this Sunday to meet DH and then…
  • LindasundanceB – I smiled when you asked where I lived in AK – I wish that were the case. You must have read a comment I made about a 2 month long trek we took from FL to AK. We were in the Kenai peninsula for 6 weeks and had a wonderful time. Our base for most of the time was in Hope. It is a tiny community with a couple…
  • I'm sitting here eating my grilled chicken with peanut sauce and butternut squash while catching up with you all. Tigress - I was reading along and said “yes” out loud when I read what you wrote about liking a product and having it immediately discontinued. :grumble: I had the same experience with New Balance shoes except…
  • Janehadjl – We vacation at Crescent Beach which is on the east coast of Florida about an hour south of Jacksonville. They have beautiful beaches and great fishing too. Arewethereyet – It sounds like we were on the Florida beaches at the same time, just a good ways apart! I hope you had a great time too. I agree it was hot,…
  • I've been among the missing for a while. We had a vacation at the beach for two weeks and I couldn't log very conveniently from there. I did watch what I ate to some degree and didn't gain. I prefer to look at the good news, not the obvious bad of NOT losing. The second week I did get into a small amount of what I know I…
  • I have the <----GGS for the night and just put him down to sleep. He isn't happy about it but he's staying there. He does that when he is too tired. mkvilmin - Welcome! I used to live just down the road from you in Yorkville, IL 30 years back when it was just a little village. My friend who still lives in the area keeps…
  • Skyecath – You asked about my root canal. I think the endodontist missed a nerve, as the tooth hurts a lot.:sad: I was supposed to get the buildup and crown from my regular dentist today, but I cancelled as I think the root canal need to be reworked. It is being looked at tomorrow. Hopefully he will find what went wrong.…
  • Michelle – I don't know if it would work for your cake, but you might try applesauce. I used ½ applesauce and part whole wheat flour in a zucchini bread and it turned out just fine. Mary – Happy birthday!:happy: Nancy - That IS good news about your foot! :bigsmile: Have to make this short. Too much to do, too little day.…
  • Popping in to log my food and check in with you all. I just came in from picking up leafy twigs and branches that are strewn all over our yard.... 3 acres of it. I think DH is having second thoughts about how much woods we groomed and turned into yard when we moved here and built our house. I tried to tell him we would get…
  • Hello from soggy Florida. Beryl has done a number on us but thank goodness it was a tropical storm and not a hurricane! We needed rain and we certainly got, and are still getting, it. Our power went out Sun night around midnight and was out until nearly noon on Monday. Our son and grandson were here for the weekend and I…
  • Marking my spot. Just got back from the gym. I have been slogging away at exercise this past week. I normally enjoy it but I have a sinus infection that has me tired and dizzy. This too shall pass. Birdie - Nice to hear from you! Robin - Hope the foot gets better quick. Here's to a successful week. :drinker: Faye
  • Michele – I have the Flex Edge blade and my machine is the Artisan model. I know you can adjust the height of the bowl, as Sally mentioned, but I never could get mine just right. It was either hitting the bowl too hard with the beater, or leaving cookie dough glued to the sides of the bowl, so I gave up and got the beater.…
  • Michele - I have a KitchenAid as well. There is a flat beater you can get that has a rubber edge which scrapes the bowl sides. I don't know why that beater doesn't come with the machine, as otherwise you have to constantly stop and scrape down the sides of the bowl. I got tired of doing that and got the extra beater -…
  • Mimi - So nice to have you back! I know what you mean about having a hard time eating away from home. Lately I have been having trouble everywhere. I eat fairly well - just too much apparently. I gained some over the dreaded Thanksgiving - Christmas eating fest and am still trying to get rid of it. :ohwell: Soon I will be…