
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi All

    :bigsmile: Nice weekend with my old hight school friends, great night Sat with them, laughing, drinking and just having fun:drinker: ,

    Sunday was a hard day going to the memorial for one of the friends father who passed away, hard to day goodbye to a loving father, reminded me of saying goodbye to my mom, but it felt good to be there for a friend.:heart:

    Rest of the weekend was quiet, DH and DD were working so I was puttering around the house, too hot to do much of anything else. Everyone home tonight so we all had dinner together :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Kackie I love your new picture!

    :bigsmile: Amanda Good for you!!! You should toot your own trumpet :laugh: my dear!!! Your deserve it!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Everyone have a great night!

    Love Kat :heart: :heart:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I can't believe I haven't written in a long time. It was a crazy busy week and weekend. I am adding more students for summer work and meeting with teachers and parents is taking time. I can't wait until I actually know my schedule.
    I will be back....

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It has been drizzling all day so my great plans for working in the yard have been set aside. I did plant some seeds and pull a few weeds but no significant projects. I walked with the dogs for over two hours this morning and then my friend who is trying to stay busy waiting for escrow to close on her house came over and we went for a walk for over an hour. It’s great to have friends who aren’t deterred by a little rain.

    :bigsmile: Barbara, Bernie, my Maine Coon cat walks on my chest (he weighs 16 pounds) and pushes his face on my face to let me know that it’s time to get up (according to his schedule)……..I led about 15 dances at the line dance party, including “People Are Crazy” “Quarter After One” “Irish Stew” and “Tennessee Waltz Surprise”….that’s great that you are keeping track of your steps where we can all see it.

    :bigsmile: Amanda, I agree that those lost pounds are not to be allowed house room….they are gone forever.

    :flowerforyou: Cath, I’m like you about the dentist….the only thing that works for me is to stay in the moment so I don’t ruin “now” with dread about the future.

    :bigsmile: Jen, your active weekend sounds divine.

    :bigsmile: I roasted a chicken today so we’ll have leftovers for a day or two…I served it with sprouted rice and quinoa blend that I got from Costco and an easy gravy I made from chicken broth and the liquid from the chicken thickened with corn starch and a salad (spinach, tomatoes, peppers, sweet onion. We have our big meal at noon. After lunch Jake told me to sit still and he did all the clean up and I fell asleep in my chair

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    May resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 lunges a day
    *strength training three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Been on the go all week-end.Sat had a party for my twin niece and nephew who turned 2,sun we had a church celebration with pot luck,swimming afterward.Today was date day with hubby,went to a movie and then to a friend`s for pool time and dinner.
    Home exhausted.
    Hope everyone had a great week-end.
    Thankful for all the soldiers today,my Dad,FIL,son.
    Tomorrow is my last visit with the ortho dr.Know i`m on my own to get my knee stronger.
    Have a good night!!
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Had a great weekend with family went to the car races saturday with the whole family minus the grandkids just the adult kids well minus my son that lives in Pasco too but any way it was a blast then worked in the yard on Sunday boy was that a mistake way over did it and payed for it all night and most of today still hurting tonight but it is letting up some finally

    Barbie & Jb I do pushups girlie style to Chris has me do what he calls a pushup burn out I do a set of 20 then rest for split second then do 2 sets of 15 sometimes I can't make it to 15 so he will have me do 10 10 & 10 0r 15 10 & 5 but boy are my arms tired when I'm done but I am losing alot of that arm flab and building muscle which he then makes me use to do planks I also do them on forearms and toes last week I did a minute then 45 seconds then 30 seconds resting in between of course but in the beginning I could only do like 10 second and maybe 5 pushups well probably not even that many, so excited to get to the point where I can lift up one leg or one arm or one leg and one arm he has all kinds of craziness lined up for when I get stronger keep it up ladies awesome job
  • valj77
    valj77 Posts: 26
    hoping everyone had a great holiday weekend. it is quite warm here but i was able to get in several long walks over the weekend...despite the heat. just wanted to say hi to all!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I have had a very busy weekend. Sunday I hosted a party at the park for two young friends who are getting married this summer, one in June and one in July. I decided to have the party to celebrate with them, as I will be gone on my trip and miss the weddings. I thought many people would be out of town for the holiday weekend, but apparently not, as I head 80 people RSVP and actually show up! That was a lot of cooking, as I served dinner.
    Then yesterday, we had my oldest grandson's 7th birthday party. Healthy eating has gone out the window for the past few days, so I need to get back on track. I'm off to the school now to help my daughter pack her classroom. Have a great day! Mary
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Just done an hour and half brisk walk with my friend. Feel great although I think I need new trainers, my feet are a bit sore underneath which isn't usual. Having said that I haven't done any serious walking for a long time not since before I was in hospital earlier in the year. So, back on track now and my new pedometer has arrived too. Hopefully I've walked some of those excess calories off that I ate at the weekend.

    Glad everyone had an enjoyable weekend

    Off for a shower now, it's so hot here again

    Cath x
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :smile: Good morning from still cloudy Portland. Didn't see the sun again yesterday. Good light for taking photos, though, I took several shots in my backyard. One thing nice about the cool weather is that my spring flowers are happy as clams. They don't last long once the weather turns warm.

    Had a nice day yesterday, working in the yard, trying to get my transplanting done. I'm almost there. Walked dogs a couple of times during the day and played guitar out by the fire in the late afternoon. :love: I just love having a campfire!

    Wow Fitz, you're really doing some great strength work there! That's excellent, good for you! :bigsmile: I'm hoping the flab on my arms will disappear one of these days, I think it's called 'arm dangle'. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, thanks for the link, I'll try doing that particular plank this morning. I've been doing the one with fully extended arms and toes, and it's a bear.

    I really should get dressed and go do some laps this morning. Will be doing SWSY routine, too. Salad Sista salads on the menu for the week. Have a wonderful day everyone!

    :drinker: jb
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello Ladies ,:flowerforyou:
    Did you all have a good week end.:happy: My weekend was go go go all weekend . Friday I did the shopping and I bought my self new walking shoes,:bigsmile: they sure make a big difference.

    Friday night My son and familey came over for dinner, we had bar b-q ribs and salad, I know to much salt. :angry: Then 2 of the grand kids stayed over night , Hunter 8yrs and Zoe 5 yrs . Saturday morning after breakfast I thought it might be a good ideal to take the kids and the dog for a walk. :laugh: The kids wanted to go to a park so I said ok we will walk there. 5 blocks over. 3more down and then 3more over. and by then it was hot and the kid played while the dog and I watched.:glasses: Then the kid were hot so we walked 4 more blocks to my sister's house and called my DH to come and get us.LOL he was already out looking for us because we were gone so long. :
    after my son came and picked up his kids, I took a shower and at 3:00 Pm pick up my 2 older granddaughters and I niece at the highschool ,after they had marched in the 500 festival parade. They are in the Ben Davis Marching Band, anyway took them home to shower , change and off to go see another neice performance in sleeping beauty. My neice is a ballerina, and she also co-teaches a tap dance class. She is 17 yrs old

    The girls stayed over night and we all went to church Sunday Morning. Then it was home and change , then off to the lake for DH's family reunion. That means more fun in the sun and more food ofcourse.

    it was a good time , and I enjoyed every minute of it, but now it is back to the business of getting rid of these unwanted pounds.

    Hope you all had a grand time this weekend as well!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good day Tuesday All!

    Just marking a spot ... I have 2 1/2 pages to read to catch up... Hope you all had a good weekend.

    I did good with my eating (finally) on this past three day weekend:bigsmile: The exercise only so so because of how windy it was...but did get some in just not as much I would have liked:grumble:

    More later.

    Keep Moving, Logging & Drinking:drinker:

  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    hi all:flowerforyou:
    haven't posted in awhile. glad to see everyone had a good long weekend. will sign on later.......take care
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Hello from soggy Florida. Beryl has done a number on us but thank goodness it was a tropical storm and not a hurricane! We needed rain and we certainly got, and are still getting, it. Our power went out Sun night around midnight and was out until nearly noon on Monday.

    Our son and grandson were here for the weekend and I had just put DGS's clothes in the washer when the power went out. Like a typical guy, those were the only clothes he brought. :huh: Kids... Ones raised by a single father can be remarkably, how shall I say it, casual maybe? :laugh:

    Good news is that this should help our rain deficit!

    Off to the gym, there is a break in the rain. :laugh:

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Faye , what part of Florida do you live in? My mother in law lives in Labelle and we go down there at the end of Oct. for a vist and take her out for her birthday , LOL she was born on Holloween and then my DH was born on her Birthday so they are both Holloween birthdays:laugh:

    OH and it is rainning here in Indianapolis also , but we had great weather over the weekend and for the 500 race!:bigsmile:
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Hope everyone is having a great day.
    Amanda-enjoyed hearing about your time with the grand twins. I feel encouraged that sweating will lessen as the weight goes down.
    Laura-sometimes the job interview is much longer than we ever thought of-hang in there!
    Katiejarr-I can relate to the early summer thing. There have already been too many hot and humid days for me. Maybe it will get it out of its system early..one can always hope.
    Mary-Congrats on survivng school. Sometimes it seems a nearly impossible task to do:laugh:
    Michelle-your schedule leaves my head spinning. How did the butterscotch banana cake go over?
    Jen-those funks can be a real pain. Hope things are better this week!
    Mimi-when I had bursitis in my hip area it hurt so bad i thought maybe I had fractured a bone somehow. Glad to hear that working in the water is pain-free for you.
    rjadams-Happy Birthday-liked what you said about celebrating the fact that you have successfully been you!
    Nancy-thanks for the reminder from the Happiness Project about acting the way you want to feel! Hope you get your okay to be in the pool soon.
    jellyfishjen-sounds like you had some wonderful time with your daughter.
    Joyce-A sleeveless top! To me that is a big thing-congrats!!
    Fitz-you sure have a terrific friend in Chris. You are really gaining strength!
    Faye-your nice description of your GS made me chuckle! It seems that guys are prone to not bringing extras with them.
    Barbiecat-your determination is nothing short of inspiring. Glad you had "friends" to share a walk
    with when others couldn't.

    My weight has creeped up everyday this week. It seems like the weight goes up and down a couple of times before breaking into a new "low". Has anyone else experienced this?

    Have a good evening all!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I am still here, just been a bit busy lately. I love reading your posts and how you are all doing. Bit jealous about the warm weather most of you are having as we head into winter, and what looks like being a colder then usual one this year. Not so jealous about tropical storms or possible hurricanes.
    Having to split my time between my mother and my daughter and then trying to keep up with my own things is quite a juggle. I spend one day a week with my mum. she has been sick lately, I think its the flu she is calling it a chill and is curing it herself. Will not see a doctor, but she never has in her life been much for doctors so why should she change at 81. She is being good though and resting and eating well. I usually stay with my daughter one night each week, so thats 2 days a week with her. I have been told I shouldn't do so much for her when there. cleaning, washing, shopping etc . But then I realised the people who are telling me this have their children still living at home, with everything done for them, my daughter works 4 jobs to pay her costs and goes to classes as well. She does her own cooking, and is really making some healthy choices and tries to keep most of her cleaning done. So proud of her. I guess I shouldn't tell people what I do, But I am an open book, so when asked what do I do each week when visiting her I tell them. I really think when people are jealous they like to find fault. All of her friends are still at home and studing and have a casual job to put money aside for holidays and evenings out etc. I would love to have my daughter back home. But the travelling was too much and she was often too tired for class so she made a decision to move closer. She is very determined to achieve her dreams. She is sick at the moment (flu ish virus) so I am thinking of going in tonight an extra night to give her some TLC. Wow didn't know that was inside me but now that I have got it out, realise how others were making me feel guilty for helping my daughter. I will no longer feel guilty. I will continue to help my daughter anyway I can. Life changes all the time and who knows what is round the corner. I will do what is right for now. Being home only 3 to 4 days a week is showing in my own house. Jobs left to another time and the garden is sadly in need of some care, but that can all wait. The hardest thing I'm finding at the moment is getting my exercise in. I have to work on that. So witth that said, shall step away from the computer and go for a walk, before the day gets much older (6.30am) and I find myself caught up in other ways.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a very quick hello! Very busy weekend like many. We had a BD and a wedding as well as many other routine things going on. The picture is me with three of my (6) sisters at the wedding! I finally got my black cocktail dress that I never thought I would ever be able to wear! What a great time and a great family! Hugs to all!!
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Jellyfishjen - you have to do what is right for you and your family...you are helping with chores, it is not as if you are enabling bad habits...stick to your convictions!:flowerforyou:

    It was unseasonably (and uncomfortably) warm in NYS today..90+ and very high humidity...felt like late July not late May...dh had to put the ac window units in...we don't usually have them in until end of June...I hate closing up the house. I am a fresh air fanatic!:laugh:

    I did do a 12 mile recumbent bike ride this am...woke up at 4:30am...:grumble: tried to go back to sleep,but finally gave up about 5:30...makes for a long day.

    Am getting better about my eating and the healthy choices are becoming more normal and less like I am giving something up...hopefully the scale will start to show this trend...work in progress and not giving up...took me 50 years to get here...not going to see instant results!:bigsmile:

    Question for the water exercisers....what do you do or is there a website or resource you can point me to? With the hot weather already here, I am hoping to find some things to do in the pool...above ground, round pool..hard to swim laps

    Have a great night, ladies, love to read the posts...we do cover it all..fitness, healthy eating, venting and sharing the joys in our lives.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!All!went to the ortho dr,thinking I was done with pt.Dr said the quad`s are strong enough,that`s why I still have pain and can`t walk the stairs without going 1 ft at a time.Said I need the pt for 4 weeks,the home ex aren`t enough.Kinda bummed,but want to make sure I do what is right so have don`t have problems late down the line.
    Got to the pool 2 xs this weekend and no pain with it.Walked today and it was painful when I got back.Dr explained the quad`s support the knee,if they aren`t strong enough,they don`t support it right,therfore causing pain and not being able to tolerate things.
    Hope everyone is doing good and back on track if they over did the week-end.
    Thanks for you love and support.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :wink: I'd like to get rid of 35 pounds....again. wth is wrong with me and where is this yo-yo thing coming from:grumble: :grumble: I seem to have zero self-control :grumble: :grumble: all the while thinking I can do it, no big deal, yay for me:drinker: But not really :explode:

    What a dilemma.

    :heart: :heart: Renny, the Rebel :heart: