barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
:flowerforyou: This is a new month and new chance for a fresh start. Together we can reach our goals.

:flowerforyou: This thread says “Women Ages 50+” but all women are welcome.

:flowerforyou: How did you do with your goals for April?

:flowerforyou: What goals do you have for May?

:flowerforyou: My goals have to do with exercise, behaviors, and attitudes but many others set weight loss goals.

:flowerforyou: It is never too late to make positive changes in your life. If you are looking for support and encouragement, you have come to the right place.

:flowerforyou: Jump right in…….tell us about yourself, respond to what someone else has posted, or ask a question and in no time, you’ll feel like part of the family.

:heart: Barbie from NW Washington state

May goals:
*walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
* Yoga three days a week
*100 lunges a day
*weight training three days a week
*17,000 steps a day
*Act the way I want to feel

"The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

"The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."


  • cowgirlzride
    Sandi~ I have set 3 goal rewards for myself and am excited. I am working very very hard to get as fit, solid and cut as I can before my 53rd birthday. I have 8 weeks, and I just may succeed. I hope to get more then half of my goals met this month. :bigsmile:
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    The Merry Month of May! Let's not follow the song and throw self-control away!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm pleased with the start I have made already for May. Its 2.30pm here onTuesday May 1. I have accomplished so much today if nothing more gets none I'm happy. Finally oiled the timber garden seat, which i have been saying I must do for I don't know how long. Got new battery for pedometer, can walk again :laugh: Took gold chain to jewelers to be fixed, banking, groceries, drop off old but working stereo to charity shop. You know all those little jobs that mount up but what I am most proud of, I went into 3 shopping centres, passed many fast food temptations, coffee shops etc. I was out much longer then expected, it was lunch time, I was hungry but I resisted and am now home eating my salad wrap with a cup of green tea. :drinker: Before leaving the last lot of shops i rewarded myself with a ticket in tonights lottery. Fingers Crossed. I very rarely buy a ticket.

    :heart: my goal for May is to get myself securely back on track, (having pneumonia put me way behind)
    :heart: i hope to do a minimum of 30 min exercise 5 times a week,
    :heart: work on putting 90% good fuel into my body, have to allow room for small indulgences

    :flowerforyou: happy Monday to you all.
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Hello Friends, It's been a while since I've been here or even posted. It's interesting how quickly life can turn upside down. I'll post more later so that you are not left wondering...

    I will say that for all of last year that I used mfp, I actually lost 20 pounds. Since the beginning of this year, I managed to gain back 6. So I'm back to posting and using a system that keeps me honest in my food choices and hearing from ladies who are on the same journey. My downfall? My usual -- sugar addiction, just can't stay away from those sweets.

    Nice to see some of the same gals I interacted with before. Skimmed some previous posts to sort of try to catch up but not easy.
    As it's been said by many....we are a chatty bunch.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just marking my spot, (not had the internet for a few days :frown: ) so need to catch up (again!)

    Anyway here's to a new month same goals but with newer determination.

    :sad: Taking the kitten to the vet this morning, you remember he had an "accident" with the dogs tooth, unfortunately he has to have his eye removed. We feel so guilty but we still don't know what happened. It's such a shame, he's so young but everyone says because he is young he will adapt to having only the one eye.

    My weight is up and down at the moment, so really need to focus on what I am doing/eating.

    Back soon with some thoughts for May goals.

    Happy May Day everyone
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    X marks my spot for later x
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    :heart: Hi all. well I am in as well.
    I have only been on MFP and still trying to twick the plan so it works for me. My name is Judy and I live in Cape Breton, NS.

    My goal for May is to get back into Onderland, which is very doable.

    I will continue to get from 30-60+++ min of activity everyday.

    I will stay on plan with more control over my food. I have to many days of eating things that I shouldn't and not journally it. So if I know I am going to journal it, it might stop me from going over my calories.

    My DH and I are heading off to NYC to visit our son until May 16th. I am going to log in everyday, just so I will be responsible for admitting what I am eating. I will be earning lots of walking and stair climbing so that is a goof thing.

    Have a good day all and we can attain our GOALS !!! :smile:

    IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 116
    Well, in April I lost two pounds in the end (I lost 3 but then gained back one) I am still on the cusp of entering the 160s for the first time in 16 years.

    My goals for May

    Strength training 3 X per week

    Bike at least 300 km this month

    Do something active and social at least once a week (yeah, my bike group starts again on Sunday)

    Go to yoga once a week

    Get my garden in order

    Stay positive!!

    That should about cover it.


  • jlynwhet
    jlynwhet Posts: 38 Member
    Goodmorning! I fit the 50+ age group, plus some extra for good measure. My goal for May is to get my butt in gear and stop the back sliding into my old habits that had begun last month. Most of the month I stayed on plan but when faced with a social situation I find I use it as an excuse to over indulge because "I'll make it up tomorrow." That, however, is not conducive to weight loss or staying healthy. I must learn when at an outing I limit my selections and stay as close to plan as I can and eat reasonably. It is NOT an excuse for a free day.

    My second goal for May is to get moving more. I can no longer use the weather as an excuse and can at the very least get out for a walk after work in the evening.

    I hope we all have a successful month and hit out goal for May. My weight loss goal for the month is 5 lbs. That is certainly attainable if I keep my head in the game...(and my mouth closed at the appropriate times... LOL)
  • jlynwhet
    jlynwhet Posts: 38 Member
    fantastic weight loss! Inspirational! - sorry, don't know how to put this where I wanted it....it was meant for the member who lost 130 lbs.
  • pamperedchriscooks
    pamperedchriscooks Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP. I'm 59 years old, work in a daycare and sell Pampered Chef. I try to stay active but that doesn't always happen. I belong to a weight loss group called TOPS. We always talk about how good it is to journal your food. I've never been able to do that, but with this website it is making it easier. I have about 20 lbs to lose for my goal weight. I also do Zumba about 3 days a week. My downfall as far as food goes is Chinese!! Anyone who knows me can tell you that!! I know its not healthy but it is soo good!! lol Looking forward to making friends here!!
  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    I 'm going to make my 15 mile by the end of this month!!! I can do it....I can do it... :)))
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy May 1st!
    Congrat`s sarah for the wt loss,and being in the 160`s.:drinker:
    welcome chis and ilyn0316,and Judy you can do this.
    My goal`s are to continue to eat healthy.Do the ex I can.Walk 5 min a day.Increase my hamstring strenght.
    Get to where I should be with my knee.Follow the ex.the dr has planed for me at home..
    Everyone have a great day!!
  • LauraJWStevenson
    LauraJWStevenson Posts: 55 Member
    Ok that should say....I'm going to make My 15 MINUTE mile!!!!
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you Barbie. Just marking my spot for later. Back to work now with no time to read & catch up.

  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    I have several events coming up that I am trying to lose weight for. No set amount, just want to find a dress I feel like I look good in. So my goals are to lose weight for my award dinner on May 10, my high school reunion May 18 then to stick with continueing weight loss until I go away with relatives in mid August. I am afraid after my two May events I may slack off and pig out so my goal is to NOT do that!
    I also want to increase my workouts - I am a fitness instructor and this new class I am supposed to teach is all weight with barbells. We have to memorize all ten songs. I have only learned five or six of the one set and now I am supposed to learn a new group of ten. I hope if I workout to them everyday I will learn them all soon!
  • valerieottaviano
    valerieottaviano Posts: 52 Member
    Good morning fabulous ladies , May first !!! Let's kick *kitten* and take names !!! Summer is coming and we are are going to go into it inspired and healthier I know it. I put the fit bit on and my goal is to exceed 100 miles in may !!!
  • HellsBells61
    Hello my lovely ladies from rainy UK! :flowerforyou:

    I just joined MFP about 3 weeks ago and already I'm addicted! I've lost 5lbs so far but I'm under no illusion that its down to anything but a change in routine or water loss or whatever, but anyway not a rate I'll be able to keep up indefinitely. My sister's wedding is in June and if I can shed a stone (14 pounds) by then I'll be more than happy. That means I'll be comfortable in my dress and not worrying about bulging out of it! :embarassed:

    I've managed to log in most days but I'm finding that I'm losing foucs at weekends - I'm working away from home all week and just want to be with my family for the 48 hours and so tend to relax a bit too much food wise.

    My goals for May:

    1. Log into MFP every day INCLUDING weekends
    2. Lose minimum 4 pounds
    3. Start doing regular strength training *
    4. Get my garden in order (if it ever stops raining that is!)
    5. Finish my lasy OU assignment and start revising for my exams in June :yawn:

    * I had an operation 2 months ago which stopped me from doing any exercise except walking, but now I'm better I'm getting back to my swimming and intend to do once a week laps and a weekly aqua-aerobics class. My main problem is that I have no muscle strength, especially in my upper body. I've seen a class at my fitness club that looks like a good solution so my main achievement for the month will be to start going to it - not easy for me as I'll be on my own! :blushing:

    Good luck to everyone with whatever they want to achieve in May!!
  • peterkm5
    peterkm5 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone, Well I started using this site back in January as our family had a Biggest Loser/Get Healthy Challenge and I ended up losing 20lbs which I'm thrilled with....well the challenge is over and I've managed to start getting back into old habits and have gained three pounds back. Before I do much more damage decided to get back in the saddle again and thought it would be good to join a group as it seems I need to be held accountable. So my goals would be to get back to exercising at least 30 minutes 5 days a week and I would like to lose 8 to 10 lbs more. My biggest goal is to TONE, even though I just turned 53, I don't think it would be out of the question to wear a two piece bathing suit this year :) not a bikini and not in public :) except maybe our cruise we go on in Sept.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So I am back from my business trip and my vacation weekend at the Renaissance Faire. All I can do is hang my head in shame and get back up on that wagon again and do the best I can.

    Robin, Bodi Boy and the Ritter Bit.