

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just posting my lunch and wanted a few moments away from Latin translation - the print is so small I can barely read it!

    We just got a delivery of an atlas from 1570 and I really want to sit and look at all the volumes of it - it is gorgeous. I think I'll go and have another look before it goes off to be photographed.

    Have fun ladies!
    Amanda x
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Thursday from rainy Portland. :flowerforyou: Slug wars have begun. Young plants are coming up and disappearing overnight. :explode: Little saucers of beer placed around the garden would work well if it would ever stop raining. I'll be out in the yard later this morning, hand picking and slug tossing. Gross! Can't put bait out until the rain subsides, the previous bait has now all washed away. :ohwell: I use the Sluggo brand, it's not harmful to pets or wildlife. :wink:

    Nancy,:flowerforyou: I'm so impressed with your exercise plan from the chair, good idea. It sounds like you're keeping busy! So sorry to hear about falling when missing your chair, sheesh. It reminded me of when I was using an exercise ball for a chair at work. Went to sit down, guitar in hand, foot accidentally kicked the ball away and I sat right down on the floor with a big, painful plop. Ouch. :grumble:
    How fun your DH's radishes have germinated! Let him know that if he plants a couple dozen seeds every 2 weeks from now on, he'll have an endless supply. Our first planting of those little sweeties will be ready to eat next week, and the second planting has come up nicely. This weekend I'll toss in a few more seeds. I'll be interested to know what he thinks about the taste of the French Breakfast variety. I think they're out of this world. :love:

    Today is SWSY day for me. I'll add another little sandbag to my ankle weights. On Tuesday I created an exercise for myself called "Merry Month of May - Daily Jacks, Squats, Push Ups, Crunches." It's a 5-7 minute routine, a quick strength workout just to get the ball rolling for the day. Managed to do 50 jacks both days. My legs and hips sure feel it this morning. :indifferent:

    Salad Sistas! It'll be the Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard salad for me today, need to go shopping! :laugh:

    Tonight will be the 4th night in a row for me with no wine after work. :noway: Wow, I really can do it!

    Great day to all, keep up the excellent work! Stay happy, stay strong.

    Cheers! :drinker: *Clinking water glasses together* :bigsmile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gonna be a warm and sunny Thursday,

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newbies and welcome back to those that are returning.

    I lost .6 and am hoping that this holds, of course it's getting close to the weekend and those weekends just seem to attack all my good intentions:grumble: Since it's supposed to be nice tomorrow and Saturday hubby is already planning our bike rides, that should help keep me on track. Then Sunday night #2 Son will be returning from his weekend in Dodge City KS and they want us to join them for dinner....that's always hard especially when it's a Sunday night...all my good intentions seem to just fly out the window:blushing:

    Yesterday hubby kept grandson #2 by himself while DIL #2 took his brother to the doctors. Hubby said they did pretty good and that he's completely potty trained now (he will be 2 July 8th) he's such an active little guy that when he's around we always have to keep an eye on him because if there is something for him to get into he will:wink:

    I must get going and finish up yesterdays work I didn't get done. Everyone have a good day, logging, moving and drinking:drinker: water that is!

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!!!

    So nice to hear about all the planting and fresh veggies you all are growing! :glasses: I was born with a brown thumb:sad: so I only eat fresh veggies I don't grow them :bigsmile: but it sounds wonderful!
    Amanda your job sounds so wonderful! My daughter plans to visit London the summer of 2013 as I have tons of family there, my Mum was born and raised there till after WWII then she and my Dad and my older sister came to the states where they stayed...but when my daughter goes there I will have her look you and your store up...are you in London?

    :love: Laura what did you think of Survivor?????WOW!
    :embarassed: jb2011 what is SWSY? A few other members use that and Im not sure what it means??
    :bigsmile: Welcome back katieblue72...love you're name!!!

    Well I have a busy day today...happy to report that Im down another .3 pounds....its a lil bit but at least moving in the right direction :tongue:

    Happy and healthy eating ladies!!!

    Love Kat:heart::heart:
  • mzbehaven1
    mzbehaven1 Posts: 55 Member
    hey everyone! Im in Montana, I'm 61so I qualify. Plus I like this message board better...the younger people are really mean on the other boards. It's like they are mad at everyone who has an opinion that differs from theirs.
    See you all later!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Kat, SWSY is the book "Strong Women Stay Young" which includes a series of weight and strength training exercises. The main routine calls for using hand weights and ankle weights, then farther on in the book is a routine for additional strength training including crunches, push ups, back extension, pelvic tilt, lunges and side arm raises. It's quite a workout if you do both routines. Speaking of which, I'd better get started! :bigsmile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Then Sunday night #2 Son will be returning from his weekend in Dodge City KS and they want us to join them for dinner....that's always hard especially when it's a Sunday night...all my good intentions seem to just fly out the window:blushing:


    What is your son doing in Dodge? That is just down the road from me! Is he there for business or fun?
    hey everyone! Im in Montana, I'm 61so I qualify. Plus I like this message board better...the younger people are really mean on the other boards. It's like they are mad at everyone who has an opinion that differs from theirs.
    See you all later!

    Welcome! And I had to comment - I agree about the mean spirit elsewhere on the boards. Every time I start reading on one that seems like it might interest me, I come across the negative comments and start getting upset, so I have pretty much quit. When I am tempted to click and read something, I have to ask myself, do I really want to do that to myself right now? Ridiculous! I am sure this causes me to miss a fair amount of valuable information, but when I do click, I invariably end up asking myself why I keep doing this to myself, when I know where it leads! (Kind of the same feeling I get if I overindulge on a favorite food, and I am trying to avoid that feeling.) Sorry, I will get off of my soapbox now!

    I suppose that I should get back to work now. Work thoughts for today: High school students get very trying when there are only 16 days of school left. How many times and different ways can I say, "If you would pay attention in class, take notes, listen when I try to help you, do your homework, come to school regularly, etc., you might know how to graph that quadratic function (or whatever it is they are doing) and not be in a position to have to worry about flunking and taking this class over!" But I just take a deep breath, and remind myself that I was also once a teenager, and someone was patient with me. Then I help them, but do give them a pep talk about responsibility. Other thoughts for the day: I just learned the Binomial Theorem, and I like it. Why didn't anyone ever teach this to me when I was in school?

    Hope you all have a great Thursday! Best news of the day? Tomorrow's Friday!! Mary who will make it to the end of the school year without strangling a certain PreAlgebra student
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Everyone:

    Sorry, I have been MIA for a bit - been busy packing and what not. I have so many posts to catch up on, which I will try and do later. The 2 girls I work with have set up a weight loss challenge for each other for May, so this should be interesting :wink:

    I have to run for now, but I do honestly hope that you are all well. I am sure I missed so much in the past 1 1/2 weeks.

    Talk again soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Michele - You asked how many calories in corn starch (when we were discussing how to make crisp sweet potato fries) and you are right; there aren't that many calories in the stuff - 1 Tbs has 30 calories.

    Misbehavin - welcome! We are a diverse group and I have never heard an unpleasant word said here.

    Mary - bionomial theorum? Oh my, I looked up the definition and let's just say it didn't help a lot. :noway: I wish I had had a math teacher like you in high school and I might have made it past algebra 1 and geometry. :embarassed: Language arts and science were more my thing. I do hope you manage to make it the last 16 days without strangling that certain student. :laugh: My Mom was a teacher and I heard lots of stories about trying students and the last weeks of school.

    BTW – I am so jealous of your Alaska trip. (in a good way) :wink:

    DH and I did something quite similar in 2010. We left home in north FL the first week in August and wandered our way to the Kenai peninsula in AK. We got back home the middle of October. We had our pickup truck, a 6x10 utility trailer and a tent. We camped most of the time and had the best vacation ever! I really liked our timing, as the majority of tourists are gone after labor day. Before then, you have to plan ahead and make reservations to do most things.

    Once we got in AK, we slept in the trailer. I told DH that he could sleep in the tent if he wanted too, but I wanted some warning if a bear decided I would make a good dinner. :noway:

    If you get the chance, and are in the location, I would sure recommend the day boat trips that run out of Seward. They have short trips but you don't get to see nearly as much on them. We saw all sorts of animals - otters, eagles, bear, sheep and whales to mention just a few. The highlight, for me, was watching the Aialik Glacier calve.

    We spend most of the time in AK camped in a cute little out of the way place called the Alaska Dacha in a community called Hope. It is quiet and not commercial at all; not full of touristy stuff. Just a beautiful, peaceful place to camp. It's also quite well located, while being off the beaten path; it is centrally located to many of the things we wanted to see and do.

    The host Rochelle, is a hoot and has a ton of stories to tell. The place is a hangout for the local gold miners to get coffee in the morning. We had some interesting conversations with the old sourdoughs, as they are called. If you do go there, and you like the road less traveled, (and you would have to to even be in that place) take a drive up Palmer Creek Road. When you get to the end of the long rough road, you can hike to a waterfall or an old abandoned mine. We did both and the scenery was amazing. I fully intend to go again before I get too old to hike all over the countryside.

    The train trip to Fairbanks was wonderful as well, it's a long ride but again the scenery! The views of Denali were amazing. The mountains around Valdez are spectacular too.

    I could talk about that trip until I bored everyone to tears, so I'll shut up now. It's time I got to the gym and pump some iron and get my elliptical in done for the day.

    One more thing …... today is the day! I get to eat my first fresh tomato for dinner.:happy: It will be a while before anymore are ripe though. This one was early.

  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I would love to join this group. I am 58, married with two grown daughters. My impetus for becoming fit was a total hip replacement, which I had 2 years ago this month. At that time, I weighed upwards of 174. I took the surgery as a wake-up call that I was eating my way to chronic illness, so in the fall of 2010, I hired a personal trainer, found MFP and went to work. Fast forward 2 years and I weigh 138.6 as of today. I am .6 lbs. below my UGW. However, I have been hovering between 139-141 for a couple of months. Sooo my goals for May are:

    1- Reach 138 lbs (seems doable, but just watch!)
    2- Reduce my body fat % to 28% (it is 30% presently)
    3- Be able to complete Level 2 of JM 30 DS
    4- Be able to complete Level 2 of JM Ripped in 30
    5- Increase my daily protein consumption

    Good luck everyone!! I look forward to supporting you all!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies!

    Welcome to MZBehaven: Where in MT are you? We spend about 3 months there late summer into fall and then again Feb through March to Ski. I love the state and it is BIG!!! We are in Big Sky. Look forward to getting to know more about you. You have found a supportive, helpful group of women!

    Celticmuse: Welcome. You have done great and we're glad to have you here!

    Faye: OH...I am SOOOOOOOO jealous of your first tomato! I have little baby green ones but I am a long way off to a REAL eating tomato. I am eating blueberries however!

    Cathy: Good to hear from you and hope the packing goes as well as it can! Take care:-)

    jb: I just got my copy of SWSY today. I'm looking forward to getting to it this evening!

    I got my RUN in this morning followed by a walk. It is getting more humid each day so I am feeling it right now...as I SIT on my butt! :ohwell: I think I need a relaxing afternoon. I've been pushing the exercise up and up and my body is asking me to rest...I think!!!:tongue::tongue: :tongue: BUT...I tried on a size 8 dress this morning and....IT FIT...easily! (It was too short for me...I'm TALL) BUT IT FIT!!!!!!! That felt awesome! My scale is holding pretty steady but I can tell that things are looser with the increase in exercise.

    Enough...Off to ready and relax. Company over the weekend so I better do it now so I'll have some energy for them!
    :heart: Kackie
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Joy I'm so sorry for your loss.
    Barbie we are staying in the fifth wheel. I'm taking my weights. And my planned meals.
    I think the problem is going be on the way back. Just going to drive as far as possible stop then start again in the morning.

    Like to welcome all the newcomers.
    These ladies are the best.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Kat, SWSY is the book "Strong Women Stay Young" which includes a series of weight and strength training exercises. The main routine calls for using hand weights and ankle weights, then farther on in the book is a routine for additional strength training including crunches, push ups, back extension, pelvic tilt, lunges and side arm raises. It's quite a workout if you do both routines. Speaking of which, I'd better get started! :bigsmile:

    WOW sounds awesome!!!!!!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I cleaned off my desk today at work and while that is not something of interest to everyone what was on my desk was! I found the diet information from 2006 when I was part of a weightloss challenge at work and lost my first 7 pounds! I had the following highlighted:

    Women should eat between 1200-1400 calories to loose weight and if have a lot to loose start at 1400-1600.
    If you hit a plateau and can't seem to loose any more drink green or black tea. Green or black tea will increase your metabolism by 5-20 calories depending on the women. To keep your metabolism going you need to be consistant in when you eat.
    Weight X 14 = estimated calories a day for your current weight. If the results are 3,000 calories or more, start off with 2,500-2,800 calories a day. Do not do more than a 300 calorie a day cut.

    It was that weightloss program that gave me the address to MFP for calorie tracking. lol

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just popping in before I head home.

    Welcome to all you newbies:flowerforyou: This is the BEST place for encouragement and venting frustration:wink:

    Kackie:love: Size 8 dress WTG!

    Faye- hope you enjoyed your tomato:drinker:

    Mary - Son #2 will be in Dodge City with the Army. He's in the Army Reserves and that is where the unit that he oversees is stationed. In August he will be getting his promotion to Captian...when he joined back in Fall of 2002 as a lowely Private seems forever ago:ohwell: He joined the Army as a Jazz Piano player and for a time was stationed with NATO in Belgium and has played all over Europe for heads of state and top military & civilian personnel. Now his job is in Personnel and I understand there is a lot of paper work:noway: in the military.

    Kat- Survivor:noway: "being 22 and not too bright" should have been the title of last nights show. Amazing that Christina and Tarzan are still there....and it's amazing that so many think they are running the show when it's totally Kim:huh: Kind of makes you wonder what is on the cutting room floor that we are missing. Do you go on line and watch the Ponderosa clips? Hubby will have them up on the computer for me when I get home tonight and I will be interested to see what Kat has to say about her getting blindsided...I'm sure she wasn't very happy that it was her but would have had no problem if it was someone else:wink:

    It's time to shut down the computer. Everyone have a good evening...I'm headed home to my workout, some dinner and a little TV before the BEST day of the week hits:tongue:

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I have a question for the group - do any of you have trouble with the "days logged in" counter? For the last several months it has not worked for me. Randomly it will show me as logged in but mostly not. Lately it almost never acknowledges that I have been logging. I have told the powers that be 4 times and each time I get a form response and they reset my days to some number greater than 100 and then the next day I am back to not being logged in again. Yesterday I showed up as logged on for 197 days, after the last message to MFP and reset, now today I have apparently been among the missing for 4 days...

    Have any of you had this problem and found a solution? It doesn't really matter, I guess, but it's is kind of irritating when I get messages from members and MFP encouraging me to show up when I am already here! :ohwell:

  • lharmon61
    lharmon61 Posts: 2 Member
    :happy: Hello I am a newbie to the group. I just started my journey and I know I will be needing motivation and words of encouragement.
  • prowe80
    prowe80 Posts: 14 Member
    I havent been here for awhile was in a car accident April 16th . Havent been able to excercise. Broken foot and torn rotator cuff. Hard to stay motivated when there is nothing for me to do. I am starting to log in again, But I think I am in starvation mode and scared to eat and ruin the hard work I have acheived thus far! Could use some encouraging words!:cry:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I havent been here for awhile was in a car accident April 16th . Havent been able to excercise. Broken foot and torn rotator cuff. Hard to stay motivated when there is nothing for me to do. I am starting to log in again, But I think I am in starvation mode and scared to eat and ruin the hard work I have acheived thus far! Could use some encouraging words!:cry:

    Hang in there. One of our ladies here is in a wheelchair at the moment, post operation and is doing loads of upper body work. So maybe you could do something like that. Or use the time in a positive way and research healthy foods, write up a menu plan. Don't not eat. It will not help you to heal, in fact there are foods you could probably be eating to help your body heal. You will be strong again. Be positive, Do positive.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    :happy: Hello I am a newbie to the group. I just started my journey and I know I will be needing motivation and words of encouragement.

    This is the place for loads of motivation and encouragement. The ladies on here are amazing, their exercise plans and daily activites are very inspiring. When in a slump read back on some of the posts.