

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Viv - there was a cat at the Humane Society who had to have his eye removed. He did adapt very well.

    Judy - welcome, I look forward to getting to know you better. Have fun in NYC

    Welcome too jlyn, paperedchris, HellsBells, wb Lynn and anyone else I may have missed

    Did an hour of speed intervals on the stairmaster today. Tomorrow...water aerobics

    Need to have something to eat, then Mexican Train Dominoes tonight. I'm taking a tunnel of fudge cake (I'm not a dessert person, but Vince likes it) along with some shrimp.

    Want to post this to mark my place.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Just checking in to mark my spot! Happy May Day Ladies!!!! Will check back later

    Love Kat:heart::heart:
  • susanp15
    susanp15 Posts: 25 Member
    Checking in to mark my spot, too! Can't post now .. but .... bump!
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :smile: Ilove all the goals for May..very inspiring . My goals for May are to keep within my calories limit and when the limit is reached..to just STOP...a tough love moment for me, but trying to make life style changes. Exercise is becoming easier and more second nature for me. I want to continue to take a walk at lunchtime 3 times a week (good for mental health too) and bike 30 miles a week...I was able to do that 2 weeks in April so now I am going for 4. I am also trying to continue with kettlebells and upper body strength training. That should make for a very full month:laugh:
    Have a good evening everyone!
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    Barbie – thanks for your thread – I signed up for MFP end of March and started reading and posting to your group in April, unfortunately I was not as committed to reading and posting on a regular basis but I think it’s a wonderful link and one of my goals this month is to check in and post daily. I am really interested in getting to know everyone on here. Everyone seems like a family. :heart:

    In addition to my commitment to posting daily the rest of my goals for May are:
    Workout at least 5 days a week – I started a new routine on 4/30 – Monday & Thursday: Fit-traxx / Tuesday & Friday: Spin Class / Wednesday: Yoga – that is the minimum I will work-out, if I can do more I will.
    Track my daily food – my goal is to lose 8 lbs. in May.

    **Wizzywig – So sorry about your kitten:sad: , hope it all works out.

    ** Sarah – Hope you hit your mark this month!:flowerforyou:

    ** Jlyn316 – I do the same thing when I go out to any kind of gathering I find myself not having the willpower to stay away from the food that is bad for me :embarassed:. Good luck to us all in the Month of May that we can do away with these bad habits!

    ** LauraJWSteven – YES YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!:drinker:

    ** BPSValerieOtt – How do you like the fit bit? I was checking into it but not sure if it would work for me. Does it track heart rate for cardio exercises?

    **HellsBells61 – Weekends are difficult for me too – I do great all week then lose it on weekends and I don’t mean the weight either…..

    **jb – CONGRATS on your 60 lbs. lost. I may try the Salad Sistas Challenge – sounds interesting!

    **AH – praying for you to get better!


    ** Judy – hope your new diet plan works better for you!

    Good luck to everyone - Happy May!!!!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Birthday tomorrow, Jane!!!

    Here is the promised birthday list. I post it in its entirety every month so that you can see if you are on there. If you don't see your name, and would like to be on here the next time it is posted, please just send me a message! Mary

    50+ thread Birthdays
    5 – csally01
    6 – barmbord
    13 - Qpeace
    17 – grabbit97
    22 - celticmuse
    25 – zuback55
    28 - genealace
    29 - ritamerlot

    2 – doobiedoo
    7 – 2youngatheart
    7 – jeqrosen
    9 – AHealthierSuzyQ
    15 - anotheryearolder

    1 – auntiebk
    3 - arborsong
    4 - heartrw
    6 – jeanne3651
    7 – DebKRN
    7 - vypeters
    8 – pmjsmom
    8 - deb_rn
    8 – Cando055
    12 – glendaaus
    14 – cj1234cj23
    15 – joylaut
    20 - spaniel60
    21 – cjwil01
    25 – barbiecat
    26 - kilime50
    29 - deluda
    30 – BirdieM
    30 - Blissfuldrake
    31 – wizzywig

    4 – Lyn54
    4 - frogmama
    8 – grandee47
    11 – smelliott
    11 – kel7298
    14 - ildi59
    17 - Cindyw7
    22 – sceck

    2 – gracete
    2 – janemartin02
    4 – chicletgirl21
    5 – Debma1010
    6 - smwert
    13 – lovediets
    13 - jberberian
    20 – mimi7grands
    23 - debieanne
    25 – jam0525
    25 – wehavethestars
    25 - sissygok
    26 – vickim26
    27 - rjadams
    30 – msh0530

    3 - eotrg
    4 - Caminogirl
    4 - Shirley61
    12 – Ldspill
    13- tiarapants
    20 - fibrogirl
    23 - goldwingrider
    27 - Donna56
    30 - RebelRenny

    3 - Iojoi
    7 – Lindaj07
    8 – BarbieCat1
    9 - yvonnemfp
    20 - TeresaSavage
    27 – mynyddisamrs
    31 - randylevy

    7 – MacMadame
    15 - CathiAnne
    18 – bkrbabe57
    24 – cherubcrnp
    24 - Kckramp
    27 - corqueen

    2 – Laura80111
    14 – ItsTerriC
    22 - gloriaandison

    3 – shiddelson
    8 - djdreger
    15 – Jolandolfo
    21 - peepocheck
    23 – rjnandjosh

    11 – kackie
    15 - brunsda
    19 - Benson
    30 – SallyCC
    30 – topaz2986

    6 – cucoyannie
    24 – frogmama
    30 – caharleygirl
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    just marking my spot, April was not a good month I am getting frustrated.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hello all,:drinker:

    Goals for May? I find it discouraging to make specific weight loss goals because I can’t really control it. I can control how much I do and what I eat, so that’s what I focus on.

    I am going back to keeping a spreadsheet and logging my daily fitness activities, I want to get 24 hours in the month. I’ll alternate chair aerobics and floor exercises. Both routines include a bit of weight lifting, but only up to 25 lb because that’s the limit of the old-fashioned bar bells DH brought upstairs for me. Well, I suppose it’s not big deal to ask him or J’boy to bring more weight plates up, so no excuses! :explode:

    I go back to the surgeon on the 9th of May and get the staples taken out and fitted with my "robo-boot" which is, :happy: I think, the modern version of a walking cast. I'm still not allowed to put any weight on the foot for another three weeks after that, but I should be able to get out and around more. The gym will see me then!

    No classroom stories :sad: do you miss them? I miss the activity and excitement of working with my students, that’s for sure. My replacement is a young, energetic and innovative teacher so I am sure the children are having fun. My job is to stay out of the way so she can make it “her class” and get things done. Sigh.

    Lessons from the wheelchair? Always put the brakes on when I stand up! I was hopping around the kitchen on Saturday, lost my balance and grabbed for the chair. It rolled away and I ended up in a heap on the floor with my foot in the air. :noway: Gasp!

    Barbie, I think you got to the essence of “The Happiness Project” with your added goal of “Act the way I want to feel”. :flowerforyou: The other thing I took away from the book is the benefit of doing the small things promptly. When I do I’ve got fewer things nagging at my conscience every time I turn around. Instead of “I forgot to pay the hydro bill” or “I should have made the bed” there’s space for other, more positive thoughts. :smile: Of course we all know that procrastination and avoidance are not a recipe for happiness, but in my case it’s a lifetime of learning, re-learning, learning…

    Sandi, Eight weeks is a good length of time to finish a weight training circuit or exercise program – fly at it!

    Hey Jen, you got May 1 a whole 24 hours before I did! :wink: It sounds like you had one of those productive, errand-clearing days that make a person feel so positive and in control of life. Well done!

    Hi Judy, I’m on the other side of Canada, in SE British Columbia. Keep logging while you travel, it’s the best way to stay on track.

    Sarah, congratulations on making the 160’s, because you will. How are things going in the cafeteria now that the sun is shining and students are thinking of anything but their commitment to course work?

    Robin: No shame, no blame. :blushing: What happens at the Faire stays at the Faire! What kind of characters did you meet?

    JB The salad sistas live on! DH is delighted because his radishes have germinated. He planted "french". :happy:

    I'm off to update the spreadsheet for May and make the bed!

    Hasta pronto,


    OHHHHHH Nancy!!!!!! Be careful in that wheelchair!!!!! I had a few near misses with mine too last year and almost fell myself!!!! Be careful :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi All:smile:

    Well I would say April was successful because I broke through my plateau and am finally in the 130's, ok the very high 130's but still...and I did make it to yoga and the gym this week so Im sticking to my goals so far this week.

    Next week will be more of a challenge because end of the week we will be traveling to see my daughter and then up north to visit friends, but I will be able to get exercise in every day so that will help.

    Welcome to all the newbies :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have a good evening...for some reason Im very tired and cranky this week...:grumble: not sure why???maybe hormones

    Maybe I need to sleep...so I will get to bed early tonight...night all

    Kat :heart: :heart:
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Hello all,
    My goal for May is to

    Log into MFP everyday
    Stay under my goal
    Exersice 6 days a week
    Loose 5 pounds

    Please help!!!!! I have been craving chocolate, endulging some even though I am under my goal, but really want to get rid of this craving. Why is it you can go a long time without cravings, then all of a sudden they hit you a couple days in a row?
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi barbiecat,

    My May has started off great!!! I weighed in today and lost 3 lbs this last week. One of my goals for May was to lose at least 5 lbs....well I got a good start on that!!!
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    hi :flowerforyou:
    I've been following this group for several months now. So much info and support. Thanks for being here!:wink:
    Posting now so I can find y'all later. :blushing:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I love the first day of the new month. Starting a new thread brings so much enthusiasm and new beginnings……I hope everyone who has posted today will continue to post and make this month the beginning of a new way of life.

    :bigsmile: We need all of us on this thread---beginners and those who have lost huge amounts of weight and reached their weight goals……..women with lots of pounds to lose and women with only a few pounds to lose…..fitness newbies and fitness experts…..question askers and question answerers.
    I’ve decided to keep most of my April goals for May but I’ve added one new goal from “The Happiness Project”. I didn’t do well with my yoga goal but I haven’t lost the belief that it’s something I want to do……I’ve consistently had trouble with anything that required getting down on the ground.

    :flowerforyou: I am absolutely loving “The Happiness Project”. I’ve started my own list of commandments for happiness……I don’t know if I’ll distill them to only twelve because I love all of them (I have seventeen right now)….of course, the fewer there are, the easier it will be to remember them.

    :flowerforyou: It is important for me to compete against myself and not against any of you…..we are all on different places along the path…each day I’d like to be a slightly better me…..the first of my happiness commandments is “Be Barbie”

    :flowerforyou: The line dance teacher I substituted for took me out to lunch today. I don’t like eating in restaurants but something I learned from reading “The Happiness Project” told me to accept the invitation and be enthusiastic about her choice of restaurant so the result was that I had a great time, enjoyed my food (a bit too much, but I avoided the breaded and fried and noodles), and still found time to do all the things I wanted and needed to do today. When Hubby asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with him, listened to the three choices and chose one enthusiastically and it turned out to be funny and I got to do my weight training while watching.

    :flowerforyou: Next I’ll have my planned evening snack and get ready to watch the DWTS results show. We called and texted on our cell phones, called on the house phone and voted on the internet, so we did the best we could for our favorites.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state where the rain is making everything greener.

    May goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 lunges a day
    *strength training three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member

    Please help!!!!! I have been craving chocolate, endulging some even though I am under my goal, but really want to get rid of this craving. Why is it you can go a long time without cravings, then all of a sudden they hit you a couple days in a row?

    My daughter and i both have issues with this. Doesn't help that there are 4 speciality chocolate shops on the doostep of her unit. I visit her weekly, so very tempted. My daughter is a dancer (skinny) and also works at a gym she tries to eat healthy all the time. But the chocolate craving each night gets her, one of the PT's at the gym suggested keeping good quality dark chocolate in the pantry at all times. We have both found this to be helpful, it is there if we want it and we just allow ourselves a small piece. I thought having it there would be hard but because I have not denied myself and its there if I want it, I sometimes choose not to.
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    So good to see all the new gals and all of you familiar to me. I was dedicated to mfp all last year and lost 20lbs. Gained back 6 this year. Last fall my life turned upside down. Briefly, My 88yo mom in NJ very suddenly became ill. I left everything here in CA to be with her (I'm an only child) and take care of her. With in 2 months she was gone with liver cancer. She had been completely independent, driving, enjoying her life -- then suddenly, gone. Hard to reconcile. Especially since we spoke often of her coming to live with me so that we could have quality time together during her later years. And especially with Mother's Day looming ahead.

    I came back to CA in January and it's been tough to stay focused on healthy behaviors, consistently. However, I have been sticking with my walking.

    My May goal is simple, get back in balance.

    Its good to be back at mfp.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    May is going to be tricky I'm hauling a fifth wheel to my son in ND. (1700 miles one way)
    Grandson wanted to come along so we decided I would take him to Yellowstone.
    Going to pack all the meals for going over there. Hopefully everything goes according to plan

    Welcome to all the newcomers

    Congrats to all the ladies who met their goals.

    April was so busy. I'm happy lost 1 pound.
    started having my large meal at breakfast.
    High protein seems to keep me full longer.

    I found a guote that I believe is so true

    Growing old is no more than a bad habit which a busy
    person has no time form.

    My goals for May
    1250 calories
    SWSY 2x week
    Salad everyday.
    12000 steps everyday.

    Lets stick to our plan
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Another good day that's 3 in a row. Tomorrow will be the real test. It's my weakness day. I go into the city to work. I do a shift at a dance studio reception with my daughter. That part is great. But there is a cafe there and the staff like to bring us a treat. I am going to take a container to put it in for later. I usually stay overnight with my daughter but this week I will come home away from the evil temptations of the city .
    Goodnight (Wednesday)
  • LuckyCheryl
    LuckyCheryl Posts: 71 Member
    Good morning Ladies

    On April 26th, I began a one study program with the Univ of MN for Type 2 Diabetics and weight loss. I met with a dietician and thus began my new life style of eating and exercising.
    I am 50, soon to be 51, currently a Fulltime student and on track to graduate in Spring 2013. My new career will be as a Medical Assistant and I cannot wait to get started. My goal is to be a whole new me before I get to that 8 week externship that I will do with my possible new employer (here most get hired by facility that we do our externship with).
    I am amazed that in one week I have lost 6 pounds!!

    A little about myself: I have two wonderful girls 20 and 19 who are both studying that the U of MN, one in Nursing and the other in Architecture. We have a every active dog and two cats. I love going for long walks with her and my husband and we try to do this as often as we can.

    This week most of my exercise has been in the garden: here is MN it is early but growing season is here and I have much to do to get those garden beds ready. I cant wait to have fresh veggies from my own garden. I have not gardened in about 15 years as life just got to busy working a FT job and raising two girls.

    I hope everyone has a great May :) - the weather is getting beautiful so put on those walking shoes and get out there and it enjoy anyway you can.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    "Tra-la, it's here, that shocking time of year..."
    Good morning lovelies!

    Barbie thanks for keeping us going.
    Fell off the wagon many times in April, rolling back on today.

    WILL start EVERY day with at least ONE healthy behavior, mat work, SWSY, chiro appt OR spa soak. Yesterday it was the hot tub :bigsmile:

    WILL average at least 10,000 steps and work toward that as a minimum every day even weekends.

    WILL scan the posts at work, don't tell:noway: , but now must get out that MAT!

    Thank you all, you inspire me,
    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    May: mat, SWSY, chiro or spa EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Joy - I am very sorry to hear about your mother. Glad to see you back though!

    I don't usually repost the birthdays, but got a new one from a new member coming up soon, so here it is! Off to work now ~ Mary

    2 – gracete
    2 – janemartin02
    4 – chicletgirl21
    5 – Debma1010
    6 – smwert
    7 - walker001
    13 – lovediets
    13 - jberberian
    20 – mimi7grands
    23 - debieanne
    25 – jam0525
    25 – wehavethestars
    25 - sissygok
    26 – vickim26
    27 - rjadams
    30 – msh0530