

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Month is off to a slow but good start. I ate well yesterday and avoided my downfall of wine. I just didn't feel like having any. Life is a bit stressful right now.
    There just don't seem to be any more new job prospects at work so I am stuck where I am for the moment.
    DH is working on passing another kidney stone so he is miserable.
    And my adorable Ritter Bit is chewing and destroying everything. He is very good at pulling things down from high places that I think are safe. He has a fondness for anything that is expensive like DH's sun glasses, anything that is mine like my favorite beach hate from St. Thomas, or paper (especially import bills and documents) It is a good thing he is so damn cute when he looks at you with his ears back and looks at you with those green eyes. Or when I get home and his disproportionate gangly puppy body wriggling madly when he wags his tail. (and then I see what damage he has done) I know he is still so young and that this too shall pass.

    Have a lovely day ladies.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's Wednesday,

    Kat- sorry you are cranky...but I'm sure at our age we are entitled to being that way every now & then:blushing:

    Bevsdietfor20 & LuckyCheryl-:drinker: great job on the losses.

    Barbie- I'm so inspired by you:flowerforyou: lifting weights while watching a movie with your hubby...I'm thinking that is a great idea, I will need to get my weights from the basement and move them upstairs.

    Jellyfishjen & Beth40n2 - AHHHH Chocolate:love: I understand the keeping some around concept. For me if I have it available I don't always want it because I KNOW it's there if I want and because it's there I DON'T want it...but if there is none available I go on a hunt until I find it and then eat it. So I keep it around and find I don't want it....I know kind of backwards for a lot of people but it works for me:wink:

    Joy- So sorry to hear about your Mom passing:flowerforyou: I understand as I'm an only child too and my Mom and I used to talk everyday, I would call her when I was on my way home from work, she passed quickly in Oct 2010 and I still miss my phone calls to tell her about my day.

    Westernwise- 1700 mile trip one way:noway: wow ambitous!

    rjadams- your Ritter Bit sounds like he keeps you on your toes. Those puppy looks get you every time I'm sure:laugh:

    So for the month of April I lost a total of 3.6 lbs so that was good, but of course I'm greedy and wish it had been more:ohwell: Last week I only lost .2 so the scale says this AM, but every little bit will add up by the end of the month.

    So did any of you hear that about that new study that said getting enough sleep is good for weight loss? It was all over the radio this morning..they also said not enough will cause you to gain weight...I can see that if you are sleeping you're not eating any wrong foods and if you are awake you could be raiding the frig in the middle of the night:laugh:

    I best get to the papers on my desk. Everyone have a great day, remember to drink your water:drinker: (it does make a difference), log your food and keep on moving.


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY - :flowerforyou: gracete & janemartin02:flowerforyou:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Thanks Laura :heart: :heart: Todays Wed so I have to snap out of it for Survivor!!! I think when in menopause I get that "time of the month" attitude" even when the time of the month never comes :sad: and my husband is just plain confused!

    SOmeone here asked about chocolate??? I keep Trader Joes 100 calorie Dark Chocolate or milk Chocolate bars in my freezer and when a real bad craving hits I eat one really slowly .... breaking it into small pieces and savoring each bite...when they are frozen the bites last longer and it helps :bigsmile: ...if you don't have Trader Joes, try any good dark chocolate or Milk Chocolate that is low cal

    Well off to my office to start my day.:drinker:

    Hears to Healthy Eating Ladies :glasses:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Joy, So sorry for your loss. I can only imagine. Take care of yourself and I'm glad to see you back here. Come back often!

    :flowerforyou: Kackie
  • margaretat
    margaretat Posts: 5
    The beginning of May will be a challenge for me - I've a conference this weekend that starts with a dinner of Thursday night then runs through until Sunday afternoon. My goal is to simply not gain any weight. The meals are all provided so if I stick to portion size and walk each day hopefully I can do it. Saturdays will also give me a bit of trouble.

    What I am looking forward to is the warmer weather - I hate the cold and the wind but the rest of this week is looking pretty good. The birds are at the feeder, the grass is green and growing.

    Sorry for your loss Joy - My mother passed a year ago May 21, it certainly does leave a whole :brokenheart: - take care of yourself

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hi all,

    I mentioned yesterday that my goals don’t include weight loss specifically because I can’t depend on making it, however hard I try. The other problem is I can’t weigh myself because I can’t hop on the scale, balance on one foot, and get a consistent measure. :ohwell: So, by default, I am with all those folks to recommend ignoring the scale and concentrating on life-style.

    I re-read my words about being self-conscious about exercising when DH and J-boy are around and decided that’s the biggest, lamest excuse I’ve ever heard for skipping a workout. :noway: Stay posted for the anticipated breakthrough. The boys will see me sweat!

    Jen, I hope you are recovered from your sleepless night. Have fun in the city with your daughter. Plan what you eat and eat what you plan! :drinker: Carry water everywhere.

    JipsyJudy, isn’t it true, life is a balancing act? You have to balance more than most people do. :flowerforyou: It sounds like you have the best approach “do what’s working best” for you. Are you using your stationary bike desk these days?

    Kat, aka Katiejarr, yes, the fall shook me up a bit and slowed me down too. I have learned my lesson. Celebration on getting to the 130’s! Hope you’ve got back your happy face today. :happy:

    Barbie, I think I should work on my own commandments for happiness :happy: I certainly have time to do a little philosophical thinking, which is something to be enthusiastic about.

    RJadams Sorry to hear you are “stuck” at work. T:flowerforyou: hat’s a dreadful feeling when we invest so much of ourselves in our careers.

    Hasta pronto from Nancy – who will finish the 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle of the Taj Mahal pretty soon if it does not stop raining in the Creston Valley.

    Goals for May:

    24 hours of exercise including weight training (no squats or lunges, gotta keep off that foot until the end of the month! :sad: )
    4 sets of 25 right leg straight lifts, bent knee lifts, and kick backs every day (can’t have my right thigh turning into a noodle now, can I?)
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Act the way I want to feel. :happy:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I'm back and my plan for May is to be here every day and to track everything that goes past my lips.

    I was in the UK and Spain for 5 weeks and before that I wasn't here very much because I was getting too tired with dealing with my DBF who had been very ill in Jan/Feb and then moved into a retirement residence for some convalescence and then he stayed on there while I was away.

    I got back to Ottawa on Monday evening and moved him back to his apartment yesterday. Today he had a dr appt (except that he had the day wrong and it is tomorrow), but we were able to do a few chores and this afternoon I'm taking the car to the garage to get the snow tyres taken off and the summer ones installed.

    I put on a few lbs, some before I left and 3 while I was away eating all my favourite English foods that you can't get here.

    See you tomorrow if not before.
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    sorry I havn't log on in a week, we went to a church conference in Alabama, it was breakfast at McDonalds then meetings, then lunch at western sizzler and free time, at which my Hubby took a spritual nap as he calls it. Some of the other ladies and I took a long walk to try and walk off some of the calories we ate. In the evening we had a meeting and then a stake house for dinner. Three days in a row. then comming home up at 6:00 am on the road at 7:00 and it was McDonalds for breakfast in Alabama and Lunch at KFC in Ky and what ever you can find for dinner at home. We had a wonderful time at the meetings and visiting with friends from other churches, however I looked at the scales and said no way am I even going to get on that until I have a chance to undo all that eating out. I know I am Hopeless! LOL

    I did lose 2 pounds but may have gained them back ; so here we are a new month!! :happy:
    my new goals are to log on each day, drink all my water and log my food.
    to do some kind of exercise each day and take the dog for more walk s.
    DH has our bikes ready and I hope to get back in to riding a lest once a week with him.
    plan my meals ahead of time
    and Barbiecat I love the quote: Act the way I wnat to feel! :bigsmile: may I use that ?
    to all that had waight loss congrats , and welcome to the new ladies and ones that are came back.
    and Debbie I am with you and that is no more May-bes for me.
    Happy Birthdays to all of the May Birthdays !
    Yclayton hope your Mare will be ok!
    Joy so sorry to hear of your loss:brokenheart: , My mom is 76 and she is my best friend , I can't even begain to think of what it would be like without her. Balance will come, and we are here if needed.:flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day, I must get back to work:wink:
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    Well - day 2 and I'm caught up on my reading and posting. So far so good. Also have tracked my food and exercise! :wink: Tomorrow is day 2 of my Fit-traxx program. First day was Monday and it was great. Along with the 2 days of Fit-traxx i have to do an additional 30 minutes of cardio on those days plus another strength training day and my 2 days of spin. That is a bit more then I had expected when I signed up for the class but i guess it is all good!!! Maybe I will finally see results. I've been working out at the gym since September and have not seen any results which is pretty discouraging but I am actually liking the workout and wouldn't even consider quiting at this point. I go between 5:15 and 5:30 Monday - Friday with my neighbor and now workout buddy and I absoultely :love: it!

    Kat congrats on hitting the 130’s :drinker: – my milestone will be getting out of the 180’s and into the 170’s, can’t wait.

    Beth – I believe it’s ok to have chocolate( as long as you don't overdo it) if you crave it – if you deprive yourself you can end up discouraged and then over-indulge and be back at square one. You’re doing something right – you’ve lost 50 already – yay!!!!

    Joy – so sorry for your loss, I know how difficult that can be - one step at a time and you will get through!

    Jellyfishjen – keep up the good work – one day at a time!

    LuckyCheryl – Kudos to you for going back to school – I wouldn’t have the time or patience for that – Good Luck!

    Laura80111 – Wonder how much is enough sleep to lose weight, I don’t seem to be able to get enough because I am constantly waking up through the night :explode: never had that problem before – must be the age thing…. Lol

    Margaret – good luck staying on track through your conference weekend – YOU CAN DO IT!

    Have a wonderful evening all and I will be back tomorrow! G-nite!!!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Kat - how did you break thru your plateau? Congrats on breaking it!

    Did a bit more than an hour of the deep water today. First, I stopped at this one store on my way to the Y just to get margarine that I'll donate to the soup kitchen, so I got to the Y early so I swam some laps. Then had an hour of the deep water class. Came home and made some more of the banana chocolate chip muffins and some more chocolate bran muffins. While they were cooling, we went to the senior bowl. The first game for me was OK, the second and third I worked on my handicap. Why is it that I do well in practice (the last time I got 4 strikes in a row!), yet, when it comes to league play, I stink. Tomorrow I'll do a band workout at home.

    beth - I was just about to suggest quality dark chocolate, but I see that Jen did. I've found that a little satisfies me. I keep some Dove Promises, now I'll try putting them in the freezer and see how that is.

    Joy - I'm so sorry about your mom. You had her for a long time, so that's one thing you had going for you. But I know it still hurts. she'll always be with you

    Good job everyone on the losses!

    Kathy - so glad you love that fittraxx. Sounds neat. Tell me more about it. How does it work? I thought I saw something, and it might even have been called Fittraxx, I don't know. As I recall, basically, it was a terminal connected to a computer which kept records of your workouts. How is your class run? (I'm looking for ideas)

    Well, want to watch some TV, then hit the hay. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi All

    Thanks Kathy and Mazaron :smile: and yes I have my happy face back on today :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Michelle I have finally come to terms with the fact that I have to EAT!!! I eat all my 1200 calories and VOLIA! I lose weight! When I eat less than the 1200 I don't lose...but Im a stubborn old broad and I was in starvation mode and just would not believe it :huh:
    Once I started to eat all my calories...and most of the time its 1158, 1185, not always exactly 1200 but close enough, I started to lose. I will admit that Im not always hungry, but I try and eat more in the day time and less in the evening and this has helped...

    This has been a tough week for me...just plain tired :yawn: sleeping in later than usual and not wanting to exercise, but I will be in yoga tomorrow :love: I do love my yoga class I think this week my body is fighting off a menopausal migraine and my meds are kicking in but that migraine is knocking at the door and my meds are keeping it at bay and my body is just feeling bla...that must be why Im feeling a bit off...I swear I almost fell over a few times yesterday in yoga class :blushing: :blushing:

    Well can't wait for Survivor tonight!!!!! Now Im off to make my dinner...tonight Im going to have eggs for dinner because it sounds good :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a good evening! Happy May Birthdays!!!! May Birthdays have a special place in my heart because my daughter is a May baby :love:

    Kat :heart:
  • 62karen
    62karen Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Everyone! I would LOVE to join in. I joined MFP in february and had alot of goals, but didn't get anywhere. I just started again and need the motivation. I just turned 50 in March and was hoping to have lost some weight by my birthday, but the food just loves me at night. Anyways, my goal for this may is:
    1. Excersise 5 days a week (started the 30 day Shred)
    2. Log in my food everyday!
    3. No more late night snacking
    So, I will def. need the support and I know I can do this. Just need a kick in the can now and then! Count me in..... :)
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    May...already!! Glad I found you again.
    Barbie ....thanks for starting us.

    My April ended on a rough now. I was up three pounds. I am ready to make my May goals and feel good about them.

    Plan and log meals daily.
    Exercise/move everydayfor at least 30 minutes...no excuses.

    I will be back...hectic week so far!

    Good luck and happy May to all,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :sad: :sad: Joy, sorry to hear about your mother.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, great goals……are you going to be staying in the 5th wheel you’re hauling to your son? If so, it’s a perfect opportunity to make your own meals instead of having to go to restaurants all the time.

    :flowerforyou: Jellyfishjen, the way to deal with treats is to plan your food for the day and stay with the plan…..it makes it easier to say no to treats.

    :flowerforyou: LuckyCheryl, welcome, you’ve come to the right place for support and encouragement…..walking and gardening are great exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, I know you can stick to your goals…..just do them one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, give that darling puppy a big hug for me……when Sasha was a puppy she chewed up a hard cover library book that featured cats…..it cost me $28.00

    :flowerforyou: Laura, congrats on your loss…….I can have chocolate in the house and not eat it, but raisins, nuts, and peanut butter are dangerous to me.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I hope you’ll work on your own commandments for happiness and then we can share our lists.

    :flowerforyou: enealace, it’s good to see you again….glad you DBF is recovering and back in his own home.

    :flowerforyou: Rpphillip, “Act the way I want to feel” is from a great book “The Happiness Project”…….I found out about the book from several women on this thread, checked it out of the library, and have learned a lot that has been useful to me.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, your workout program sounds awesome…..are you using weights as heavy as you can handle on your strength training days? Heavier weights seem to make a difference. Tell us more about Fit-traxx.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I love the way you mix baking and exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Kat, I hope you’ll get some sleep :yawn: :yawn: so you’ll have your energy back.

    :flowerforyou: 62Karen, your goals sound very achievable……just do them one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Today I went to two line dance classes and was gone much too long. While I was gone, we had the big tree in front our house taken down......it was a beautiful tree over 100 feet tall but it was growing wider at the bottom and making it more difficult to get the car in and out of the garage and the roots were starting to do damage to the driveway. When they climbed the tree to cut it down, they found out that the tree was getting dry and brittle and it might have been in danger of falling or breaking before long....it broke my heart to have to cut the tree down, but there were so many reasons that I had to be that by today I was OK with the plan..

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state.
  • lakesgirl
    lakesgirl Posts: 1
    Hi- my name is Kari, I live in Fargo, ND. I wil be 50 this summer and reality hit me that I NEED to lose some weight and get into shape. I joined this a while back, but this is my the first time I have used it. Still finding my way around here, but I read through many of your posts and I am very excited to be a part of this group! It's encouraging to know that weight loss at my age is NOT impossible!! I was pretty thin in my 20's, gained some in my 30's and gained some more every year after since... it just creeped up on me! Now I am probably 35-50 lbs overweight... I quit weighing myself years ago. but having to buy a bigger size tells me it's time to lose a few sizes!!! I bought the Nutri-System plan and started it yesterday. I plan to walk 30 minutes every day as well. I hope to get to know you all better! Kari
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    just popping in to save my spot late late night last night will catch up tomorrow and post my goals nighty night
  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    Here I am ... again. But going to stay! Thanks for 'refreshing' this group. My goals for May include:
    * Lose 10 pounds
    * Cycle at least 3 times a week
    * Circuit train at leat 2 times per week
    * Log onto MFP every day ...this may be harder than losing the 10 pounds!! But I think the support would be great.
    * Continue on the Low Glycemic Foods for one more month ( lost 7 pounds in month 1 - with not as much exercise)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    Surprise, surprise - it's raining in London. It hasn't stopped me getting out for a good stompy walk every day. I actually went out for an early morning march today and got in 90 minutes before getting ready for work.

    It's helping my stress levels - which is just as well as I have A LOT of stress right now.

    Last night I treated myself to a delicious dessert - chunks of melon and grapes topped with a big spoonful of vanilla yoghurt. It was perfect. Next time I'm going to try it with a ginger and honey yoghurt topping. I'm trying to make an effort to eat more but don't want to be bogged down by 'wasteful calories'. I really don't want to lose any more weight - this maintenance mallarkey is harder than losing!

    Anyway, I'd better do some work, so I will catch up with you later.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x