

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!!

    Still out of town :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Enjoying spending time with some old friends and drinking too much wine :drinker:

    But did 2 hours of exercise classes today! :laugh: One was a Pumping class with weights and one was a Pilates class so I figure the 2 bottles of wine I shared with my girlfriends I haven't seen in 2 years was worth it :blushing:

    Anyway you only live once right!!!!!

    As a side note...went shopping with my friend and went into the Gap and tried on a pair of SIZE 6 pants and they were LOOSE!!!!!! I didn't buy them :bigsmile: figure I still have more to lose :bigsmile:

    Hope you are all enjoying you're week!!!

    Love Kat
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Another extremely wet day in London town. It would be so nice to get to work without having to wear a hat to keep the rain off!

    I'm having a really bad time with IBS at present, have even had to start taking my Mebeverine again - which I don't like doing. For some reason it seems to be much worse at bedtime, it's driving me crazy! I may have a couple of fluids only days, the only problem with that is my weight will drop and I'm at the point where I don't want that to happen if I can help it.

    Robin, your furry babies are adorable, but Olivia is a total scene stealer! Bless her!

    Got a client coming to see me any minute now so I'd better hop to it.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    will have to catch up on all your post , but just wanted to drop in and say a Quick hello and let you all know I am thinking of you,and wishing you a wonderful day!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :glasses: It's gonna be a nice Tuesday with sun!

    Amanda- sorry you are having IBS problems:sick: and to have the problem of NOT wanting to lose any more weight...something many of us are striving for...what a problem to have.:wink:

    Kat- even out of town and you are getting in TWO hours of exercise what an inspiration you are:drinker: Congrats on that size 6 and then the will power not to buy them because you have more to lose not sure I'd be able to do that I'd just want them to be worn every day until they are too big:wink:


    Hubby has a second phone interview this morning, it's a job he is qualified for and would really like as it's close to our home...so prayng and hoping for this one:smile:

    Today looks to be a nice warm day here in Denver, but by how cold I am you would never know it. When I take the time to let Peanut out I sit on the steps outside and let the sunshine warm me up. It's one of the perks of getting to take my dog to work with me:wink:

    I have some monthly sales tax reports to complete today so I'd best get to them. Everyone have a good day...move your body, log your food and drink plenty of water:drinker: Our goals are in reach one day at a time:flowerforyou:

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy Tuesday. There’s sunshine everywhere in Southern BC, and a forecast of 32 degrees C for today. Feels like summer!

    I am feeling righteous! :wink: Yesterday I made “healthy morning muffins”. The batter sat in the fridge overnight and this morning I cooked them up as breakfast for J’boy. The things are essentially baked oatmeal porridge with yogurt, blueberries and a dash of honey. I counted one for my breakfast too. Very nice indeed.

    And, and and...I went to the gym! :happy: Drove the car and everything. It was great. One of the "big guys" came over and said, "I'm not a doctor or a physiotherapist, but those crutches are too short for you!" :noway: He helped me adjust the crutches and then gave me a quick lesson on how to walk with them. What a difference! I did an upper body workout on the machines instead of free weights and then played with the "krank" machine. It's like a stationary bike except I pedal with my arms. It was a bit of an aerobic workout and I can do interval training on it once I get into the rhythm of the thing. I figure if I alternate upper/lower body workouts I can go every day, which will be fun.

    At home I did kitchen & laundry work – muffins as above and a Moroccan kofta (think spicy meatballs cooked in tomato sauce, then throw a few eggs on top to poach, garnish with cumin and cilantro, serve on saffron rice). It felt like a “real day” and not so much like an invalid day.

    Two weeks to my next appointment with the surgeon and permission to begin putting weight on my bionic foot. :drinker:

    KathyGSM How long is the Toronto Women’s Only? What a great way to celebrate turning 61. :happy:

    Hi Kat! Size 6 pants? Go you.:drinker: It sounds like you are balancing exercise, wine, and friends just beautifully.

    Amanda, I’m sorry to hear about the IBS, :sad: hope you manage to get it under control without medication.

    Laura80111 – fingers crossed for Hubby’s job interview.

    The magnolia and the horse chestnut in my yard are blooming!

    Hasta pronto,

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    When doing the hula hoop on the Wii, I find that if I listen to my iPod, the time goes by so much faster. Anyway, I was listening to "The Body Fat Solution" by Tom Venuto and he made the comment that people who have support do much better, and I couldn't help thinking about all the support we lend everyone here.

    Well, I need to get my mind off missing going to the airport today (Sun) (which is when we'd be going). I don't want Vince to feel badly, I know that he does already. So, believe it or not, I think I'm going to go to WalMart to do some food shopping. Shopping seems to help, believe it or not.

    Laura - so glad the graduation was so lovely. I remember when Bryan graduated at first he told us that he wasn't going to go to the ceremony. I just told him that for all the money we spent on his tuition, he'll walk across that stage if I have to drag him! He walked across the stage and did the same thing -- stopped so that I could take pictures!

    Well, it looks like we're going to forfeit all of our flight money. We could rebook, but we'd have to do it before 10:00 tonight when the flight took off. It won't let us book anywhere in the US or Canada or even VI, and to rebook to Paris would be an add'l $1,000 and the chances are pretty high that we'd have to rebook that which would mean another couple of hundred to thousand, so we're just going to cut our losses. I know that logically that's the right thing to do, but my heart sure is telling me something else!

    Well, I gave in somewhat today (Mon) and had a piece of this iced chocolate chip cookie. Now I feel so "yuk". At least, tho, I had it at breakfast so I can adjust my calories the rest of the day. The Wii says that I gained yesterday, I'm sure it's because I had some of those Dove promises last night.

    Nancy - the KitchenAid mixer that was on sale is white. Did you provide all the food for the Nascar party, or was it a pot luck?

    Did 30 min today (Tues) on the treadmill backwards at 2.5mph 1% incline then 30 min forwards 1% incline 4 mph. Tomorrow...water aerobics

    Viv - did you do anything special to get posts back to normal viewing or did it just happen?

    Worked out, then got the permanent crown put on, then went to the post office to mail the package of things that Bryan wanted me to bring over. In a little bit I'll go do a little bowling and then play mahjongg.

    fitz - so sorry your back is giving you problems. Ouchers!

    Barbie - what did you think of DWTS? I wouldn't be surprised if William and Maria go to the finals.

    Kat - Wow on the size 6's. Doesn't it feel great? I usually get 6's, sometimes 4's depending on the manfuacturer. Sounds like you had a great time with your friends

    Amanda - wish I had the problem of not wanting to lose any more weight! But I guess we all have our own crosses to bear.

    Laura - prayers for your hubby.

    I'm not seeing much weight loss, although I am at my calorie level most days and you know that I exercise! So I'm thinking about changing up the exercise. Instead of an hour of HIIT, I'll do 30 minutes and then 30 minutes of incline intervals on the treadmill. Just need a change.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great day.

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hi Michelle,

    My dream Kitchen Aid mixer is red!

    The NASCAR theme dinner was a meeting of our dinner club. There are five couples in the club, and we take turns cooking for each other, so I did not have to make anything for this dinner. Our last meeting of the season (in June) is a pot-luck. I made a list of five parts of a meal (appetizers, salad, protein, carbohydrates, and dessert) and we each drew one. I got salads. The theme will be "Springtime" so I'll make my favourite spring greens with strawberries, toasted walnuts and blue cheese.

    Think "swimming pool" :happy:

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    :sad: Amanda Im so sorry about your IBS, my aunt (who is also Brittish!) suffers with IBS and has yet to find a Dr who can help her so I understand what youre going through, she has found that if she stays away from dairy it seems to really help keep the IBS at bay

    :glasses: Laura I cant wait to come home and watch Survivor! Havent watched the finale yet, have it DVR’d so shhhhhhh don’t tell me who won

    :drinker: Nancy you sure do get around with that Bionic boot of yours and your still non weight bearing??? And youre cooking??? Wow Im impressed!!!!!!!

    :blushing: Laura the only reason Im working out while Im on vacation is because I know that there is wine and good food waiting for me in the evening so I have to !!!!!!!

    :bigsmile: The size 6's felt great but they were also long pants and we are getting into hot hot hot weather in the desert where I live...Palm Springs California (West Coast of the United States for your Aussie Ladies :bigsmile: ) so to buy long pants now, I won't wear them till next fall, and by then I really hope to be another 20 pounds closer to my goal and in a size 4, so thats what stopped this "shop-alcholic!"

    Ok ladies I have to get going…But you all are my motivation:love: so I have to check in everyday!!!!

    Have a wonderful day:flowerforyou:

    Love :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Ok I think I am cought up on all of your post now and sounds like most of you had a busy weekend!
    welcome to all the new ladies .:flowerforyou:

    Amanda I am sorry that you are having trouble with the IBS, I have flair up once in a while , but not bad that I have to take any meds,
    hope it dose not last long and you will be back to normal soon.:wink:

    Katiejarr sounds like you and friends are having a lot of fun!:drinker: and size 6 WOW! that is great! and I am jealous LOL !

    exermom Thank You for all the support, I think that you and Tom V. are right , that is the reson I joined MFP. we all need others that can encourage us and be there for us , to cheer us on to be the best we can. so Thank You!
    so sorry about the trip and the lost money, I know it hurts and I think you are awesome the way you are handling it all ! I'm not sure I would do as well. Have a good shopping trip!

    Laura 8011 Praying that Hubby gets the job!

    Nancy It is so good to be able to do things and get around, You are doing great! wow I think I can hear the smile in the words you typed and it lifts my spirit!:happy: good luck at your next Dr. appointment.

    As for me I got a small walk in befor work this morning and will walk agin at lunch time around 1:00pm ,hope to be able to go out side for a little bit.
    Just 3 more week and I will be heading to Big Ridge State Park in Tenn to help with the Church youth group. It is a full week and it will be hot and a lot of work for the adults,. but so rewarding to see the Kids having fun and growing in the spirit!

    Hope you all are having a wonderful day , and I will check back later but better get some work done for now!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Peeking around the corner to tell all of you a quick hello! Hope you have a great day! Mary
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.Been a busy couple days.
    Got the results from my TSH test.Levels are still low.Went from Hypo to hyper.He`s adjusting my meds and I have to recheck in 2 months.Maybe that explains some of the fatigue.
    Praying for all that can use prayers.
    Pt was going good.Think I over did it yesterday.Sore and knee throbbing today.
  • SkinnyPennyNow
    SkinnyPennyNow Posts: 10 Member
    05/15/2012 – Lost a pound! Yeah!! 4 more to go to meet the May challenge. Getting into the exercise routine is much slower than I expected, but it is getting there!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I just wanted to say, THIS is May????? Just as we left work we got caught in the most ludicrous hailstorm - it was crazy. Enough already, I need some sun! x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Sorry it's such a big photo, can't seem to make it smaller.

    Anyway, the dress that I'm wearing is one that DH bought for me in a French antique shop over 20 years ago. I just love it - although it is actually too big for me now. I just love the embroidery on it and thought I'd share x
  • meidson
    meidson Posts: 28 Member
    Hi All,

    It has been a rainy Tuesday here, but it looks like the sky is clearing. I am hoping for better weather tomorrow. This past week-end was fun, but I didn't lose any weight. I am hoping to lose just a couple of pounds more before Memorial Day.

    Take care!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Amanda, the dress is awesome and you look great!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    It's great to come and read through your posts. I have been in a funk. I am doing another round of the 17 day diet and feeling stuck. I know this feeling will pass and I know I need to keep moving and planning and I also know that whining doesn't help!
    IT is so interesting how our bodies work...I feel like my body is hanging onto everything. I think I may need to shake things up in a new way.

    Have a great night,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Nancy - I think you said that the food for the NASCAR party was basically grilled, is that right? Hmmmm....it would be nice to have a Newcomer social with that as the theme, I think I need to think more on it. Someone told me once about how you can get to all the posts that a certain person made, but for the life of me I can't remember how you do it. Was it you, Suz, who told me? Wasn't there something you clicked on?

    Barbie - hope the couple you're rooting for on DWTS goes to the finals.

    Kat - what a great incentive to work out on vacation!!!!

    I went to mahjongg today (I maj'd 4 times!) but when I got home Vince had already put the food down for the cats. I asked why he didn't wait for me. He just said "please don't treat me like an invalid, I really wanted to try." I know that he's probably right, but there is a part of me that is worried that something will happen that will delay the pool yet again, and I don't know how much more disappointment I can handle.

    Amanda - what an absolutely lovely dress! Thanks for posting the pic. You must feel so great that now that dress is too big for you. But I still wouldn't get rid of it, it's much much too pretty.

    sally - I, too, feel like my body is hanging on for dear life to everything. Don't quite know what more I can do, tho. Any suggestions, anyone?

    Going to take a shower, then watch DWTS. Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Still recovering from the girl's weekend at the Edge of Esson. Up late everynight and awake early every morning. Did hot yoga yesterday. it was a great workout and felt so great and I slept quite well last night. Just got home from boot camp. The mosquitoes were out and hungry. I'll miss thursday's night class because I have to go pick up my daughter in Toronto to bring her home for the long weekend. She is bringing her dog Bogart and another Dog Shiloh that she is dog sitting. Should be fun.
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    Just got back from the vacation and the last two days setting in airports.I am looking forward to get in more swimming. and getting new tires in the bicycle, then get the legs in shape. My short term goal is to get rid of 5 pounds this month after tomorrows weight as a starting point.