

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: A quick hello to everyone

    :smile: Pleased to report that the scale is moving (slowly) downward so I hope I don't sabotage it over the weekend :embarassed:

    :flowerforyou: Nancy I think the backpack is to "wear" during the challenge so you can find other like minded people when walking. The organisers try to encourage you to go out in groups for walks during your lunchbreak that type of thing. Wearing the backpack is also a good ice breaker it gets everyone talking about their team and what that they are planning for the next few months during the challenge. We can track and compete with other teams, see how we are doing in our company and other companies around the world. It's quite fun to watch your team climb up the leader board.

    :glasses: The sun is trying to peek out behind the clouds! It's still a bit damp underfoot from all the rain.

    Time to get readyfor work, who was it that said they want to wake up retired? I'm with you on that one.

    Good luck to all hubbys who are having interviews :drinker:

    Chat soon

  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    Well, the flooring went down in the new powder room/laundry. I am thrilled. You know how you look at a million of those tiny samples, finally decide on one, then still aren't sure? Looks great. And yes to all above, painting could be quite a sport. Certainly seemed to help with a weight loss this week - perhaps just the stress of it all though?

    It used to just be a very large laundry room, but since we downsized from a 5 bed, 3 bath, to this 3 bed, 1 bath we decided we really needed an extra 1/2 bathroom. Especially since our daughter has graduated from University, and returned home as a poor student!! Has a job now though, and she's starting to look at rentals :). Keep wanting to call it the laundry room, so now trying to come up with a name ... thinking the 'lathroom'! Our daughter likes 'bondry room'!

    ?Michelle re: Kitchen Aid. I got one for Christmas several years and it was the best surprise appliance I have ever received. (husband usually makes an effort to NOT buy me appliances - I think he's worried I may throw it at him if I ever got one!) Can make and do all sorts of stuff. And really helps to ensure I don't re-injure my shoulder - seriously. Before the mixer, the family hardly ever got cookies ... it hurt too much to hand mix a big batch. Now when son comes home for a weekend visit, seems like nothing to throw together a batch to send home with him. I get the benefit of baking .... which I love, and he takes them home, so no temptations!

    To those of you struggling to lose a little more, it will come ... you are close to your goals - stick to it. To those of us wishing to be losing the last pound(s) ... we WILL be. Keep up the effort, and don't lose sight of the 'prize', be it your health, a new outfit, an inspiration to others, or whatever your reason(s). Take care :flowerforyou:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I will have to catch up all on the posts, tomorrow after a good nights sleep. Sorry i haven't been around much this week. At the beginning of the week my daughter was sick so i went into her. (1 hr away). Then my mum got sick. now torn between the two of them . Went to my mum Wednesday night and spent all day today (friday) there. Daughter is now well. Mum still sick, but will be ok. My brother will visit her tomorrow and then its back to me. So today after 1 bus and 2 trains and 2hours later I arrive home. But not before setting a little part of my world in order. On the second train home which is an hours journey, I decided enough was enough, had these punks on 'my' train swearing and acting tough. I first asked them to watch their language. but then decided I needed to take the next step, I called the transit police, the poor toughie (wearing his spiderman tshirt), heard me make the call and shook in his boots. He knew he had stepped over the boundry, the transit police didn't make it on by the next stop but I saw that they got off the train and were quite obviously shaken that someone stood up to them. I would like to think I've given what I would think are normally good kids a scare back on to the right road. Other passengers thanked me when they heard me making the call. I think my strength came from being 52 and maybe hormonal. Power to menapause.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My eating this week has been poor, the only good I got in was a yoga and xtend barre class and some quality time with my daughter and mother. So what if I gained a few pounds this week, there is always next week.

    Looking forward to catching up on all your news.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Another quick check in. I made it through yesterday, and my goodness, am I ever thankful today is Friday!

    I do keep leftovers for when I don't know what to do about dinner - the problem was that I rushed in from the pool at 6:00, had to change clothes and drive across town to pick up my daughter at 6:15. Not even time to nuke a refrigerator dish, let alone eat it. I grabbed one slice of bread with a little peanut butter to eat on the way. It was nearly 10:00 when I got home, and I was starved, so I ate leftovers for dinner then.

    My grandson, who will be 7 in a couple of weeks, is coming over to spend the night with me tonight, so we will have fun. Tomorrow my seniors are graduating, so I am not even going to try to log the food from a string of parties. I will just try to make smart choices. Sunday is #2 grandson's 4th birthday, so a busy weekend is planned.

    Better get to work - Happy Friday to all! Mary
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Friday to ALL!

    Kat- welcome back from your trip....Yes Kim was the most deserving, and it's amazing how others thought they were running the game:noway: all the way to the end. Congrats on being away and not gaining:drinker: wish I could make that kind of claim...maybe one day...but I guess you have to go somewhere first:wink:

    Jen-:cry: sorry about your cancer kitty. It's always hard to lose a pet as they give such unconditional love and attention. Enjoy your time at the lake house, it sounds like you have a plan going in for exercise and that always helps when away from home and routine. Riding the bike with your eyes closed:laugh: it's a good thing it's in the basement and stationary:wink:

    Lynn- belly dancing & yoga sounds like a complete workout:drinker:

    Michele- your exercise getting mixed up daily is inspiring. I usually do a DVD until I feel like I know the routine, I'm not sure how I would do changing them out every day:huh:

    Sally, sorry to hear your hubby hurt his back, hope that his day off helps:flowerforyou:

    tevra- I understand your frustration to fit in regular stuff when your days are so long. Have you thought about prepreparing meals on the weekend so that everything is ready before you begin your work week? On Sundays I plan my lunches and breakfasts for my work week. I eat my breakfast at my desk while I am cleaning up my emails and my lunches are already planned so I know daily what I will be eating, dinner gets mixed up a bit but still pre planned. Just a thought:flowerforyou:

    Viv- :drinker: hoping you don't have a set back over the weekend...I know that feeling that the scale is moving in the right direction and then the weekend hits...I love my weekends but I can't seem to stay as focused as I am during the week:grumble:

    kateblue- cute names for the 'laundry/restroom" :laugh: My hubby gave me my Kitchen Aid to me for my birthday several years ago and I too love it:love:

    jellyfishjen- sorry you have been the nurse running back and forth between your daughter & Mum...glad they are on the mend:flowerforyou: I'm sure those punks parents wouldn't have approved of their language either, otherwise they would have been mouthing back to you:wink: and I agree "Power to menapause":laugh:

    Mary - it sounds like you have a very full weekend ahead, find some time to enjoy it :flowerforyou: it's not everyday (just once a year for you teachers:wink: ) that you see a bunch of kids graduate that you have had a hand in molding to then be sent off into the world :drinker:

    Hubby didn't hear anything yesterday so we will sit on pins and needles over the weekend:ohwell:

    The weekend is upon me and I'm hoping to be in control, for some reason I just seem to lose my discipline on Friday afternoon, ALL day Saturday and Sunda:grumble: y...maybe I need to get some post-it's put up to remind me of what I'm trying to accomplish or a picture of what was:noway: and why I'm working so hard to fix this weigh issue...stay tuned and I'll let you know how I do:wink:

    I have a lot get done before I go home, all the reports for the lawyers are due so I'd best get the printer going and when the boss comes in will find out what to do about payroll.

    Everyone have a GREAT Friday, let's keep moving, logging all that food and drinking plenty of water:drinker:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Thanks for all the welcomes back. It feels good to be logging again. I'm inspired by the commitment and hard work of so many of you. You help me get back in to the swim.

    I haven't been walking much. I end up with both hips hurting to the point that it keeps me awake at night. Urgh. I don't like to admit that some things change with getting older. But, my hips? Come on. I'm going to rejoin the gym so I can make use of the wonderful salt water swimming pools they have. I've grown to enjoy exercise and want to keep it up. Who'da thunk?

    I just finished an amazing breakfast of fresh strawberries, pears, blueberries and yogurt with a little honey mixed in. I decided to enjoy my breakfast without hopping on the computer or opening a book. I know that's the general advice but have rarely followed it. It was a good way to start the day. I enjoyed every bite and the peaceful view out my windows of rolling hills and oak trees.

    California's scenery is not for everyone but I like the hills that are turning golden already and the oak trees dotting the landscape. It's also fun to see our little orchard. It's growing! We should have some delicious fruit this year. We lost one tree, the Granny Smith Apple, but the other 19 are green, all leafed out, and setting fruit.

    I've missed so many of you. I can't respond to all of you but I've read your posts and am thinking of you. BTW, Amanda, I missed the back story to the SOBSIL. Sounds interesting! You looked wonderful in the vintage dress. Wow!

    I'm heading out to lunch today with the Meetup group I joined. Getting more active socially feels good. I've enjoyed the book club too. I don't know if I mentioned last month's book, Life and Death in Shanghai. It's an autobiography by a woman imprisoned during the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 70s. What an eye opener. I'm so glad I read it and recommend it...I wouldn't have read it myself if I hadn't joined the book club.

    I'm just finishing up Elizabeth Berg's The Art of Mending. Although it's received mixed reviews, I think it's a wonderful read for anyone interested in family dynamics. Next month's book is The Book Thief, another book I wouldn't have read except for the book club. My horizons have been expanded beyond the mysteries I usually read!

    I do have to be careful about reading though. My lifetime pattern is reading and eating. When I was most successful with MFP and losing weight, I read very few books. Moderation seems to be the key. When have I ever been moderate? Hmm.

    I'm off to enjoy the sunshine.

    ~Mimi SVQ who's back at it.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good sunny Friday Morning my dear ladies :flowerforyou:

    Yes, there are foods I should banish from my house. :devil: There are foods I have banished from my house. (think taco chips, good bread, crackers…) Notice a carby theme there?

    Yesterday I was dragging a bit, and turned to the breakfast muffins I made for J’boy. (I don’t think he liked them much because there were three left) and ate them over the course of the day. Didn’t bust my calorie limit, but it wasn’t a good balance for the day. So, bread, muffins, and variations thereof continue to be foods I have trouble managing.

    Laura my fingers, toes and eyelashes are crossed for your husband’s job interview success. :drinker:

    Weekends used to be a kind of a free for all for me too. I plan the weekday meals and menus, then poof…. I’m getting better though, and generally stay within my calorie goals, though my food/wine balance could be challenged. :wink:

    Mary, it sounds like you are caught up in the wild whirl of end-of-year activities. Just imagine those long, warm days of summer coming…

    Thanks to all who have Kitchen Aid stand mixers, you are adding to my list of convincing arguments toward getting one of my own. But wait…that would lead to more muffins and treats in the house…which might lead to more :blushing: Hmmm must rethink this from another point of view.

    Amanda, when’s the opera in Germany? Are you still wearing nude & black? Good to hear you’re in touch with DD about the twins. Perhaps the ice is melting.

    Viv, your team challenge really does sound like fun. Your organizers have put a lot of thought into ways to make it interesting. Fill that backpack with water and walk on!

    Jellyfishjen, there was nothing jellyfishy about calling the transit police! :drinker:

    After all my years as a teacher and elementary school principal I’m pretty quick (too quick, DH would say) to step in and rattle a few heads when the situation calls for it.:noway: Most of the time the reaction is just as you describe, and the bystanders quickly become supporters when they see someone is willing to take the lead in the right direction. Either that or they are afraid the little old lady (that’s me) is going to get pounded and they don’t want it on their consciences! Ha, little to they know I can bench press my own weight!

    Oh, Mimi, “The Book Thief” is one of my all time favorite books. :heart: I first read it in a hostel while visiting Istanbul. I finished it, turned it over, and started again. When we got home I bought a copy for myself and another one for my classroom. I don’t read much fiction, so I’m always interested in recommendations. I'm doing a lot of reading these days, from my chair, and really enjoying the Kindle I bought before the surgery. In fact, I bought one for DH last weekend so he could read some of the same books, since we can't just pass them back and forth across the bookshelf as we used to.

    Speaking of DH, it's Friday, so I know he's home. It's 10 am, and I have not seen or heard him in the house since about 8. All the vehicles are in the driveway. I wonder if he's gone to sleep? Wandered off down the stairs where Chair and I cannot follow? Must check on his health and wellbeing.

    Hasta pronto,


  • bp716
    bp716 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Mimi! I just joined MFP, am over 50 and found this group....also happen to be in California- southern, between LA and SD. and I can relate to achy hips! Barb
  • bp716
    bp716 Posts: 68 Member
    Introducing myself, I am a 54 year old woman who has raised 3 children and now am on my own. I am a longterm ICU night (7pm-7am) RN- and off shifts can really mess with your weight- at least mine.
    I want to get healthy and am finally making time for me- what a concept!!
    I enjoy quilting and reading, and experimenting with healthy cooking. I need to find an excersize that I "kind of" like- or at least can be motivated to stick with. Gym membership is just not in the budget. Living in SoCal we are starting to get into warmer weather and that makes being outside really uncomfortable for me. Anyone have DVD suggestions for a beginner who is REALLY out of shape?
    I tried MFP about 18 months ago, losing 25 lbs but never could break the 200lb barrier. I fell off the wagon and just kind of gave up, regaining what I lost +++. I have found that eating along the ideas of South Beach works well for me and have pulled out those books again, and cleaned out the pantry of alot of the junk that doesn't need to be there.
    Hoping that finding this group of like goaled ladies will help.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Mimi - So nice to have you back! I know what you mean about having a hard time eating away from home. Lately I have been having trouble everywhere. I eat fairly well - just too much apparently. I gained some over the dreaded Thanksgiving - Christmas eating fest and am still trying to get rid of it. :ohwell: Soon I will be back at my advertized loss. This year I vow to only splurge on Thanksgiving and Christmas DAY. They are days, not seasons. :embarassed:

    I am trying to eat a bit more though the day and fewer carbs in the evening with NO eating after dinner. That last bit will be the hardest part for me.

    I loved the book recommendations, thanks. I'm always on the lookout for a good book. I always read a bit before I go to sleep.

    Laura – Sorry you have to wait some more to hear about DH's prospective new job. Just keep a good thought and try not to eat your anxiousness.

    Mary – Busy time for you with the end of the school year. When do you head out on your trek?

    Viv & Sally – Glad your scale is moving down. We'll take any little bit we get, right? :bigsmile:

    Jen – Sorry about your kitty. I lost my last ferret to cancer too. I'm a former farm girl as well, but I'm still a softie for anything that gets named; well, a name other than Pork Chop or Dinner, that is.

    Well, It's time to put together my dinner salad and get something around for DH. Now for that snack free evening thing...

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy, happy Friday! I started answering the phone "good afternoon " at about 10am! OOPS! Guess the boss knew where my mindset was:laugh: ...no exercise this am, but am planning tomorrow...I will need it to counteract the weekend..I am bringing many healthy choices but sometimes (ok MOST times):blushing: it is the quantity and the wine...my DH and I aren't always a good combo..I am actually feeling sorry for her DBF tomorrow! Lol! I am going to try 2 new recipes that I found on MFP...banana oatmeal cookies (but I think I'll make them bar cookies) and the triple chocolate muffins...I'll let you know..has anyone tried either?

    Loved the story about the punks on the train...amazing how they revert to being little boys when challenged by authority ...we have lots of middle school kids walk by our office after school and their language is loud and obnoxious ...I am pretty sure most of it tones down the closer that they get to home (hopefully)

    Good luck and everything is crossed for all seeking new jobs.:flowerforyou: I used to love work now not so much, but when I hear some of your stories I am very grateful that I have a job.

    Have a great weekend all...no Internet at the lake...part of why I love it there (when the kids were in middle school we played cards and board games) we actually still do but now they don't view it as a chore! Lol
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Hello everyone

    I've had a bad head cold and not been on here for a few days, can't believe how many posts there were to get through. Thinking of everyone having a hard time and well done to those who are doing well. Over the years I've lost loads of weight then fallen off the wagon so many times I've lost count. This group is an inspiration.

    It's been quite cold here on Skye, the weatherman says it's going to get warmer over the weekend thank goodness. Winston is growing so fast, he's 3 weeks old tomorrow and a proper little character. He's getting lots of visitors,everyone loves him.

    Despite being ill and the cold weather I have still managed to keep on track and have lost 2lbs this week. My trousers are getting more comfortable already, very encouraging.

    Cleaning the house tomorrow, we've got friends coming round for a meal in the evening.

    Keep smiling
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    Hello everyone. TGIF, I am so glad the weekend is here. I always do better on keeping my calories down when I am home rather than at work.

    I am in a walking competition at work and have been wearing a pedometer since May 10th and will continue to wear it through the 31st. I hope this helps me loose a few pounds.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Justbety
    Justbety Posts: 1
    I am Betty from Central Florida. Only been a part of MFP for 31 days. A friend intoduced me. I fit the 50+ group and agreed to do this for 2 reason..motivation for my daughter (early 20s) who also joined and to reach my goal weight of 140. I am a cancer survivor 2 times now and am blessed. I work full time and love to canning and freezing veges from our garden and the wild berries from the field. I am excited that I lost 5 1/2 lbs in the first 30 days and my daughter lost 4. I love this program as it as made me think about what I eat. I too have a problem with the sweet tooth and struggle with walking for exercise. Since I have been doing MFP I've been able to control the sweets and walk about 2 miles a day over and above my job. Looking forward to reaching my goal weight.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    kateblue - I do like the KitchenAid, only it'll probably take some getting used to. Like my other beaters I had to move around, this one moves (am I making myself clear?) but I find that I need to continually scrape down the bowl and it looke like I may have to do something about making sure whatever is on the bottom is incorporated. Like the other night I made the cupcakes (I did give some to the bowling alley and to the Y), yes, from a mix, but I did find that there was a little of the mix that didn't get incorporated into everything else. Oh well...Vince said they were still good.

    Jen - so sorry about all the illness in your family. Good for you standing up to those punks.

    Mary - have fun with your grandsons and at the parties.

    bp - welcome! Keep posting and you'll get to your goal before you know it. I love experimenting with healthy cooking, too.

    Never heard of the banana oatmeal muffins or triple chocolate cookies. Please let me know how they turn out.

    Jen - have fun on the laake!

    Cath - congrats on the loss

    Justbety - welcome

    Well, did the DVD of Jillian Michael Burn Fat Boost Metabolism. The DVD says the workout is 40 minutes long, Jillian says it is 45 minutes, but when I checked the clock it was more like 1 hr. So I guess I did this video for 45 minutes and then TamiLee Webb's Stretching for Flexibility DVD for another 15. Tomorrow...yoga

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Michele - I have a KitchenAid as well. There is a flat beater you can get that has a rubber edge which scrapes the bowl sides. I don't know why that beater doesn't come with the machine, as otherwise you have to constantly stop and scrape down the sides of the bowl. I got tired of doing that and got the extra beater - problem solved. As I recall, it's around $30. Overpriced but kinda necessary.

    I'm off to bed,

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Michele...just a quick note about KA mixers. Sometimes you need to adjust it so the beater scraps the sides of the bowl. You could google the directions for your mixer. If the batter is not getting encorporated into the mix, that can be tough. I do scrap down the sides but usually everything does get mixed in.... Enjoy your mixer!
  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    Everyone have a FABULOUS weekend! Get in those gardens, go for a walk, sit in the sun, chat with a friend, have some 'ME' time, play with the grandkids. ENJOY spring! Kate:flowerforyou:
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Good evening all had the day off so worked out this am not able to do alot yet due to the back but I got in a good walk and some leg stuff plus a few upper body lifts with light weights worked on the wave you know the one that keeps going even after you are done waving Then later this aftenoon my DH was out washing the truck so I was out with him decided to do some step ups on the deck which worked really well so finding myself getting a little bit creative I don't want to lose my momentum. I too am a morning exerciser if I don't get it in first thing I won't.

    Amanda Glad to hear your DD is keeping you informed hope it all blows over soon I just started to hear from one of my sons and DIL again they are the ones we went fishing with had a rfit for a while and it finally blew over my dear friend is also going thru iot with her DD. " kids what can you do"?

    Laura Man hope your weekend flies by and you hear soon praying for your DH and you

    Michele Sounds like you are having fun playing with the KA lots of yummy things coming for your friends and family I'm sure

    Welcome to the newbies congrats on your decision and your losses Justbety how fun to do this with your daughter geat support system here and it's nice you have each other as well I recently had a loss and my kids were the first ones I texted they do not have weight issues but totally support me in my journey

    Well off to bed for this gal have a great weekend to you all
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies

    It's not even noon and I just ate my lunch! Very unusual for me, but I know that I am going to be mega busy from 12:30, so thought I'd better squeeze it in whilst I had the time.

    Last night I went to see my gorgeous niece perfom in her first big musical. She has just turned seven and was the youngest (by a lot - the eldest performer is 84). She was amazing! I know I'm biased, but she really does have star appeal. It's a huge theatre and she was surrounded by many famous performers but didn't let it faze her at all. Today she has to do a matinee as well as an evening performance, but she told my sister that she didn't want to miss her ballet class this morning, so she's doing that too. The darling girl will sleep well tonight!

    DH gave me a surprise this morning - along with coffee in bed. He had an old diamond that had been sitting in my jewellery box for absolutely years, re-set into the prettiest ring. It is a 1 carat ring and it is on a raised shank with two leaves supporting it, set in 18k yellow gold, so it goes beautifully with my wedding rings. He had it designed by a friend of ours who works with the diamond tiara maker that I used to work for. Honestly, I am so impressed with it. If I can get a good photo of it I will post it. I asked DH why he didn't wait until my birthday which is next month, he said that my birthday is already sorted (I haven't a clue what that means). My DH has found the romantic side that I have been trying to discover in him and he knows my weakness for diamonds - bring them on, that's what I say! (As I sit here, typing away, watching the diamond sparkle like crazy on my finger - quick, fetch me my sunglasses!)

    You know, my life has been pretty awful in some aspects. I've had a rough time over the years. And then there is my husband ...... and that's when I remember that I am actually one of the luckiest people I know (and truthfully, it is not about the presents - it's the support that he gives me and the giggles we share).

    Wow, got to get back to work!

    Have a good weekend my friends.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x