
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Jen in Sydney: LOVE the new photo...tell me about it!

    And Jen is RIGHT: There is no RIGHT time to join...anytime you show up, we are glad to have you! And there are many here who have lost LOTS of weight and are great inspirations for the rest of us. So jump in and come often!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Nancy: I am EXCITED for you to get your cast! Take a photo and post it if you can:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a good evening, morning, or day...wherever you are:drinker: :heart: Kackie
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    Our kitty Logan is recovering well after his "op" I need to phone the vet tomorrow to make an appointment to get his stitches removed.

    My weight has been up and down. I had a busy week last week as my colleague was on holiday, and I missed a few mornings exercises. I have this week off work so need to get back on the exercise waggon!

    I think getting enough sleep helps me lose weight, I find I don't lose weight when I have too many late nights.

    Talking of late nights it's getting late so I'd better get to bed. Must log my food and exercise tomorrow lapsed a bit :embarassed: I took too long reading the posts.

    By the way welcome back plantlady, I remember you from when I started on MFP

    Night night :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Got an early start in the morning
  • LauraJS
    LauraJS Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I thought I'd jump in here since I'm back on track on what seems a lifelong journey. I am determined this time! I weighed 209 this morning and I want to get to 160 by year's end. I was looking at some old photos last night and saw first hand what I looked like before I found these extra pounds. So, here goes ... I'd appreciate any support you can offer to keep me focused and on-track! Good luck to all.
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Today I discovered how many cals are in DH's lovely Salmon risotto ...... Ouch ... But it was still yummy and luckily I had been pretty good during the rest of the day so didn't go too far over my daily allowance. I need to be extra good now he's back to compensate for his love of food.

    We let Winston have the run of the kitchen tonight. He was quite funny running around really fast and following us about. He's so cute. It's a pity he didn't get any brothers or sisters, fingers crossed for next time, we're putting some more eggs in the incubator this week after hopefully the turkeys have hatched.

    Jen - hope it goes well at the docs, I'm glad you've found something that helps, it sounds really unpleasant for you.

    I thought DH stood for Dear Heart who is of course Dear Husband :smile:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I am so upset with myself! I had no idea that a BK whopper has 760 calories and 1450 mg of salt. :noway: I knew it wouldn't be good, but had no idea how bad it was. I was aggravated and hungry; a bad combination for sure. I had gone to get DH's meds in a “near-by” (38 mile round trip) town. I checked in the store to make sure they had given me the right meds and a 90 day supply, but I didn't open the bags. There were a lot of people behind me and I didn't want to be a nuisance. This was a bad mistake, as one scrip was $150 for 90 days worth and even though the bag tag and receipt said I had 90 pills, I had 30. :angry:

    So, back to the store and that's when I fell on my face and got a whopper. Lesson learned! The darn thing didn't even taste as good as I recalled and the salt! I'll be drinking water all evening and night. I keep thinking of all the good tasty things I could have had for those 700+ calories.

    Skyecath – Winston is adorable! I too live in the country but my DH is not so interested in keeping animals. I would be Mrs. Noah, if given half a chance – at least two of everything possible. Maybe one day... we have the room.

    Amanda – Opera and a visit with your daughter in Germany sounds like exactly what you need right now.

    There are others I would like to make comments to, but I got lazy and didn't open a 2nd window and make comments as I read along, so this will have to do for now.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Help me strap in, friends, my boy is headed to Afghanistan at the end of June. We are hoping becomes home before he goes (has training before) if not we will head out to CA. Lots of families have done this, but it is our rookie run..another part of the journey...thanks for listening (reading) to the ramble.
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    Greetings All

    First off, thanks for the great video Barbie....very inspirational.

    katiejarr: my boobs are smaller but my bra strap isn't really smaller but some of the cups are definitely not running over anymore but I am loathe to buy new ones until I can go down from a 40 to a 38. I think I am back to a B cup though from an overflowing C.

    Alwaysnancy: I am so impressed with anyone who can run, My one attempt at running last month resulted in shin splints and a confirmed belief that I absolutely hate it! I have also left home without my workout clothes.....have done more than one weight training session in my Chefswear pants......ah well.

    jb_2001: I was sore last week too, but it was from going to Stage 2 of TNRFWLFW. However, I kind of embrace the sore because I know that I am developing new muscles. You might want to stick with the heavier weights and see how much less you are sore next time. Taking enough time off between is important though.

    Michelle: there are so many healthy eating options in Italy, you will have no problems. Italians eat the Mediterranean diet which is one of the healthiest around. Plus, you will be walking a ton, no one in their right mind wants to drive in an Italian city.

    mazaron: there was an item on the CBC today that said that a TH's Boston Cream doughnut had almost half the calories of their bran muffin and a lot less salt!

    msh530: If we were told that because we had no snow days, our year would be reduced, I would die of shock! No such luck here in Ontario. 31 teaching days to go and then another 10 for exams and prep for next year.

    Yvonne: Wow on the traithalon! I also have a go to skirt but my trying on said I had two more inches to go.

    tiarapants: I hope your family turmoil does not go on too too long. I have no grandkids(yet) but I do have grand nephews and I would hate not to be able to see them. Your job does seem pretty terrific though, I am jealous.

    I went for a 30k bike ride tonight after work. The air was laden with the scent of all the lilacs and other spring flowers and bushes and the sun was out but the air cool....perfect for riding. I dipsy doodled through all sorts of streets I don't know and got to enjoy some other of my passions....exploring new neighbouhoods, looking at gardens and houses, and listening to podcasts (only one earphone in for safety)

    To all the newcomers: welcome, this is a great group, keep coming back.



    My goals for May
    Strength training 3 X per week
    Bike at least 300 km this month
    Do something active and social at least once a week (yeah, my bike group starts again on Sunday)
    Go to yoga once a week
    Get my garden in order
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm fairly new to the group. My goals for May are to start toning with the JM 30 Day Shred I recently ordered. That is, after I come back from my cruise (leaving Saturday). Also, to not overdo it while on my cruise, but make healthy eating choices and do a lot of walking and gym time while away.

    All the best to everyone this month in reaching your goals!
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Went to the boot camp tonight. It’s always rain or shine. It wasn’t raining but the grass was soaked from raining all night and most of the day. I was soaked through to my socks and underwear. Lots of bear crawling, crab walking, inch worming, burpees, pushups, squats and lunges…oh and of course lots of running. Hubby’s knees were still bothering him so he stayed home. Only 8 people showed up.

    Myjourney 2. Good for you. I thought about going in that race. At least I think it’s the same one at Sunnyside part with the firefighters and chocolate?? I may still go for the August or October Race. I’m doing the Warrior Dash at Horsehoe Valley in July.

    Laura Plan B is always the same. Going for a run out here in the country. It’s always my other choice.
    I like your Plan as well and I’ve sometimes taken that route. Everyone needs a rest day once in a while.

    Nancy, I’m pretty sure it’s not the Creston Valley, Even though I was born in BC I’m not sure where that is. I’m halfway between Ottawa and Toronto.

    Lynn those spin classes kill me. I never thought riding an exercise bike could be that hard. I’m hoping to see a weight loss. I’m thinking I’m going to weigh in tomorrow morning.

    Jelly fish Jen, I too sweat a lot. And really just out of my head. It’s not my underarms or anywhere else. I seriously thought about doing it and made some inquiries. Apparently, if you can get your doctor to diagnose hyperhydrosis you can get the treatments covered. I’m not so bad since I’ve lost some weight. It was pretty bad when I would break into a full sweat walking four blocks in cold weather.

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.
  • tcheryl
    tcheryl Posts: 70 Member
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    hello all - bump...for now will catch up later.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :bigsmile: I've been posting on this thread since February 2009. It was started by a woman who is still on MFP but has moved on to other things. When I started I weighed 183 and had been pretty close to that weight for at least 10 years. I didn't weigh myself but I'd been wearing the same brand of size 16 jeans with an elastic waistband and extra large tops. In spite of eliminating desserts, alcohol, and white bread, I hadn't lost weight since I was in my 30's and considered myself pretty hopeless.

    :flowerforyou: the first thing I did was to plan my food for the day and not deviate from the plan no matter what. My early weeks were full of eating up all the odd foods that I had in my cupboards and freezer. I found MFP when I searched the internet to find the calorie count in something. On the first day of my new plan, I went to an event with friends and when they picked me up they said they'd bought me a bagel and cream cheese when they stopped for coffee. I thanked them and said that I didn't want it. That was the beginning of my :resolve to not be a victim of other people's suggestions about what I should eat. Today I can easily decline any food that is offered to me with worrying that I'll be hurting someone's feelings.

    :flowerforyou: I have always liked to walk and when I retired, I started line dance classes eventually getting to three classes a week, but the exercise alone made no dent in my weight although it may have helped to ward off weight gain. It was the inspiration of women on MFP that helped me gradually walk more and add strength training to my life.

    :bigsmile: when DH and I started our weight loss journey, he bought an exercise bike and put it in the middle of the living room. I tried it and liked it and rode it several times a day......one day it broke and couldn't be fixed and my heart was broken :brokenheart: I had gotten so used to exercise in the morning that I decided to take the dogs for a walk right after breakfast and gradually expanded the 20 minute walk to two hours.

    :flowerforyou: I've had a pedometer for many years and always struggled to get to 10,000 steps a day frequently falling short or having to walk up and down the hall at bed time to reach my goal...now my goal is 17,000 steps a day and I often reach over 20,000

    :flowerforyou: It would have been great if I'd had this great awakening when I was younger, but I'm grateful for what I've learned and put to use in my life.......In the last year I've read "Younger Next Year", "Strong Women Stay Young", "Strong Women Stay Slim", "The Happiness Project", "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" and several other inspirational books and believe that it's never too late to start this journey.

    :flowerforyou: If you're new or struggling, I hope you'll jump right in today and begin the journey that will transform your life.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    May goals:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    * Yoga three days a week
    *100 lunges a day
    *strength training three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    This so me Kat! Some days I feel i'm going to have to write everything down for ever & I don't want to be that "obsessed". But what does it matter if it keeps me on track.


    I think for me is that I really have had a shift in my thinking...I don't think of this as "dieting" I think of this as HOW I EAT NOW and this is how I am going to eat for the rest of my life. If I want a piece of chocolate...I have one...but JUST ONE, not a WHOLE BOX :bigsmile: like I used to...so IM learning to modify the way I eat. If I want a glass of wine I have it...but I log EVERYTHING in my food diary...maybe one day I won't need to but right now I need to.

    If I think that Im ON A DIET then at some point I will be DONE and OFF the diet...then what? So for me ...this is how I eat, that way it becomes a lifestyle...I know that once I reach my weight goal I will have to up my daily calories to maintain my weight, but my lifestyle and eating lifestyle will still stay the same :drinker:

    Kat :heart: :heart: :heart
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Yvonne, just waving to a fellow Pompey'ite. I lived in North End till I married & moved to Bristol. Live in the centre of the country now & so miss the sea.

    Congrats on your tri-athlon!!

    I like this status. My goals are/have been today:

    Body pump twice weekly
    Pilates twice weekly
    Gym work out daily
    Healthy diet
    Lose weight


    Going forward I have registered for the London Marathon 2013 - will know in October if I have got a place and in July this year am doing the Race for Life - a little girl at church has cancer and she is only 3.

    I also want to get into all my old clothes which are too small for me at the moment - I have a wardrobe full of them............

    I love MFP and being able to chat with people who have the same goals - to lose weight and improve their eating habits and life style
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi

    It was a bit late last night when I posted so wanted to have a look back to make sure I hadn't missed anything.

    I came across the video from youtube that Barbie posted - Truly inspirational, what a man! I'm sure his family are proud of him. It certainly puts things in perspective doesn't it.

    Lovely sunny day in York (although still a bit on the chilly side) I hope it lasts. So far we have had so much rain it's hard to belive there's supposed to be a drought. I'm enjoying my time off work, but would love a few dry days so I can get out and cut the grass, it's so waterlogged at the minute that it's impossible to cut with the mower.

    I'm trying to drink more water as I'm sure it helps, and as mentioned last night I'm hoping for some early nights!

    I've been having a sort out with clothes and managed to get a bag of stuff I no longer wear ready to go to the charity shop. I wanted to do a bit of decorating, but not sure if that will happen now. As long as I get a bit of spring cleaning done I'll feel good about my week off. I usually plan all sorts of things but then never get all of them finished. I easily get distracted.

    Well I'd better start the day, I meant to log my food but I'll have to do that later.

    Baribe I envy you entering your food for the day/week and sticking to it, that's something I find very hard to do and usually end up putting my food in at the end of the day and of course by then it's too late if I've gone over.

    I'll have to try and do it the other way around. Enter the food first stick with it then log onto chat :bigsmile:

    Happy Wednesday everyone :heart:
  • Hello All,
    Started my Tuesday at 4:30 am with the alarm clock, got dressed, and went to the gym for a brisk walk on the treadmill. After that, I showered, got dressed, and drove to the office. I bring my breakfast and lunch with me so that it is a more healthy choice of food. At 12:15 pm, I left my desk for a lunch-time yoga class. Upon returning to my desk, I ate my lunch while answering e-mail and decided to check out the message boards. Thank you all for your motivational posts and for allowing me to post my thoughts on this message board. Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Made me feel tired just reading this! I wish I could go to the gym before work (or even during) but any exercise makes my face go bright pink - looks like I'm having a stroke or something! It takes a couple of hours to calm back down again and don't even think about putting any makeup on :devil: . All my excerise has to be at the end of the day, which is all too easy to skip if its been a long day. I've joined a very expensive health club and the thought of all that money going to waste is enough motivation on its own! :happy:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Good Day or Good Evening, Dear Ladies!

    Thank you Barbie for posting your last post explaining "Your Journey" and how it evolved over time. I think some of the best advice you ever gave us was to keep an "Open Mind" about how we would make this journey. What we can't or won't do now may be something we embrace later on and work well for us.

    The idea of "pre-planning" meals was not appealing much to me 2 years ago, unless it was for a party! Well, I now realize, after some bad surprises with calories, that if I don't "make a PLAN" then I "PLAN to Fail"! Also, the amount of exercise that you now do each day would have been overwhelming even to you at the beginning of your journey, but is something you easily do now. I am finding the same thing true for me...

    So for those of you just landing here, make changes a little at a time until they are habits and then go from there. For me, the most important goal is to make ALL of these changes LIFE LONG changes so that I can GET HEALTHIER and FITTER and STAY that way, the rest of my life.

    And the other great Barbie quote I love is, "Never, EVER, give up!":flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am off to drive with DH to Charleston for a re-visit with his surgeon. It has been a tough and slow 2 weeks but am hoping he will be given some good physical therapy to help him recover from his back surgery.

    Have a good day:heart: Kackie
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    :glasses: Greetings from sunny Portland, another nice day in store. Gardening has been gobbling up all of my free time, and as much as I adore it, I simply must get back to taking regular long walks. Digging and weeding is great for strength, but there's nothing quite like walking. I need it,

    Yesterday I wore a short sleeve blouse to work and at one point had to do a double-take when I glanced down to see nice little biceps showing where there once was only flab. The thrill of success! :happy: The SWSY routine is definitely working. And Sarah, I hear what you're saying about staying with the increased weights, but this week I'm back to lifting 3 lbs for overhead press and upward row, doing more reps. Still using 5 lbs for bicep curls, as 3 feels like I'm merely liftng a pair of peanuts. :laugh:

    Nancy, happy get-your-boot day!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday. Salad Sistas, keep up the great work!

    :drinker: jb
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I know this will sound silly, but I weigh less when I have short hair, so it is getting cut off again soon if I don't start loosing weight again! Looking back at when I have been skinnier and heavier in my life, I just noticed short hair with skinny pictures and long hair with overweight pictures. Not sure what that is about, but it holds true my whole life except for 2 occasions. lol

    Welcome to all the newcomers to this forum and a warm hello to all of the old timers here.

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello All,
    Started my Tuesday at 4:30 am with the alarm clock, got dressed, and went to the gym for a brisk walk on the treadmill. After that, I showered, got dressed, and drove to the office. I bring my breakfast and lunch with me so that it is a more healthy choice of food. At 12:15 pm, I left my desk for a lunch-time yoga class. Upon returning to my desk, I ate my lunch while answering e-mail and decided to check out the message boards. Thank you all for your motivational posts and for allowing me to post my thoughts on this message board. Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Made me feel tired just reading this! I wish I could go to the gym before work (or even during) but any exercise makes my face go bright pink - looks like I'm having a stroke or something! It takes a couple of hours to calm back down again and don't even think about putting any makeup on :devil: . All my excerise has to be at the end of the day, which is all too easy to skip if its been a long day. I've joined a very expensive health club and the thought of all that money going to waste is enough motivation on its own! :happy:

    Do you have high blood presser? If you havn't had it checked , you should , and if it isn't your blood pressuer then that is good!:happy:
    I was riding my bike with my hubby a few year ago and became so short of beath that we had to take a break. I thought I was out of shape and just kind of fogot about it , as time went on walking started to make me short of breath and so went to the Dr. and to make a long story short it was my blood pressure and I was put on meds. for it, the dr. told me that I had to have it for a long while because the left side of my heart is enlarged, Today if I forget to take my meds. then when walking my face will get hot and flushed , also stress can make your face hot and flushed anyway it is worth checking out , and if not then you will know for sure.:flowerforyou: