
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Morning, everyone ~ I woke up SO tired this morning after staying up very late to finish the book Unsaid by Neil Abramson ~ a very memorable read. I high recommend it for anyone who has ever had, loved, or wanted an animal to share their lives with...

    Deborah:flowerforyou: :yawn:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning All!:flowerforyou:

    I finally caught up on all the great posts on here!!! Everyone has such great stories-thanks for sharing them! :smile: Extra hugs to those of you dealing with extra struggles!

    Sitting here with my water bottle right by my side because I definitely noticed that I was a little dehydrated yesterday!:drinker: Drove to Chicago with my DH to see my best friend and only had one 16 oz bottle of water all day. Downed more when I got home. I made decent food choices (except for the buttermilk ranch dressing with my salad:grumble: ) but drank diet pop throughout the day which I never ever do anymore. I haven't even bought any diet soda for home in months! I guess my body had really gotten used to me drinking water as my primary beverage. I did have a great time though! Splurged on shower gels at Bath and Body Works (even though I sell Avon-shhhh don't tell my customers). :laugh: My DH and I love that store and walk around smelling all the fragrances.

    She is stll dealing with health issues. Not sure about this doc who ordered more invasive tests as the next step which she can't even get in for until Nov. 9th! Won't go into the not so fun details of them with you but we are going to doublecheck with her insurance today to see about getting a 2nd opinion. I totally trust my gynocologist but he is 45 min. away and not even sure how much more this would slow things up with switching records and making appts. So, bottom line - today is research day for us. Will help her make lots of phone calls and inquiries including back to her present doc to find out her reasoning process.

    I feel very blessed to have this thread to come back to even when I miss a few days! I'm sorry I don't time to respond individually but know how much I value all of you here!:heart:

    Kathy L. ( I put the inital because I notice we have another Kathy now :smile: )
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning, back to trying to be good.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's a cool Tuesday here in Denver,

    So last night I never made it back to the computer so I'm still behind on the posts....hoping everyone is doing well as we keep heading to our goals for the month.

    Hubby was working last night so I had the TV controls and was able to jump around and watch several shows of my choosing...Monday Night Football, DWTS, the movie Secretariat (Love that movie) so that's probably why I never made it back to the computer. Also got to the elipitcal (didn't have to share:blushing: ) for a full 25 min...and I think that is the longest I have ever been on it. I usually use it as a warm up but decided to stay on it for the evening news, of course my legs felt rubbery afterwards but I am proud of the fact that I did it:happy:

    Dinner was leftovers and I had put most of mine in hubbys dinner to take with him to work (I don't think he even noticed as he didn't say anything) I kept about 1/4 of it and heated it up and poured it over my salad, it was Mongolian Beef with veggies and made for a great dinner:drinker:

    Well best get to work, hoping to find time to catch up with everyone today...until then everyone have a good day...keep on logging, drinking and moving we want to WIN this battle.:drinker:

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good evening my friends, DH is home and is driving us all crazy. :explode: He needs to go get on some meds.c:laugh: I woke up today and had to go to Costco to buy dog food. Came home unloaded and started some laundry and then make the elk steak for dinner. We had the steak , green beans and pasta. I don;t eat the pasta,but the girls like it. It is the organic pasta from costco. I did this before work. I then worked my 4 hour shift. I was going to go to the gym, but DD#1, informed me that she needed help making a poster for her biology class. So, I helped her a little, because she needs to do this on her own, so she can learn the material.:huh:
    Anyway, I though that since I posted last night, there would not be too many replys, NOT! Yes, we are a chatty group.
    Tomorrow I will go to the gym before I pick up dd from school and prepare dinner early in the day. :bigsmile:
    Oh, forgot to tell you that we have an elk head sitting in a bucket in the back yard. My DH is going to clean it and bleach it and then hang it in the garage. We have not got the other elk head back from the taxidermist yet. I am so sure the neighbors, think that there must be a dead body in our back yard. Well they are right! OH men! Sometimes you can't live with them and there are time when you cant live without them.:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Sweet dreams friends, Here's to a good week. I need to post my goals tomorrow! :smile:
    Blessings to everyone, Linda:heart:

    Linda when I saw this it made me laugh out loud. Many years ago my hubby did a lot of hunting (which I wasn't used to) and one night when I came home from work (just after Halloween) my house was steamier than a jungle. Every surface dripped with moisture, the halloween paintings on the window were melting down the window and onto the wall below. My hubby had a deer skull in my big stock pot on the stove trying get the meat off and bleach it. The place stunk and every other pot and pan seemed to be dirty too. I took one look at him, at the mess he created and I told him to turn it off, put it outside and clean up then I turned around and left. What a mess!

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I'm sitting here grabbing a bite of lunch and getting caught up - again - :laugh: and I can't help but laugh at your elk "stew" stories Kate and Linda.

    Thank goodness DH has never boiled an elk head in my kitchen. I have a lot of strange hunting adventure stories but I do believe the boiling in the kitchen tops any of mine. I AM a hunter and that's still out of bounds for me. I am very familiar with all the steps of getting an animal on your dinner plate and my kitchen has looked like the scene of a mass murder as a result; I butchered and boned several last fall - but no - don't boil the head in the kitchen! :noway:

    I unfortunately can imagine the smell. I used to help mom turn live chickens in to dinner. Anyone familiar with the process knows exactly what I mean. :sick:

    I did help bring a bleached out buffalo head 7 miles out of the woods on our trip, but it was already a skeleton. I assume it was one of the buffalo that wander outside the park occasionally. They are usually shot to prevent their diseases from getting in cattle herds but apparently this one wandered off into the woods and escaped attention. Old age or a wolf got it I guess. It also is going up in the garage with a lot of deer antlers.

    DH has a wood border up high near the ceiling around three sides of our 4 car garage plus workshop and it is nearly full of deer antlers and will now have a buffalo head for company. I don't tend to share hunting stories on here, as I know most of us don't hunt, but that was just too funny to not respond to.

    I actually lost a couple of pounds while we were gone. It must have been all that hiking, as I ate a few things that I normally don't. Actually quite a few thing. :blushing:

    I am back on the straight and narrow now and considering doing more HIIT, as that is basically what I was doing a lot of while gone. I have found that, for me, it's enjoyable to push as hard as I can for a few minutes walking up a steep incline, and then drop back to normal speed and repeat.

    I tried this on the elliptical last night and liked the workout. I normally do level 8 and 4 at two minute intervals for 30 minutes. This time instead of just working at a fairly steady pace, I pushed as hard as I could on the 8's and slowed down to normal pace on the 4's. We'll see if this helps the weight loss.

    I'm also going to try adding in some bar bell dead lifts and squats. I have been using hand weights for a couple years but have avoided the "guy" weight area. Well this old lady is about to invade their space. :bigsmile:

    I am NOT going to end up in a nursing home at 85 because I can't push myself up out of a chair or get to the bathroom by myself. I may end up there for some other reason, but not that one.:angry:

    I have a friend 8 years older than me who has been living in a nursing home nearby for three years now. She was never active and ate poorly. She had a stroke, didn't recover well enough to live at home, and is now stuck where she is forever. She seems happy where she is, oddly enough, and I am glad she isn't miserable there, but every time I go visit her I have a really good workout the next time I am at the gym.

    Off to make the rounds and pay some bills and hit the gym on my way home.

    I would like to respond to some of you but the day is half over and I have to get moving.

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    i LOVE your motivation for your exercise! :bigsmile:
    this year has been awful for me, recovering from a fall i took back in Feb.:grumble:
    am in physical therapy right now. needless to say, you are RIGHT~ i want to be strong enough to do what i want to do, and not be stuck in a chair or the bed!!! :happy:
    i have a dear friend who is doing the weight lifting thing~ i am sooo PROUD of her! she just finished chemo and radiation for breast cancer, and is doing GREAT! she inspires me every day! :heart: :heart: :heart:
    just wanted to applaud you on your choice! :flowerforyou:

    janie :smile:
  • CSueB
    CSueB Posts: 31 Member
    Goal setting........ always difficult for me.... I am running two 5ks this month, and my goal is to run both of them, with no walking. I am also wondering about those "found" calories we get for our workouts....do you just enjoy them and eat more, or try to keep the intake where it was initially (before workout)??? I know the main thing is to BE HEALTHY. I suppose it depends on each case individually. Very windy here today, glad my run was early morning, when it was only breezy! :laugh: I have found some great motivational quotes on Pinterest so am trying to concentrate a lot of them....after yesterday's bootcamp...today's choice is...."you can feel sore tomorrow or you can feel sorry tomorrow.... YOU CHOOSE!!! I would much rather be sore...although my special term is "muscle awareness" :flowerforyou: Have a blessed day! :heart:
  • CSueB
    CSueB Posts: 31 Member
    Faye...........I totally agree with you..... going to do everything possible to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible! I want to be that old lady running races.......... or just running, after starting up at 54. Or the old lady working out with the weights in the gym...:bigsmile: and don't worry about invading the guys turf....you belong there as much as they do! GO for it!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Ahhhhhh it’s a nice quiet day here at work. I am the only faculty person here (it’s fall break) and I’m getting tons done. I am trying to get as much done on my January class as possible; next week once my fall course starts, there is hardly time to breathe, let alone get ahead. Then during the January class I have to get ready for my March –May class. It never ends. Right now I’m eating lunch… an amazing strawberry/blueberry/chicken salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing. Actually now I'm near the end of my post and my salad and I am kind of sick of the salad! :laugh:

    Yesterday Ginny and I walked then I did my 20 minutes on the elliptical. I really worked up a sweat! I’m trying to make up for the weekend fritos binge! It’s pretty cool here today, around 50 with a slight chance of rain. I hope this weekend is nice because while we are gone I want to do lots of walking because I know I will be off my plan at all these restaurants!

    Peggy: modest goals are great. Easier to keep than hard ones and it’s a start! :flowerforyou:

    Deborah: so glad to hear things worked out with DD! That is certainly encouraging!

    Lin and Gini: I guess I missed the conversation about the Vitamix. I remember Lucille Ball did a schtick on the vitamix once…. Ithink! Wow, Ginny….I’m glad your sis is ok after all that!

    DeeDee: congrats on your weight loss and grrrrr to sil! :grumble: You’d better get some weight on that pooch so you can cook him up when you’re done with the cats! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Jb: what a great poem. Thanks for sharing, it brought a smile to my face! :smile:

    Lin and the rest: I too am a dairy lover….mostly cheese. I can do without milk. But yogurt, cottage cheese, and above all….hard cheese I love!

    Sally: glad you are feeling better!

    Wessecg: have you ever tried to plan meals for the day? That might help.

    Jane: it’s hard to tell with the pic so small, but I think your daughter looks a lot like you! Hang in there. Sometimes we just have to hold on and wait for better days. Is there one thing in your life that you can change that would help you? Logging is great, even if you over eat because it holds you accountable. You can do this. :flowerforyou:

    Jolene: I sure hope those injections help!

    Kim: does your daughter have an eating disorder? I will keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Barbie: sounds like you had a great vacation! Most places will cook to order for you if you ask. You’d better hide that dancing kitty; DeeDee has been cooking them for dinner! :laugh:

    Glenda: sounds like your holiday was grand!

    Michele: I guess there’s a lot of sign language going on there! I had elk chili once…not bad

    Linda: an elk head in a bucket! :noway: OMG I can just see your neighbors. Our old next door neighbors used to hang a deer’s head at Christmas complete with one flashing red light on its nose. Some times it would have a little sign that said “Hi Meg.” I used to give him all kinds of grief about hunting so I think he was getting back at me…all in jest of course. :bigsmile: I sure wish DD could fly the coup. I just think that with her cognitive problems, she won’t make it. But a coworker came up with the idea of giving her monopoly money in the amount that she actually has on hand right now. Then make her “find” an apartment she can afford, a car she can afford, buy food, gas ,etc for a couple of weeks while “paying” her what she gets right now on her normal paydays. Then when she can’t figure things out or runs out of play money, she will realize she is not ready and start trying to figure things out.

    M: great thoughts, thanks for sharing them with me. Hope your rainy days clear up.

    Faye: good plan to not end up in the nursing home! That is exactly what happened to my parents. They were so lazy they would drive to the end of their driveway to get their mail! Now my mom is gone, but dad is still here and is a total lift with a mechanical device. He can’t even hold his trunk up and didn’t have a stroke or anything like that. Just debility. :sad:

    Wow I know I have missed a ton of people, so I’d like to say welcome to the newbies and come back often; best wishes to those who are struggling , yippee for those who are celebrating. Make it a meaningful day. Take care, meg :drinker:
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 313 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Well I’m trying (yet again) to get back on track. We had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend with family. :heart:
    DH and I are trying to rig something up to keep my leg brace (for arthritis) in place. Hope it works. Maybe we will invent something simple for other people like me that have the same problem and become millionaires with our invention! LOL! :laugh:
    Well, it must be time to feed the cats as I have several around my legs and on the computer.:smile:
    Will check in later, as I still have a lot of posts to finish reading from the last couple of days.


    October Goals:
    * Track my food
    * Use the bike pedals at least 5 days a week
    * Get to the pool 2-3 days per week
    * Cut back on my drinks on the weekend
    * lose and keep off 6 pounds (I tend to yo-yo)
    * Eat more vegetables
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    So yesterday was so stressful I caved. I had red wine and I really really enjoyed myself. DH was happy because I was chilling and not snapping at him. I slept like a rock and now I am back on track for more alcohol free days. I feel positive and motivated again.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I've finally read pages 9-12? tried to keep a log and just couldn't keep it up to post....so what I remember (and it's not much:wink: )

    Congrats to those that have lost, it's always a good feeling when you are seeing results from your hard work of logging that food, drinking so much water you feel like you're going to float away and doing some exercise to keep yourself active...NO we don't want to be bed ridden in our older years:drinker:

    Wow, congrats to those hubby's that got elks. My hubby hasn't been hunting for several years now, and I know he misses it but maybe next year. This year he's helping those that hunt get all their supplies so they can go...did I mention he's working in the hunting & fishing / gun section of Gander Mountain. So far he's enjoying the job and on his days off he continues to hunt for a full time job.

    Meg-so sorry to hear that your daughter is giving you such frustration. All our kids at one time or another cause us to pull the hair but "this too shall pass" as my Mom used to tell me...that and she'll get6 hers. When my #2 Son was such a trial when he was a toddler one day I decided I needed to vent and called my Mom and she laughed when I was pouring out my frustration and her reply was "I always knew that you'd get yours back"...I guess I was a challenge when I was a toddler too:blushing: Frietos:love: I miss eating them.

    Robin-one day a caving and having the wine I'm glad you enjoyed it...because it would truly be a crime if you had the wine and then didn't enjoy it...always glad for a new day to start fresh:drinker:

    Cathy-I always am amazed when someone invents something that seems so helpful and yet is such a simple idea...May you develop your invention and we can say we knew you when you were just starting out:wink:

    CSueB- choices...we all have them and all of us here are choosing to improve as we age. Running two 5K's this month is pretty impressive:drinker:

    I've finished one spread sheet today and am off to complete another one then have to start working on the quarterly reports, taxes and monthly reports.

    Everyone have a great day,

  • scadoody
    scadoody Posts: 3 Member
    Hello ladies my name is Delana and I rejoined today I started awhile back then stopped, I am glad to find a group of ladies 50+ I am turning 60 very soon and need to get this weight off. I read some of you texts and as my mother use to say misery loves company. It is good to read woman going thru the same struggles as I am.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Linda - I can't think of a way to make the pork, white bean and kale soup lighter. You use low sodium chicken broth, the pork, white beans, kale. I honestly can't think of how it could be made lighter. I had a recipe for this chocolate cake that I thought I've give a try to. I made minimuffins out of the batter. Don't understand it at all, but each and every one of them stuck to the pan. I did make some and used muffin liners. Also, they were very crumbly. Won't use that recipe again. Vince mentioned about the chocolate chip muffins I made. Well, I have two bags in the freezer, if I don't give them to any workers, Vince can have them. I'm trying to make things now that he'll eat if I don't give them away. I'm going to take some of the chocolate muffins to the Y and some to senior bowling tomorrow. I also made this chocolate chip square. Wonder if this recipe will be good in a cookie -- I would think so. Anyway, cut it up and have two bags in the freezer of them. In some ways, I'm glad that the baking will be over. Enough is enough!

    Did an hour of a downloadable spinning workout today. Tomorrow I'll do some incline intervals, then we have the Newcomers general meeting and then senior bowling. Vince said that we should plan to leave bowling asap, come home and water the grass. We probably should have done it today, but he's gone to shooting and I suspect it may be more than a one person job. Admitted, only one person can water at a time, but the other person probably needs to be sure that the hay is not disturbed too much

    Went to watch DWTS last night after mahjongg. Seems that there was a problem with the DVR and it only recorded the first minute. Grrrrr.... hopefully, they'll replay it tonight.

    The guys were here today to finish the seeding, fertilizing, and putting up the fence. They need one more section of fence! Looks like they'll have to come back. You know, in a way I'm getting a bit tired of each worker always telling us how far away from their home we are. Yes, we aren't close to Charlotte (depending on which part of Charlotte, 3/4 to an hour north) but if you want a job, you travel. That's what the job requires.

    Vince is in a grumpy mood right now. Seems there are latches on the gates. We have two gates. By law they have to be self latching. I think we need another inspection after the pool is completed. Anyway, Vince is real big on communication. Well, the guys who installed the lock on one of the gates left and didn't say anything. Right after they left, we went out to the gate. It doesn't latch, only will if the gate is shaken, it won't pass inspection. The problem is really that when the fence was installed, the one post wasn't close enough, it's about 3" away from the sidewalk. The guy walked away from the job as if everything was OK, but it wasn't. Vince sent an email to the guy in charge of the pool install, the guy in charge of the workers installing the fence, and the guy who is the pool company rep along with pictures documenting the problem. It can be solved, it would PROBABLY mean that the post (which was cemented into the ground) would have to be taken out and a new post installed.

    The guy who is in charge of the pool install said he'd get back to us if the tile guy will be here tomorrow or not. So far, he hasn't called. If he doesn't call in about 1/2 hour, I'll call. Vince is at a shooting range. He finds shooting to be a great stress reliever. He probably won't be home until around 9:30 and then it might be too late to call the guy, so I'll call him. Update: he called. The guy who does the tiling will be here Thurs. along with the pool co. rep (evidentally he used to do tile installs. Also, they got one bad review on Angie's List and I suspect he wants to be here so that he doesn't get another one. We were told that the person who wrote that bad review was basically a b****, that if they'd installed a solid gold pool, it wouldn't have been good enough, one of those types of people)

    swissmiss - let us know what the MD finds out. Is it possible that it's a heat rash????? I know at one time I got a rash right where my exercise clothes met my skin. The MD kept insisting it was a food allergy, but it turns out that it was a heat rash. I just made sure that I took a shower asap after exercising.

    dynamicwon and scadoody - welcome

    Faye - I really enjoyed reading how you do your HIIT. I usually sprint for 30 seconds, then recover at a fast (but not sprinting) pace for 1-1/2 minute. I don't know that our machines record levels -- can this be intensity? Fantastic motivator to exercise!

    Meg - I don't think Barbie has any problem at all telling the chef how to make her meal. Actually, in a way, I'm a bit surprised that she isn't in the kitchen telling him how to do it....lol

    Robin - just get right back on the "sober" bandwagon. You can do it! One time falling off the wagon won't hurt, just don't let it happen a lot, that's all. You are doing so great!

    Off to take a shower and then watch some TV. when the cat's away...the mice will play....lol

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    i hope the Synivisc and the other shot work for you! The Synivisc works GREAT for my Mom. Neither it nor the cortisone shot did a thing for me.....

    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Good evening ladies! Dh and I had a lovely couple of days in the Finger Lakes region of NYS. We have a niece who lives on Seneca Lake...beautiful home with a fabulous view...but very remote...not sure it is my cup of tea but they love it. We then headed to a beautiful inn and just relaxed....not something we do often or together...very restoring.

    Jb - I really enjoy the quotes you share and your original writing...I too AM going to climb that $&*# mountain!

    Robin - glad you enjoyed your red wine..in the last 18 months I have reduced my intake of wine so when I do have some I REALLY enjoy it

    Meg - good luck with dd#1. The monopoly $ idea sounds like a good option

    Sorry that is all I can remember...I am very bad at responding individually but I do read all the posts and love the support, advice and humor.

    Question for the vitamix users...I understand the smoothie...but why soup in a blender? Most of the soups I make are kind of chunky...

    Have a good evening, hugs and high fives!
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Well, I stayed up late last night writing a lovely reply to all of you on posts through page 10 or 11, and then my laptop ran out of juice just as I was copying and pasting into the MFP window. And instead of copying it, I clicked "cut", so it's aaaallllll gooooooooone. Doh! Sigh...... You would think that I had learned by now. So sorry. You'll have to take my word for it.

    No big news today. Endured another torturous math class that makes absolutely no sense. I left supper ingredients on the counter for chili, and hubby made it! No recipe, either. That was a nice surprise. Didn't taste like mine, but that's okay with me! :bigsmile:

    I'll have to catch up on the last few pages of posts. Hope everyone who was ailing is feeling better. Hope visits with children and grandchildren were happy ones. Hope you are back on track if you weren't before, and if you stayed on track, 3 cheers for you! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy:

    Keep smiling -- you're making headway on a difficult goal. Hold your chin(s) up. :laugh:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,

    Tuesday = volunteer day at work = lots of walking. Which turn out to be a blessing since I ate a lot today. Stay under but only because of the walking.

    @Michele-- I agree with you if someone wants a job and you need to travel to it you do. That is what I do.

    @jen I have travel to New York City several times and have visited also the Lake George area. Is that near your getaway? Its been so long I can remember all of the area.

    @Polly I have had that happen think I am ready to posts something than poof its gone.

    @Delana --welcome!

    Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi, I am pretty new to MFP and would like to join your group. I like the idea setting goals for the month. I guess my first goal is to check in every day to get and give support. Have to think about my other goals.
    Take care,