
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning everyone, happy weekend!

    Glenda, thanks for the birthday wishes! I don't feel 58, not at all. Why, just yesterday I was 24, wasn't I? :laugh: It's going to be a good day, I'll clean house a bit and go to the gardens, walk the dogs, then it's party time tonight! I had to sample the boysenberry brandy last night, just to be sure it's good enough to offer to friends this evening. Yep, it's good. Too good. :blushing:

    Texasgal, congratulations on your loss! :bigsmile: You're doing a great job, keep up the fantastic work!

    DeeDee and Lin, thanks for reminding me about Vit D!

    M, I need to do some research on the vitamin levels in food. From everything I've read it seems we should supplement with B-Complex, but it's probably quite possible to get enough from a balanced diet. There's such a lot to learn!

    Time for me to get up out of this chair. Wishing you all a great day!

    :smile: jb
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    So Friday nights have always been the unwind and let lose kind of nights so I thought I might cave on my Sober October but I am proud to report tha I did NOT give in. Now I love my wine and I won't become a tea totaler but I need to prove to myself that I am in control. I do feel better this Saturday than I have in a long time of Saturday's and I need to remember this feeling.

    On the down side I needed to occupy myself and I needed to use up the last of my blackberries so I made an absolutely delish bread pudding last night. with a decadent blackberry sauce. Oh well.

    Today we are back on the garage project that was supposed to be done 2 years ago in February. We are by far the worse home owners when it comes to completing projects. :laugh:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning ladies. Catching up with the last few posts.

    Robin - Olivia is adorable!! What a cutie! And great resolve on avoiding the alcohol. Tell hubby to keep encouraging you on you rjourney - and to continue those neck rubs!:smile:

    Gini - 107 pounds lost!!! What an accomplishment! :flowerforyou: Look back at how far you have come and be encouraged. Celebrate the difference this has made in your life - and then continue to eat well, live well and enjoy!:happy:

    jb - boysenberry brandy??...hmmm. Enjoy the birthday celebration with friends

    Deborah - My granddaughter and I had lunch and then went to see the movie Brave. GD is a red head and got a bow for her birthday :smile: so it was a kind of fun parallel. She had a gift card so she took me to Tim's for coffee after - so sweet. She is 11 years old.
    In the evening, I was off to an historic theater nearby for a John Wort Hannam concert - a local musician that has had some national recognition. I love his voice and the story quality of his songs. A good day all around.

    Family (except for one:cry: ) is home for Thanksgiving but are all staying at my daughters so it is quiet here. Turkey day will be on Sunday - not so quiet then:laugh: but I do love these family times. It is fun to see the changing seasons of life and the changes in role and relationship. so blessed.

    Go well ladies. Stay well
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Just a quick post today.......it's cold out there so I was glad to have lined up a coat, gloves and scarf earlier on! I grabbed them and went out to do a few errands. Can anyone say crazy??? Yep, I went to Walmart on Saturday. Duh. I had to return a book to the library today--it was due and I could not extend the checkout as it's a new book and other people are waiting for it. With all the walking it's harder to read a book now........:glasses:

    Anyway, I came home and decided to move a pair of too large pants to another closet. (I admit it, I have a 3-bedroom house all to myself with the most important part being ALL the closet space.) I was going to hang them up in the office closet when I thought, what the heck is on that upper bar of the closet anyway?

    OMG---treasure trove. I found all 24 pieces of Misook clothing that I purchased over the years when I was working and making good $$. I use to go to Von Maur all the time and scout new pieces, what was on sale, any tips on what was going on sale.....yes, I was obsessed with the brand. Anyway, I disposed of almost all of my smaller clothing but apparently I tucked this away because I couldn't bear to part with it.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am so motivated now!!!! I want to wear these things again. I don't care if it takes another year or whatever, THEY WILL BE MINE AGAIN.:love::love:

    In case you're wondering, no this is just me being excited, I did not stop at Starbuck's today. :laugh:

    I hope you're having a great weekend. Gotta walk some more.......

    :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies!

    Lots of posts to read and great sharing and support here! I am at the tail end of a cold which curtailed my exercise and activity this week. Didn't feel really bad but wanted to conserve energy and "baby" it so it would go away sooner! LOL! Cold front is coming through tomorrow with rain in the forecast so I got on the bike today. Planned the meals for the week and will hit the grocery store later. Found a recipe for Black Bean Chili with Cilantro on Kaylyn's Kitchen I will make tomorrow and some low fat/sugar applesauce bread. Pumpkin butter to satiate my pumpkin fix is also on the menu.

    The new kitten I am fostering is now litter trained and will come out and play with me. Still don't know if it is a boy or girl but I hope to get it to the vet in the next week or two. I am hopeful someone will adopt it. If not I will have to figure out how to integrate it with my other three and DH. He is supportive but to a point with the situation.

    Wishing everyone a great Saturday and Happy Thanksgiving to the Canadian crew!

    Take care,
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    The sun shone brilliantly this morning lulling me into a fall sense of a warm, fall day but the truth revealed a killing frost had finished off all my flowers overnight, my garden now reduced to carrots and beets. I must go out to the market pick up a bouquet of flowers for the table instead of one I had envisioned from the garden (oh well). The turkey is about to go into the oven to be finely tuned and everything else is just waiting its turn to chime into this symphony I call Thanksgiving dinner. I did a lot of my cleaning up yesterday and the pumpkin pie and angel food cake were prepared last night (hubby doesn’t eat pumpkin). I bought a bottle of raspberry wine from the farmers market for our dinner. My only regret is that there are only three of us for this special occasion, I do miss our families most at this time.

    I sat down with the food calculator wondering if I should even log my supper tonight and I realized I can have a pretty decent dinner (including pie and ice cream) without guilt if I get out and do an hour of gardening while the sun shines. Bonus! Oops, I forgot to figure in the wine in my calculations.... hmmmm, maybe a little longer in the garden?

    Timo113 – I like the idea of sending the candy to the Seniors center! Great idea!

    Genealace – gorgeous lace making! My grandmother tried desperately to teach me bobbin lace and tatting amongst other things but I was just too impatient as a child. I did pick up knitting and crocheting but didn’t actually use that knowledge until the family came along.

    Wanda – you are too young at 51 to retire unless you have a whole new career you want to venture into? You were very brave trying to ride your bike, good for you. It is rather scary getting back on that thing after so long; I did it too and when I didn’t fall over or get run over and didn’t expire from over exertion, I was elated! Have been several times since but now my ancient bit of metal needs new brakes and I have yet to toss it into the truck to get it to the repair shop.

    Stardancer – snow? Way too early, yes I know its Canada, but it’s still too early!!!

    Cathy – yes come to us for moral support, we all need from time to time, we aren’t alone in this battle! 2 years for knee surgery? I can believe it, it took two years for my hip replacement and that was after discovering that my condition was severe!

    Kathy, congrats on the scale moving, that is always a wonderful feeling.

    Jb_2011 – all those tomatoes! You sound very industrious! I must admit that I am only freezing mine at the moment hoping to feel industrious during the cooler months. B complex vitamins are wonderful for helping your stress levels too!

    Wesseg – good on you for choosing a small treat! You mention the holiday goodies; yes that is always a mine field isn’t it?

    Glenda - you are way ahead of me, I am not sure I will ever catch up! You did have a good day, how lovely! Did you say you had snow too? Please keep in the south, p-l-e-a-s-e!

    Robin - Olivia is so sweet! Wonderful picture! You are so lucky to have a supportive husband who gives neckrubs!

    My apologies to anyone that I may have missed, I try speed read to catch up and it’s almost impossible. Miss a day and sooo much has happened!

    Again, Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian pals,

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
    Cheers, Kate
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello to all. What a great group we are! There are so many posts to read, I know I can't catch up right now. I did lose 1.4 pounds, but Ginny was up a tad, so we doubt we will be in the top 3 this week. Today was parent daughter day so DD#2 and I went shopping and DD#1 went with hubby to see a movie. The "news" from DD#2 is that DD#1 thinks she should not have to do any chores and she hates living with us, so she is now looking for a friend to move in with. So hubby will be talking to her about that. Don't know where she'd go....all her friends still live at home too!

    Well I need to get busy on my book; I want to get enough done to watch the football game tonight. I'll be thinking of all of you. Enjoy the day! Take care Meg
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Sooo I woke up this morning, washed my face, looked in the mirror and went AAAAKKKKK!! :sick: both eyes are completely bloodshot and swollen :noway: so I think it is a reaction to a new eye cream that I used last night...I have used it in the past but it is now in the garbage!! :grumble: hopefully it will be better tomorrow..,we are headed to a niece's house on Seneca lake (one of the finger lakes in NYS) and then for a romantic weekend at an inn in Skaneatles (also a finger lake)..will be more fun without the zombie eyes look....I guess if anyone is looking for Halloween ideas...but I don't recommend it!! LOL!! :laugh:

    Had Saturday lunch with mom and sister...mom inspected my knitting progress...she only found 3 dropped stitches and said she could fix them...then asked me for a small crochet hook...I don't have one of those either...she also showed me how I was doing it so hopefully I can correct going forward...all in all the review went pretty well...mom is not known for her tact and diplomacy...LOL!

    I am not discussing my eating...one of those I know what I need to do its executing I am having a little trouble with..I do continue to log because it makes me accountable and actually keeps the dumb choices from becoming really, really really dumb choices.

    Enjoy the rest of Saturday. Happy Thanksgiving to our friends in Canada...it is my favorite holiday!

    Hugs, prayers and high fives..I know I can't live without them!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Ok, DH should be home late tonight or tomorrow. He got his elk, so we will be well supplied with Elk for the next year or 2. It is so lean. There is no fat on the steaks at all. :drinker:
    I have to go back to page one of this blog to catch up. Will do this later tonight!:wink::wink:

    It have been nice and quiet at home, less stress with him gone. The girls say " can't he stay gone for longer"! :cry: :cry:

    I need to do something about these hormones. Someone on here wrote that they had premenstrual junk until 59! I have had enough at 55, can't image this for 4 more years! :explode: :explode: :grumble: :grumble: :sad: :sad:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians friends. I just had to read about your tradition, for myself and girls. You were actually the ones to celebrate the first thanksgiving! So, I learned a little history today.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    May you and all your family and friends have a lovely Thanksgiving! :flowerforyou: :heart:
    I will be back later tonight! :tongue:
    Blessings to all, Linda:heart:
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Hi to all, I'm just taking a small break to eat my lunch before I continue doing all the prep work for tomorrow's Thanksgiving dinner. So far I've made a wonderful marinated salad with brocolli, cauliflower, carrots, turnip, and red cabbage. Everyone loves it but it takes forever to cut up all the veggies. Also cooked up my turkey legs today. Next was the stuffing which is now made and ready to put into the turkey in the morning. I had to quickly whip up my Mexican bean salad for lunch and made a double batch so there is lunch for a couple of days. It's nice to sit for a bit and read the posts today before continuing.

    I will start on the crustless pumpkin pies next. I checked out a recipe for Pumpkin Trifle with Ginger Snaps and it was far too high in almost everything, especially fat, calories, and sodium. And that's after I tweaked the ingredients to use healthy alternatives. Definitely not worth it for me. Lastly, I'll clean and wash the turkey and repackage it until tomorrow ~ such a messy job! Then a good brushing of the dogs, dusting and vacuuming. Tonight DH and I will just watch something we've taped and I'm sure I'll sleep well.:yawn:

    Glenda, your DGD must have loved the fact that the main character was a cute little redhead too! :smile: My DD and I took the little ones to see Brave (the 6 year old's choice) and it was really good. It's so much fun to take them ~ they always have a hotdog, kiddie popcorn, and small chocolate bar. Oh, and of course a small pop which they do not get at home! That is enough to keep them quiet as little mice...:love:

    Lin, it's always such a treat for us to go clothes shopping in your own closets, especially when you find beautiful things that you've been saving!

    Kate, I felt the same way as I was logging in tomorrow's Thanksgiving dinner but it worked out fine. I worked backwards from dinner to ensure that I had a taste of everything I wanted. Now I'll do my best stick to the plan!

    Jen, sorry to hear about your reaction to the eye cream! We have to be so careful of the products we put close to our eyes. Hope it goes away over night so any photos will have you looking your best!

    Linda, at lunch the other day my GF told me that she still suffers with terrible hot flashes and she's 62!

    Well, lunch is over for me and DH just brought up the turkey. Such a sweet guy to offer to unload and load the dishwasher before I start back up again! :love: :love: A peaceful evening to all...

  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Good evening Ladies. Its been crazy weather here in Tennessee. Yesterday, it was in the 80's, but last night a storm swept through and it dropped 30 degrees in an hour. Tonight its rainy and will be in the very low 40's.

    I got up this morning and brought out some clothes I had purchased at the close of the season in February. I purchased two different sizes smaller HOPING I might be able to get into those by this fall. To my amazement this morning I could not wear the larger of the two pairs of jeans at all, while the smaller (XL petite:happy: ) actually fit! YAY! That was the pair I had hoped to be into by February 2013. I was so happy I went out and treated myself to a manicure.

    Some days I don't feel like 90 pounds lost is much (when compared the to big picture is really isn't:ohwell: ). But I try not to focus on that enormous goal and just work on the short term. I am shooting for 10 pounds this month. That would mean I lost my first 100 pounds before the 1 year mark!! Here's to hoping and praying and working hard:drinker: .

    I'm so very glad I found you girls. I hope I don't bore you with my posts, lol. Have a great evening.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    We're back!

    For those that remember my stressing about driving by myself with a big pickup truck and a trailer to pick up my DH in Indianapolis, I made it with no mishaps. :laugh: I did end up going through downtown Atlanta instead of catching the by-pass, which I did NOT intend to do. :noway: I was not a happy camper (pun intended) but I made it.

    We had an absolutely wonderful time - camped in Yellowstone for 18 days, then 3 days in Island Park, ID before we went on our elk hunt.

    The weather was beautiful and we found a good place to camp in Norris campground. The mud pots in Yellowstone were not in great shape due to the dry weather but everything else was great!

    I think the part we enjoyed the most was the 2.5 mile walk in to Fairey Falls (weird but that is how it's spelled - must be named for a person instead of a fairy) and then on another .7 mile to Imperial geyser. You can get right under the falls if you want to and the colors in that geyser are amazing! :love:

    We came back a different route on our way back out and saw a buffalo skeleton back in the woods. The skull was all bleached out and quite a sight.

    I am so glad I have been going to the gym for a couple of years. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to do some of the back country hiking that we did. Some of those trails and cliffs were quite a challenge! Several times there were places where we went up or down between 500 and 1000 feet in 1/2 mile or less.

    I could go on and on and bore you all to death but I'll stop there.

    On the way home we came across a road called "Sheep Creek Geological Loop". It is in the Flaming Gorge area of the Unita mountains in Utah.

    That place is amazing and there were hardly any people there. The cliffs were more impressive than anything I saw in Yellowstone because you are right in the middle of them, not seeing them from above and at a distance.

    I got a 6x6 900 pound elk on our hunt. :bigsmile: That was quite an experience!

    I am in the middle of unpacking and doing laundry, so I'll leave it at that for now.

    I don't have my gazillion pictures downloaded to this computer yet. When I do I'll put up a pic of me and my elk.

    I don't think I gained or lost weight while we were gone. I'll find out when I get to the gym on Monday.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    We're back!

    For those that remember my stressing about driving by myself with a big pickup truck and a trailer to pick up my DH in Indianapolis, I made it with no mishaps. :laugh: I did end up going through downtown Atlanta instead of catching the by-pass, which I did NOT intend to do. :noway: I was not a happy camper (pun intended) but I made it.

    We had an absolutely wonderful time - camped in Yellowstone for 18 days, then 3 days in Island Park, ID before we went on our elk hunt.

    The weather was beautiful and we found a good place to camp in Norris campground. The mud pots in Yellowstone were not in great shape due to the dry weather but everything else was great!

    I think the part we enjoyed the most was the 2.5 mile walk in to Fairey Falls (weird but that is how it's spelled - must be named for a person instead of a fairy) and then on another .7 mile to Imperial geyser. You can get right under the falls if you want to and the colors in that geyser are amazing! :love:

    We came back a different route on our way back out and saw a buffalo skeleton back in the woods. The skull was all bleached out and quite a sight.

    I am so glad I have been going to the gym for a couple of years. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to do some of the back country hiking that we did. Some of those trails and cliffs were quite a challenge! Several times there were places where we went up or down between 500 and 1000 feet in 1/2 mile or less.

    I could go on and on and bore you all to death but I'll stop there.

    On the way home we came across a road called "Sheep Creek Geological Loop". It is in the Flaming Gorge area of the Unita mountains in Utah.

    That place is amazing and there were hardly any people there. The cliffs were more impressive than anything I saw in Yellowstone because you are right in the middle of them, not seeing them from above and at a distance.

    I got a 6x6 900 pound elk on our hunt. :bigsmile: That was quite an experience!

    I am in the middle of unpacking and doing laundry, so I'll leave it at that for now.

    I don't have my gazillion pictures downloaded to this computer yet. When I do I'll put up a pic of me and my elk.

    I don't think I gained or lost weight while we were gone. I'll find out when I get to the gym on Monday.


    Sounds like a fabulous trip...welcome back! And isn't it for life adventures like this why we are all trying to lose weight and be in the best shape we can be in?
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Good evening Ladies. Its been crazy weather here in Tennessee. Yesterday, it was in the 80's, but last night a storm swept through and it dropped 30 degrees in an hour. Tonight its rainy and will be in the very low 40's.

    I got up this morning and brought out some clothes I had purchased at the close of the season in February. I purchased two different sizes smaller HOPING I might be able to get into those by this fall. To my amazement this morning I could not wear the larger of the two pairs of jeans at all, while the smaller (XL petite:happy: ) actually fit! YAY! That was the pair I had hoped to be into by February 2013. I was so happy I went out and treated myself to a manicure.

    Some days I don't feel like 90 pounds lost is much (when compared the to big picture is really isn't:ohwell: ). But I try not to focus on that enormous goal and just work on the short term. I am shooting for 10 pounds this month. That would mean I lost my first 100 pounds before the 1 year mark!! Here's to hoping and praying and working hard:drinker: .

    I'm so very glad I found you girls. I hope I don't bore you with my posts, lol. Have a great evening.


    Jolene, you're amazing! You have accomplished so much in such a short time. Bravo, my dear ~ bravo...

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy October, Ladies!
    I've been so busy with back-to-school nights and starting an after-school class that I haven't had time to keep up with all your posts the past 10 days or so. Too many posts to read before jumping back in, so I'll try to catch up from here.

    I was successful on some of my September goals, but could have been better. Goals for October:
    1. Exercise 4x/week
    2. Eat and cook healthfully
    3. Drink at least 6 glasses of water/day
    4. Finish reading The Happiness Project
    5. Take daily vitamins
    6. Check in here at least 5 x/week

    Successfully avoided cookies and candy treats at multiple faculty and team meetings in the past two weeks. Went clothes shopping and have dropped 2 pant sizes. Had lunch with in-laws today and survived the inquisition about my new eating habits. I'm thankful for all my NSVs, great and small.

    Hope all my MFP friends are finding strength and happiness on your journey.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jolene:smile: Congrats!!!! You're doing an amazing job!!!

    Faye:smile: Welcome back!!! Your trip sounds amazing! Looking forward to seeing your pics!!!

    Polly:smile: Good to hear from you!!! Congrats on dropping 2 pants sizes, avoiding cookies and candy , and making it through the inquisition!!!

    Sorry this is so short tonight. I've been out all day enjoying this beautiful weather!!! Tomorrow is supposed to be chilly and rainy:sad: , I wanted to get in as much outdoor time as possible today. Now it's time to get a shower, crawl in my comfy bed and maybe if I can keep my eyes open, read a bit:yawn: .

    Hope everyone has sweet dreams!!! Until tomorrow....

    DeeDee:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Jolene, you are doing wonderfully! How exciting that you have met your goal on those clothes well ahead of time.

    Faye, your trip sounds terrific. I would love to go to all the national parks and stay in the great lodges. It isn't a bucket list item shared by my DH, so we'll see. I always watch the PBS shows about the national parks. My BF would travel with me, which could be an option.

    We got the base of the retainer wall in the back yard in place and level by about 1 p today. I wasn't a huge help today. For whatever reason the bending over / standing up just didn't sit well and I'd feel dizzy. Thankfully I don't often have these days, but have to remind myself the heart surgery was only 6 months ago. Since I did all sorts of toting and lifting last weekend I let DH do it this weekend. Perhaps we'll get a bit more done tomorrow after church and it will be a better day.

    In the meantime, both of us got new cell phones from StraightTalk and I spent the afternoon inputting contacts in mine, setting up the calendar, alarms, etc. I'm sure Sprint will miss us.... Also just got the laundry done for the week. Tomorrow hope to cook a meal or two (or parts thereof) ahead for the week.

    I'm going to sit in the chair and probably fall asleep now!

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hi again,

    Twice in one day! Well my stomach must have shrunk because I had a measured plate complete with turkey, old-fashioned bread stuffing, gravy, mashed spuds, broccoli and corn (forgot the cranberry sauce!) and I was too full to have more than a ½” sliver of pumpkin pie without the ice cream I had planned. I do love turkey and all the trimmings!

    The raspberry wine was a disappointment, so incredibly bitter! Blech! Luckily we had an Argentinian Malbec as back up to toast with!

    I didn’t get my bouquet of flowers that I wanted, I spent a good deal of time running around but it seemed that everyone and their sainted aunties were out shopping today for their celebration on Sunday or Monday. The line-ups were insanely long and most of the flowers were gigantic potted mums that would cover an entire table top on their own, most of them 2 feet across with a thousand blossoms! I am still strapped for space as it is so I finally settled for a small, modestly cheerful, 4 inch potted yellow mum with a stubby shaft of wheat stuck in it for decoration from Walmart.

    No gardening for me today by the time I finished going from store to store it was time to come home and put the finishing touches on supper.

    The lovely thing about having our dinner tonight, well, there are enough left-overs to have a repeat performance tomorrow night without the cooking.

    Oh the turkey enzymes are kicking in, why is it that we all want to snooze after a turkey dinner?

    Weigh-in is on Monday and I harbor no illusions about the results or lack thereof, after Mr. Sodium did a lot of cooking this week while I worked and of course the Thanksgiving weekend. Sigh…

    Cheers my lovelies, sweet dreams,

  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Busy day here as well. Perfect Fall day so I rode my bike to the farmer's market and Trader Joe's. Bought some fancy olive oil and apples at the market and a few things at TJ, but my bike basket is only so big... Rode over to DS's house to feed the cat and then back home. About 15 miles! I was pretty impressed with myself. Headed out to the garden to pick tomatoes, peppers a few tomatillos and some green onions. I had leeks in the fridge and some butternut squash so I brewed up some butternut squash, curry apple soup, some tomato soup with gorgonzola and some butternut squash enchillladas for dinner. Froze all the soup for lunches. Still have a bunch of peppers to cut and freeze tomorrow.

    Robin - I can so identify with your garage project. My dining room has been under construction for just under 2 years. I have the pleasure??? of being married to a perfectionist. We live in a century home and took the room down to the studs. The drywall is up and he primed the walls once, but thinks he may need to spackle some more...Give it up! It's an old house!!! LOL

    Faye - what a wonderful trip. We went to Glacier and hiked before I lost my weight. It would be so much more fun now. My sister lives in Montana so I'm hoping to get back there soon.

    Going to do a little shopping tomorrow. I've decided my bras don't fit right any more. I heard recently that a doctor here is doing surgery where she takes the extra tissue/fat you have, say in the tummy area, and moves it where you need it, like the boobs. Sounds like a good idea to me, but I think I'll wait to see if the studies show that it stays in place!

    Good day to you all tomorrow,
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    DeeDee, good that you were able to ge out and enjoy the outdoors. The mop won’t go anywhere. It was cool here in Dallas but we didn’t get any rain like the weather man thought we might. I got out to do a little shopping. I am waiting now for my grandson to call as I am picking him up from work tonight.

    Kate, your dinner sounds wonderful. I am sure I will over do somehow when Thanksgiving comes here in Texas. I’m already telling myself to eat small servings and I can eat it more than one day. Sorry you didn’t find the flowers you wanted but Walmart always seems to come to the rescue. I’m a Wally World shopper too.

    Gail, you are a wise woman not to overdo the gardening. I keep reminding my DH that he is the muscles and I am the brain...lol. Sometimes it works! As for the chair, I find myself snoozing more frequently in them too.

    Polly, there are so many wonderful posts here that I find it next to impossible to stay “caught up”. It must of been wonderful to go shopping and buy 2 sizes smaller. I’m hoping to experience even just 1 by Christmas - that’s one of my goals. Good to chat with you.

    Jolene, fitting into that smaller size sounds like a good reason to me to have a manicure. I treated myself to a new shade of polish the other day which I am enjoying. I had a good loss that week but no where near a size smaller yet. I was overstuffed in the size I’m in now. DH said tonight he could signs of a change...hopeful! Your Tennessee weather sounds like our Texas weather. Quite a drop! It’s 45° here as I type.

    Hi Faye, looking forward to getting to know you and welcome back! Good to read that you didn’t suffer any mishaps on your trip. I’ll be looking for the pic of you and your elk too.

    Deborah, hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. One thing about having it before the U.S. is that you can sit back and relax while we are busy prepping ours. Hubby’s can make themselves useful when they want, huh?!

    Well, this grandmother is getting a bit antsy. I am thinking I should have heard from my grandson by now. It’s getting well past the hour I expected to hear from him. He works in a restaurant so maybe they are slow to close. Whatever the reason this grandmother is ready to hear from him. Guess I will close here so I can pace the floor...sweet dreams to all.