

  • Alicia7519
    Hi Everyone!

    I love this thread. Last month it helped me get started on my plan to eat healthier foods and to exercise more. I met some of my goals for example, I am drinking eight glasses or more of water on a daily basis. I always have a bottle of water with me. I am exercising almost everyday. I am hooked on yoga. I have been taking my lunch to work almost everyday. I keep a desk drawer full of healthy snacks. I've been good to myself and have not been freaking out when I overeat or drink some wine or beer. I am seeing the benefits of my change in lifestyle. I have more energy, and my skin is not so horribly dry as it was before. Also, I lost ten pounds.

    For October
    More cardio
    No skipping breakfast. I did this a couple of times last month.
    Cut back on the caffeine.
    Use the stairs instead of the elevator. It's three flights of stairs to my classroom.

    Have a great Sunday!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Boy, here it is midnight and I'm just now getting onto the computer. Really overslept but got to yoga (well, I wasn't planning to go to the farmer's market anyway), then stopped at Aldi's to get more water for the workers, then had to pick up the Hallmark Ornaments we'd ordered in July. Came home, there were 3 guys here cleaning and doing what landscaping they can do because the dirt was so wet. We did at one time have a big pile of dirt, now it's a little pile. Timmy and Doug (he replaced the guy they fired) were here along with Armando. I think Armando felt a bit out of place since Doug and Timmy are friends and could speak in English. Armando was on the phone a lot, but when he was working he was doing a lot of work, working hard which was something new for him. They finished the pipes, moved some dirt to other spots on our property (we would have had to pay if they'd had to haul the dirt away, as it was there were lots of places on our property we could have used the dirt), cleaned up, then took the skidsteer away. Looks like that's the last we'll see of them. In one sense, it's bittersweet goodbye, but in another sense that means that the pool is that much closer to being finished. They also power washed, cleaned the pool and the filters.

    Vince got me some grill cleaner so I took the grates for the oven in the backyard and cleaned them as much as I could. I probably could have gotten every little bit off if I'd scrubbed and scrubbed. But I didn't, they look clean anyway.

    We THINK the tiles are coming by mail, and since we haven't heard anything, we're going to assume with the holiday Monday that he won't be tiling. Vince sent an email to the pool company head explaining that in light of the problems we have had communicating with people who don't speak English, there are a lot of pipes that are buried, we don't want any work on the fence to be started until someone who speaks English is here. From what Justin said, Heidel (the fence guy) is on vacation but Bob (the owner of the pool co) sent an email saying that Heidel will be here. Maybe he's going to be here for a bit and go on vacation the rest of the week, I don't know. I do know that when Chris is here doing the tile Bob wants to be here. It seems that Justin and Timmy don't think much of Chris so maybe Bob really wants to see his work.

    Made some pork, white bean and kale soup today. Good thing, too, since it's supposed to be in the 50's tomorrow.

    Did my hour of yoga today, tomorrow I'll do an hour of training games on the Wii.

    Made some chocolate chip muffins for the guys and some applesauce cocoa cookies. Fortunately, it's not like there will be a lot of workers here. Then there will be two workers -- Michele and Vince....lol

    Gail - who cares about what the scale says you're down, those measurements lost are FANTASTIC!!!

    mwheatcraft - I do have a self cleaning oven. My oven in our last house was self cleaning and I would leave the racks in the oven when it was cleaning. the only thing is that the racks would get "dull", and I really don't mind cleaning them with the grill cleaner. I can see that if a food is coated in salt, after baking it would make a hard crust. But it seems that salt is sprinkled on the crust of the baking potatoes, it doesn't seem to change the texture of the skin so I'm wondering why they even do it? Is it to enchance the flavor of the potato, I wonder? To me, it detracts from the flavor. But then again, I like the flavor of the vege, not the sauce they put on it. Last time we went to Red Lobster, I brushed off most of the salt. It just didn't appeal to me at all.

    jb - I don't know about you, but I have aged from 29 to 39. Been 39 for the past 10 or so years.

    Robin - that's so great that you didn't give in. I am so proud of you

    Carolyn - can you use pumpkin butter in place of butter in recipes? Can it be used the same as canned pumpkin? I have a jar of pumpkin butter but am not sure what to do with it.

    Linda Sundance - when Vince used to go away on business, that's when the kids and I would have things for dinner that he didn't eat -- like mac & cheese (this was a while ago, today I really don't care for boxed mac & cheese, but I will eat it if I make it from scratch). So many times I said to him "do you have to come home NOW?" I really didn't want him to feel badly about going away.

    jolene - what a wonderful surprise about the pants. In some ways it's great to get a smaller size, you never know when it'll fit. Good luck on future losses

    Faye - congrats on driving the truck with the trailer. I don't think I could have done that, and especially in Atlanta. Your trip sounds just wonderful

    Polly - congrats on the pants sizes gone

    Gini - you should be impressed with all the biking you are doing. I know I am.

    Not sure why, but I've been thinking a lot about that guy who got fired and his "wife". She was saying how he didn't have any money, yet when they went for lunch she told me that they went to this Subway that I know is high priced. If you're low on funds, you bring your own lunch. There were some guys who brought their own microwave with them.

    Well, best be off to bed now. Have a great evening everyone.

  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    Helllo!:flowerforyou: I am new also, just joined in Sept, so will lay out my goals for OCT. :happy:

    Log in to MFP daily
    Exercise 3x week:
    Drink 8 glasses of water.:drinker:

    Those are pretty basic, but I do not want to overdo it just yet.

    A little about myself--I work at a domestic violence place, for past 12 years. I do support groups for domestic violence and sexual assault. I am divorced mom of a two. I have 4 sisters. I love God. :heart: Not sure whate else, but I will see what other ladies are doing and take their lead. Happy October! :happy:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    I just read all the posts that I have missed. It is now 1am :ohwell: :yawn: . I am too exhausted to write, but I can see the best way to keep up with the blogs is to write everyday.

    Went to the gym today, by myself and did 45 mins of the elliptical. :drinker: :drinker: DH was home by 7pm this evening, We all just wanted a few more days of peace and quiet. :grumble: :grumble:

    Thank you everyone for the well wishes. Kathy's family is having a gathering the week to celebrate her life. This should be a nice thing for her children. :smile: :smile:
    Congrats to everyone who met their September goals! I need to get some specific and attainable goals for Oct. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new ladies. :flowerforyou:

    Here's to a blessed Sunday, Happy Thanksgiving to all the lovely Canadian ladies, Happy Belated Birthday to Jb. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I will be back later today. I need to go log out of my food diary, Sweet dreams my friends! :heart: Linda
  • karmakat50
    Hi spring here,so all ready for spring cleaning
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Boy get busy and you end up reading for an hour. :laugh: I tried on a pair of smaller pants yesterday and they almost can button :ohwell: I still have a little work out in the studio, so off I go. Just wanting to mark my spot. Tigress
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Morning, ladies! Hope everyone had a nice evening and a good sleep.

    Hi Faye, welcome home! Sounds like you had a great trip...

    Polly, you had a very successful September ~ congrats!:smile:

    Kate, too bad about the raspberry wine. I wonder if it's supposed to taste like that? I hope to have the same kind of dinner you had yesterday ~ great job!

    Gini, nice bike ride! Your soup sounds absolutely delicious ~ made my mouth start to water...:tongue: Unfortunately, my DH is a procrastinator...:grumble:

    texasgal22, hope you didn't have to wait too long to hear from your DGS. It doesn't matter how old they get, we still worry...

    4dogmom, good job on the weight loss! You seem to have a good plan in place.

    Diane, welcome to the group! You have a very stressful job on a very sensitive subject ~ I'm so glad there are people like you!:flowerforyou:

    Linda, great work on the elliptical!! I did all the prep and cleaning (with DH's help) yesterday. It's SO nice to wake up and know that everything's ready to go.:happy:

    Tigress, I think we all feel the same way about always trying to catch up on the news (judging how late some of the ladies have been posting) ~ it's a very busy board!

    As for me, the house is still dark and quiet and I'm sitting in my home office with just the glow of the computer screen. Hope DH gets up soon or I'll have to actually get up and make my own way to the kitchen for my coffee! :laugh: I've always loved this time of day ~ so peaceful and truly all my own.

    As most of you know, we are having our Thanksgiving dinner late this afternoon. DD and the family will be coming over about 2:30pm so we'll be able to have some time to spend with the little guys! Maybe I'll pull out the Perfection game ~ they're a bit young, but just love it when the timer goes off and all the pieces pop up! Everything is ready to go and the house is clean! BTW, the crustless pumpkin pies turned out perfectly (it's my new favorite recipe)...

    Hark! I hear DH finally making his way down to the kitchen to let the dogs out ~ coffee time!! :drinker: :happy:

    Happy Thanksgiving to anyone celebrating today...

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Morning everyone!

    It is a dreary day here and I have the house smelling good with Black bean chili and raspberry oatmeal muffins! Did not have the cinnamon sticks so I did not make the pumpkin butter. Michele I got the recipe from Skinnytaste- she is a blogger with great recipes, most very healthy adaptations to great food! Her pumpkin butter is the base for many other pumpkin recipes, i.e.- skinny pumpkin lattes, pumpkin yogurt parfait, pumpkin cheesecake. I had the yen this week to add it to my yogurt for breakfast!

    Heading out to a football game...Told DH we will plan on not staying for the entire game especially if the weather is bad. I am getting over the cold and don't want to come home feeling crummy!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

  • Youngfleur
    Youngfleur Posts: 9 Member
    Morning everyone.

    Happy Thanksgiving to us Canadians.

    Just checking in for another month.

    It is hard to believe how fast the days go by once one is retired. The leaves have done a complete change and have started falling off of the trees in our back yard. We are busy every other day raking up leaves. If not the dogs would get lost..
    I am proud to say that I have lost a total of 11 lbs since I joined up with myfitnesspal. When I keep track it is easier to see what my body is up to.

    I would like to loose another 5 lbs for the month of October. and keep on drinking that water...

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning ladies! IT is a beautiful fall morning here. DH is working in the yard and I’m on the computer. We watched the NE football game last night…pretty sad! I have to confess I had an eating binge. We had fritos and bean dip and beer. I got them because we were going to have some friends over, but she got sick, so they didn’t come. Instead of measuring out a serving and eating that, DH and I both kept eating them out of the bag, so who knows how many I had. The good news is that I haven’t done anything like that in about a year. So today is a new day and I will just start with a clean slate. I’m hoping to ride my bike, do the elliptical, and lift weights today. I think if I add some extra time in exercising I will minimize the damage! :glasses:

    Jen: I sure hope your eyes look better today! Your romantic weekend sounds fabulous! Baby steps, baby steps!

    Linda: I keep hoping my uterus will just fall out one day!!! Despite depo injections, I’m going on 9 weeks without stopping. UGH. Do you have a voodoo doll???:laugh:

    Deborah: sounds like you are cooking up a storm! It also sounds delicious…set another place for me!:bigsmile:

    Jolene: congratulations on your losses and fitting into those clothes earlier than expected.:flowerforyou:

    Faye: wow your trip sounds wonderful and all the great sights you saw!

    Polly: sounds like you really have some accomplishments to cheer about!

    DeeDee: hope you had a wonderful night

    Gail: take care of yourself! :flowerforyou:

    Kate: I too love that turkey dinner with all the trimmings. I try to add one new dish each time, but the others are all my tried and true standbys. Don’t worry about the weight. It will even itself out after your holiday is over.

    Gini: you sound like a busy gardener too. Great job on all the biking. I had to laugh when I read your comments about moving tissue around. Don’t want anything sliding around!:tongue:

    Texasgal: I too walk the floors when someone is late. Hope it all turned out ok

    4dogmom: good for you to stick to your goals!

    Michele: how do you keep so organized?

    DianeRLarson: welcome to our group!

    Linda: I hope your friends life celebration will help you find peace and closure.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I saw that incredible workout on my home page…great job!

    Tigress: yay on the pants!!! You’ll get there!

    Well time to get busy here. I could just lay around all day long in the sunshine, but I’d have to move 3 cats and the dog who all love to hog the tiny spaces where the sun pours in! Onward and upwards! Take care, Meg:drinker:
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning dear ladies.

    I worked out in the garage yesterday going thru boxes of "stuff" that hadn't been opened in years. Trying to purge so we can then rebuild the shelves and have a somewhat organized and usable garage.

    I made thru yesterday with out giving in. After today it will be a whole week. I think I will be able to make it the whole month now that I have accomplished a week. I couldn't have done it without your incredible support. Thank you all sooooooo much. :heart:

    Last night I made one of my DH 's favorite meals. Corned beef and cabbage. That meant this morning I made is all time favorite breakfast homemade corned beef hash. He is very happy and I have to admit it was one of the best corned beefs I have made in a long time.

    More garage pruging and Bronco's football this afternoon. Then its back to the grind.

    Keep on drinking the water!!!!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    OMG I didn't realize just how may beads I have. Wow. I found all kinds of stuff. I am only half done and I have thrown away 3 full bags of garbage, and about 30 catalogs that are wayyyy out of date. The junk we hold onto. Now all I have to do is get the beads organized.

    I tried to go to the new steak and shake that just open in augusta, but it was packed. I wanted a hot dog so bad. I guess I'll just have to wait. DH told me it's been that way since it opened a week ago. Who knew. I would have opened one when I retired if I knew people were that crazy about them. I never ate at one until 3 weeks ago on our way home from a show. I had a hot dog. I love hot dogs :love: :love: :love: I thought hey not bad, but this is crazy.
  • Alicia7519
    Good Afternoon Beautiful Ladies!

    Megblair and 4thoseIlove - Thank you very much.

    Yesterday, I overate, but I will be okay today. This morning, my DH made a smoothie for me. He's so excited about me changing my eating habits and exercising. He has been trying for years to get me to stop being so negligent about my health. He's semi-retired and is out of town a lot because he is working on his family's farm. When he came home this time, he was surprised that I was eating healthy food and going to yoga classes. When he is home, he buys groceries, so he avoided buying the junk food that I love to eat.

    To reward myself for losing eleven pounds, I bought some tops to wear to my exercise classes. Fred Meyer had a sale on long sleeve tees, so I bought a few of those. Now, I don't have to worn out t-shirts.

    Happy Thanksgiving to Canadians who are on this thread!

    Have a great Sunday!
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends! Hope you have a great holiday weekend with good food and family to share it.

    I'm off to make the weekly menus and shopping list, then hit the gym (it's cold and rainy today so no walking or biking :cry: .
    Boys are off watching the Packers. There might be a nap in my future after my chores are finished...

    Looking forward to an extra day off tomorrow. Plan to go shopping for bras. Those darned straps keep falling down and I can't stand it one more day. After that, I'll have to face the Math homework I've been avoiding. The last time I took a math class was 1973 and I used a slide rule! Now I'm having to re-learn simplifying quadratic equations and how to use a graphing calculator. It gives me a headach after an hour, but I'll persevere -- one week at a time, just like with my exercise and eating. It's the only way I can get through things that are outside my comfort zone. Otherwise it just gets too overwhelming and I want to give up. Just trying to stick with it through the next meal, the next workout, the next homework assignment, seems to help.

    Hope the sun is shining wherever you are. Happy weekend!

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Sitting with DH watching a football game. Well he is I am here on the computer. Read all of the posts boy you miss a day I really get behind. Goal is to reply daily not wait.

    So our Women's workshop at church yesterday went well. Good turnout the set up and helping at the signup table my parts went without a hitch. But it made Friday and Saturday very late nights out. I have been spending today trying to catchup after church had to tackle the chores. I have been able to get a really nice walk in today.

    We are having shipwreck stew today its cooking in the crockpot now. Really enjoy stews and soups this time of year. So been gathering all of the healthy recipes I can find.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Candian Friends!!!!

    Congrats to all who have had scale and non scale victories this week. And Praying for everyone struggling..

    Will check in later today I need to run to the store than my chores can be done for today.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Good day!!

    I started out for my Trader Joe's trip today and my car wouldn't start. It's a car that needs the key fob close in order for it to start. No key to actually put in the ignition. Anyway, I got in and hit the button and I got an error message that the key fob was not detected. Ooooh, no. Battery's dying. Held the key fob close to the dashboard and the car started so finished my grocery trip. After getting back and stowing my groceries I rounded up some coupons and called the battery store, yep they'd be open soon. Got there okay and they changed the battery in that and while I was there I got the new batteries for my old HP calculator (it was flashing the low battery message as well). Then as long as I was out I ran by Target and picked up a special. Wow, so was everyone else in the vicinity! Luckily they opened another express lane while I was standing there so zipped over and paid. If they'd not opened that line I would have been there a very long time. So many people at the checkouts.

    I had the notion to try to make my own almond milk so I'd put some raw almonds in water to soak this morning. This afternoon I gave it a shot. Drained the almonds, added 4 c cold water. Gave the mixture a little squirt of pure vanilla and added 2 pitted medjool dates and let the Vitamix fly! Put it in the frig to cool but I grabbed a tsp full and I thought it tasted pretty good. I'll try it in my smoothie tomorrow.

    That's about as close to cooking I get with the exception of making soup or zapping some veg.

    Looked at the Sunday newspaper, called my dad and then the nurse looking after him today.

    Which brings me to now. Thirsty and hungry!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the day (even if you have to watch football). Hey, just kidding, don't beat on me.........

    Talk to you soon.


    :glasses: :heart: :glasses:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    :smile: Good early evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jen:smile: Hope you no longer have zombie eyes, and you`re enjoying a romantic weekend!!!

    Gail:smile: Sounds like your yard is really coming along, you`ll have to post pics when you`re done! Hope the dizziness went away, take care of yourself:flowerforyou: .

    Kate:smile: Your dinner sounds wonderful!

    Gini:smile: Butternut squash enchiladas sound really good! It`s good to get bras that fit right, it`s very uplifting in more ways than one:laugh: !

    Teri:smile: The mop is still waiting for me:ohwell: , I know it`ll be there when I`m ready. We do worry about our grandchildren, don`t we, if they only knew!

    4Dogmom:smile: Your goals for Oct. look good! Congrats on 11 pounds gone!!! Yay for new shirts!!!

    Michele:smile: Your soup sounds fabulous!!! It`s soup weather for sure now!!! Was the guy who got fired, the one whose wife you invited in?

    Diane:smile: Welcome to the best group of women on MFP:flowerforyou: !!! Goals look good, start with baby steps and add more when you`re ready!

    Linda:smile: Good for you going to the gym by yourself, a few times and it`s not so hard anymore!

    Deborah:smile: I love the early morning hours too:heart: , I get up everyday around 5am, I really loved it in the summer when I could take my coffe on the deck and watch the sunrise, just beautiful! I think early mornings are just magical!!

    Carolyn:smile: Hope you had a good time at the ballgame, and the weather wasn`t too bad!!!

    Youngfleur:smile: Congrats on losing 11 pounds!!!

    Meg:smile: I had a little binge today, I ate a lot of little dutch mints, then I felt really gross, still do as a matter of fact:sick: , I logged them though, I have enough cals for a bowl of soup tonight:frown: . Oh well, I guess as long as it doesn`t happen all time and we get right back on track. I think I should have just taken nap instead:tongue: .

    Robin:smile: You are doing so good!!!! Keep it up!!!!

    Tigress:smile: It`s amazing at the "stuff" we hold on to... I need to purge some items too!

    Polly:smile: Bra shopping YAY! Perks us right up:laugh: !!!

    Liz:smile: Glad your Women`s workshop was a success!!!! Shipwreck Stew sounds interesting, what`s in it?

    Lin:smile: Making your own almond milk:noway: , it`ll be interesting to see how you like it, please let us know! How do you like your Vitamix? I`m wondering if I might need to check into getting one. I looked at some of the recipes on their websit and they sound so good! I think it`s Gail that gave me the website for the carrot ginger soup, it`s so good!!! They are expensive though, have you had any problems with yours?

    Jb:smile: Hope your birthday & party was fabulous:flowerforyou: !!!!

    What a rainy cold day we`ve had here:sad: . I did go to Starbucks this morning to hold court with my subjects:laugh: , only two showed up today, and we sat outside, yuck, the Queen wasn`t happy with that. Now my throat is a bit scratchy and I`m a bit coughy:frown: . I think I might try out my honey, lemon , ginger in some hot tea tonight! Maybe I`ll have an early night tonight too, after my soup, my comfy bed awaits, along with a book I`ve been trying to read for what seems like forever, I get a few pages read and I fall asleep and drop my book, my dog is not happy when I do that:angry::laugh: .
    Hope all of you have a wonderful night!!! Sleep well and sweet dreams. Until tomorrow.....

  • Dar1356
    Dar1356 Posts: 15
    Happy Sunday Ladies! Never let it be said that you can't celebrate your birthday the WHOLE week, because that is what I have been doing:smile: It started with a surprise birthday letter in the mail from my son in Boulder, Colorado, where he is attending school. Mind you, the most communication with him has been random texts here and there,so a one page letter was a COMPLETE shock! Let's just say that half a box of kleenex later, I am truly blessed. Then, that evening, my daughter came home from USC to take me to breakfast on my actual BIRTH DAY, to her favorite place, IHOP...... and then went back to school for evening class. That afternoon, my mom friends took me out to lunch at a beautiful rooftop restaurant in Laguna Beach with great drinks and food... needless to say, so much for my calorie count........... and this past weekend, my friends up in LA and I went shopping @ the Citadel for a fundraising event, that included lunch from Ruby's Diner and wine tasting....
    SOOOO..... now I am back to business and keeping to my calorie count and exercise......... Have a WONDERFUL week, everyone...
    the weatherman says we might get rain here in California on Wed. or Thurs..... yeah, FALL!

  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    What a busy day everyone seems to have had. Makes me tired just reading about it, lol. I had the family over for Sunday lunch as usual. So now I am exhausted. But I powered through and went to the gym and worked out for hour. Its probably the last time for a couple of days. Tomorrow I make the two hour drive to see the Orthopedic surgeon and get the Synvisc injections in both knees, OUCH:angry: . Oh, the things we do to delay knee replacement surgery :frown: .

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that is celebrating today:drinker: .

    Congrats to everyone that has had all those awesome victories this week.

    Its been cold here all day, but no more rain. We actually had to break out a heater for the day. And next week its supposed to be back in the low 70's. Gotta love the weather in Tennessee:love: .

    Well, I am turning in early tonight, since I have to get up at 4:00 leave for my trip. Hope everyone has a spectacular day tomorrow.
