

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Too funny about the Vitamix. Guess they might only be sold in the states. LOL. They are actually made in the next city over from me, yet I don't have one! There is an outlet store around the corner from me and might just have to put it on my Christmas list. My sister has one and it literally saved her life last year when she had a dog pull her off her feet into the asphalt. Broke her jaw in three places, a number of her teeth, and moved everything around in her mouth. She was wired shut for 6 weeks and could only have things she could sip. Unfortunately things did not heal properly and while she has braces now, she's facing more surgery and wires. She took whole meals - meat, veggies and potatoes and blended them into something she could eat.

    Just had to bop in and comment. On my way home soon and off to Zumba.


    Gini, what a terrible thing to have happened to your sister! How long has it been since it happened?
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Oh my, I've done it again. I've eaten 590 calories of actual food, and 945 calories in snacks!!!! I have to stop this. I made pudding with skim milk and have been eating it all day with "whipped cream." And crackers - instead of a 16 cracker serving I ate like 40 of them!!! Still within all my goals, but this is not the way I want to eat. Ok, I've confessed again, now tomorrow will be better.:tongue:
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    So sorry for your loss Linda. Be of good cheer. God has a plan for each of us. :flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    New pic is my daughter!
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Ladies. Well I lived through it. But ended up getting the Synvisc and hydrocortisone injections in both knees. I have been pulled off exercise for the entire week, YIKES :noway: ! Well, my trainer is just gonna have to help me concentrate on upper body only this week. I can’t see myself not going at all.

    Cheryl, your horse is gorgeous. Such a beautiful animal.

    Linda- This is the fourth time I have had this injection done. It lasted me about 8 months this time, since I have been working out it doesn’t last as long. They used to last about 12 months. I appreciate the accolades about the weight loss. The first 60 pounds I was using prevention.com. I love this site much better.:bigsmile:

    Hi Kathy. I am new to the site too, but I really love it. These ladies are very warm and accepting:flowerforyou: . They are awesome. I love your profile pic, very sexy.:wink:

    Feeling really cruddy:grumble: :grumble: so I am going to take a bath, grab my ice packs and hit the sack. Tomorrow will be a better day.:ohwell:

    Night all, Jolene:yawn:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Hope everyone is having a good evening? Very nice Fall like weather here really enjoying it.

    I will post shipwreck stew recipe.

    @Barbie, welcome back.

    @Dee aren't people funny--(SIL) -- Sounds like your home is very festive with all of the decorations.

    @jolene- hope you feel better.

    @Lin--I have tried almond milk and soy for sure don't like it either but kudos on trying to make it yourself.

    @meg sorry about DD that is hard one. Hang in there.

    Well this is a short one enjoyed a very pleasant day here able to get chores all caught up now ready for work.

    Have a good night.

  • cinnamon471
    cinnamon471 Posts: 34 Member
    HI everyone , hope u had a good day, went to the doctor with my daughter today she is 27 She is the opposite of me. she weighs only 96 lbs which that is alot for her. the doctor is running blood test on her to make sure nothing else is wrong with her.
    She doesnt like to eat. He is going to give her meds to make her gain weights. Please pray for her.
    Everyone is doing great on there weightloss and are very frliendly on here , i am so glad for this site.
    Thank You so much everyone.
    I have been trying to lose weight for so long 22 years. of up and downs. This is the first time i have stuck to something for so long at liest 6 wks now.
    If anyone wants to be my friend they can. I love the support.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I did it
    I read all the posts and now can reply.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The weekend away was super……we were at the Little Creek Casino Resort in Shelton, Washington where the weather was fabulous…..we were there for a weekend of meetings at the event center but we found plenty of time to stay active. Jake got up with me in the morning and got down to the gym to use the treadmill and stationery bike at 6 AM and we walked whenever there was a break. I got over 20,000 steps a day and Jake got over 10,000.

    :flowerforyou: The first night we ate at a restaurant with too many sauces and things I never eat….I ordered a plain broiled chicken breast with a side of steamed vegetables and a side of cole slaw. I read the whole menu and looked for foods that I could eat that were part of the meals and then just asked for what I wanted…..the waitress looked surprised but brought me what I wanted.

    :flowerforyou: We brought our blender and Isagenix shake supplies and had shakes or Isagenix bars for all our meals but one each day……the other days we weren’t quite so virtuous and ate at the buffet but there were lots of fruits and vegetables to accompany the macaroni and cheese that was my indulgence.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I missed being in touch with all of you but decided that any free time I had should be devoted to exercise rather than sitting at the computer.

    :flowerforyou: Today I had to walk alone first thing in the morning because I couldn’t pick up the dogs from boarding until after 8 AM…..now our family is all together. We’re headed for bed early so Jake can get up and go salmon fishing again in the morning.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for October
    *yoga once a week
    *walk with hubby three times a week
    *say “OK”---be agreeable
    *stay in the moment
    *Be Barbie

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Wow! I have missed a couple of days and you have all been so busy on here!!

    The weekend saw son and DIL and daughter and friend arrive for the holiday. That of course meant lots of great food and sitting and visiting. I did suggest a short walk yesterday and it felt good to get some fresh air! I woke up in the night extremely thirsty and realized how little water I had consumed during the day! (and probably some higher sodium levels to boot!) I guess the body gets used to being regularly hydrated and misses it when it doesn't happen :laugh: It was great to have family together and to celebrate all that we have been blessed with. After brunch today, they headed off for home - and it is now time for this girl to get back on track!

    Kate - It sounds like you did a great job controlling portions on your thanksgiving dinner. Did you get snow? We had a lovely day yesterday - but rain today. My daughter headed out to Waterton to hike on Saturday and she said they were in snow half way up her calf!!

    fay - that sounds like quite an addventure. Congrats on the elk - sounds like there is some good eating in your future:smile:

    Jolene - 100 pounds in a year would be an incredible feat!! You have done well already - continue on!

    Diane - Welcome. It looks like you have set some good manageable goals. Nice work

    Karmakat50 - Spring? Where are you? Not on my side of the globe!!:smile:

    robin - congratulations on 1 week -that is 1/4 of the way through the month!:flowerforyou: You CAN do it!

    4dogmom - 11 pounds is such a good solid loss. and good work on celebrating it and rewarding yourself1 We need to celebrate our successes in tangible ways.

    Deborah - I was confused about Vitamix when I first heard of them too. But everyone who has one raves about them. Costco has had demos lately here.

    Jolene - Hope you get some relief from the injection. I know firsthand what that pain is like. it is so odd that some people get good results from the shot and some get none. Sadly, I was in the latter group!

    jb - thanks for the inspirational notes- we all need the encouragement!

    Well Canadian friends, let's emerge from our turkey fog and climb back on the wagon. We can do this ladies - and will feel better when we do! here's to good eating, active living and lots of water!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,387 Member
    Cheryl - When I was riding horses, I always loved riding in the fall, being able to see the leaves changing, just being on the horse was so very relaxing. You are SOO lucky! What a beautiful horse you have

    There are times when I have hot flashes. But I really do think that the exercise helps to keep them at bay. Yesterday, while I was on the Wii, I got so hot believe it or not, I took off all my clothes (thank goodness no one was around!) and put on the fan. The sweat was dripping down the backs of my legs. That seems to be where I get it. Most women I know have sweat dripping down their faces or chest, but mine is down my knees.

    Gotta run to extremepump. Back later

    Well, the guys are here right now installing the fence and putting down the fertilizer and seed. I'm glad we decided to go with the bronze fence rather than the black, it looks so much more like it fits in. You know, we had said that we wanted someone on site who spoke English. Well, that's exactly what we got. Problem? Evidentally, that person doesn't speak Spanish. The idea (which we probably didn't communicate all that well) was that if there was a problem, we could tell the person in English and they in turn could communicate with the Hispanics. Oh well...

    Linda - the soup is good...and filling. I just wish it weren't so high in calories, that's all. But it's very filling. Also, kale is good for you, but I've never found a good way to cook it. It's pretty tasty this way. Prayers for your friend. How can anyone want an In and Out burger and not Elk (not that I've ever had elk, but I never thought that much of InO Burgers, anything must be better)

    Welcome to everyone who just joined. You've come to a great place

    barbie - glad you're back. You were missed.

    Happy Columbus Day to all the US'ers

    kathy - what is Physique 57?

    Well, I learned another lesson today. I wore my decent jeans out. They got some red clay on them. I'll use that Krud Kutter on it, but we do have a lot of landscaping to do so now I know that I'll wear this old (and I think a bit too big for me) outfit that I don't care if I get red clay on it or not. You should see my "yukky" shoes!

    jolene - I'd never heard of prevention.com. Is it a site similar to here? At one time I used fitday.com and then Livestrong, now I'm here. They're basically the same sort of thing.

    The day started out with doing a bit of yoga, then went to buy gas, then took the extremepump class. Did some food shopping and stopped at the Salvation Army and Goodwill to see if they have any nice sweaters, I did find a few nice shirts, tho (shhh...don't tell Vince) Came home and the guys installing the fence were here (truthfully, I was a bit surprised), made these brownies that are surprisingly good but they are healthier than what you buy in the store (only 179 calories!), had dinner, the guys will be here tomorrow afternoon to finish the fence and then fertilizing and seeding the backyard, played mahjongg (I maj'd once on a closed hand, that was the first time I'd ever done one), now home.

    Tomorrow I'll do a spinning downloadable workout.

    Hope everyone has a great evening

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Popping to say hi - it's been a full day; busy one tomorrow too. I didn't have to pace to long Saturday over my grandson. PTL! I do so enjoy reading everyone's comments. I hope all have a restful night of sleep and a glorious new day ahead.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Good evening my friends, DH is home and is driving us all crazy. :explode: He needs to go get on some meds.c:laugh: I woke up today and had to go to Costco to buy dog food. Came home unloaded and started some laundry and then make the elk steak for dinner. We had the steak , green beans and pasta. I don;t eat the pasta,but the girls like it. It is the organic pasta from costco. I did this before work. I then worked my 4 hour shift. I was going to go to the gym, but DD#1, informed me that she needed help making a poster for her biology class. So, I helped her a little, because she needs to do this on her own, so she can learn the material.:huh:
    Anyway, I though that since I posted last night, there would not be too many replys, NOT! Yes, we are a chatty group.
    Tomorrow I will go to the gym before I pick up dd from school and prepare dinner early in the day. :bigsmile:
    Oh, forgot to tell you that we have an elk head sitting in a bucket in the back yard. My DH is going to clean it and bleach it and then hang it in the garage. We have not got the other elk head back from the taxidermist yet. I am so sure the neighbors, think that there must be a dead body in our back yard. Well they are right! OH men! Sometimes you can't live with them and there are time when you cant live without them.:grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Nbauwens, KathyLoriTheG,-,Gebbyturner, CSueB welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Gini, I got this ole muffin top after I turned 50. If you find a way to get rid of it , share it on here! Congrats on fitting in a smaller size! Sorry to hear about your sister. Who would of knew a dog could do so much damage. I will be praying for her,:wink:

    Wanda, glad that you were able to get back up o your bike again! Congrats on the NSV! That must have made you feel great!:bigsmile:

    Amanda- love the picture of you and your daughter. Glad you had a wonderful time at the wedding and dancing. Praying ,for your cousin with the perforated bowel. Can’t wait to see more pictures! :smile:

    Lin- I am a Greek yogurt addict. I eat 2 cups a day. For me it is like a treat. Does dairy give you an upset stomach? At work we were told for pediatrics that the dairy products will not cause nasal congestion thicken mucous, so parents don’t need to stop giving it to their children when they have colds. It would be interesting to see what would happen if you stopped. Congrats on the 3.8lb weight loss! :drinker: :drinker:

    Tigress- do you live on an army base? I hope that you got in a nice walk. How nice that you rewarded yourself with 10 little nail polishes! :bigsmile:

    M- one of the doctors I used to work with would always say to us nurses” If it tastes good it must be good for you” He was skinny as a bean pole! I am glad that you had your cake and ate it too. You are doing an awesome job with your exercise. Maybe, just time to re-charge! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:

    Laura 80111- its nice to know that your DH had a loving supportive and healthy outlook on the bra issue! He is so right.

    Wessecg- we looked into riding the the mules down the Grand Canyon with the girls and camping at the bottom. Only problem , my DH and I are too BIG, or are over the weight limit to get on any horses or mules. You do look awesome on the horse! Maybe you need to plan your meals for the day, and then add in your snacks. I don’t think its bad to eat that way as long as your choices are healthy.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    JaneM- you and your daughter are beautiful in the photo. Thanks for sharing. I bet you had a lovely day with Violet! :tongue: :tongue:

    Genealace- I used to hang clothes outside as a child, but we did not have to wring them out. The clothes did smell nice and fresh. Thank you for that childhood memory. :smile:

    Kate, Snow really!!! Oh my it was in the 80’s here today and everyone was saying how much cooler it felt! Not to me, it was humid and hot! Bacon and waffles, yummy! You can eat them just count the calories! Enjoy every bite!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Eileen- congrats on the NSV! That must have made you feel great! But, wait you had a scale victory too! 2lbs down this am, congrats! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:

    Lin- cant wait to see the stew recipe! :laugh:

    Cinnamon471- praying for your daughter:heart:

    Jolene, wow you really had a long time with the synvisc. I think mune helped for about 2 weeks. You will be up and running in no time! :wink: :wink:

    Barbie, glad that you had an awesome weekend! :wink: :wink:

    DeeDee- elk is very good. It is so lean that you have to add some oil to cook it. I just put some barbecue spice on it an bake it. I kind of taste like beef, but better. If you cook it too much it can taste like liver. It is really good over the barbecue. I use the burger to make tacos, and burgers. I usually mix the burger with some lean beef burger so that it will hold together. Elk costs about $7.00 to $8.00 pound her in California. The roasts make a great stew in the winter. I would love to see what you Halloween tree looks like. It must be nice to live in a place that has seasons and feels like, fall, winter , spring and finally summer. As far as your SIL, she has to just be jealous. Come on, if she can observe and notice if a dog has lost weight, I am sure she can see your too! :ohwell: :ohwell: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Meg, I think this DD of your needs to fly the coop! She is old enough to be on her own. Whether she makes it or not, well that is up to her. I would encourage her to move out “if she is so unhappy and hateful”. Not much else you can do! Maybe she will grow mentally if she has to make it in the real world without your love and support. I can make a voodoo doll of her and them I can poke it for you when you need to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol Glad you are on break, and enjoy your anniversary and mani-pedicure! You so deserve it! Happy Anniversary to you and DH! :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Peggy- I like your goals for Oct! I am glad that you are in a new place now! :smile:

    Deborah- thank you for sharing about your DD. Its nice to know that they do turn around and you have a wonderful relationship.:smile:

    JB –lovely poem and it sounds like you have an awesome garden! A harvest to really be thankful for! Thanks for sharing! :flowerforyou:

    Janie – its good to have strong bones! :wink:

    Sally –glad you are feeling better :smile:

    Awake4777- welcome and thank you for your kind words. It is so true that God has a plan for us, I just feel so sad for her children. I lost my mother at a young age and I know how hard it will be for them. :flowerforyou:

    Glenda- glad you had a nice time with your family. You will back on track in no time! :wink:

    Michele- I wonder how much the workers will have gained from all of your lovely baking for them. Every time, I read about what you have made them I find myself wanting to be one of those workers! Lol Glad your project is winding down. Is there are way to make the kale soup a light or less calorie version? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Terri, glad you had a good day Saturday with your grandson :smile:

    Sweet dreams friends, Here's to a good week. I need to post my goals tomorrow! :smile:
    Blessings to everyone, Linda:heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Back at work today and have a huge backlog to catch up with. Will try to pop back on later and post some pics.

    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Back at work today and have a huge backlog to catch up with. Will try to pop back on later and post some pics.

    Love to all
    Amanda x

    Amanda!!! OMG!!! I just noticed your timeline...197pounds:drinker:. Whoa! You are my new role model lady. If I can do that I would be only 3 pounds away from my goal. You gave me hope that I can do it....THANK YOU:bigsmile:
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    Sorry for your loss. Will keep the family in prayer.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    It has been forever since I have posted here. I really don't have the time to respond as the rest of you but I do enjoy reading all that is going on in your lives. There are some really good October goals here. So, I will be taking some of your ideas and using them, if you don't mind. Life has been really hectic at my house recently. I am hoping that all returns to normal soon. My biggest problem right now is physical. I seem to be breaking out in some sort of rash. The doctor has never seen this before and is stumped. I am waiting for lab tests to find out the problem.
  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    I would like to join the group. I just discovered you all I will be fifty in December. Im scared to death of what will happen to my body because Im going off of birth control pills which will probably start me into Menopause.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!Needed to fess up.I`ve been having a hard time with night eating.Thought if I logged and ended my day,it would help.The stress of 3 moves in 1 year,hubby`s loosing job,daily stress,marital stress,physical issues,not being able to exercise like I want to caused a lot of night eating and unhealthy eating.I put the wt on what it is now.I`m sorry if I miss led anyone.I`m human and thought food for comfort is the answer.I know it isn`t and I`m working to change it.
    Thanks for your support and hope I can still count on you all for future support.
  • Jadsiat
    Jadsiat Posts: 18 Member
    I think we all "fall off the wagon" at times. I am trying real hard to track but I find dinner the hardest. We don't eat basic meals as I do a lot of cooking and figuring points myself, which isn't easy. I also don't do much exercising because of arthritic knees. I do go to the fitness center and walk in the pool 30 minutes twice a week, or at least try to get there twice a week. It seems like I am losing the same 5 pounds a number of times. I am now trying to lose 6 pounds before Halloween. I know I can do it if I really try. Whoever is having problems or second thoughts, hang in there. We can do this if we work together.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone – another cold, rainy day here in the northeast. I finally had to turn the heat on yesterday when it dropped below 65 in the house. Brr! I still managed to get out and walk/run for five miles during a break at lunch yesterday.
    I’m just starting on p12 – so apologies to those I missed from the weekend.

    Lin, I hope you enjoyed your breakfast with your friend. I’ve known people who make almond milk and love it. My daughter used the hazelnut milk for her coffee, but they still use dairy too. Personally, I don’t drink milk straight but I use it in cooking and smoothies, and I use all kinds of dairy: butter, yogurt, cheese. We do use organic whenever possible, and that seems to have made a difference in those with tummy issues in our family.

    Tigress, hope you enjoyed your walk at the mall.

    Laura, I’m with you – I have some smaller bras I’ve saved that are fitting now. I had bought some larger ones (DD!) in the spring because I was having issues with spill-over on the cups, but now that seems to have subsided. If I were ever to have plastic surgery (not planning on it), it would be to haul these suckers back up to where they belong on my chest lol :sad: :laugh: .

    Cheryl, I thought you looked beautiful on your picture – and what a great fall day to ride! Good luck getting that snacking under control – it sounds like you might need to have a variety of different foods on hand?

    Gene, I’ve never had to wring out the laundry except as a starving student trying to get the most out of my Laundromat quarters. I do know of people who have the “hard” laundry though lol. We have the Amish near us; I love seeing their laundry flying on Mondays.

    Kate, don’t worry about the scale bounce – you know how it got there and what it takes to get back, right? I’m so not ready for snow yet . . . although hoping for a lot come next month (skiing!!!).

    Eileen, your walk sounds lovely! I love walking near bird preserves. Good job on cutting your time too! That’s how you get in those smaller jeans. I put on a size smaller pair yesterday that were in the closet – too big. Doesn’t it feel good?!?

    Meg, I hope you get to enjoy your break – and that mani-pedi! Happy anniversary to you and your husband. It does sound like DD needs to move on. Even if you think she’s not ready, sometimes that’s the only way they learn. I moved out the day after I graduated from high school and never moved back home – and it was hard, but it worked out. And no, you don’t want her to elope with that boyfriend. If she’s not ready to live on her own she sure as heck isn’t ready to marry! Encourage her to gain some independence before she's ready to marry.

    Peggy, I hope you enjoy your new work location. A work/workout location sounds wonderful! Good job on the goals.

    Deborah, I hate cleaning my home office. Fortunately I only have to really do it a couple of times a year. The books I’m reading right now are just pulp fiction. I do have the Great Gatsby in my bedroom pile that’s up next though – I haven’t read it since high school.

    DeeDee, maybe you can post a pic of the Halloween tree when you get a sec? It sounds pretty. Hmm about the SIL? I guess some people aren’t sure if they’re supposed to ever say anything about people’s weight – it can be a touchy subject. Unless you’re here, where that’s what we talk about lol :laugh: .

    Jb, cute poem. I love your literary contributions here :flowerforyou: .

    Sally, your cooking for the week sounds luscious and healthy. You’ll be glad to go back to the gym.

    JaneM, love the picture of your daughter! Her dress is very pretty. Please don’t get discouraged about your eating. Stress is a huge problem, and we as humans often try to fix it with food. If you can find it in you, maybe you can try something else to take your mind off food – do you have a place in the house where you can do some situps or can you get outside for a walk? I know it’s hard at the end of the day when you’re tired – and going to bed instead of eating isn’t a bad solution either (extra sleep = better weight control). We’re here for you.

    Jolene, I hope the shots work and you’re on the road to recovery now. I do hope you feel better quickly. Good for you for keeping up on doing some sort of exercise – it will help!

    Liz, I’m glad you had a nice day. Families feed our souls, don’t they?

    Kim, Hi! You’ll find lots of support here. I started my journey in June and am already half-way there (almost). Time flies when you have people to commiserate with :wink: . I hope the doctors can help your daughter.

    Hi, Barbie! Wow – lots of steps and exercise! It sounds like a fabulous weekend. How funny that mac and cheese was your indulgence – I’m a fairly simple eater (I love to cook and do it well, but generally the foods are basic with herbs and light sauces if any), but lately I’ve been craving things like broccoli and rice casserole :wink: . Good for you for staying on track.

    Glenda, it sounds like you had a lovely weekend with your family – so glad for you.

    Michele, I agree with you about exercise and the hot flashes. I haven’t had any regularly (yet), but I do wake up in the middle of the night suffocating and need to throw the covers off. During the day, however, nothing, and I do attribute that to keeping busy and exercising. Maybe I’m sweating so much working out that I don’t have anything left for flashes? I get sweaty on my legs too – it makes it hard for me to grab my legs or feet for some of the yoga poses :tongue: . Have you tried the black bean brownies? They’re very good.

    Texas – was your grandson born on Saturday? Congratulations!

    Linda/Sundance, LOL about medicating the hubby. I need to try that with mine :laugh: . Maybe a wee bit too much TMI about the elk heads lol . The gym will help you get yourself feeling better, which will make you a better mom and wife for everyone. Keep up with that investment!

    Hi, Amanda, and can’t wait to see the pictures!

    Swissmiss, I hope the doctors figure it out soon. Look at you – only 10lbs to go!

    Dynamic, I had my uterus removed and it didn’t throw me into menopause – but it is possible, depending on your family history. However, as I’m sure you know we have to take better care of ourselves as we get older because everything is that much harder ;).

    OK, ladies – I’m off to work now. My morning workout (on a “recovery week”) wasn’t overly strenuous so I’m hoping the weather clears so I can go walk too. I hope you all stay warm and drink lots ;).

