

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning,

    Spent about an hour and a half making phone calls to doctors and medical records just to schedule a 2nd opinion for my daughter. Very frustrating! :grumble: Just to get the records transferred is a nightmare! And to top it off, a new job opportunity was presented to me by an employment agency! Not that is necessarily a bad thing, just bad timing because it's a full time temp to hire position but I have no idea when I'd need time off for her tests and wouldn't even know how to address the subject in an interview. Even though she is 27, I very much want to be there for her. I did tell the agency to send over my resume and I'll just take it one step at a time. This makes 4 possible jobs I'm pursuing and although this is a good thing, it would have been nice if something had come along a lot sooner. I'm really not complaining, just a lot of decisions to make at one time, which I'm am not really good with! Now that I have vented, I realize that maybe stress has gotten me off track with eating more lately!:noway: At least, I am not making horrible choices, but I am not staying in my calorie range either. Exercise is pretty nonexistent too because I overdid at water zumba and injured my calf. I did get my flu shot yesterday so that's a plus!:smile: Onward and upward!!

    M - It's my daughter not my best friend with health issues but I might have posted it wrong previously. Your fondu sounds yummy!

    Cathy- I have never had Kale before either but know you made me want to try it!

    Liz-Hope you feel better soon!

    Jane- My April is like your October with birthdays! I have 3 in April.

    Glenda-Your post reminded me that our grocery store is having a clothing drive Saturday so that's what I'll work on today!

    Oh, one more good note before I sign off! I had a glass of tart cherry juice about an hour before bed and it really did make me sleepy! Did not need Tylenol PM and I even stayed asleep, not restless!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Kathy (L.):drinker:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all, :happy:

    Oh me oh my oh! I have been AWOL since Thursday - Friday was a professional development day, then CDN Thanksgiving. I was logging food most of the time but not posting here.

    Spent the weekend at our family cabin on the lake - my sister & family came too so J'boy had his cousins to hang with and I had some sister time. We spent two days clearing rocks and driftwood to make more beach space. That meant putting my gym muscles to some practical use - lots of fun!

    Something bit me - really! and I have an itchy rash all over my left arm.Took antihistamines in the middle of the night and ended up taking Tuesday off work because I was just too groggy to function in the world of elementary school. Found topical antihistamine yesterday, so am using that but the itch is still very irritating! Can't imagine what it was - perhaps not a bug but poison ivy or something from beach clearing? It's spreading to my right arm. It's a-l-i-v-e... (silly quote from Young Frankenstein movie).

    Finally got in to see the sweet girl at the salon (made the mistake of no pre-booking my September apt. so had to wait until now) and got my manicure, pedicure, leg wax and eyebrow tint all done at once. Feel like a different woman with gold sparkly polish on my toes.

    Also bought some winter clothes (nothing from last year fits) - brown denim skinny jeans, black stretchy pants, a grey skirt and two long sleeved tops. Combined with the summer things that I can carry over I have a wardrobe to get me through the season.

    I am already behind the pace with my October goal of taking a different class each week because I missed last week. Will have to make up for that by working extra hard at circuit training today.

    Woops - the bell just rang (figuratively speaking) and I must move along to get self and J'boy ready for the day. DH is off at meetings in the city, poor guy.

    See you all soon,

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Nancy, you may have poison ivy - in which case you'll notice red lines like scratches, then an outbreak of blisters. It's bad because once it gets in your system it can spread to all parts of your body (yes, ALL!). I've had it a couple of times (it grows wild around here). You'll want to get a good topical lotion (I have a bottle of benzo? I can't find it, but my doctor prescribed it for me) to use, and if it continues to spread or your temperature goes up, get to a doctor for something a little stronger. It's horrible! Generally bug bites won't spread, so it sounds like you have something systemic.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's Wednesday,

    Michele - when my hubby is stressed he too likes to go out shooting, so glad he has some way of relieving it. Sounds like the pool is almost done, I'm sure it's a hugh relief to you:flowerforyou: looking forward to pictures.

    Jen-getting away from it all for a short time sounds wonderful. I'm with you though, remote isn't my cup of tea either, now my hubby says that's what he wants when we retire, which I'm just not too sure about as he has a hard time staying home now:ohwell: how in the world would he do out in the middle of no where:noway:

    Polly- I know that all of us at some time have had that problem....done a lovely post and have it head out to cyberspace:sad: Sounds like your hubby is a keeper, fixing dinner with no receipe that's quite the hubby:flowerforyou:

    Liz-isn't it amazing how we are now able to use our exercise to adjust in our eating...thank goodness that MFP has taught us that:drinker:

    Kackie- running for 22 min:drinker: I'm impressed...I don't think I will ever be able to do that.

    Barbie- how wonderful for you getting all that fresh Salmon,:drinker: saw on the news last night that the Salmon are returning to an area in Northern California where they have been missing for quite some time. Hoping that Jake's Dr. appt shows nothing serious.

    DeeDee- you have given me my morning laugh:laugh: :laugh: eating your chocolate cats, cows and horses:laugh: When I started reading I thought you were talking about real animals that were chocolate in color:wink:

    ladyberyl- I do so love tacos:drinker: when I want mexican food I just have to plan for it, otherwise it's not something I get very often.

    Jp;ene-so sorry that the shots didn't work, I've never tried the exercisers, but I'm sure if you did a search on the internet or in the topics here at MFP, someone will have info on them and if they will be any good to use. Your exciting life ? I go to work and home and repeat Monday thru Friday....with Friday afternoon spent going grocery shopping...yep that my exciting life:wink:

    glenda- good for you doing the closet purging:drinker: I made the attempt to look at the clothes I didn't wear this past summer that stayed in the basement....now I need to say "if I don't wear it it goes"...soooo hard to do:blushing:

    jane- Happy Birthday to your oldest...today is my youngest birthday:flowerforyou: Our family has just two birthdays in October, but three in September....Great going on taking that evening eating in hand:drinker:

    Swissmiss- hoping you are able to get all your vacation days in before year end. I don't have that problem being the only one in the office I am able to float them to next year and hope I can take more than a few days to cover a long weekend:ohwell:

    Liz- hoping you are better soon:flowerforyou:

    Cathy- I know it's hard to stay on track for more than a few days at a time but you can do it. Just this past weekend when we were eating out I pulled out my phone to log my food and hubby thought I was texting someone, but explained I was entering the dinner we'd ordered, it really helped as I would have totally over eaten if I hadn't looked up the food:noway:

    Cheryl- peeking isn't a bad thing it just helps you to know that you may need to drink more water, drop some of the sodium and up your exercise a bit....good luck on your next weigh in.:flowerforyou:

    M-finding the right balance between calories, exercise and eating back exercise calories is my next issue to figure out. I totally failed last time (2010) and am hoping to get it right this time.:wink: How about sharing your receipe?

    jb- I remember the wonderful Sept & early Oct of Oregon...the weather was always so wonderful:love: I loved your quip...Our #2 Son is a musician and at 32 I can say that growing up and being a muscian have often clashed in his life:wink:

    Kathy L- how wonderful for you having 4 job opportunities:drinker: how frustrating for you that they are at a time when you want to be there to support your daughter:sad: hope you are able to sort it all out.

    Nancy- great way to get in some exercise...so sorry to hear you have the rash going up your arm:noway: Hope it goes away soon.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: come back often and let us get to know you.

    Today was weigh in day and I lost #1.2 which gets me to .6 from my goal. :bigsmile: Hoping that it goes by next week and then I can start to figure out mainenance, since it was maintaining that I totally FAILED at:sad: in 2011, this time I'm not going to even think I can do it on my own...I got too big for my briches last time this time I know that I need the help to keep it off:blushing:

    Well I'm off to work on certified payrolls and continue quarterly reports.

    Everyone have a wonderful day...keep up the good job...if you eat it log it...if you are moving make your exercise count...and drink plenty of water:drinker:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Me again :happy:

    I felt challenged by my own darn self after writing earlier this morning, so I put on my duds and went to the track for 50 good minutes of fast walk and a bit of jogging, and did 20 jumping jacks when I got back to the house. Ahh, that feels better! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Downed 4 glasses of water afterwards so it's looking good as far as water intake goes today. We'll see how it goes in the food department. :tongue:

    Laura, yes indeedie, musicians have an interesting lot in life, don't they? Oh the stories I could tell. :ohwell: Your son's a musician, what instrument?

    Nancy, ouch! Sorry to hear that! If it's indeed poison oak or poison ivy, a good thing to do is to wrap the affected areas with an ace bandage so that you're not tempted to scratch and cause it to spread. Of course you'll want to wear long sleeves as well, otherwise you'll look a bit like Frankenstein :laugh:

    M, the best tricks I know for staving off the munchies between lunch and dinner are water, celery, hummus and maybe a little V8 juice. Big chunks of celery are so satisfying. :wink:

    Cheryl, gorgeous horse. Gorgeous you! :flowerforyou:

    Glenda, thanks for the reminder! I've got 3 bags full of clothes in my closet that need to be donated. Almost forgot about them, you know, out of sight, out of mind. Which means, in fact, I need to clean out my closet! :blushing:

    Faye, that's hysterical about the elk head boiling in the kitchen! :noway: Haha geez! Love your profile pic, btw!

    And Kate, your hubby did the same thing! LOL :noway: I had a good chuckle reading both of your posts.

    Jen, climb that #@! mountain! It can be done. :flowerforyou: Some days it takes a fork lift to get my fanny up that hill!

    Kackie, and others who liked my little gardening poem, thanks! It was simple, but sometimes I'm just plain simple. :laugh:

    Liz, feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome everyone new, hop on in. :glasses:

    Here goes nuttin', time to bust buns in the kitchen before heading to the garden. Everyone be good today, I will, too. :wink:

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Augghhhh!! What a morning! It's snowing and it is sticking!! This is just wrong! All kinds of computer problems just making me crazy and putting me way behind, My hubby finally got things working but I now have a big cable across my room (I trip so easily). Yes, he has gone to get a power bar but letting that man anywhere near a store is dangerous! Goodness knows what he will come with!!

    I haven't had time to read anything yet and won't for awhile and I am Mama Crankypants this morning!!

    Sorry, rant over, think I'll go take it out on the kitchen floor ....by washing it.... :-)

    hugs, Kate
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Me again :happy:

    Laura, yes indeedie, musicians have an interesting lot in life, don't they? Oh the stories I could tell. :ohwell: Your son's a musician, what instrument?


    Oh you asked about my son....you know a momma likes to brag....:wink:

    #2 Son is a natural, gifted muscian. When he was 8 my parents bought him his first Casio Keyboard for Christmas because he always enjoyed messing around on their organ. By the time he had it for 5 days he was playing Christmas Carols by 10 days he was cording them. For his Christmas present his 9th year he asked for piano lessons. I told hubby I could do it (big joke that was) after two weeks he'd gone through the first two books of beginners and I had to tell hubby that we'd have to get him a real teacher. He had about 1 1/2 yrs of lessons before we moved to Colorado, his teacher said he was her best student and the teacher we got him here in Colorado said the same thing...he had her for about 1 1/2 yrs too. By then he was entering High School and he wanted to join Marching Band with his older brother who played trumpet, the teacher said he needed tuba players so he loaned him a tuba for the summer and by the time school started he knew how to play it...no lessons just taught himself. Being influenced by his older brother he decided he wanted to be part of jazz band too, so started playing in the jazz band, which it turns out is his love.

    Jump ahead by his Sophomore year he was nominated to be part of the all state orchestra (tuba), Jr year all state jazz band (piano) and was invited to be part of Denver's Young Artist Orchestra (tuba). When he graduated he was given a full scholarship to CU in Tuba and Jazz Piano....but being a musician...he just couldn't stick it out at school, much to his parents dismay. All thoughout high school he was gigging professionally all over town and was part of several bands playing tex mex and jazz ( playing with men in their 40's and 50's !)

    In 2002 he wanted to marry his high school sweetheart and I told him having three part time gigs wouldn't support a wife & he had to have health insurance. He happened to be at the Army recruiting office with his older brother who had just enlisted and a fax came in saying the regional person was looking for jazz piano players for the Army.....so he enlisted....played the piano for our US Army and for a while was stationed with NATO in Belgium where he played for heads of state and high ranking officials. While there his commander told him he should go home and finish his education....so back to the US they(he did marry the sweetheart) came where he has had a full scholarship to Denver University (yes the Denver University where the first Presidential Debate was held).

    He is now a Captain in the Army Reserves, plays the piano all over town in resturants and special events, is finishing up his thesis for his Masters in Musicalology and is working on his second Masters in Performance is the father of three little boys and lives about 15 mins from us. Since being in College he has received several awards for his music too. He's put out three CD's (his first when he was 16) so I guess he was truly blessed with the ear for music.

    All of us in the family are proud of him, his brothers too...we all try to get to his gigs when we can, he does have a regular gig at a local resturant and sometimes we just go sit in the bar to listen to him. He still dabbles with his tuba, can play the guitar but his love is still the piano and playing jazz although he was given an organ this past summer and has been filling in at local churches when their regular organists are out.

    So that's my #2 Son, Father, Captain in the Army and Muscian.


    Sorry about that...I got carried away:blushing: In my ticker that's him on the left holding GS #2 that pic was taken Dec 2010.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Laura, you summarized his life so beautifully. How wonderful it is to see your kids live their lives to their full potential.
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    No time to post yesterday - got slapped with a 62 page PowerPoint presentation to reformat. I did try to read the posts, but it's almost impossible to keep up with you ladies!

    SNOW!?!?! Not here please. I am so NOT ready for winter. FALL is my favorite season, from Halloween up through Christmas. For me, those months bring happy family memories...

    We have "Trunk or Treat" coming up at church in few weeks and I haven't thought of how I will decorate my trunk yet. All the talk of Halloween candy - I too buy what I don't like and then donate the leftovers to be put out on Sunday morning. I did buy a bag of Snickers and Milky Ways, which I like, but my dog already ate the Milky Ways, eliminating the temptation. Fortunately he is a big dog and the chocolate doesn't bother him.

    jb - good for you getting in the exercise. And so much food processing. Just how big is your garden? My tomatillo plant was loaded with blossoms, but due to a drought, they never filled out. The pablano peppers on the other hand went nuts.

    jolene - my DH had some kind of gel shots in his knee a while back after the cortisone didn't work. $3000 later he's no better. Funny how they work for some and not others.

    Well, my job calls.

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    I have a question. Has anyone tried using those portable peddle exercisers? I was thinking about getting one to put under my desk at work. I am stuck sitting a lot to work at the computer and I wondered if this would help counter some of the effects of my job. Like the holster hip thing I seem to have acquired. Any input is appreciated.

    I purchased one for my DM when she was still able to move her legs because the doctor wanted her to get some of her muscle strength back. I don't think she used it more than a few times, so I now have it at my house. I think it would be a great idea to use under your desk for the extra movement. When I was going to cardiac rehab, they had a machines very similar to this but sitting on tables for people who needed to regain strength in their arms. Every little bit helps...

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    I was off to the city today with my daughter, soninlaw, and four grandkids, so no exercise unless I count walking around the stores!happy I was a little worried about food intake, especially after our big thanksgiving weekend but I think I managed okay. I took along my usual fruit and yogurt for breakfast in the car, I had a salad and chicken breast for lunch at Ikea and a lovely tuna salad at Subway on the way home. That is my NSV for the day!!

    Glenda, both Ikea and Subway have good, healthy choices and you did very well! I usually try to pack an insulated lunch bag with small meals such as the yogurt and fruit, cheese and crackers, and water so I'm not so tempted to grab just anything on the run. It works (most of the time)...:wink:

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Oh, by the way I tried a" new to me" vegetable this past week...Kale. I used it in a soup and made Kale Chips. The soup was a low GI bean soup, which was a bit bland but the chips were something I would do again, even my fussy, fussy daughter and daughter-in-law both liked them!:bigsmile:

    I've heard of kale chips before and hear they are delicious. You must need to use a ton of kale just to get a small bowl of chips, right?

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    I was in a very hungry mood yesterday. I read a lot about eating TDEEs and all and am interested in adding more calories into my diet (even though I just dialed back my base amount), but I really need to make sure those are “good” calories. I have a “witching hour” which falls mid-afternoon. What are some of the tricks you use to make sure you don’t go crazy in the mid-point between lunch and dinner?

    M, I find that pushing forward my meals seems to help me a lot. Now I understand that this probably won't work for those gals still in the work force, but I eat breakfast about 10am, snack at noon, lunch around 2pm, snack again at 4pm, and dinner about 6:30pm, and a snack before bed. My afternoon snack is usually some form of dairy (glass of milk, cheese) and a piece of fruit. BTW, what are TDEES?

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Yesterday I put together a batch of chili verde with leftover pork roast from Sunday. Roasted tomatillos and garlic, put in the food processor with chopped poblanos, bells, a couple of jalapenos, cilantro and more garlic, then poured into the crockpot with a sauteed onion, a couple cups of chicken broth and the roasted pork. It was the best I've ever made, I followed a new recipe which is one I'll certainly save. I put a cup of it on top of a corn tortilla with a teeny bit of cheese, a huge pile of lettuce and a dollop of light sour cream. I'm thinking it'll make a good lunch today. I'll continue roasting the tomatillos from the garden and put them in freezer bags.
    :smile: jb

    jb, that recipe sounds like something I'd really enjoy. Care to send me a message with the recipe? Always looking for new things to try, and it's nice when it gets the stamp of approval from someone who's already made it.

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Laura, thanks for updating us on my DS ~ I loved reading about his life so far! You definitely are one proud mama...

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Cool and rainy here today - I guess there will be no more biking for a while for me - but did make it back to the pool for some aquacise this morning! (and did NOT repeat last week's last minute dash out the door to bible study:laugh: )

    wessecg - 10 weeks of losing weight is a great run. Just keep on with the good eating and exercise and you will be fine.

    mwheatcraft - Not sure what TDEEs are but I do know the afternoon munchies!!:sad: I agree with jb on the veggies - I find cucumber and tzatziki or hummous satisfy some of my salt and crunch craving too. In cooler weather I will sometimes have a V8 while I prepare supper, but I add some worcestershire and/or hotsauce and heat it up - kind of a warm spicy soup appetizer, especially good if my veggies are down a bit that day! In the evening a portion controlled dessert flavoured yogurt is good, or a warm spicy chai latte with skim milk.:smooched:

    I am not very good at getting the extra calories in - it terrifies me! I am so afraid I will start to gain again. I don't eat back my exercise calories and rarely get above 1100 calories (often in the 8-900 range) I am not sure it is healthy in the long run but I am not feeling hungry and it seems conterproductive to eat when I already feel full. thoughts anyone?

    Nancy - It sounds like you had a delightful weekend with family at the lake. What a blessing! And how fun to get to buy new clothes for the fall - another victory for you!

    Laura - Almost at goal! that is FANTASTIC!! Hooray for you. I know the maintenance is also hard work( have been there in the past and it will be good to get back there) but look what you have done already!! You can do it - keep coming back and logging in!

    jb - Good work getting out on the track for a walk! Not sure my joints are up to the jumping jacks though!:smile: The chili verde sounded delish - not sure I have ever had it. Do you share??

    Kate - Mama Cranky Pants?? you are always so postive! (You too get to have your moment :smile: )

    Yay! I am caught up - sort of. Now off to do some work. Company for supper again.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings to all my dear friends. Great day at work…I was the only one there and I got a ton accomplished. My fitness buddy came in and we walked. Despite our mediocre results last week we are still in 4th place overall having lost a combined 6.8% of our body weight. :happy: We had a nice walk…it was gorgeous. Then I finished cleaning my office and oh my the dust got me. My face it itching like crazy. I am going to do the elliptical then shower! The care planning meeting at the nursing home went fine. Nothing new there. We had some yummy baked chicken hot wings last night and they still were over 600 calories. Dang it!

    Cathy: your house sounds like mine with cats and a dog all over me all the time!:happy:

    Robin: what was stressful in your day yesterday? I’m sorry to hear you had a bad one. Just get back on the wagon!

    Laura: I had to laugh! I think I will start threatening her with a curse to give her a kid just like her LOL Great job on your weight loss!

    Michele: I bet you are getting frustrated with your project! And yes I see what you mean about Barbie being assertive! (Barbie are you reading?)

    Jen: I am jealous of your lovely trip!

    Polly: 1 + 1 = 2. Does that help? LOL.:glasses: What a nice surprise that hubby made dinner for you!

    Barbie: the Black Bear Diner? That sounds fascinating! I love restaurant names like that.

    DeeDee: MEOW MEOW MEOW I am going to have to find those chocolate animal crackers. I always get one I don’t recognize though!:smokin:

    Lin: you’re right…it was vitamin-something –or –other not a vitamix! :bigsmile:

    Jolene: don’t live vicariously through me…I’m boring!:huh:

    Glenda: thanks for sharing your story with me. I’m so glad things worked out well for your and daughter!

    Jane: have fun celebrating those birthdays!

    Liz I hope you are feeling better soon!:flowerforyou:

    Wessecg: no more sneak peaks! I did that today too and I was right where I was last time, so I got off, got on again and POOF gained 5 pounds. Harumph. It’s not accurate but has bugged me all day.:grumble:

    M: your recipe alterations sound yummy!

    Jb: your cooking always sounds so good! Great to get that extra exercise in!

    kathyL: I’m so sorry your trying to help DD with her medical problems is so frustrating! All that red tape! I hope it all works out. She’s lucky to have you!

    Nancy: hope your itchity rash heads out the door and soon! It doesn’t sound like bug bites though since it’s spreading. Aveeno makes a great cream with calamine and pramoxine that is great for itching. I have a chronic rash on my back and it works wonders. All the dermatologists and all the prescriptions I have tried (including some that were hundreds of dollars) this works the best.

    Kate AKA Mama Crankypants: SNOW holy cow where do you live????? I’m not ready for that yet!

    Gini: we do trunk or treat at the ymca here

    Welcome to all the newbies. Come back and chat frequently. This is the greatest group ever. I always miss a lot of people so to those I missed, stay strong and celebrate what you can. Time to get busy Take care, Meg:drinker:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Hello Ladies - is there a time when everyone here slows down? :laugh: :laugh: Probably not.

    I was too tired when I came home last night to get the buggy gassed up again for my next *dad* trip. I did go this morning and then did stop by HyVee to pick up a few things on their Health Market Discount day.

    I also sorted through some clothing. I'm keeping some things that really no longer fit, especially hoodies. First, I'll wear them even if they are really baggy and second, if I want to wear layers something larger might be just fine. Oh yeah, and it's hard for me to give things up! :grumble: :grumble:

    Now to finish dealing with this stuff. The items that no longer look acceptable will be trashed and the rest need to be packed to take to Goodwill. Just couldn't do that today.

    On my dad trip yesterday I took a packet with several sliced mushrooms, some cherry tomatoes, and celery. Had a few pistachio nutmeats (unsalted of course!). Also had some plain Greek yogurt that I'd added plain cooked pumpkin and spices to. And water (but then driving and lots of water don't mix that well for me). I had a Kind bar but I didn't eat it. I'm usually too stressed to eat. UNTIL I GET HOME that is.

    Well didn't get my prescription refill picked up or my trip to the library accomplished today. Probably should also make a trip to the bank for my dad. Better get those checks ready.

    Wishing everyone well.


  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hello beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have no time right now:sad: . I have people coming for dinner and I still have to make the salad:angry::ohwell: . Had a great day today, lots of NSVs, however I don't have time to tell all of you about them:sad:, will do my best to try and catch up tomorrow!!!!

    Have a wonderful relaxing evening!!! Sleep well and sweet dreams!!! Until tomorrow....

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Laura - love the proud mama ..I love seeing kids with a passion and it is even better when they find a way to support themselves and stay true to that passion...I am still waiting to find mine:wink:

    Liz - the finger lakes are probably about 4-5 hours south and west of Lake George. I live about 2 hours north of New York City and it was about 4 hours west for us. DH does not like the interstates (if he can help it) so we drove mostly secondary roads...beautiful country but some of the small towns were struggling.

    I was back on the bike this am...8.5 miles in 31 minutes. I have an early continuing ed class tomorrow so probably no exercise...guess I will have to be food choice conscientious.

    Keep up the good hard work...hugs and high fives

    PS. Should have some good exciting news about DS soon...will keep you posted!!