

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Ok, weigh in day and 1/2 lb gain but that's ok.:grumble: I knew it would not be a loss for me this week and just got more motivation to get back on the horse , so to speak. I wish, I had one though-yours are beautiful Cheryl!!:smile::smile:

    3 things that I would like to share with you, my friends who keep me going! One a self- realization, two a brief rant, and three good news!

    Ok, I'll start with the venting/rant to get it out of my system! I went to the doc yesterday because my calf has been extremely painful since last weeks water zumba class. According to their scales, I am exactly 20 lbs. down since I last saw her in June when she suggested lapband surgery. I felt good about that and made sure I pointed it out to her although I freely acknowledged I have a good ways to go. All she could say was that she was surprised that I was in so much pain still. Really?!:noway: I'm not even two months out from foot surgery and my left knee is bone on bone (which she well knows)! I'm not trying to be a whiny baby honest, just not crazy about my doctor anymore! Anyway, I strained my calf and may do physical therapy but hopefully stretching exercises will help. Thanks for listening-vent over.

    Moving on to my ah ha moment for the week. Tuesday until today, I've been in a funk and not even realized it until this morning. Maybe it was stress but I do know that I have a lot in my life to be thankful for and I try to list things everyday and thank God for those blessings! I'm just glad that I've pulled myself out of it and not sinking into depression! The way I came to this conclusion is that I haven't wanted to log my food or even participate on here. For the last 4 months, MFP has been a big part of my day and I esp. love reading the posts and relying to you all!:heart: I'm blessed to have found this thread withl such wonderful women to share with!:heart:

    Ok, lastly, the good news. I'm pretty sure that I have my job situation straightened out! The interview at H and R Block went well-I worked for them last tax season and they want me back. The MDA job should be starting back up in a week and a half and go for 5 wks and then Jan-April I'll have Block. Think temp jobs are the way to go for now esp. with DD health issues, it'd be easier to get time off if needed and stiill bring some money in!

    Ok, I'm off to eat my oatmeal before I go grocery shopping for healthy food! I will be back soon to catch up with all the posts!:flowerforyou:

  • cinnamon471
    cinnamon471 Posts: 34 Member
    I am about to give up on calorie counting, i keep going up and down, i dont know what i am doing wrong , i know i need to exercise more, I have been on some new meds for depression i am still on the process of upping the meds. I am feeling better each day , i am hoping to exercise today. I really want to get this weight off of me, i have around 50 lbs to lose. I will be 50 in march, Plus were going on a big vacation in July. Please help me with some suggestions on what i am doing wrong.
    I just dont understand. I am really trying. This is the first time i have stuck to something for so long and i am not losing.:sad:
    Thank You
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Good news the fluid pill helped. I lost 4.5 pounds since yesterday, but I am still very puffy (so my best friend told me this morning). That's a nice greeting in the morning.:ohwell: So I will take another one today and spend my day walking the hall from my desk to the ladies room. I think I could get more work done if I just move my desk down there on these type of days, but I wouldn't get nearly the same amount of exercise, HA HA:laugh: .

    DeeDee- the boot story cracked me up. It reminded me of those tight jeans I used to wear and had to lie down on the bed to zip them up. I can relate to being aprehensive about the boots. I couldn't zip them either till now. My calves have always been big. This story also reminded me of a joke I read:

    Aerobics Class

    I decided to taken an aerobics class.
    I beat, twisted, gyrated and jumped up and down for an hour.
    But by the time I got my leotard on, the class was over....:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh:

    Cheryl- I know how you feel hoping for a loss and then disappointed when its not more. But remember, that is one less pound to lose. I think its better to lose slowly. And besides, as small as you are now, its harder to lose....or so I have been told. I think your are doing a fabulous job.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy Friday to all my friends. I am down 0.2 pounds which surprised me...I thought it would be more since I was exercising so much last week. Oh well any loss is a good one.

    I am heading out soon for my anniversary weekend trip, so I'll see you all Sunday evening. Have a great weekend! Take care, Meg
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Cheryl, congrats on the pound! :bigsmile: That's such a great feeling, isn't it! I'd like to feel that again, myself. :ohwell: Thanks for the inspiration to continue - we can do this!

    DeeDee, loved the visual of you having to lie on the couch to zip up those boots :laugh:

    Nancy, Escabeche! :love: Do you top your jars with a little olive oil? That's how I learned to make it. Actually the recipe says to heat the vinegar/water mixture with the oil before pouring it over the peppers, but I've found adding the oil at the very end works better.

    M, I looked online and found the Bon Appetit recipe for the hot sauce, thanks again for that. I'll be starting a batch this weekend using the jalapenos in the garden that have turned red. I thought about making chipotle, but I don't use all that much of it in my cooking so I don't think I'll go to the bother of smoking the peppers for hours. :smokin:

    A note about the Chili Verde...the original recipe calls for 4 cups chicken broth, but I'm pretty certain I only used 2. :huh: You can add more or less depending on how thick you'd like the chili to be. Additionally, you can roast the garlic and poblano peppers before adding. I didn't seed the jalapenos, my batch turned out nice n spicy.

    I've been a good lil track-goer for the last 2 mornings, :bigsmile: and in a few minutes I'll head down there again for my morning jog/walk. It feels really good to get back on track - ah! Now I know the true meaning of the saying. However, the scale, oh the miserable scale! Stuck like glue. :grumble: Pssshaw!

    It's a good day to be happy with how far I've come and not be upset about a silly little inanimate object! That being said, off I go. Wishing you all a very happy Friday. :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Awww Cinnamon - don't sound so discouraged. I'm no expert, but I would like to share the wacky way I am losing weight. My daughter makes fun of me. But I have arthritis and can't really do any serious cardio, and can't stay on my feet too long. So this is what has been working so far for me - don't laugh!!!

    First of all, I abide by that eat some calories every few hours or so to keep your metabolism going.
    Next - while at work I go to the bathroom farthest away from me (and I go to the bathrrom a lot :wink: ) When I go I take the longest way to get there (zigging in and out of the cube maze) and walk as fast as I can.

    Now the part that makes my daughter laugh - I choose the handicap stall - when I enter I do 20 quick touch my toes. Then I use the bar at the back of the toilet and do 10 pushups. Sometimes I do 12 squats. All of this takes only a few minutes. But I probably do it 5 to 10 times a day. (I am praying that no on walks in while I'm doing this and wonder what weird thing I'm doing in the stall)

    And that is it for my exercise (except for riding my horse and barn chores - but I did those before I started trying to lose weight.)

    I just think everyone thinks you have to have an official workout to lose, but just increasing the steps you take every day can really be all you need.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: TGI Friday,

    Only time to pop in will read later, dropped off Peanut at the Vet at 7:30am for his comprehensive appt will be getting his teeth cleaned, poor little guy just doesn't like going to the Vet:ohwell:

    Had another NSV this morning, I'm wearing a sweater that hasn't really fit since Christmas 2010...feels so good to be wearing things that have just been waiting for me:wink:

    Hoping everyone has a great day keep on, eating those veggies, drinking your water and moving your body:drinker: I'll check in with you later.

  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    wessecg - I am so with you today about being grateful the little things! Every single pound off counts - have you thought in terms of pounds of butter? Picture that!

    I'm happy to say I'm in a much better place than I was last week. I am at this moment at peace with the fact that food is my fuel, but not my friend.

    I've been doing a little reflecting the last few days regarding the blessings in my life. Here's are a few that came to mind:

    :happy: I am down 4.5 lbs over where I was at this time last year. That's net because I have lost and gained that same 4 a number of times in the past 12 months. LOL! Hey - I guess that means I am good at maintenance! I weigh less than I did when I was 16 and have pretty much keep the weight off for 10 years.

    I didn't go into a total slump when my dream job was pulled out from under me.

    I've added Zumba twice a week, ride my bike and upped my walking.

    I've picked up a couple of freelance jobs and been networking in hopes of more.

    I have a wonderful supportive family, loyal friends and my health is pretty darn good. My last bloodwork was excellent.

    My house is paid for and I am surrounded by everything I could possibly use and more than I need. The Lord has provided for me in so many ways.

    I have the freedom to come to a site such as this and rant and rave, cry and praise and just be me without being scorned upon.

    What about you? Share with us some of the blessings in your life.

    DS and DIL are off to Chicago for a long weekend. That means I get to share in having the grandkids sleep over this weekend. DIL's parents live in the area too. Four year old girl and 13 month old boy, who both unfortunately are not feeling well. I hoping they will be up to heading out to the pumpkin patch tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend ladies,
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Have a good one.Friend with the kidney cancer went to cancer dr,thinks it`s not cancer and are gonna watch her.
    So relieved.Went back to pt finally after being off 1 month.Having back issues.Dr thinks it`s just tight,from not exercising like I had
    Will read the posts later,have dr orders to get out and walk.
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Morning ladies, although it's probably afternoon for so many of you! Before I start, I just want to thank all of you who took the time to send a few kind words about my slump yesterday ~ you don't know just how much I appreciated that! :love: Here I go...

    Nancy, when did you take up curling? My dear uncle was an avid curler and I remember as a young child going to watch him curl. I know to some it might sound boring, but I always found it fascinating how the sweeping and rock needed to be in sync. This was before the brooms came out which I'm sure is a bit easier on the back. You must burn a ton of calories being the sweep!!

    jb, thanks for posting your recipe ~ I've printed it off and will try it soon!

    Laura, I've notice the crustless, sugar free pumpkin in your diary a few times now. Do you bake it like a crustless pie, or is it more like a pudding?

    Cheryl, you can sure burn a bunch of calories doing heavy manual labor ~ just be sure to watch your back!

    Jolene, that's a big jump on the scale overnight (definitely due to sodium). Your shortness of breath is another sure sign. Good thing you have some diuretics handy for when this happens. I took one last night as well ~ my sodium intake was double what I usually have!

    Cathy, I'm going to try those kale chips ~ they sound delicious!

    Kate, I didn't have to go out on Wednesday when it first snowed, but was out yesterday and MAN, that weather is wicked ith the wind! Not looking forward to the next 5 (or is it 8?) months... :noway:

    Janie, LOL ~ I remember that episode! Too funny...

    M, I love but almost never make butternut squash because I find it almost impossible to cut into (let alone peeling it! Is there a secret, or do I just need a sharper knife and more muscles?? Should I be using a saw??? :grumble:

    Amanda, sending my thoughts and prayers for your dear cousin...

    Jadsiat, bravo on your loss!!!

    Nancy, have you seen a doctor about the rash? Hope it clears up soon...

    DeeDee, sounds like you had fun at the shoe store ~ loved the visual about laying on the sofa to get those boots on!:bigsmile:

    Lila, yup ~ my mom would have as well. I try to keep our meals 'colorful' but it doesn't always work out that way. I especially hate looking at a whole plate of beige...:laugh: I think we will always miss our moms ~ I had one of those moments when we had our first snow fall this week. I thought for sure the phone would ring and she would be chirping out a "Merry Christmas" on the other end of the line...:cry:

    Barbie, thanks for posting the soup recipe ~ sounds delish! Nice walk yesterday and lovely seeing all the beautiful colors!

    Michele, I'm glad to hear things are coming together with the work being done. The tile sounds lovely ~ be glad the tile guy is taking his time ~ it'll ensure that the job is done well. About 5 years ago, we replaced all the carpeting in the house with tile and I loved watching them do the work, right from prepping the floor and laying the tile, to the final grout filling! I think I could have been a tile layer and really enjoyed it!

    Carolyn, glad you're feeling better and back to your various activities. I've never tried a spinning class (not really sure how it differs from regular stationary biking), but really enjoy getting on my bike at home WHEN I actually get on my bike at home!:blushing: Good luck at WI tomorrow...

    Cheryl, nice loss!!

    Kathy, good news about the job situation! Gosh, your knee sound really painful. I hope you're getting good meds to ease the pain a bit.

    Meg, congrats on your loss!

    As for me, this week I started a gratitude journal (remember Oprah's?) and I'm really enjoying writing in it before bed. I don't write a lot, just a bit about my day and something I was grateful for. Makes me feel good...:heart:

    “God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.” ~ Voltaire

  • cinnamon471
    cinnamon471 Posts: 34 Member
    thats great, your right u are getting in some exercise. keep it up , made me smile thanks
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Woke up, had breakfast, then went to deep water. Tomorrow is yoga. Not sure if I'll go to the farmer's market or not. Depends on how I feel.

    Made banana chocolate muffins. It's really supposed to be a cake, but I made mini muffins instead for the guys. This should be enough to have in the freezer for them. I have applesauce chocolate chip muffins, a bag of the pumpkin spice muffins (if I don't give them to workers, I'll give them away) and two bags of chocolate chip squares. That recipe would probably make good cookies.

    Jessica called last night. She'll be here in a week or so. She said "we can go in the hot tub. Honestly, I don't know if I want to go when the ambient air is so cool.

    Carolyn - I really like spinning. It certainly gets your heartrate up. That is the one class where I need my heartrate monitor. It is so easy for my heartrate to go up real high. I will tell you, tho, that when I first started spinning, was my butt ever sore! I bought a padded seat. It's been a few years since then, and I can go without the seat. But be prepared. It's a good workout, but your butt WILL hurt until you get used to it.

    Cheryl - if that 1 lb loss really and truly bothers you, I'd be more than glad to take it off your hands for you....:)

    Kathy - boy, you certainly showed that doc! Vent anytime at all. Fantastic news about the jobs. Thanks for sharing.

    cinnamon - If I were you, I wouldn't give up on calorie counting. At least not give up entirely. It's so easy to fall back into habits where we are eating more than what we think and as a result we gain weight. Then you'll be even more depressed. Please don't quit entirely. From your pic, you don't look very overweight. Is it possible that your body has gotten to the point where it's basically saying "no, this is where I want to be"? Maintaining is good. wessecg had a good idea, are you eating every few hours or just three meals/day? I know Vince eats just three meals/day and complains that he isn't losing. I keep telling him that he needs to eat more often, just smaller meals. But he doesn't listen to me, after all, what do *I* know????

    Meg - happy anniversary. What day is your actual anniversary?

    The guys are here right now working on the tile. Believe it or not, the way they put the tile on is they lean down over the pool and put it on while upside down! We were thinking "oh, of course, they'd be in the pool when they were putting the waterline tile on in the shallow end, but wonder how they do it in the deep end"? Well, this answered our question. It's just so amazing to see him working upside down.

    wessecg, those are great suggestions for exercises! I never thought of them.

    Laura - how wonderful about your sweater!

    Vince is now making the phone call that is going to cost us money...he's calling the insurance company telling them that we have a pool. Well, it has to be done. Since it's ready for the county inspection, it's ready if the isurance co. needs to make an inspection. The latch does self-latch. It looks like crap and will be taken care of, but it does latch.

    I have trouble, too, cutting a butternut squash so I'll be really looking for hints as to what's the best way to do it.

    Going to run now. See my next post.

  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Michele - WOW! When is the party???
    the pic didn't show in MFP, but i copied the link and pasted it into my browser

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member

    I did that as well. BEAUTIFUL!!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Gini - I don't know what I wasn't doing to get that pic, but at least you are able to view it.

    jb - what am I doing? I clicked on the "IMG" bujt couldn't figure out how to paste the link so that I could change the IMG/ What am I doing?

    Everyone -- Enjoy! We are.

    The insurance co. just called. Wonder how much our insurance is going to go up?

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Michele, I think you might have cut off the "img" letters in the brackets, not sure! This is what it should look like when you copy/paste the IMG code.

    Once pasted, you need to change the capital letters to lower case[img], leaving the brackets intact. Here you go, wow, looks great!! :happy:[/img]Poolnearcompletion_zps692f3bfb.jpg
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks for the recipes for the butternut squash,just bought 1 the other day.
    JB_love the pool,so jealous.I sure miss my swimming.
    Everyone who is struggling,hang in there.We can do this.Sometimes we see slow progress.It`s a lifetime commitment and everyone looses at their own pace.A suggestion to those who don`t want to count calories or struggling,maybe if you open your diary,we can help make suggestions.I know it took me 6 years or more to get where I am.With 4 surgeries,pt and thyroid issues and asthma.I`ve changed my ex many times and foods.So don`t get discouraged.
    We are a great bunch and here for anyone who needs it.
    Have a great day!!
    ps.dr told me to heat back and then go walk for 10 min 3x a day and I`ll see him in the am.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    :laugh: :wink: I am betting that that pool cost more than my house
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning and Happy Friday everyone! Is it just me or was this a really long week? I’m so glad it’s the weekend. I was going to say “and we don’t have anything planned” but actually DH is going to DSS’s football game tonight, then tomorrow night we are playing Euchre (we play once a month with neighborhood couples – it’s actually how/why I met DH), then Sunday I’m making dinner and going to meet my neighbor’s new baby boy, born a week ago last Wednesday. Plus I just told my husband absolutely no excuses, we are cleaning the house Sunday morning. Let’s see . . . feels like there was . . . something else . . . oh, yeah. I have to go run 3+ miles tomorrow morning. Gah.

    Linda, I’m with you on the kids/our generation thing. I grew up on a farm (small, but we raised rabbits, chickens, geese and turkeys at various times in addition to growing stuff) where we wandered down to the creek, played with the snails and bugs, hid in the woods, picked wild blackberries, popped tar bubbles in the street with our toes, rode bikes, etc. – with little fear of strangers or anything other than killing ourselves in our latest adventure (like standing as close to the train tracks as possible when the train went by or seeing how close to the edge of the cliff above the Clackamas River we could get without sliding in). In retrospect, it’s amazing I survived my childhood, but I loved every minute of it.

    I feel like an old fogie that I’m appalled at how entitled and yes, spoiled, kids are now. I’m aghast that *someone* would think nothing at all of asking/demanding a $$$ phone just because she wants it. Nothing wrong with hers, just wants the name brand of this one. I can’t think of a single thing that cost that much that I would ever ask for even now – and yet this is on top of her “spending spree” she’s asking for her 16th because she wants “the really good makeup, like Sephora” – makeup more expensive than anything I own, and I have a good job and make good money for myself! Sorry, I can rant for hours about this particular topic. Drives me crazy. At least I’m a little sympathetic about not wanting to redo her hair, but then she thinks nothing of making her chauffeur/brother wait while she’s doing whatever, then makes him carry her crap too. Can you tell who might be on my list right this moment?

    DeeDee, how wonderful about the ego boost! A few people have commented how disappointing it is when our hard work isn’t acknowledged – and I agree. I know I look better, but it’s still nice to hear from someone else. LOL about the boots – I have the same experience. I did notice the new fashion is for looser boots, so not so much tugging to get them on/off. Yum on carrot soup! Actually, right now any soup at all is yummy.

    Cheryl, you probably are getting extra calories from all the work you’re doing. The 1400 is the base amount for your lifestyle minus a % for weight loss. If you add in exercise on top of that, you need to add that to your energy intake (think of it as refueling your car if you drive further). I will tell you, my bump for the weekend was taking a sneak peek at the scale and finding myself down another 1 ½ pounds – on a week when I’m eating more than usual!

    Meg, go have fun with your anniversary!!!

    Lila, I hope you get the grant – I love how towns are pulling together to find outlets for people to socialize and get healthy at the same time. Your yam/carrot/mom story made me laugh – as a young wife, I once served a dinner that was all white: broiled fish, cauliflower and mashed potatoes. Not my finest hour . I’m so sorry about your loss – my grandmother died at the beginning of October (right around now actually) 11 years ago and my mom still misses her greatly too, I know. I miss her as well, but I don’t think it’s the same as with a mother/daughter.

    Barbie, I just told DH last night I need to remake the bed with another blanket. It is getting a little cooler. How wonderful about your walk – one of my favorite memories as a child is going to outdoor school (they have that in the system in Oregon) and walking in the rain forests in WA and seeing all the wooly caterpillars. Wonderful week.

    Michele, I’ve had to just about leave my workout when my partner has shown up all smelly. He can get a musky smell that makes me gag. I guess there’s not much to be done – you don’t really want to take a shower BEFORE a workout, and I’m sure there are times when I’m a little stinky, but seriously I would have moved too.

    Deb, does typing like crazy not count as exercise? Darn. It sounds like you already make exercise a priority, but I understand what you mean. My schedule is such that 7am (or earlier), no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I take an hour and a half for myself to exercise. It’s actually great on the weekends because no one else gets up that early, so I’m not missing anything (except getting an early start on the weeding). Then if I can manage to work in a walk later, so much the better, but I never feel bad because I missed exercising that day. You of course already have a crazy early day – what do you do that you have to be up so early? Does your work allow you an hour at lunch to go for a walk or to a local gym? Good luck at any rate – you don’t want to let all that hard work go to waste (or waist):tongue: !

    Carolyn, I’m glad you’re feeling better. I have friends who are addicted to spinning – I guess it’s a lot of fun, especially for competitive people. How exciting for your DD! I’ll have to tell my in-laws to go check out the show – they live there and are always looking for stuff to do.

    Cheryl, don’t be discouraged – please see this as going the way it’s supposed to and let go of the thought it must go the way you want. Your body is doing its thing, which it’s going to do regardless. OK, that’s better. And congratulations! I just saw your next post – you silly girl:laugh: ! I am going to think of you every time I go to a public restroom from now on.

    Kathy, I’m with you – you don’t need a doctor who is all “quit yer b*tchin” – there are other people for that ;). There are a lot of good exercises for strains, and stretching it will help. I have to do that with my wrist, and it hurts like crazy to do the stretching, but it feels so much better after. I’m glad you’re recognizing your funk and starting to come out of it. Getting your work situation squared away sure will help!

    Cinnamon, please don’t give up. You know a side effect of the meds is weight – that’s a given. You still want to pay attention to what you eat, and as you start working a healthy diet into place the meds get working, you’ll feel more like exercising. It’s a cycle that needs time to work. Once you start exercising, you’ll get that little bump that will help you to feel even better. It’s a tough and long process (lifelong, in fact), but it’s so worth it! Just out of curiosity, how long have you been tracking your calories?

    Jolene, I’m glad the fluid pill helped. Why are you holding so much water? I laughed about the exercise. I used to tease a friend about how tiny her bladder was – until I discovered mine holds liquids for exactly one hour, no longer, so when I’m out walking I have extra motivation to make it back before the witching hour ;).

    Laura, yay for the NSV – I had the same thing last night!

    Gini, I’m glad you’re finding peace with your journey. Congratulations on maintaining your weight loss for 10 years – that’s a huge accomplishment! I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your grandchildren – how lucky!

    Jane – wow! How wonderful (and awful) that they may have misdiagnosed her! I hope it’s something much more treatable.

    Deborah, I always (well, almost always) bake the squash before doing anything, then just scoop it out. I’m with you – I don’t like peeling them raw. I’d almost rather do it completely wrong and buy the precut, prepeeled stuff at the store than deal with peeling it. If you do have to peel it, use a sharp knife (I actually use a paring knife, just because it’s easier to handle for me), cut it in half across the middle (where it starts to bow out), then just cut down the sides on one part, then down the sides on the other. It’s not fun. You can add to your journal that you’re grateful you don’t have to make a living preparing those precut packages for the store:flowerforyou: .

    Michele, I bet you’re so excited! It looks lovely. Congratulations:flowerforyou: .

    OK, it’s taken me all day to get this written – but I took a break to get my hair done. I hope you all enjoy your weekend – and I’ll be back to let you know if I survived the run.

