

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Congratuations to everyone with these wonderful success stories. Donna that is great that you have improved your health so much during such a stressful time in your life. What fortitude. And so many ladies losing weight and on the verge of being at their goals.....wow, inspiring.

    Hope everyone has some enjoyment this weekend.

    I had a nice visit yesterday with a friend I'd not seen for quite a long time. She'd had eye surgery and hadn't felt like going out. So that was nice to try to catch up. But you know, we never do---there's always much more to say but time just flies away.

    Also went to a book sale out at the fairgrounds. Unfortunately I did not find any of the books I was looking for but kind of fun to look around. The books are marked down at the end of the sale but I don't really see any reason to go back. On the plus side, I didn't add to the clutter in my house.

    Also stopped by a health food store I'd not visited for a long time. I use to stop by on my way home from work as it was on my route but since I've not had a job I had to reason to go that way. Anyway, kind of nice to look around and pick up a few things....felt a bit like being home.

    Have I every mentioned I tend to procrastinate on some things? Well, I have a big project to do and I sincerely just do not want to do it for a lot of reasons. I've moved all the material to the counter in my kitchen and it's staring at me. There are SIX INCHES of receipts and correspondence that relate to when my folks built their house. Yeah, I'm suppose to calculate the cost basis of the house since my dad hasn't personally lived in the residence for a number of years. And even if I get through that I have no idea how to figure out the value of the 3 acres it sits on. They bought the entire farm and then after they got the county to parcel that site off. ACK. I need someone to give me a swift kick!!

    We had thunder storms this morning and more are expected later. Be safe be well drink your water.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Hi! I am new on this site... also looking for support and motivation,after all I have not gained a pound in the last two years ...I seem to be in this coasting/maintenance stage. I do allright with the food part ,....I just can't or won't push harder on the exersize part,I'm so afraid of injuring my back again!

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, welcome.......do you have a pedometer? Walking is a great way to get exercise with less potential damage to your body.....a good pair of shoes and a pedometer will get you going on exercise that will make a difference.

    :smile: and with that said, I'll put on my coat, leash up my dogs and head out for our morning walk.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie from NW Washington where we are getting some much needed rain.:bigsmile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning, it's the weekend!

    Jane, :flowerforyou: I just noticed you've lost 114 lbs! WOW! That's absolutely wonderful!

    Still feeling full from last night, I ate more than my share and didn't complete my food diary. I think I was celebrating! Since it was the first rainy day of fall, and I'd gotten completly soaked and cold while picking things at the garden, I came home and turned the heat on in the house for the first time, and well, just started cooking (and eating)! I roasted a couple pans of tomatillos for freezing and started a batch of M's hot sauce by chopping up a pound of red jalapenos with a little salt in the food processor. After work I made parmesan chicken, baked gold nugget squash, roasted beets, baked potatoes with sour cream and chives, carmelized shallots and steamed snow peas. To top it off I had a nice dish of homemade raspberry-applesauce for dessert. A pretty healthy pig-out, but I ate way too much and felt like a bottomless pit! Today I must think thin.

    I haven't watched any cooking shows for the longest time, but yesterday I watched Barefoot Contessa, Ina Garten's show, which I've always liked. I took notes on how she made the carmelized shallots, easy and delish. Melted butter and a tablespoon of sugar, toss in the peeled shallots and cook on med-low until carmelized. Great side dish, and I have so many shallots from the garden that I need to start using.

    Yes, I got soaking wet at the garden early yesterday morning, the rain wasn't "supposed" to start until noon. I went to pick the rest of the summer vegs, but did I take a raincoat and gloves just in case? No. And did it pour down rain the entire hour I was picking peppers and things? Yes. Well, guess I'll chalk it up to a day of christening. I'm ready for fall now, raincoat, hat, gloves, and plastic bags in my shoes, lol. Need to go shopping and use my birthday $$. I could fit 2 people in my raincoat from last year.

    Lots of cooking and canning on the agenda for today. I think I'd better hit the track first thing. I did go yesterday, too, making 3 days in a row, woo! Keeping it up on weekends would be most brilliant.

    Have a great day everyone.

    :smile: jb
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: donna - congrats on the weight loss and hope news for dh continues to be positive
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member

    - I have decided I'm "done" though. I am trying to transition to maintenance slowly and hopefully everything stabilizes. This is the scary part for me, adding more but not too much! I'll figure it out I'm sure. I've been nursing a bag of Pepperidge Farm cookies in my husband's room-- only about 60 cals each and they are a delightful new treat!

    Donna in NJ:heart:

    :bigsmile: Donna, congratulations on your weight loss and fitness success and on your husband's great progress in his treatment.....I wish you both the best. A word about maintenance :flowerforyou: continuing to eat healthy is probably the best thing you can do for your body.....adding calories of healthy food rather than sweets will deep your body nourished and help you avoid the urges to eat more than you need.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Just a quick pop-by: Ran the 5k, ok, walked the uphills, but finished in 39 min/12 minute miles - that qualifies as running :). I didn't die, but my average heart rate was 144 and my peak was 186 - super high for me. You could say I got my cardio in today :). It was 35 degrees when we left the house, but it was clear and wound up being a gorgeous day. 40 minutes, done for the day and now off to see the little one at her horse show. Have a great weekend everyone!

    Congratulations!! Now you have some choices...A - 5k done ..crossed off the bucket list or B- gee, that wasn't so bad maybe I'll do another one!!! Lol

    I am most definitely not a runner so my choice would end up being A!! Lol

    Enjoy the rest of your day
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hello, I just found this group. I am in my 50's. I have been having a lot of trouble sticking to any plan for some reason. I found this online, some one had recommended it to a friend on FB. I really like the tools, just have a little trouble from switching to calories from points. I have not been keeping up this last week, but I am committed to continue trying and not give up.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat>
    Welcome to the new people.
    Donna welcome back,glad your hubby is doing better.
    Went to pt,got the go ahead to exercise,no restrictions.Dr said the back pain,burn etc was spasms.
    Hope everyone is doing ok today.Rain today,glad I exercise with the dr.
    jane m
  • Nelsont86
    Nelsont86 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone - I've never posted at this website before, but feel that I could use all the help I can get.
    I'm 57, female, have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) and NOW type 2 diabetes. Really need to get "on the ball" before my health issues keep me from1) living a long healthy life, and 2) traveling (which is what I like to do). So, I'm putting myself out there and joining your group - if anyone has any helpful hints, I'd love to hear them!. Thanks.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: oh happy day....ds is back in CA from Afghanistan! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    he is spending a few days with a friend and his family in Laguna Beach and will come home to NYS for leave in a couple of weeks....did I already sing oh happy day?!

    Have a good night
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Jen:smile: YAY, YAY, YAY:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!! So glad he`s back in the USA!!!!!! I`m doing a happy dance for you!!!!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl:smile: Congrats on that pound gone!!!! Loved reading about your "bathroom" exercises:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ! Hey if it`s working, go for it!!!

    Laura80111:smile: Hope Peanut`s vet visit went well, its about time for Noel to have her teeth cleaned too:bigsmile: . Woo hoo on that sweater fitting, it`s a great feeling!!!

    Gini:smile: Glad you`re feeling better this week!! Hope you have a fun time with the little ones!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: So glad to hear great news for your friend!!!!

    Deborah:smile: I`m with you on butternut squash, I cut one once and wondered if I would ever get it cut through:angry: . I think a saw sounds like a good idea. I have a gratitude journal I write in every night, I like reflecting on my day and what I have accomplished, to remember just how very blessed I am!

    Kim:smile: Hang in here:flowerforyou: , you`ll get lots of support!!! We all go through rough patches, and the ladies here are just so fantastic, encouraging and motivating!!!

    Michele:smile: Love the pool:glasses: ! Looking forward to more pics!!!

    M:smile: Teenagers make you want to pull your hair out:explode: Hang in there, they will eventually grow up, mine is now 33 and I actually miss those days, sometimes, not very often though:laugh: .

    KathyL.:smile: I`m so glad your daughter is getting a second opinion, and it`s wonderful they didn`t charge you for the copies of the records!!!

    Glenda:smile: I laughed at your response to running:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , I agree with you I prefer walks!!! Getting into those over the knee boots was exercise, I was sweating as much if not more trying to get them on as I do on my long walk:laugh: . At least I can now say I put a pair on...once:laugh:

    Mary:smile: Your goals look good for Oct.!!!!

    Lila:smile: Hope you`re feeling better:flowerforyou: !!!! I will try stabbing my butternut squash and microwaving it, anything has to be better than trying to cut through that skin! Thanks for the tip!!!

    Jb:smile::laugh: "breeding ground for bacteria in the underware at Walmart":laugh: . That`s like Meg reading I had enough cats for soup, when it was really cals. for soup:laugh: . I do enjoy a good laugh!!!

    Oh gosh I still have more people to respond to, however if I don`t start my dinner now, I`ll be eating at 9pm or later. I`ll be back after dinner to finish.

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Oh Jen! What great news!!! Is he based at Pendleton? We are hoping that my son is back the first week of November. His wife bought tickets to the Marine Ball on the 9th hoping he will be there with her.

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Oh Jen! What great news!!! Is he based at Pendleton? We are hoping that my son is back the first week of November. His wife bought tickets to the Marine Ball on the 9th hoping he will be there with her.

    mark is based at pendleton...he will probably be home on the 9th for the marine ball...is your dil going to las Vegas for it? Hope your ds is safely home soon as well...I did not realize the stress I was carrying until tonight when the burden lifted...funny how that works..
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Jen, My son was at Pendleton for 4 years. I loved it since we are about 40 minutes away. Now he's based in Yuma and their ball is there. I think each division...or unit...or whatever...has their own ball. I'm so happy that your son is back safely. I was lucky enough to be able to be there the first time when they came back in helicopters and the second when they were bused in. This time I don't think he comes back here. Probably straight to Yuma. I don't care though...as long as he's safely back. Eileen
  • rockingranny45
    rockingranny45 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for such an .inspirational post. My prayers are with you and your friends family.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Hello everyone - I've never posted at this website before, but feel that I could use all the help I can get.
    I'm 57, female, have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) and NOW type 2 diabetes. Really need to get "on the ball" before my health issues keep me from1) living a long healthy life, and 2) traveling (which is what I like to do). So, I'm putting myself out there and joining your group - if anyone has any helpful hints, I'd love to hear them!. Thanks.

    :flowerforyou: welcome, you have come to the right place for support and encouragement and good ideas.

    :flowerforyou: the best way to start is to jump right in.......make a plan for your food tomorrow (don't worry too much at first about calories,yet) and then agree with yourself to stick to the plan no matter what happens....say no to any food that is offered to you no matter how benign.....then do the same thing tomorrow........exercise today.....take a walk, do an exercise Video or anything else that you can think of and make an agreement with yourself to do it again tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: ask questions on this thread about good ideas for healthy meals and begin to make changes in your eating a little at a time......cultivate an attitude of gratitude that you've decided to take this journey now instead of waiting a day, a week, a month, or a decade.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Hi, I'm 55, a runner and hopping over here from an experience with Lose It that has left a bad taste in my mouth. I've lost my weight and been maintaining for about a year now. 2 years ago I decided that I needed to learn to run and have run 3 5k's now. I'm still not sure if I enjoy it but it sure is great exercise and has improved my cardio so much. I also cycle when the weather permits. Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening again beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: glad you're feeling better! Hope you got a "good stomp" in today!!!!!

    Donna:smile: Congrats to you and your hubby:flowerforyou: !!! It sounds like things are really good with hubby now, praying that all be well 6 mos. from now too!!!!

    M:smile: Congrats, you did it!!!!

    Lin:smile: Good for resisting the books you really didn't want! I love books, however I'm running out of room for them, I need to find a place to donate some.

    Jb:smile: Your Friday night dinner sounds amazing - wish I had been there, I had leftover carrot soup and while it was really good, I would have traded it for your dinner!!! I know the feeling getting caught in the rain, I'm usually walking the dog when it happens, and my raincoat doesn't have a hood:cry: .

    Eileen:smile: I so hope your son gets to be home for the ball, will keep him in my prayers!

    Barbie:smile: You have wonderful advice, thank you for sharing it!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: , come in often and chat with us! This is a great group of women ! Listen to Barbie she knows what she's talking about!!!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Saturday, and hope your night finds you relaxed and peaceful!
    Until tomorrow....

  • mombert
    mombert Posts: 11 Member
    This looks like a group that i would like to be part of, I really need all the support i can get as my nature is to give up when I get off track and I'm really hoping to avoid that this time. My goals for this month are to keep my weightloss happening by logging all my food and hopefully adding some exercise to my routine more than just walking to and from work. I am a 60 year old mother of 5 and work full time as an aid in our local nursing home so am on my feet pretty much 8 hours a day. I find that after work and general housework and gardening getting up for exercise is something I often shirk.
    My sympathy goes out to the lady who lost her friend to breast cancer, such a scary painful disease.