

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I had just posted but it went off into cyberspace because we were at the end of the thread.

    I had read up to page 18 but was only slowly catching up so thought I'd post otherwise I was never going to get to the end.

    I think I need to do some exercise to get the lbs moving downwards rather than up but can't decide what to do. I hate exercising. Will go to aquafit tomorrow, but what about today. I don't really enjoy aquafit, but go because I know I need to do something. I miss my lawn bowling that I do all summer. I don't look on that as exercise because it is fun and I like the competitive side.

    I'm going to a dinner and concert at a local church this evening. I've been organizing it for the past few weeks for the local War Brides and we have been invited to sit at the top table with the British High Commissioner and his wife. Not all can sit there, but 7 War Brides will feel they are very special for the meal.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Bump for later.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Auntiebk. I am so sorry for your loss. I know the pain all too well. You wrote a beautiful tribute. Just remember we are here for you. As you all were for me less than a year ago when Kiera went on ahead.

    I posted this poem then and I thought I would post it again for you now.

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    Author unknown...
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Saving a place for later.

    Laundry done, groceries are home, newspaper read, and now the project is staring at me again.

    Wishing everyone all success.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: two hours walking dogs now I have to get some chores done......I'll be back later after I go to a baby shower at noon.
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    I finally FOUND you!!! This is my 3rd post today and the other two are flying around somewhere in cyberspace. :grumble: I don't have the energy to recreate my novella one more time!:noway: I didn't know what to do once the group reached 500 posts! So I'm leaving you all with this quote (kind of sums up what I was trying to say...

    “This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.”

    Have a beautiful Sunday!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun!
    indoor exercise today,raining,storms,tornado watch.
    Have a good one.
    jane m
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Liz- I do that too, wake up and can’t go back to sleep! You made good use of your time on MFP! What is the Woodcutter Ball? Sounds like a lot of fun. That is great news about your chili being runner up! You might have to share the recipe with us. I am so glad that you are going to continue with your weight loss plan. You are doing the healthiest option! Slow and steady gets the job done. I did a protein fast and gained all the weight I had lost ,plus some more! :explode: I have to work this evening, so only DH and DD#! Went to the competition! :happy:

    DeeDee you are so right about what we see in pictures,but not in the mirror. Maybe ,its because we don’t look in the mirror? I know for me that is part of it.What does it mean to be “Queen today” Is this a special day for you?? Tell me, Tell me, maybe I want to be “Queen for the day also”:bigsmile:

    Lynn, those must have been BIG cups of coffee to get caught up! Lol. I think it takes me at least 3 hours to read, respond, copy,paste and add the smiley faces,when I get caught up. That is why I am on now. I am going to try to limit my check in to letting only one page fill up before my next post! Lol-I will have to see if I can keep up with this! :bigsmile:

    Jen, I love the recumbent bike also. This is what I use at the gym. Not so hard on the back! I would love to have one at home. We have a treadmill sitting in the garage. It just takes up too much room in the house! :frown:

    Lin-I love your doggies at the bottom of your post. I just love dogs! We call them fur people at our house!:laugh: :laugh:

    Cheryl- thanks for the info on the fit bit.I need to get the pedometer that Barbie mentiond or maybe the fitbit. I am undecided at this time! Oh yea,pecan waffle sounds heavenly! I hope you enjoyed every single bite of it!! Yummy! :bigsmile:

    VickieM26 –do what ever works for you! Glad you are back!! :happy:

    DebA- housework can be therapeutic-NOT haha. The kayaking would be so much fun. I could never get into one with my knee problems. I would probably tip it over trying to sit down! : embarrassed: :blushing: Thank you for the beautiful quote!:bigsmile:

    JB- the community garden sound fabulous. Is is an organic community garden? What a wonderful idea. Do you pay a rental fee monthy to use the land? If each community had a community garden, people would be so much healthier! What a great feeling it is to grow,pick and make your own meals with the “fruits/veggies of your labor! The problem with that here is So.Calif would be the price to water the garden. Water cost more than gold down here! :laugh: :laugh:

    I just did a post and it vanished into thin air. So I will cut it short as I have to eat and get to the gym before work! I didn't see the continuation of the blog, so some of my comments might not be caught up! Lol
    I am grateful today for you my friends,keep me on this journey one day at a time! I have logged in for 110 days now! :drinker:
    We can do this together!
    Blessings, Linda:heart:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Sunday morning, Sunday morning, I love Sunday, Sunday morning, Sunday mo-or-ning (Spanky and Our Gang)
    I slept off most of the cold, didn't wake up until about 9:30 and the furbies let me sleep (well, the cat wasn't quite as patient). I'm feeling much more like myself and if things go true to form, I'll feel lousy tonight but over it tomorrow.

    I took the dogs out for a nice long (wet) ramble and thought about Barbara's General Robby. I have said goodbye to a few 4 legged friends over the years (part of the price of rescuing older dogs from shelters) but still find the tears come when you think of the endings. Know that you gave him a wonderful home Barbara and a reason to be and a pack of his own and that's no small thing. (sorry, have to take a break for a little cry here).

    This post just keeps expanding with new and returning people - and that's a good thing.

    Wow - Jane M where do you live - tornado watches - that is scary to me. Is it just normal preparedness for you?

    Well, I have finally finished sorting clothes and mending and tossing and donating. And I have come to the conclusion that I have too much stuff. I think I need to simplify so I am adding that to my October goals, and probably November and December too.

    Linda - I think you might be right and I'm not eating enough. I don't seem to have much of an appetite so maybe I will have to try higher calorie foods (I cut out the pasta and rice etc because it makes me feel bloated). 110 days logging, that is great - the time just flies by (too bad the pounds don't).

    I have no idea what is going on - MFP keeps freezing on me and even when it's not frozen it takes forever to refresh pages or post. I've checked out my internet service and everything else seems ok and moving at normal speed. MFP you are driving me crazy!!! I thought I would quit while ahead because I noticed a bunch of you had lost whole posts. As soon as I did that and tried to post, the MFP server died. Good thing I had this all saved in Word. Ha - take that gremlins!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday and maybe I will check in later to catch up again (depends on whether the new season of Upstairs Downstairs starts tonight - 1930s rise of Germany and WW2 onward)
    Bye for now
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just got cleaned up from today's yard work. Yesterday DH and DS1 finished moving the rock to the back and brought the extra cinder blocks back our front . (I got to spend the day with a dear friend while we shopped for her dress for her step-daughter's wedding. This is the same friend I was making the paper flowers with a month ago.) After church I moved the rest of the stacking wall blocks to the back and got the final base row down and level. We need about 26 more blocks to finish up the walls, then the dirt and soil amendments can come in. And I'll be glad to be done for the fall!!

    Looks like DS1 will be moving to his apartment at the end of the month. They did their application, etc., yesterday. Now my head is filled with painting the rooms, putting things back in them, etc. BUT we must get the yard done first.

    Today was our day to officially join our new church. They had a new members reception afterwards where they served coffee and cake. I got a piece of it, but it really didn't hold any appeal and the frosting was a big turn off. I guess the worm has turned! While there I talked with the lady who has a monthly sewing/craft group -- you just bring what ever you want to work on. She is also involved in the yarn angels group that knits/crochets prayer shawls, as well as baby blankets for the hospital and hospice. I signed up for that, so it was a good thing to happen to meet her today.

    I hope that all those mourning comforted and those who are discouraged are renewed with hope.

    Peace to all,
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    It has been a couple of days since I have been on here and things have really been moving along!! So much happening in all of your lives!

    Jen _ How incredibly wonderful to have your son home from Afghanistan! Isn't it so true that we often don't realize the stress we are under until it is relieved and we are able to take that first deep breath. Rejoicing and giving thanks with you today!

    Donna - Wow, what a successful weight loss in spite of the stress in your life! I usually am a stress eater, so good for you. And even better news that hubby is making good progress in his treatments. May good things continue to come your way!

    Kate - Congrats on the football win, and on the food victory as well! My team did not do so well I heard - in fact, I think hubby said we got spanked!! I understand the mixed feelings toward the chocolate bar lady:laugh: :explode: - "can't you share?? no wait, I don't want any!! " (insert carrot here!):laugh:
    Kate, have you ever had restless legs? I get that when I am overtired or in a confined space. It is SO frustrating and irritating- I just cannot keep my legs still, no matter how badly I need to sleep! The doctor said stretching your legs before bed might help, and also avoiding tannins before bed (red wine, tea, cheese); I have heard others recommend magnesium. If you find something that works well, let me know.

    Barbara - what a wonderful tribute to your Robbie. It always leaves a hole when we lose a beloved pet!:frown:

    Lila - I have had a hard time to keep my calories up when I eliminated/reduced the refined carbs from my diet. I did feel better without the bread and white rice, but was concerned about shutting down the metabolism . Some kind and wise women on here (thank you ladies!) have encouraged me to boost my calorie intake so I am giving that a go. I really do not want my body to go into starvation mode, I just want to lose some of this extra baggage!:grumble:

    The temp has been nice for October this week and the flowers are still blooming outside. (yes, this is noteworthy here in the north:smile: ) But the wind has been raging too and it has not encouraged me to get any exercise in. I REALLY need to get back at it this week!!

    Finish the weekend well ladies. Start the new week well. glenda
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Just popping by to say "HI", and mark my spot on our new thread!

    :flowerforyou: Kathy

    “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.”

    - Rikki Rogers
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hi beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just marking my spot until later!

    Linda:smile: When I say I get to be Queen for the day, it means I'm going to Starbucks to meet with some of my friends and they're all guys:bigsmile: ( I meet them every Sunday morning) , so they call me the Queen, and I love it:heart::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :blushing: ! I actually did one of my guy friends nails today, they looked absolutely awful and we were sitting outside so I pulled out my trusty nail clippers and file and he looked much better when I finished:laugh: . I've known most of the guys for about 14 years now, it's just fun to catch up with them all, we always have a good time!

    Will be back later to respond to more!!!

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    The rain has finally come. :flowerforyou: I managed to work in the garden for a couple of hours today (under a cloudy sky but no rain) and bring home lots of goodies. Dinner's in the oven, roasted parsnips, beets, carrots, bell pepper and onion, along with a beef roast. I'll sautee some kale, too. Harvested all of it today except, of course, the beef. :tongue:

    Lila, I completely agree about the doggie deal. I had lots of tears this morning after reading Barbara's post, then another MFP friend announced she'd lost her dog to heart failure. :cry:

    Glenda, nuts work great for increasing calories. Avocados, too. Both are excellent, but walnuts especailly since they're packed with Omega-3's. :wink:

    Linda, it's not required to garden "organic" when someone becomes a community garden member at this particular garden. Many, many people do, including us, but some don't. We pay an annual fee of $25 per plot for our gardens, and there is no charge for water. But we live in the land of water, lol :bigsmile: We also have to do 4 hours (per plot) of community garden work on work party days, such as fencing, tilling, mowing the pathways, etc.

    Going to check on dinner, have a great evening!

    :smile: jb
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Marking my spot. Be back in the morning.
    Deb A
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Linda, my husband decided to do something about his weight the day he looked in the mirror and said “OMG I look like a beached walrus”……congratulations to you for keeping your mouth shut and letting your husband find his own moment of clarity.

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Barbara, I am so sorry about your beloved Robby……:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: someone told me that the only way to avoid such a heartbreak is to never love another animal, and of course, that’s not possible…..some mornings I stop in the middle of walking my dogs and hug and kiss them because I know they won’t be with me forever and I don’t want to waste a moment.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Vicki, I am so glad to see you back…..i look forward to hearing about your progress with your new food plan……nourishing your body is the key to staying on track……when I first started on MFP I replied to everyone, now I reply to a few and don’t worry that I’m not perfect…….one of my happiness commandments is that I won’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.

    :flowerforyou: Jen, thanks for the encouragement about the recumbent bike….I can’t wait for it to get here……Jake has already rearranged the living room to make space for it.

    :flowerforyou: Deb A, thanks for the encouragement about the bike……

    :flowerforyou: Jb, how far do you have to go to get to your garden plot?

    :flowerforyou: Robin, thanks for sharing The Rainbow Bridge poem
    somebody sent it to us when our Golden Retriever, Shilo, died in 2005.

    :bigsmile: The baby shower was fun…..I didn’t win any of the games and I didn’t eat any of the food. It is easier for me to eat a good lunch before I go and then eat nothing at the event. The hostess tried to tempt me with fresh fruit, but I thanked her and told her that I do best when I eat nothing.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I am exhausted. I think all the big line dancing days and long walks have done me in. I’ll be off to bed early:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: and ready to start planning new dance classes tomorrow.

    :heart: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    Resolutions for October
    *yoga once a week
    *walk with hubby three times a week
    *say “OK”---be agreeable
    *stay in the moment
    *Be Barbie

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    lila - feel better fast!

    holli, rosemary, tekwriter - welcome, come back often for lots of help, suggestions, motivation, and anything else you may need.

    DeeDee - have fun with your friends

    Donna - awesome news about your hubby! Wonderful about your successes. WTG girl! 126! That's awesome!

    M - great job on the running! I knew you could do it!!!

    Lin - whenever I'm in a health food store, that's always a big temptation for me. Sometimes I have to avoid them

    jane - glad you got the go ahead to exercise

    Nelson, mombert, hyspirit (love your pic), provemewrong - welcome, you've come to the right place

    Jen - that's so wonderful that ds is back!

    You know, in some ways I feel like I wish we'd gotten tile with more color. But then I have to remind myself that we really restricted ourselves in that we needed a tile that had three in the same family so that we could have an accent. Actually, there were only two that had three tiles in the same family and one was way expensive, a lot would have been added. So really, we didn't have a choice. Only whenever I say something like that Vince says that it hurts him. But if we get river rock which is white, the concrete is gray, retaining wall is gray, the tile is beige, I just don't know how it'll all look together. We were thinking of lava rock but in reading about it we found out that lava rock can be very sharp so it will probably rip the landscape fabric we'd have to put down so that's probably out. I wish we could get a stone that was a reddish color (like the red clay)

    Yesterday (Sat) I did yoga, today I did 30 minutes of jump rope and 30 min of hula hoop on the Wii. I tell you, the jump ropeing really worked up a sweat for me. Actually, I did 15 minutes, then 30 of the hula hoop, then the last 15 of jump rope. Then went to church, we trimmed the bushes in front of the house (thank goodness there is an empty lot next to us so something like that we dump there), then watered the backyard. Watering takes us about 2 to 3 hours. Oh, yes, did a load of laundry, made a pork roast that we can have this week and then some leftovers. Also made a shrimp gumbo to take to bunco Tuesday if I go. If not, we'll have it. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then go to the extremepump class. The guys should be here to finish the tiles.

    barbie - you always have such wonderful advice! Congrats on the new bike.

    kate - good for you taking food to the game, you did wonderful. I remember the first time we went to a baseball game here, I took my snacks. As we were driving there there were all these signs "no outside food or beverage" but I didn't think they'd hold to that a lot, especially since this is a minor league. Well, they did. I almost couldn't bring them into the stadium! So I told the guy that I needed the snacks "for medicinal purposes". He let me bring them in. The next time I went, I just took my "going to the movies" pocketbook which can hold snacks and water bottles. Horray on needing that belt!

    Lila - feel better fast!

    auntiebk - I feel your pain, losing a loved one is so hard. Sending you a big hug

    Linda Sundance - that was so nice of you to be there for your friend.

    Linda - you're probbly referring to Cats Cradle. Yes, I did that. Actually, even my girls did it. We have 1-3/4 acres. There are pine trees, you have great eyesight!

    I like beets, only the red beets don't exactly like me. Now I have no problem with the golden beets. Except for the fact that they're impossible to find except at a farmer's market.

    jb - how nice of you to give away your extra veges

    gail - isn't it just such a neat feeling when you are turned off by sweets???

    Better post this a) to mark my spot and b) before it gets too long. Going to take a shower, give Loki his "treat" (med), then get to bed.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Back to try and finish my posts!

    Lynn:smile: We a chatty bunch of women! I try to check in a couple times a day just to keep up!!!!

    Cheryl:smile: I love my FitBit too:love: !!! My daughter gave it to me for an early b'day present. I have amazed myself many times, I move way more than I thought I did:bigsmile: ! I also love the sleep feature, my sleep pattern had been pretty good until a couple of nights ago and it said I awakened 19 times, and I did toss and turn most of the night! Hope you enjoyed every bite of that pecan waffle:love: YUM!!!

    VickiM:smile: Hope your day turned out fabulous!!!

    DebA:smile: I use the Leslie Sansone walking routine on the days it's really icky outside. If it's just a little drizzle or just a bit cold I walk outside, I so prefer being outdoors!!!

    Jb:smile: My mother use to say that, red sky in the morning, sailors take warning, she also used to tell me if you could see enough blue sky to make a cat a pair of pjs it would be clearing up soon:laugh: , I'm always looking for that patch of blue through the clouds:laugh: .

    Genealce:smile: Hope you find something exercise wise you enjoy doing. Seems like in the warmer months things are always more fun!!!

    Robin:smile: The poem is beautiful:love::cry: !!!

    Lin:smile: Is that project still staring at you:huh: :laugh: !

    Barbie:smile: 2 hours walking the dogs, I walk Noel anywhere from 30-45 mins., if we were out 2 hours I would probably be carrying her:laugh: ,

    Deborah:smile: I have several post in cyber space too:angry: !!! Your quote is beautiful - thank you!!!

    JaneMartin:smile: Stay safe in those storms!!! It has just now started thundering here, they said we would have them tomorrow, along with rain most of the day:frown: !!!

    Lila:smile: Hope that cold is gone by tomorrow!!! I have too much stuff too, I have 2 big bags in my car right now to donate, most of it jackets and coats that are too big!

    Gail:smile: your shopping trip with your friend sounds like you had a good time! The monthly sewing/craft group at your church sounds like it will be fun and productive!!! Doing great things for the community!!!!

    Glenda:smile: Those beautiful flowers holding on as long as they can!!! I'm not looking forward to having to be indoors to get my walking in this winter:frown: , I so love being outside:love: !!!

    KathyL:smile: Love the quote, thanks!!!

    It has been a good day today, I had fun with the guys this morning! I actually got a hot chocolate at Starbucks today, 230 calories for it:noway: , I could have had 2 glasses of wine:sad: :ohwell: . It's a good thing I don't want that very often!!! My allergies have decide to act up today too:angry: , I've had a terrible headache, my face is hurting and my ear hurts:sad: :sad: ! Time for me to take a Zyrtec and some Advil and crawl in my comfy bed. Hope all you beauties have a wonderful rest of the night, sleep well and sweet dreams!!! Until tomorrow....

    DeeDee:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Good Evening, had a good day overall! Took Bella for her walk also caught up on some housework today. DH has been glue to the set today except for going to church. So sort of been a very low key day but those can be nice.

    @Linda-- Our Woodcutter's Ball is fun we meet at this rent space way out in the country, have chili (chili contest) dessert contest, and cornbread. There are games for children, and woodcutting contest with an axe between various teams. Men teams and women teams. Than we have a rock throwing contest yes 2 big rocks men teams and women teams see who throw the fairest. Than we have square dancing. Also who dresses in their best western grab. It is corny but lots of fun!

    @KathyL Love that quote

    @Lin did you get your project done?

    @Lili--Hope that cold goes away soon!

    @Barbie that is a nice walk. Also great idea on your bike I know I have been talking to my DH about a investing in a treadmill I like getting out and Bella will make sure but with winter approaching ...

    @Dee I hope your headache goes away soon.

    Wishing everyone a good evening,

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    My daughter went to her shooting competition today. They left at 0300 and got home about 4pm. She competed in sporting clays. This is not what shooting event she wants to go to the Olympics for, but any shooting is great practice! She came in first place for lady junior varsity! :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am so proud of her, it’s so nice when they have something they like to do and they are driven to do it well! :wink: :wink: :drinker: :drinker:
    I just finished my 4 hour work shift and I wanted to check in. Trying to not get so far behind.

    Lila- glad that you are feeling better. Nothing is better than getting some good sleep when you are not feeling well.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Gail, putting in a wall, soil etc in a lot of heavy duty work. We did the same thing. It is so nice when it is done and you can say- that you did the work yourself! You new church sounds like a nice place to be. We have been looking for a new church also, but have not found one that works for us as of yet. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Glenda- it is hard to exercise when it is cold and windy outside. Today was around 90 here in So, Calif. We will be in the 80-90’s for the next 10 days without any rain in site. The plus about your weather is that I would assume that all of your pools are indoor and nicely heated. We have a pool at the Ymca, it is outdoors. When the winter finally comes here, The thought of going in a pool when the air temp is in the 52/60s if too much to bear! Lol :laugh: :laugh:

    Kathy- thanks for the quote from Rikki Rogers! :smile:

    DeeDee- how nice to be Queen at Starbucks. How nice of you to clean up your friends nails. They must be good friends if your hubby doesn’t mind you being Queen of your guy friends! Lol- Sounds like you had a marvelous court today! Hope your allergies are better in the morning! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jb- your dinner sounds so yummy. I wish I lived close so I could accidently show up at dinner time! Yummy! That is so cheap to have that much growing space for a year. Is it someone’s private property or the city owns the land and are in charge of this awesome plot rental? 4 hours of community garden work per month or year? This would be an awesome idea down here but the cost of water is crazy. Our water bill for 3 months was over $400.00. Now that is crazyyyyyyyyyyyy. Hope that you are enjoying your yummy dinner. I did like Portland for awhile until the dark, cold rainy days got to me. Lol:sad: :sad:

    Barbie, thank you for your kind words –you always find the positive in a person. You are not old enough to be my mother, but sometime I feel like God put you in my life to say the things to me that a mother would. I did lose my mother at 20 to lung cancer. So ,maybe I am digging deep, but for you and your words I am truly thankful! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Michele- cats cradle, yes that was the name. I wish I still knew how to do it so I could teach the girls. They would just tell me “mom, that is lame” Oh, they don’t know how much fun and life they have miss out of growing up in a techno world! LOl Michele , just give the time so time, to blend with everything else. The weather will change some the the colors you are seeing now. Why, do your DH get his feeling hurt? You went with what you could afford at the time. Not like you had much of a choice. Maybe, he really wants you to be happy and this is why it hurts his feelings? I never did wear glasses until I hit 45 and had to hold everything so far away from me, that I broke down and got the drugstore reading glasses! :laugh: :laugh:

    Liz- the woodcutters ball sounds like so much fun! I would love to have those types of events here. Oh, I can see myself there now! How much fun! I am wanting to move from So Cal when I read about all the wonderful things that you ladies can do because of where you live! Thank you for sharing the info on that great event. Congrats on the chili cook off too! :drinker: :drinker:

    Sweet dreams my friends.
    Heres, to the start of a new week, and new beginnings. Thank you for helping me on this journey! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Linda :heart: