

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    DeeDee-Love the Queen stories! Must be so much fun to get together with good friends so often, I too prefer to be outside and am going to cross country ski and hike whenever I can, but it is dark when I leave for work and dark when I get home all winter.

    Barbie- Thanks again for this thread. I have been getting discouraged lately because I can't get the last few pounds to budge, but the posts here are so encouraging to read that I am motivated to keep working at it. I have gotten sloppy about measuring and logging food and haven't been getting in as much exercise as I need to. Sure enough, the scales are up today! I am going to get this back under control today. Going to the gym after work. No excuses.

    Sundance- We all have times we wished we lived in different areas of the country. I really like central NY because of the four seasons. Fall is my favorite followed by winter(yes, I love the snow and cold temperatures-although by late January I may wish I lived near you!). My least favorite is the summer when it gets hot and humid. There is always a variety of activities to join in around my area. Just need the time to do it all! Looking forward to retirement. I am finding that I have more energy now that I have lost the weight and am doing more.

    Have a great day all! I will check back in AFTER THE GYM!
    Deb A
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Thank you all, my very dears, for the words of comfort and support.

    Barbie as always your wisdom strikes home, to "not let perfect be the enemy of good."

    Guess my only goal for October will be to get back on track with logging and exercise.

    Thank you all for being here and who you are.

    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    Yesterday flew by, never had a chance to come back here. Marking my spot and will be back when at work later. Monday mornings can be slow at work between entering payroll and waiting for the mail to arrive.


    Barbara, sorry for your loss. Sounds like you gave him the best home he could want, he was loved:heart:

    I tear up everythime I read the Rainbow Bridge poem. It was given to me by my vet after I had to put down my Taz, cat that had developed a brain tumor at the age of 9. It was over 8 years ago but still gets to me.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I think it`s time I tell my story...it`s a bit hard, and I can`t get through it without sheding a tear or two even now, so I apologize in advance for any typos. I have shared my story with Dixie, and I still keep in touch with her, she`s doing as well as can be expected, she had the memorial for Lee the first of Oct. and she`s on a trip right now, I don` t think she would mind me telling all of you, she says she will be back when she`s ready. Okay.....:cry:

    My husband died in January of 1998, he was on a business trip, a fun business trip duck hunting, they were on a small boat going to their "spot", early in the morning, and an oil tanker ran over their boat, killing 7 people. He was the love of my life, my best friend, the man I thought I would be with until the end of time:sad: . It has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through, the shock, the saddness, the grief, the anger etc. ect.....After 14 years I still miss him so much, some days it feels like it was yesterday and I`m waiting to hear the garage door go up letting me know he`s home:cry: , other times it feels like it was entirely another lifetime ago. I have dated a few men, one I thought had possibilites, we went out for a year and he decided to move to the west coast, and well I guess I didn`t really love him because i couldn`t make myself go with him:brokenheart: . This is where my weight comes in.....I have always been a little tiny thing, 5`almost 4", size 6, sometimes 8, my Dr. at the time decided I had been through too much and I needed some help, so he put me on Paxil:mad: , I gained close to 80 pounds in 4 months, I went to bed one size and woke up another size:huh: :sad: , I totally skipped size 14`s, I went from a 12 to a 16, finally settling around an 18 pant:grumble: . Not only did Paxil make me gain weight, it also made me hate my life, I wanted to drive my little convertible off a bridge, the ONLY thing that saved me was my daughter had just told me I was going to be a grandma, I knew I could never do anything to risk her losing that precious baby, I found myself another Dr. who finally got me off of Paxil, put me on several other meds., they didn`t work, the weight would not budge, no matter what I did, every diet I tried failed, if anything I gained more, to say I was depressed was an understatment. He finally got me off all the meds. and it took me almost 2 years to start feeling like a normal person again. I`m sure the birth of my first granddaughter helped more than anything. She is now 11 years old, and the love of my life, she does not know she is the reason I`m still here!!! I feel like I lived in a black hole for so many years, and one day I woke up and the world seemed different, a brighter, happier place, I actually felt good, I felt like I had a purpose again, and I thank God every day for pulling me out of that hell hole I was in. I am so happy to be alive, I am so happy that I have a great family, and wonderful friends. My life is the best it`s ever been since my hubby died. I look at everyday now as an adventure, something new to explore and see. I take in all the beauty God has surrounded us with, the blue sky, the wind blowing through my hair, the dragonflys as they dance around my yard, I play with my granddaughters, I mean really play, and it`s wonderful and I am grateful for every minute I spend with them!!!! When I fist started with MFP and I logged my first day, I found I had only been eating around 500 to 600 calories a day, so I actually started eating more and wala the weight started coming off, I had no clue I was eating so little. So....that`s my story, I felt I needed to tell it because Linda said I must have a good hubby to let me go meet all those guys once a week, well he was a fabulous hubby, however if he were still here he would not be happy if I was meeting anywhere from 4 to 6 guys every Sunday, however I do believe he would be happy that I have such wonderful guy friends, they are all like my big brothers, no romance there, I know too much about them:laugh: . They do keep trying to set me up on dates, but right now I`m happy with it just being me!!!

    Okay ladies...I hope you all have a fabulous day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , and log your food!

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    extra smooches to you today, DeeDee.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    extra smooches to you today, DeeDee.


    Oh my. DeeDee, thank you, I'm beyond words.......:heart::heart:


  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I actually started this note a couple of days ago, now finally getting ready to send it off.So far my goals for October are just goals, nothing accomplished yet. I am starting fresh today. I can’t keep wallowing in self pity because of my knee, (and #*!# brace!) things could be a lot worse, so a new attitude today! I wish I had a female friend here with me who was going through similar issues, it might give me more of a push, that’s one of the things I love about this site, it gives me the next best thing!

    Wessecg : I love your thoughts on exercise! I too am limited (right now anyway) on how much and what kind of exercise I do, because of my size and my arthritis. Sometimes I feel like, what’s the use, especially when I read about all the super things some other people are doing, but then I realize this is my starting point

    Kathyszoo: I wore my “belt” fix today for the first time with my brace and did a bit of shopping, it actually stayed up! Yeah! I won’t say it was perfect but it was an improvement for sure. The “sports Dr. agreed with me that maybe there are just some body types that the brace just doesn’t work for, but I am still going to try and make it work for me.

    Wow I just went to post this and saw that the thread was locked, now I have a whole bunch more posts to read! LOL!


    October Goals:
    * Track my food
    * Use the bike pedals at least 5 days a week
    * Get to the pool 2-3 days per week
    * Cut back on my drinks on the weekend
    * lose and keep off 6 pounds (I tend to yo-yo)
    *Eat more vegetables
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning, and blessings to all this Monday,

    I am still complaining about the poison ivy rash, I must have worn the bra that was in my travel bag with the shirt that had the sap on it because now I have a poison ivy blister on my breast! :sad:

    However, poison ivy is a minor thing compared to DeeDee's story and the sadness of loosing a beloved pet, and some of the other struggles we face. My heart goes out to you. :heart:

    On the other hand, a wise doctor once told me that I should not brush aside (and not deal with) my own troubles by saying other people have it worse than I do. So. dam it, the itching is driving me crazy and how am I going to scratch my breast in front of 27 12 year olds? :grumble: It kept me from exercising too, because I took antihistamines on Friday & Saturday nights so I could sleep, and then I slept all day. Sheesh. Did go for a 5K walk/run on Saturday eve, though, and plan to hit the gym for a good round at the weights this afternoon.

    Yes, I am reading the book "A Complaint Free World" and I am very conscious about adding to the negative sum of the world :blushing: but honsestly has that man ever had the entire left side of his body covered with poison ivy blisters? For a week? :sad:

    OK, I am going away now to put on my happy face and get all my underwear into a hot, hot, hot wash.

    Love you,

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    I am also cross with myself because I have been gaining and loosing the same 4 pounds since the end of August, and that's not the way I like to do things. :noway: What is the matter with me?

    Too much good fall harvest food, perhaps. :grumble:

    Oh bother
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Off soon to my aquafit class, then the Treasurer of my Lawn Bowls club is coming over to bring me 'the books' because I'm taking over from him as he will be President for the next year.

    This afternoon, my DBF and I will go to the mall for a walk-around. This evening I'm teaching, but I know a couple of students won't be here, one because she is travelling early tomorrow morning and the other because she has just gone into a retirement home for a few weeks of care because she has a bad back and also is using a walker so wouldn't be able to negotiate the stairs to the basement.

    Will need to get out at some point and rake up some leaves, but after a full day of rain yesterday it is too wet to be walking on the lawn. It is very windy today so I'm not sure if that will be a help or a hindrance. Will it blow away the leaves which are already down or will it blow more leaves from my neighbour's trees onto my lot. My two large ash trees were cut down recently because of Emerald Ash Borer beetles.

    Welcome to all the newcomers - come back often.

    Has anyone heard from Chiclet recently? I missed a couple of months, but didn't see any posts from her so far this month. Just wondered how she was doing with the trials and tribulations of her mother.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Nancy - have you been to the doctor? Just to make sure that it is poison ivy and not anything else and the doc could probably give you something to help. When I had it I was smothered with it on my arms, legs and neck and had prednisone prescribed which helped. The other thing that was recommended was an oat (think it was oats or some cereal or other hee hee) bath. You can get it at the pharmacy and put it in the bath and sit in it to soak. Then putting calomine on after does help. I wonder if "After Bite" would help with the itch - I think someone else mentioned it, but can't remember if it was in this context.

    Shingles is also very itchy and I still have post herpatic irritation from having shingles across my face, head and into my eye.

    Hope you stop itching soon.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    We got back from Mexico last night. I won't have time to get caught up on reading the thread for a few days, but did glance through this page while scrolling to the bottom.

    DeeDee, thank you so much for sharing your story with us. What a horrible, freak accident -- I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I'm glad that you've been able to find yourself again, and that you are here with us. Sending you a huge hug!
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Wishing everyone a Marvelous Monday! Did a lot of cooking(for me) yesterday in preparation for the week. Made a yummy White chicken chili and some apple oatmeal muffins. Also made some homemade chicken noodle soup for a cancer patient at work. Did not get in any exercise but will today....

    DeeDee-Thanks for sharing your story. WOW! I truly admire your courage and strength.What a precious gift of life your granddaughter is. I am very glad you are there for Dixie. Hugs to you both!

    Grief is so personal but yet another road to depression. I suffered from it after losing my father almost six years ago. I lost weight because the knot in my stomach would not allow me to eat. I probably should have been put on anti-depressants but started exercising like a fiend. Looked the best I ever had in my life. Just did not last because once time started healing me I ate more and exercised less!

    Rainy and windy here today. Hoping it stays quiet at work. Getting caught up on some paper work and reading all the inspiring posts of such an awesome group!

    Stay healthy my friends!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Back in a while x
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Monday, best day of the week to start anew with taking care of thyself. First things first, planning the day's foods, filling up water bottles, and preparing the living room for morning aerobics sessions - all before housework or breakfast. Priorities! Must take care of me before I can take on the world. :bigsmile:

    Oh Nancy I'm so sorry about those wicked itchies! You must be absolutely miserable. Sending virtual salve and healing:wink: And about those stinkin' 4 pounds, don't feel all alone. I'm the same weight I was in August, too. Went down a couple then poof, just like magic, they reappeared and I'm having a devil of a time making them go away for good. Lately I just can't seem to get a grip. :grumble:

    DeeDee, you've come so far since the loss of your husband. :flowerforyou: How wonderful you have your granddaughter!! I lost my first husband to suicide in '97, and although I was blessed with finding another wonderful man a few years later, the memories of my first love come creeping back in on occasion. I can barely look at old photos. It's just too difficult. But cheers to you for moving forward and taking control of your life, you're doing a wonderful job of it! Please tell Dixie hello, I think of her often.

    Barbie, the community garden is located in a park next to the river, about 2.5 miles from my home. I load up the dogs and tools every day and head down there to do a little work or harvesting, then walk the boys around the park and down to the water. It's a paradise for me, my home away from home. I'd pitch a tent and camp down there if I could! :happy:

    Linda, the city used to own the community garden since it's in a city park, but as of this year it was signed over to the garden commission (non-profit) and now we're the proud "owners" of the land as gardeners. We have a wonderful board of directors who work hard to keep things in order, it's really quite something. Gardeners have to show up and sign in on work party days and put in 4 hours of work per plot, per year. Other "rules" are things like no cement, no plastic, no trees or shrubs other than berries, and taking care of your plot with "all due diligence" as stated in the bylaws. Love that line. :wink:

    Good day to all, I must get busy here. Be well, eat well, think light, move those buns, and remember to smile! :bigsmile:

    :smile: jb
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Good morning. Yesterday I had my pecan waffle - all 773 calories of it :tongue:

    It was nice to hear all the positive encouragement about my "bathroom" exercises. Today I am going to keep count of how many reps I do. (Already 20 handicap bar pushups and 40 touch my toes).

    DeeDee - I love the quote about the red sky - the second line was "Red sky at night, sailor's delight."

    Sundance - I too lost my mom to lung cancer when she was 47 and I was 25. It's amazing how much you still need your Mom even if you are grown. And I can not fathom losing my husband. In fact, I am very worried about him right now because he had a hear attack 11 years ago and he had his lipid panel done last week and refuses to show me the results. That can't be good.

    And lastly DeeDee - the always being tiny. I always had trouble with being underweight in my youth. When I was pregnant at 18 I had just finally reached 125 pounds (at 5'8 - I've shrunk since then). I was excited about being pregnant and hoped to be able to retain some baby weight afterwards (I wanted to be in the 130's). Well I was 115 for my 6 week checkup.

    I stayed in the 120's all of my 20's and in the 130's in my thirties and then the 140's until about 8 years ago when I had to work at staying in the 150's. I started on MFP at 184. I used to say I had a good run not really getting fat until my 50's, but then I realized that I have not been happy with my self image since I tipped the scales over 150. That is why this time I am shooting for 145 - not 155. And when I get there I am going to set my new goal at 135 and don't care if it takes me two more years to get there or if I never get there as long as I never go over 145 again. I wonder if it's harder to accept weight if most of your life you were tiny.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member

    And lastly DeeDee - the always being tiny. I always had trouble with being underweight in my youth. When I was pregnant at 18 I had just finally reached 125 pounds (at 5'8 - I've shrunk since then). I was excited about being pregnant and hoped to be able to retain some baby weight afterwards (I wanted to be in the 130's). Well I was 115 for my 6 week checkup.

    I stayed in the 120's all of my 20's and in the 130's in my thirties and then the 140's until about 8 years ago when I had to work at staying in the 150's. I started on MFP at 184. I used to say I had a good run not really getting fat until my 50's, but then I realized that I have not been happy with my self image since I tipped the scales over 150. That is why this time I am shooting for 145 - not 155. And when I get there I am going to set my new goal at 135 and don't care if it takes me two more years to get there or if I never get there as long as I never go over 145 again. I wonder if it's harder to accept weight if most of your life you were tiny.

    Yes, I think that was it for me. I've been a half-hearted dieter for awhile, creeping slowly up for the last 10 years, but the wakeup call for me was going to the doctor and breaking the 150 barrier, which is what kicked me onto MFP along with the sausage-stuffing fit of my clothes. So it's been a year, and I'm down to 130, aiming for 125 and then ready to maintain.

    Ok, I'm coming out here as a relatively thin person, now officially in the "average" bmi range. But I don't think my issues are significantly different from 55 year olds with 100 pounds left to lose instead of 5. Can I stay? (-;
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mon.
    Dee Dee,thanks for sharing your story.My sister lost the love of her life over 6 years ago and she misses him terribly.I`m so glad you are doing better with your health.
    Nancy,sorry about the itching.I was wondering the same thing,could it be shingles?We have had several people from the church with it.Hope you get it under control.
    Nice cool day with sun after rain all week-end.Took a 25 min walk.Back is still bothering me.
    Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Getting ready for another *dad* travel week. I always make such a big deal of it---clothes, makeup, electronics, Rx/supplements, food (and a plan for how to eat it), water (in the car), cash, checkbook, credit cards, my dad’s records and insurance cards, contact list, etc., etc. I’m never quite sure what someone will want! He has a number of appointments and I have some errands to do including finding the place where I have to return his pill box. The pharmacy can’t retrieve it because his room in Assisted Living is locked so I said I’d bring it back to them. Also need to pick up the stone saddles from the cemetery where my dad’s people are buried---it’s about 20 miles North of where he lives. I store them over the winter, take them to the florist in early spring, they rework them, I pick them up and put them out for the season. In the winter I order wreaths. Anyway I might as well store them for winter.

    Gotta get on it. I got sidetracked this morning by that darn car key fob. It failed again. I called the dealership and they said I should try another new battery (this one worked for about a week when it started acting odd---then this morning it wouldn’t work at all). So a trip to the battery place. They weren’t happy and let me know the battery they installed a couple of weeks ago had been fine and it was bad today soooooo if I have any other problems I should go to the dealership because it has to be some type of *short* in the unit. In other words the little microchip board in it is failing. That sounds like a replacement will be in order. Ack! Certainly took a lot of time.

    I’m not taking my laptop for this trip. There’s no internet access at his acreage out in the country and I don’t feel like paying for the MiFi spot right now. Going to try to just log my eats on my phone. I’ll be going through withdrawal.

    @Cathy – glad your brace worked a bit. I hope it continues to work for you and best of luck on your October goals.

    @Nancy – sorry about the continued itching. I pray it will be over soon.

    @genealace – enjoy your walk. Sounds like a nice break for you and DBF. Best of luck on leaf raking; it’s seemingly a never-ending project. I have several trees that need to be trimmed next spring. I need to call the trimmer to get a price and to get on
    his “To-Do” list. The guy is so popular there is a long wait.

    @janehadji – welcome home! I hope you had a wonderful time.

    @Carolyn – yummmm, you were cooking up a storm. Good for you. It’s great to be prepared.

    @jb – excellent that you take care of the essentials. It does take some time doesn’t it?

    @wessecg – wow, it’s great that you planned for that waffle. That’s a mighty big pile of calories so it’s super that you enjoyed every little bit of it.

    @jane – hope you are having a good day.

    Lovely ladies---take care of yourselves. Wishing everyone a good week.

