

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I have to apologise - I haven't had a minute to read all the posts yet, so will have to check them this evening when I get home from work.

    It is a blue-skies day in London at present, although extremely crisp. As we were walking across St James's Park, I was being blown almost off my feet by the wind - it's a good job I have heavy boots on that keep me anchored.

    My mind is in a bit of a muddle at present, causing me to be rather blue and a little caustic to those around me (not something I am proud of). I heard on Sunday that yet another of my close friends has breast cancer and had to have a double mastectomy. That is the third of my close friends to have been diagnosed with it in the last few months. All three of them have young children, which somehow makes it harder.

    So, yesterday morning I got a letter from the hospital with an appointment for my regular 'boob squish' next Wednesday. I will go and keep my fingers crossed. No way would I ever avoid these necessary check-ups. My mother used to put them off and end up not going - she died of cancer and I tend to think that it could have been caught and treated if she had actually had the checks when she was supposed to.

    Must do some work and stop being a misery guts.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    tiarapants -- good for you on the squooshing. Too many of us put it off, and we've all most too many friends and family. May you sail through.
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    ****(10/15/12 4:30 pm) started post

    Wow, what a busy day today, it flew by. I get to go home soon, finally have time to write a little something. I always find the time to peak in and read, but not write.

    DeeDee, thanks for sharing with us, that must have been hard to do. :cry: You sound strong and like you are in a good place right now.

    Michele, the pics of the pool are amazing! All that red is red clay?:noway: I thought it was mulch. What are you going to put in that area where the clay is?

    Cheryl, the idea of that waffle had me drooling, :tongue: I may have to treat myself to IHop waffles with strawberries & whipped cream when I get to the 25 lb loss. I haven't had those in over 5 years, yummy.

    Deb A, my DD2 goes to Cazenovia College near Syracuse. Last year she had her horse boarded at her trainer’s barn overlooking one of the finger lakes, in Marietta. I picked him up last November and brought him back home, I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I arrived at their property.:love: It was on the mountain and over looking one of the lakes in the distance. Absolutely breathtaking! Although, the hills getting there were kind of scary with a horse trailer,:noway: and it snowed on the way there.

    Busy weekend painting, cleaning carpets, moving furniture. I really need to get a fitbit, because I don’t log any of this in as exercise.

    I have so far painted the master bedroom, 2 of the other 4 bedrooms and the upstairs hallway. I switched my DD’s rooms for better placement of furniture and my DGS’s room will need just one coat of paint to freshen it up. Then it’s the 2 bathrooms and laundry room. Then the upstairs will be done.

    In case anyone’s confused at this point. I am divorced with 3 grown kids(DD1, DS, DD2 and one grandson. My DD1 is a single mom and she and DGS live with me for now, she will be presenting her thesis for her Masters in the early spring and is currently looking for full time employment in her field. She currently works at the local Y as a lifeguard part time. My DS just graduated and lives in Boston, and DD2 is in her last year of school and may or may not move home after.
    ...to be continued Tuesday....

    Good thing I typed this on word, emailed it to myself and continuing this morning.

    Sitting at home catching up with all of you this morning, having my fireplace chimney cleaned today. I know the inspector will ask to have it done, so I am one step ahead of him/her. Basement crack/leak repairs on Friday. Minor window repairs this week as well.

    I had hoped to have the house ready for the end of October, if not it will definitely be ready to list before Thanksgiving. This is the third house I have sold in the past 15 years and I hate how I wait until I am ready to sell it to finish painting and decorating. It turns out so nice and then I move.:ohwell:

    At least with all the painting I have done I don't have time to sit on the couch and watch TV. On the negative side, my DVR is almost to capacity, I am about a month behind on my shows.:frown:

    I envy all of you that find the time to take long walks with your dogs, maybe after the house is ready I will take mine for walks. However, we have an electric dog fence and she will not leave the property, even when her collar is off. I have to put her in the car, drive down the driveway, and start our walk from there.:grumble: Last winter the wire was cut by the landscaper and it took her 6 months before she figured it out and wandered off property.

    I am so grateful that I have found this site to help me on this journey to a better, healthier me. This is not a diet, but a new way of looking at how I fuel my body. I am getting emotional support from all of your posts, you are all so inspiring.:heart: I have found great recipes and food sites, and am accountable for what I put into my body by tracking my food.

    Well he is just about done with the chimney, signing off for now. I will post again when the time allows, but I check in and visit whenever I get a chance. I do after all sit in front of the computer all day.:drinker:

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    :flowerforyou: Deb A., this weight loss journey is something we do day in and day out……like a clock ticking in a thunderstorm, unaffected by the vicissitudes of life

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, thank you sharing your story…..I am grateful that you came through the darkness to become part of my life.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    Barbie- I love your wording about our weight loss journey! You always word things so eloquently!

    DeeDee-Barbie summed it up perfectly! I too am glad you are part of my life!

    I am grateful for all of my MFP friends! :flowerforyou: :drinker:


    P.S. NSV-I pulled out an old XL size tee shirt this am and thought this still won't fit but I was wrong!!!:smile: A little tight in the neck but otherwise fights comfortable! Don't worry I'm not going to get complacent, I know I have quite a ways to go but at least I'm encouraged more seeing results.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, Ladies, and happy Tuesday:smile: ! I almost skipped right over Monday because I had to get up early, cram a workout in, then race out the door to go work at my Philly office for the day, get home at 7pm, eat dinner and watch a few minutes (the bad few minutes) of Broncos, then crash. However, my day got off to a spectacular pop: the scale was down almost 4lbs! My inches haven’t budged much for the past couple of weeks, but I can see where I’m losing in places like around my knees and calves and under by breasts. Anyway, my daughter was flabbergasted when we were skyping on Sunday and she saw DH and I – she said we both looked like we had lost a lot of weight. Which we had – although DH made it sound like we had lost a whole large dog between the two of us:laugh: . So, now I’m more than half-way to my goal, which at this point I expect to surpass someday. I feel so much joy and exuberance as I see my new body emerging from my old one – it’s like carving David out of a block of marble (supposedly Michelangelo said he took a block of marble and carved away everything that wasn’t David).

    I’m not sure I can catch up with everyone, but I wanted to say to DeeDee – thank you so much for sharing your story:heart: . I’m so very sorry you’ve been enduring so much for so long and we didn’t know, but how lovely that you have your friends who let you be their queen and make you laugh. You deserve some laughter and light in your life, and it sounds as though you’ve found it:flowerforyou: . Good luck carving the rest of those antidepressant pounds off of you – I know for some people it’s been a wonder drug but I sure wish they would find a better side effect.

    Lila, I hope your cold is gone by now. All of the talk of dogs and cats – my daughter’s cat went missing last week, my brother found an abandoned sheltie (cute dog too!), our dogs’ deaths this summer, Barbara’s sad tribute to her General: I have been sleeping little and when I do, I’m dreaming about animals. Last night I suddenly was inundated with kittens – tons and tons of kittens:noway: . I’m in that mode where I’m absorbing way too much of what’s going on right now. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your walk with your dogs, wet though it may have been. Hooray for the short Council meeting too. And a new treadmill! How exciting:bigsmile: . Enjoy it.

    Gail, Congratulations on getting so much done in your yard! I really still need to get out and do more, but my weekends are just flying past these days. When did life speed up so much? Glad to hear about DS1 moving on – I hope that goes well.

    Glenda, How great that you still have flowers. Ours finally were bit by frost this weekend – but we had a lovely run while it lasted. Can I just tell you living in Colorado I learned to stop using the weather as an excuse not to get out. If we waited for the weather, we would never do anything. Now, I just put on a slicker or warm-weather gear or cold weather gear and go anyway. I find I actually feel better most of the time after I’ve endured some particularly bad weather – it’s like I beat it:drinker: . I love your description of the view on your drive. I bet it was breathtaking.

    JB, I loved hearing about your garden. It sounds so bountiful, and I bet it was beautiful. Maybe you can post a picture of it at some point. Ours is done for the year now, so I’ll be pulling it down, finishing the fence around it and storing the frames for next year. Sigh:ohwell: . I noticed you said you would be planting garlic for next year – anything else you plant before winter for the next year? Good for you for carving out an exercise spot for when the weather gets “really” bad.

    Barbie, I don’t know what exactly was the tipping point for my DH, but I’m sure glad he reached it. He’s been so much nicer to live with this summer. We are loving our walks together, and both of us feel so much better now. He’s quit snoring (which is a huge blessing, I’m sure you all know), and he’s become quite the expert at guesstimating his calories. Gosh, how tragic and sad the message from Chiclet. I wish there was a supportive way to cure depression, but I understand it’s not always possible. Hmm.

    Wow, Michele, I’m constantly amazed at how much you do! I hope you come to peace with your choices on the pool. Remember, with the neutral colors you can always spice it up with colored patio furniture and potted plants, etc.

    DeeDee, my allergies evidently hit last night too – woke up around 1:30am with a headache and couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. Felt like I had inhaled a bucket of goldenrod or something. I hope you feel better soon.

    Liz, enjoy those down days! I’m kind of craving one right now. I’m glad you got your housework done – isn’t it nice to have a clean house? I’ve heard a lot of people who love their Foreman grills, including my mom. Enjoy it. Yep, scale not going up is a win in itself:flowerforyou: .

    Linda-Sun, congratulations to your daughter:flowerforyou: !!! That’s fabulous. I hope she gets to fulfill her dreams. I’m not sure where we are getting our athletes anymore if there isn’t money involved, so I’m glad to hear of kids who are driven to compete just for the sheer joy of competition.

    CathyB, any day or any time is a good time for a fresh start:happy: . If you don’t, you’ll still be here, just that much further behind.

    Nancy, I’m so sorry about the poison ivy – but yeah, it’s a bugger. You may know, it’s actually an oily sap, so it’s hard to get rid of. Wash your clothes in really hot water with maybe some baking soda or something to try to break the sap off the clothes. You poor thing. I’m with you on the “complaint-free world” – trying very hard to reset my own negative, judgey-mcjudgeypants nature:ohwell: :frown: . It’s slow going.

    JaneH, welcome back! Can’t wait to hear all about your vacation.

    Carolyn, your cooking sounds wonderful.

    Cheryl, I bet you LOVED those waffles. Yum! I’m the same size as you although I haven’t ever weighed 115 that I can remember. I was always in the 130s until after my 30s – then it was something like five new pounds a year. Ugh. I got a little higher than you, but I hope to get down to 145 or lower – at that point I’ll let my body decide where it wants to be. I love your attitude about what your goal is and how you get there. I know you’ll do it:drinker: .

    JaneM, good for you for going for a walk – I’m sorry to hear about your back. I hope it gets better soon.

    Lin, you sound super organized for your travel week. What a great daughter you are. Oh, I hope you won’t have to replace the fob – those things are like a hundred dollars!

    Gene, I had heard the first saying, not the second. However, I will say the sky has been gorgeous and dramatic around here lately – last night it was big clouds backlit with setting sun, very pretty. Then mist rising off the rivers – loved the drive home.

    Laura, I hope your puppy is feeling better! I bet you enjoyed your time in the kitchen – I did a lot of that over the weekend too. Good job on getting on track this week! (What a nice gift from your DH!)

    Ha, Meg – we just missed each other in Philly!

    Jen, good job on the biking!

    Kathy, what a good mom you are. I barely remember my own anniversary let alone DD’s (although I kind of know when it is). Hooray that DS is coming for Christmas!

    Mary, how exciting about the new desk setup! I should try that.

    DebA, good for you for making the gym. You’ll be so glad when that scale budges again.

    Deborah, I will just add that I’ve heard of many people who really enjoy practicing Tai Chi. I’ve been doing Kenpo/kickboxing, which I love, but that’s probably a lot more cardio than you can try right now, but I love the move/breathing aspects of it.

    Grace, hi and welcome. It’s hard to know what’s going on with your body (with the brief idea that you may have lowered your metabolism and it will need a push to get moving again), but I will say if you can do it at all you may want to increase your working out to doing something to burn around 400 – 500 calories each and every day, then make sure you’re eating your calories to 1200 + the exercise calories. It will take some time for it to take effect – I was working out six days a week and watching what I ate and didn’t see a lot of change for the first six – eight weeks or so, but since starting in June I’ve lost a total of 26 pounds and tons of inches – but it really took making exercise every day a priority. I actually added more exercise in September (an hour walk each day), so now I’m burning around 800 – 900 calories/day, and it’s made a huge change in my metabolism – after some four – six years of “sort of” dieting and exercising in fits and spurts. Good luck – it’s a frustrating and yet so powerfully gratifying journey, I promise:flowerforyou: .

    Jolene, Ouchie with the foot/gout! My BIL suffers from it occasionally – very painful. I hope your foot gets better soon.

    Amanda, I remember those winds in London. They can be brutal. How sad about your friends – it always makes me sadder when it’s someone with small children, but really it’s sad no matter what. I just think about what it would have been like not to have seen who my children are becoming. Yes, go endure those few minutes of squashing – it’s worth it:tongue: . Hope you cheer up.

    Thanks to everyone for the congrats on the race this weekend – I was very proud to finish and now have to decide if I want to do it again. I’m leaning towards, yes. DH and I went for a walk on Sunday, and I made him run all the downhills again – in jeans. We were both sweaty messes at the end. Anyway, it’s clear here again and supposed to be going up to 70s this week, so I see more walking/running in my future:happy: .

    And now, if you will bear with me for a sec, I have a question for all of you who might have advice on how to push past a particularly touchy mental issue: as you know, I work out with BIL, who is married to my sister. He’s been out of work for quite some time (for the most part more than four years), but they had been scraping by on some investments. He had always been the breadwinner and done quite well for himself while working. At one point he invested pretty much everything they had in a venture (and took “early retirement” when he was laid off around the same time) which went bust. FFTD, they’ve filed for bankruptcy. He “might” have a new job starting in Nov. My issue: my sister got a second job, and she is still trying to maintain their home and take care of their youngest. He.does.NOTHING. It drives me crazy to hear how she is racing from one job to the next, getting calls from her DD wondering where an adult is, has to stay up late cleaning, etc. and BIL is sleeping or doing one of his hobbies – and leaving everything to her. I know in my heart it’s her/their issue, not mine, but I can’t help but want to shove a hot poker up his behind, especially when he comes over and complains that he can’t work out at full capacity because she didn’t cook the perfect light meal for him the night before. Honestly, I want to claw-hammer right at him (not literally, it’s a move from one of the videos). How do you get out of someone else’s life enough to tolerate being around them? Can you? The only reason I ask is this is bothering me so much I actually lay awake wondering what to do. I felt I needed a break from being around him, but they’re so entwined in our lives it’s hard to break off in one area, say, working out, and not have him pop up in another, say, calling DH every day for lunch and “what’s up with M?”

    Anyway, thanks for listening, respond if you want, tell me to snap out of it, it’s not my bizness, etc. I’ll understand.


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Tues you amazing women!!Back seems better if i`m moving,see dr tomorrow.
    I get my precious grand daughter today for gramma time,can`t wait.The weather is suppose to be nice,near 70 and sunny.
    Thanks for sharing all your stories,recipes,advice,I love reading them all.
    Barbie,I`m so grateful for you for starting us and all your words of wisdom.
    Have a fantastic day!!
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Amanda x- This is for you

    Ode to a Mammogram

    For years and years they told me,
    Be careful of your breasts,
    Don't ever squeeze or bruise them,
    And give them monthly tests.

    So I heeded all their warnings,
    And protected them by law.
    Guarded them very carefully,
    And my bra I always wore.

    After 30 years of astute care,
    My Doctor found a lump.
    She ordered up a mammogram,
    To look inside that lump.

    "Stand up very close" she said.
    As she got my boob in line,
    "And tell me when it hurts," she said.
    "Ah yes! There, that's fine."

    She stepped upon a peddle.
    I could not believe my eyes!
    A plastic plate pressed down and down,
    My boob was in a vice!

    My skin was stretched and stretched,
    From way up under my chin.
    My poor boob was being squashed,
    To Swedish pancake thin.

    Excruciating pain I felt,
    Within it's vice-like grip.
    A prisoner in this vicious thing,
    My poor defenceless tit!

    "Take a deep breath", she said to me,
    Who does she think she's kidding?
    My chest is mashed in her machine,
    And woozy I am getting.

    "There, that was good", I heard her say
    As the room was slowly swaying.
    "Now let's have a go at the other one".
    Lord have mercy, I was praying.

    It squeezed me from up and down,
    It squeezed me from both sides,
    I'll bet she's never had this done,
    Not to her tender little hide!

    If I had no problem when I came in,
    I surely have one now.
    If there had been a cyst in there,
    It would have popped, Ker-pow!

    This machine was designed by man,
    Of this I have no doubt,
    I'd like to stick his bxxxs:blushing: in there. ***
    And see how they come out

    ***(Sorry had to edit that. My good Southern belle mother would be appauled if I used that sort of language,lol. In her words, "She raised me better than that!".):glasses: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member

    P.S. NSV-I pulled out an old XL size tee shirt this am and thought this still won't fit but I was wrong!!!:smile: A little tight in the neck but otherwise fights comfortable! Don't worry I'm not going to get complacent, I know I have quite a ways to go but at least I'm encouraged more seeing results.

    Kathy -- that's awesome! I recommend taking a scissors to the neck, though, if it's uncomfortable. I've been learning from my 99-pound niece, who cuts off necks AND sleeves (and midriff).
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    I am so happy to have found this post. You all sound like amazing women.:flowerforyou: I love that we all come from different places with different life experiences and still we have so much in common. We are all fighting the same battles and you all seem so supportive! I am 55, with 1 husband, 5 kids, 1 gorgeous granddaughter and a very spoiled pomeranian named Hulk. I am presently unemployed. I quit my job to care for my mother and recently put her in a nursing facility. Not quite sure what to do next. I need to work but just don't know what to do. Also we are relocating in about 6 months so starting a permanent job doesn't make sense. Any suggestions for working from home? Thank you all for sharing.:drinker:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's Wednesday,

    :sad: I just tried to post....a long post.....and my computer crashed:grumble:

    No time to rewrite...know I thought of you all....kind words and thoughts to all.:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day. If you eat it log it, if you drink the water log it and if you move it and it's exercise log it:drinker:

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Laura: ONE pound!!! Woohoo - go, go go! I'd be tempted to stop eating just to get there ;).
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    Laura: ONE pound!!! Woohoo - go, go go! I'd be tempted to stop eating just to get there ;).

    We are on the sidelines cheering you on for that one last pound:flowerforyou: I would get a haircut or shave my legs:blushing: , lol, anything to get rid of that last pound:bigsmile:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    @Sundance - I am at 167 now and my goal is 145. Then I'll shoot for 135 but that might be too thin at my age. I agree that the 184 I started at would not be an aweful weight for someone with a bigger frame than mine. I have the tiniest frame and no one realizes that because I've carried so much weight for so long. I am feeling good right now. I don't feel fat anymore - overweight, but not fat.

    Today I am home sick - sore throat and just a general feeling of malaise. I am fretting because I know I should rest, but I don't want to not get all my steps in. And of course my appetite has not been affected at all. I am convinced that I will be able to eat on my death bed, I have never lost my appetite no matter how lousy I feel.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Laura: ONE pound!!! Woohoo - go, go go! I'd be tempted to stop eating just to get there ;).

    We are on the sidelines cheering you on for that one last pound:flowerforyou: I would get a haircut or shave my legs:blushing: , lol, anything to get rid of that last pound:bigsmile:

    Okay this really made me laugh...because if I did cut my hair the pound would be gone as my hair is down my back past my waist:laugh: with all my luck the scale would just stay the same:wink:
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    One pound? Quick, now, exhale!
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hello everyone. Hope all are having a great day. I would love to know any strategies for avoiding overeating in the evening. I seem to have a serious eat till bedtime habit.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Hello everyone. Hope all are having a great day. I would love to know any strategies for avoiding overeating in the evening. I seem to have a serious eat till bedtime habit.

    Look at how you're eating. Are you eating while doing something else, like watching tv? Are you eating without paying attention to the food? Are you hungry, or just eating? If you're eating while watching tv, try substituting something else -- like crocheting, or all that piled up ironing, or snuggling.

    Then, look at what you're eating. If you're hungry, eat something healthier. Have annoying things like celery sticks. Better yet, have a big cup of herbal tea (no sugar or honey, but splenda's ok if you have a sweet tooth and don't mind the chemicals) -- hot liquids fill you up and make you sleepier. Water works too, of course.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I find I can avoid evening eating by eating a Big breakfast and a big lunch. I just have trouble eating a big breakfast or lunch, but it works if I do!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!tekwriterr- I have a hard time at night.I`ve tried eating a smalll light snack,air pop popcorn.
    I drink more water or herbal tea.Try to find things to keep my hands busy so I don`t eat.I chew sugarless gum also.
    Try to set a time and not eat after that.
    A friend of mind had a post on her frig.!No loving in here~
    I know I make sure I drink my water during the day and don`t skip meals.
    Welcome and keep posting and reading,someone else may have other ideas that have worked
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Love it, thank you xx
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Amanda x- This is for you

    Ode to a Mammogram

    For years and years they told me,
    Be careful of your breasts,
    Don't ever squeeze or bruise them,
    And give them monthly tests.

    So I heeded all their warnings,
    And protected them by law.
    Guarded them very carefully,
    And my bra I always wore.

    After 30 years of astute care,
    My Doctor found a lump.
    She ordered up a mammogram,
    To look inside that lump.

    "Stand up very close" she said.
    As she got my boob in line,
    "And tell me when it hurts," she said.
    "Ah yes! There, that's fine."

    She stepped upon a peddle.
    I could not believe my eyes!
    A plastic plate pressed down and down,
    My boob was in a vice!

    My skin was stretched and stretched,
    From way up under my chin.
    My poor boob was being squashed,
    To Swedish pancake thin.

    Excruciating pain I felt,
    Within it's vice-like grip.
    A prisoner in this vicious thing,
    My poor defenceless tit!

    "Take a deep breath", she said to me,
    Who does she think she's kidding?
    My chest is mashed in her machine,
    And woozy I am getting.

    "There, that was good", I heard her say
    As the room was slowly swaying.
    "Now let's have a go at the other one".
    Lord have mercy, I was praying.

    It squeezed me from up and down,
    It squeezed me from both sides,
    I'll bet she's never had this done,
    Not to her tender little hide!

    If I had no problem when I came in,
    I surely have one now.
    If there had been a cyst in there,
    It would have popped, Ker-pow!

    This machine was designed by man,
    Of this I have no doubt,
    I'd like to stick his bxxxs:blushing: in there. ***
    And see how they come out

    ***(Sorry had to edit that. My good Southern belle mother would be appauled if I used that sort of language,lol. In her words, "She raised me better than that!".):glasses: :laugh: :laugh: