

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member

    Here is a good article -things you should never do to lose weight. From Web Md
    Cheers, Linda
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did an hour of a Leslie Sansone DVD today (Wed), then had the MD appt for my physical. Now I'm waiting for a call back to set up an appt for my DEXA scan. Came home and had some of the Kashi cereal. This is the first time I've been to this MD and his way of doing things is different from the previous MD. Previously, I'd go, have the blood work done, then come back a few hours later for the physical. Here you go, have the physical, go have your blood work done, and then leave. I could have come home and had something to eat, but I didn't know.

    I am suseptible to plantar warts. He gave me this cream to use, it should take 2-3 months but he says that it's more permanent than just cutting the wart out, which is what I had done the last time. It's come back in a few years. Basically, this cream helps the body to attack the wart and keep relizing that the virus that causes the wart is an invader to the body. Now I'm home. Will probably water the backyard again. Hopefully, we can do it earlier since I'd like to go to Bunco. There is a mahjongg game, but since Bunco is only once/month, I'd like to go to it. The bad part is that I'd also be interested to see the presidential debate. Well, I'll just leave to be sure I have time to see it.

    pearlygrace - welcome. Sometimes it takes a while to see the results of your hard work

    jolene - welcome back! Can you make a pot of soup and then freeze it to use later?

    Lila - I have a plaque that says "backdoor guests are best". Not sure where I'm going to put it in this house. We just recently concreted part of the driveway near where you'd walk up to the house. Gotta think on this for a while

    Barbie - thank for the update about Chicklet. Hopefully, in the future she'll come back. I really think she will need us.

    Two guys are here to work on the rest of the tile today. There'll be lots of cutting. It really is so nice to be able to depend that the workers won't cut corners but do their best. We don't feel like we have to stand over him every second of the day.

    We have almost zero trees around us, yet I'm amazed at how many leaves are in the pool!

    Linda - Sundance - at this poing, I really don't know how much heating the pool will increase our electricity bill. The future plan is to install solar panels on the roof of the detached garage. That is a perfect spot for solar panels. But like I said, that's a FUTURE plan.

    Amanda - what horrible news about your friend! I can see how something like that would really affect you, especially in light of the past.

    dmomof three - we were originally thinking we'd put river rock where the red clay is, then we were thinking lava rock since that would add a bit more color (river rock is white, white riok, gray wall, gray concrete, beige tiles -- we need a little color to spice it up) but in reading we found out that the lava rock is sharp (therefor it will most likely rip the landscape fabric) so we're back to river rock. Who knows what we'll wind up with?

    lynn - that's wonderful that you're helping your children! You have a lot to be proud of there.

    M - wow! Down 4 lbs. That's great! You know I remember when I was pregnant with Jessica, I had a bad cold. At the time we were living in the Poconos in PA and it had really snowed. MIL was very upset at me for going out and shoveling the snow, but afterwards I felt so much better. You've given grace some really advice, especially since it's first hand. I can understand how you feel about BIL, let me think on it

    jolene - I'd never read that poem! It was certainly cute. Thanks so much for sharing.

    hijude - welcome. Where are you relocating to?

    wessecg - when I feel "yuk", many times having some yogurt helps. It seems to feel good on my throat. Ice cream feels good, but not right now. I am so sorry so many people are feeling "yuk", btdt, I suspect a lot has to do with the weather, suddenly changing to it being colder.

    tekwriter - sometimes when I'm feeling like I'm hungry, I have some popcorn. Makes me want to drink and that fills me up, at least until I get to bed

    jb - your plot is absolutely lovely. thanks for posting the pics

    jolene - thanks for the story about Lucky. What a lovely tribute!

    For all you gardeners - is there some sort of deer repellent? I'm not talking a chemical, maybe something natural. Like is there a plant that repels them or some sort of bush? One thing that we've thought of is that if a deer were to jump our fence and get in the pool, he'd really mess up the pool, not to mention himself.

    Nancy - love reading your posts.

    When talking about doing ab exercises to shrink the belly, don't forget to also exercise the opposing muscle (lower back). Otherwise, what you'll wind up doing is getting big abs that will stick out (making you look fatter), but by also exercising your lower back you'll balance yourself out

    Nancy - Vince is the same way when someone else drives. I've had to drive him to the hosp a couple of times and there were constant comments on my driving (hey, I was rushing to get him to the ER, so, of course, I was driving fast!)

    Played bunco last night. The lady made a lemon pie for dessert. Even tho I had just 1/2 a piece, my stomach didn't feel right. I think it was made with cool whip, reminded me of the consistency of the key lime pie I make and I use Cool Whip with that. I'm not at all into things that have been made in the factory so I really don't eat cool whip. It's really interesting how your body gets used to not having something and then when you do, it isn't at all happy.

    Well, today started out by going to yoga, then deep water class, then a bit of food shopping (for the items on sale), came home and went to senior bowling. Came home, had dinner then back for Newcomers bowling.

    The guy doing the tile came early today, our understanding was that he wanted to get all the tiling done. So I was really surprised when I got back from senior bowling (Vince didn't go) when he was gone. Seems that when they put the grout on, they use some sort of special sponge to take it off. Vince said that he called Bob (head of the pool co.) and there was some at the office so he left (for the day) and was going to pick them up tomorrow,. He and his helper will be here early tomorrow (supposedly). It just seems odd, he's a good worker -- very meticulous. But I don't understand why he just didn't go to Lowe's (about 5 miles from my house) and buy some. Also, there was other work that he probably could have done. With so much complaining about how far it is to drive here and all, you would think that they'd do everything they could to avoid additional trips here. Made granola bars yesterday, but I wasn't happy with them, I thought they needed more dried fruit. So I asked him if he'd make the sacrifice and have them for me (I knew it wouldn't be a problem). I did make more for them for tomorrow. I also made chocolate cookies tonight. Looks like this project is turning into a 12 week project. They started on the pool on Aug. 1. So tomorrow I'll get up, get dressed, be here for them to open the garage, etc., then do an exercise DVD. I'm also supposed to go to the local community theater, I think I'll start volunteering there (hey, I get to see the shows for free!). I'm thinking that taking orders for tickets over the phone can't be too hard. We're STILL waiting for the fencing guy to come here so Vince can tell him about the things that aren't right. Today Vince went by each and every post, put a level up to it, and found some that weren't level. I suspect he'll bring that to their attention, too. They probably want to do this for their sake asap because otherwise Vince'll find something else to worry about....lol See, if they'd fixed the fence asap, he wouldn't have taken a level to each of the posts.

    Lately more and more I suddely get these hot flashes. Fortunately (and I attirbute this to exercise) they don't last very long and aren't all that severe, just annoying.

    I made an appt for my bone denisity dscan, then I was asked to play mahjongg that night so I made it for earlier. Now I'm thinking that maybe I made it for too early, hopefully, they can reschedule it tomorrow a.m. If not, I'll just rush from my exercise.

    Linda Sundance - before you know it, your dd will be grown and it'll be just you and dh duck hunting. I remember for years and years Vince would go to the Daytona 500. It was always on Valentine's Day weekend. How I would have loved to have gone to FL in Feb. Well, now that the kids are out of the house, Vince and I go, and it's really something. Only thing is that I have to clean the condo.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member

    Amanda – I get cracked heels too this time of year, my doctor suggested some oral antibiotics but I chose not to. I’ll try your plastic bags though, usually I just put urea cream and little cotton socks (bless those little cotton socks – I wonder who penned that saying). Do your feet get really hot with the plastic bags on them?

    Lila - my feet get toasty hot in the plastic bags - a definite bonus as I always have cold feet in bed! x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning beautiful - yes, I'm talking to you!

    Part of me is feeling really miserable today and the other part is quite perky - must be the gemini in me.

    DH got a nasty shock today - someone had managed to use his bank card to the sum of over £500. Very annoying, but he has spoken to the bank and will hopefully get it back. He did ask me if I'd used it first though - cheeky monkey! If I was going to use his bank account it would be for far more that £500, I can tell you (especially as I have my eye on a pair of yellow diamond earrings in Harry Winston's!)

    I'm not sure if it's because I'm feeling a bit down, but my mind has definitely turned to the idea of comfort food - although I have avoided it so far. My head hunger is telling me that I really need some potato crisps! Something with a bit of noisy crunch. I am keeping the urge at bay with extra water and if the worst comes to the worst I will have a few crisps and give the rest to DH.

    Once again I feel in the need of a good stomp. I have my boots on today and may try to suggest that we walk home from the gallery this evening. It would take a couple of hours, so that may work.

    Speaking of work - I must do some!

    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning wonderful ladies.Couldn`t sleep so got up and read the posts.
    Had pt yesterday-knee is doing great.I have some such of flare up with my arthritis of my back.Never had problems with my back,til the fall last year.Have ex to do 3x a day.Was hurting to walk yesterday and was pretty down about it.I`ve just got to take it 1 day at a time and see what happens.I did enjoy my knitting/crotchet group before pt.We are making fleece blankets and scarfs and then we all have projects we work on at home,mostly prayer shawls.
    Trying to adjust to hubby`s schedule.Different hours everyday.It`s so hard in this economy to see a man work for min wage and part time because there are no jobs.He has 2 degrees and working on his masters.
    My dil agreed Violet and I need scheduled grandma time,so hopefully I`ll have her every week.It`s so hard going from living with her and see her daily to not knowing when I would see her again.For those that are grand ma`s you can relate.
    Granbaby 5 is due this month.I sleep with my phone,waiting for the call.It will be so nice to have a baby to hold as Violet is a big girl at 4.
    Hope everyone enjoys their day.
    Thanks for being there.I love you all
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just popping in to wish everyone a happy, healthy, wonderful Thursday:flowerforyou: !!!!
    I will be back later today to post more!

    Remember....drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Michele, maybe you can put some more colorful, interesting boulders her and there to break up the rock. Or fun / funky things that can sit outdoors.

    Off to work! Was there late again last night, tho' not the 8:30p of the night before.

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Good afternoonie :bigsmile:

    I took a couple of pics of one of my garden plots today, thought you'd like to see. In the foreground of the second photo you can see a small section of the other plot, right across the lane. It's mostly planted in garlic now so it pretty much just looks like dirt with some dead green beans hanging around on a fence. Those are carrots and a few beets on the edge there.

    I'm growing kale, chard, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, peas, beets, romaine, red leaf, spinach, radishes, parsnips, carrots and there are a few ears of very late corn that might get a chance to mature. We'll see.

    Ok, off to work, hope everyone is having a good day. :smile: jb

    I loved seeing your garden pics, jb! The idea of a communal garden system sounds very appealing.

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    But I did buy a treadmill that I plan on putting in my front foyer for the winter. No one ever comes to the front door in winter anyway because of the snow (and my back door always has the light on so I guess they just naturally gravitate there). A couple of friends will help me get it in the house tomorrow (no it doesn’t fold up, it’s a biggie). Looking forward to it.

    Night for now, happy dreams everyone.

    Congrats on getting a treadmill, Lila! Are you sure it won't fold up? We have a large one as well (use it for the dogs) and it folds up. Check it out ~ there may be a button on the side or something.

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    My mind is in a bit of a muddle at present, causing me to be rather blue and a little caustic to those around me (not something I am proud of). I heard on Sunday that yet another of my close friends has breast cancer and had to have a double mastectomy. That is the third of my close friends to have been diagnosed with it in the last few months. All three of them have young children, which somehow makes it harder.

    So, yesterday morning I got a letter from the hospital with an appointment for my regular 'boob squish' next Wednesday. I will go and keep my fingers crossed. No way would I ever avoid these necessary check-ups. My mother used to put them off and end up not going - she died of cancer and I tend to think that it could have been caught and treated if she had actually had the checks when she was supposed to.

    Amanda x

    Amanda, sorry to hear about your friends getting this terrible disease. I only know one gal who I worked witht when I was still employed that had breast cancer, but no one close to me. Getting those mammograms is a necessary evil for sure, but can be life-saving. Loved reading your 'Ode to a Mammogram"!

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Jolene, thanks for sharing that story about Lucky the Dog!!

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    When talking about doing ab exercises to shrink the belly, don't forget to also exercise the opposing muscle (lower back). Otherwise, what you'll wind up doing is getting big abs that will stick out (making you look fatter), but by also exercising your lower back you'll balance yourself out

    Michele, a very good point ~ thanks for posting it!

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone! Aside from the three ticks I’ve pulled off my cats so far:grumble: , it’s shaping up to be a great day:drinker: . I finished a big part of my project for work yesterday and am on to the next part, which evidently was a big part of my recent worrying. I finished and went for a walk and poof: all I heard was music, no fretting. It was so freeing:bigsmile: .

    DH and I went out on a date last night – dinner at a Vietnamese place and to see Argo. Dinner was fabulous – lemongrass soup and bun noodles with shrimp, but I had no idea there was so much sodium in the soup:cry: ! Wow. Will have to be careful with that in the future. Argo was very good, and I can see why it’s getting Oscar buzz. Even though I lived through the hostage crisis and remember them being released on my birthday (on which I also share Inauguration Day with every president since JFK), I feel I don’t really know enough about the relationship between the US and the Middle East. It’s something I want to learn more about.

    Laura, so proud of you and so happy for you! Congratulations again. You will stick with it and probably lose a little more. Finding a happy medium of eating and exercising without starving is a pleasant place to be:flowerforyou: .

    Robin, seems like everyone has the crud right now. I’m so sorry you have panic attacks – I understand they’re awful:frown: . I sure hope you feel better soon – and that your work situation straightens out.

    Nancy, your description of the area sounds lovely. I too love maple trees although I’m allergic and suffer in the spring from them. For some reason every house I’ve lived in since Phoenix has had them in the yard. DH and I have power struggles with driving too. I hope your drive went well – and his surgery. LOL about the brandy – and yes, it’s not a bad idea:drinker: .

    Cheryl, good for following your advice – and it might help you recover too (healthy eating).

    JB, we use marigolds to try to keep the tomato worms away. I do usually find a couple at some point during the season, but I never see them until they’ve been attacked by the wasps and are covered with larvae. So far, they don’t do a lot of damage to the plants. I agree, I like the smaller plots than the long rows. Your soup sounds lovely – I love lima beans too. I thought they looked like boysenberries, but it was hard to tell. Have I mentioned in the past 12 hours how jealous I am:laugh: ? I’m in PA – similar to Oregon in many ways but probably a bit drier. We’ve just struggled with drought and deluge for the past few years, so the bugs are whacky, and the tomatoes just seemed to want to have a disease from the start this year. I’m definitely going to be fortifying the soil this fall.

    Kathy, hooray for you and your salad! I’m with you, I rarely go to the trouble of making a salad, but I’m far more likely to do so these days, especially with all the interesting things to put in them. I much prefer to make a salad as a meal if I’m going to make it – I’m not a huge fan of a bowl of lettuce from a bag, and if I spend too much time on it I just lose interest.

    Glenda, thanks for the kind thoughts/words/advice. I agree. I’m trying to reframe my thinking, starting with not fretting too much about them. DH says I tend to worry about everything when I’m stressed, and I imagine he’s right. I agree on the biking too – no way would I attempt it in bad weather. But there are lots of other things to do. You know:tongue: .

    Jen, DH and I tried line dancing once in Nashville at one of the honky-tonks there – with an audience – I was all feet, all left:noway: . It was a disaster. The videos are really good though – you learn through repetition and pretty soon you’ll have it down. Then buy and new one, learn some new steps, and you’ll be off!

    Sally, hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself and be sure to eat something.

    DeeDee, my garden is nice, but it was nicer before I threw up a “white trash” fence – literally put it up in a day with posts and nails just to get something between it and the deer:ohwell: . I’m making one of my fall projects reinforcing it so it’s not quite so slap-dash.

    Barbie, aren’t dogs always ready for a walk? Your line-dancing class sounded fun – and successful. Enjoy your snuggling in those flannel sheets!

    Taylorgirl, good for you for working out! I find it’s difficult to talk myself into going out when it’s really extreme (hot or cold), but I’m always so glad I did. What are you doing? Good luck with your newest grandchild.

    Lila, lol at your dogs’ indifference. I agree, you’ll want to find something else to do with it – music, TV, something. We’ve had the stink bugs for about three years now – they show up at some point but in the fall they creep into the houses and hibernate. We spend a lot of time vacuuming them off the curtains, walls, out of corners, etc. I have to pull out everything on my counter every so often to get the where they hide behind the containers. Grr:mad: . I will say though, I don’t get too heated up about them – after living through the miller moth invasions in Colorado, I can do bugs. Our house is big enough, so long as they’re not hiding in my bed at night. And they’re not a tick and in my house:grumble: . Oh, just saw the cold went into your chest – be sure to keep a humidifier so it’ll keep the mucus broken up. Good luck with your seminar.

    Linda-Sun, a big congratulations on sticking with the gym!!! You’ve been burning up the calories! And hooray for DH – gym dates are great! LOL at not nagging the kids/going to check on the kids:laugh: . Enjoy your weekend OFF. A little political aside: if Mitt is elected, he’ll make sure your work hours allow you to be home to cook those dinner :wink: . Sorry, my FB has been inundated with binder jokes today. Thanks for the article – I’ll check it out.

    Michele, my PCP always sees me first, then orders the blood work. I prefer it this way: he knows if I want extra work done (like checking my thyroid or doing a special vitamin D look) because I get a chance to talk to him about it first. I’ve heard that plantar warts are buggers to get rid of. Good luck! For your question about deer, you can try a urine-based solution (you can buy it at Home Depot or Lowes), but be warned they will adapt pretty quickly. The most reliable thing I’ve heard is to get hair clippings from your hair salon and scatter them around your garden – it’s supposed to be a good repellant. You’re absolutely right about the back stretches/exercises – so important! Our ab muscles are connected to the small of our back and then span out around the uterus in front like a rubber band. If you don’t take care of your back, you’ll have the muscles pulling your spine out of alignment. Yoga is VERY good for this. Projects like your pool always wind up lasting longer than you think. We had an outdoor kitchen built a couple of years ago, and it took over eight months for a four – six week project:explode: . I was VERY upset by the end. And we still had to have them back the next year to deal with sunken patio stones and a cracked granite countertop. Grr:mad: . How nice to be able to go to FL for February. We used to go to Cayman with DH’s parents, but it’s hard now that the kids can’t take off a week or two of school in the middle of the year. Ah, well.

    Amanda, Ooh, ID theft is so common now! I had mine stolen several years ago and it took a full year to get everything cleared up:angry: . Fortunately the banks are quite used to it now, but first things first: put a fraud alert on your (both of your) credit accounts. In the US we can go to dept. of Commerce and use a one-stop link to order it for all three reporting agencies – not sure how it works in the UK. LOL about the earrings. I agree, comfort foods sound wonderful when I’m feeling a little blue. Hint: if you like creamy, you can add greek yogurt to just about anything without adding extra fat or calories to speak of. I’m very fond of mutter paneer, an Indian dish, which is very creamy and rich and yet light because it’s made with yogurt. Love.it. Or try something like a tomato or squash soup with some yogurt swirled in – and I hope you cheer up soon:flowerforyou: .

    JaneM, glad to hear about your knee's doing better. The sooner you’re able to do some exercises the sooner you’ll be able to develop those muscles that will help your body burn fat even more efficiently:smile: ! Do enjoy your grandbaby time, new and existing!

    OK, everyone – I hope you all have a wonderful day. Take advantage of your fall as you can, and revel in this journey.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,165 Member
    Yippee - back in town and back to heating up my laptop. Unfortunately I don't have time to linger right now. (Darn)

    Wishing everyone well---hope all who have been ill are recovering.

    Tired but lots of errands to do and I'm dragging my feet because it's cold and wet out there today. Ha, at least it's rain right?

    One special note---CONGRATS Laura. Woot! Good for you on reaching your goal. :flowerforyou:

    I'd better get started. Hope to check in later.:drinker:


  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good Morning, Welcome to Thursday!

    JB, how clever, even a rash reflects your artistic nature. :happy: I hope it’s gone today. I have a HUGE zucchini in my kitchen waiting to be grated, bagged & frozen, so may use some in the soup recipe. Stay tuned…

    Kathy your salad sounds fabulous. What's on the menu today?

    I got DH home from the cataract surgery by telling him he had to go to sleep while I was driving. “I don’t need a nap” :grumble: he said. “Yes you do,” I said, “because it makes me really tense when you get really tense in the passenger seat.” :noway: So he put his seat back, draped his jacket over his head and ignored me. We do get along well, really! :love:

    Sally, take care of yourself, it sounds like work & life are getting pretty hectic and you don't want to fall into old bad habits along the way.

    Barbie, :noway: it sounds like Jake and Nelson should drive each other to their appointments!

    Taylorgirl, 95 to over 100 degrees outside? Where do you live? Congratulations on the new grandbaby.

    Lila, try listening to talking books or podcasts while you are on the treadmill. I get my books from Audible.com & can’t recommend it highly enough. There was snow on the pass on Tuesday after the big blow, but yesterday it was dry and clear and golden beautiful.

    Linda – how fun that your DH will go to the gym with you! Mine started too, we often go together on weekends. On weekdays I get there by 4 and am just leaving at about 5:15 when he arrives. We have a few words over the incline bench or across the treadmill. It’s great. The muffin top will be gone in no time!

    Amanda, I am so with you on the potato crisps. We’d call them chips here. I think “salty – crunchy” should be a food group, right up there with fruits & vegetables.

    Hmm, Thursday. I've been out of the classroom for two days this week, I wonder what I will find when I get in this morning? My replacement teacher is very good so I figure the work will be done. I have a science chapter test scheduled and an interesting reading lesson focussed on identifying the author's "big idea". Our sample readings today are poems, and students are going to draw pictures of the big ideas. We shall see...Tomorrow is a professional development day, so it's like a Friday. I may have to include a little fun activity this afternoon...perhaps a desk clean up??? :laugh:

    Hasta pronto,

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning!

    Busy day ahead. After aerobics in a few minutes I'll be processing more peppers for hot sauce, and slicing up some bells for the freezer. I'll head to the garden after and plant the rest of the garlic and shallots, and transplant a few more leek seedlings that will mature in the spring. That'll be it for fall planting. I want to get it done today since it's supposed to rain tomorrow and all through the weekend.

    Michelle, I don't know of any plant that will repel deer, but I've always heard that cougar or predator urine works well. I typed a search in Google for "cougar repel deer" and came up with several sites that sell the stuff. Here's one:

    The Pee Mart. Discount Predator Urine with Free Shipping!

    www.thepeemart.com (Don't you just love that!) :laugh: :laugh:

    ... bobcat urine, wolf and mt. lion urine to repel deer ... Bobcat Urine, Raccoon Urine, Mt. Lion Urine, Cougar ...

    Anyhoo, you might do some research on the subject even though it seems a little gross, lol. I'd probably give it a try if I had problems with deer.

    My scale is moving in the right direction, finally. Almost a pound down in the last 5 days. I've been trying really hard this week to get good cardio workouts and to let up on eating so darned much. Cutting down on wine, too. I have got to get rid of a few more pounds!

    Wishing everyone a great day. Eat your greens :bigsmile:

    :smile: jb
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Good morning all,

    Not feeling well the last few days.:angry: My toe is still swollen red and very painful:angry::grumble: . The medications are making me really nausious:sick: :sick: :sick: . So on the bright side I am not over eating (barely eating:sick: ), however, I can't wear a shoe so exercise has been next to impossible:grumble: . I am hoping to be able to get the entire day in at work today. I've had to leave early all week due to the sickness. I am sporting a lovely pair of fuzzy pink house slippers to work today:embarassed: !! Makes quite a fashion statement in the office. I am a bit self consicous about it, but my boss told me she didn't care if I wore fuzzy bunny slippers, she didn't want to be at the office with me (not sure if that is good or bad:huh: ).

    Anyway, I thought maybe everyone needed a little laugh for today. I got this joke in an email and thought I would share with you:

    Making the best of a bad situation:

    An old man lived alone in Idaho. He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, Bubba, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament.

    Dear Bubba:

    I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my potato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me.

    Love, Dad

    A few days later, he received a letter from his son.

    Dear Dad:

    For heaven's sake, Dad, don't dig up that garden. That's where I buried the BODIES.

    Love, Bubba

    At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local Police showed up and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left.

    That same day, the old man received another letter from his son.

    Dear Dad:

    Go ahead and plant the potatoes now. It's the best I could do under the circumstances.

    Love, Bubba

    LOL! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That is one way to do the best with what you have. I know there is a lesson there somewhere. Have a nice day everyone.:bigsmile:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Only one day away from Friday....Thursday,

    Robin-so glad you have cuddlers there with you when you are feeling poorly, hoping you feel better soon:drinker:

    Nancy-hoping your drive with hubby as a passenger isn't too stressful, hoping his surgery goes smoothly:flowerforyou: I love your new pic:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl-sorry you are still home sick, drink plenty of liquids and get some rest, and you will be well in no time:drinker:

    jp- your baby lima bean soup sounds wonderful, when I was a little girl I used to hate when my Mom would make lima beans but as I got older my taste buds changed, now my hubby he doesn't care for them so I rarely have them:ohwell: I LOVE boysenberries, they are my favorite berry and it's one thing I miss about not living where I can get them fresh.

    CSueB- I make sugar free jello for hubby a lot too as it's low in carbs and he can have that, me I just love jello it's always so refreshing and I feel like I'm cheating when I eat it:wink:

    Kathy- your salad sounds wonderful, I must confess i just don't go to a lot of trouble with my salad, lettuce, lettuce and more lettuce is about it for my lunch then a small pita sandwich with lots of sprouts:drinker:

    Jen-I'm sure there are plenty of us that are glad when we start a new DVD for exercise or dancing or whatever we are glad it's alone with no one watching. I did the Dancing with the Stars Cardio and boy did I find out that I am all left feet, I thought since hubby and I have had ball room dance lessons it would be easier to follow NOPE not even a little bit:noway: but I still enjoy it.

    Sally- good for you getting the tutoring job you are in good company here as there are quite a few current teachers and past teachers:flowerforyou: hope you aren't coming down with a cold.

    DeeDee- glad you aren't catching the cold that seems to be going around.:flowerforyou: Happy for you that the meeting was postponed.

    Barbie-thank you for the words of encouragement. I plan on upping my calories very slowly because I'm trying to find that perfect spot that will keep me in maintenance:flowerforyou:

    Lila-so sorry the cold has moved to your chest, get plenty of liquids and rest:flowerforyou: Glad you like your new treadmill...that ought to keep you walking for quite some time:drinker:

    Linda- having your date be going to the gym:love: that's love, hope you are able to work out a schedule that works for both of you.:drinker:

    Michele- your pool project may be taking longer than they thought, but from the look of things it will be worth it:flowerforyou:

    Amanda- Sorry to hear that hubbys bank card was used hoping it's cleared up soon..reminds me of a couple of years ago when hubby called me and asked if I had used our card that morning and I said yes, I bought $3.67 worth of bananas ....well it appeared someone had gotten our number and had charged $207.00 worth of food at a fast food place in New Orleans....with us being in Colorado and having never even been there , needless to say they canceled our card and sent us a new one....who buys over $200 worth of food in the morning at a fast food place:noway:

    jane- you keep us updated on your baby watch....I totally understand about how frustrating it is for your hubby as mine is in the same position, minimum wage, part time and he has a Masters....just not right...will keep your hubby in my prayers too:flowerforyou:

    M-glad to hear that you liked Argo, hubby and I are going to see it this weekend. I too remember the hostage crisis but was so wrapped up in my own world I must confess that I didn't follow it as closely as I should have. Now hubby and I watch a lot of history channel and I just love all that I'm learning now....even though I lived through so much of it:wink:


    Got home a bit later than usual from work last night so didn't do any exercise...which I really should have. Made Chicken Marsula for dinner and hubby loved it. Then we caught up with Once Upon A Time and then Survivor those are our two shows that we follow so over all a good evening.

    I have an auditor coming in a few minutes to do my Workers Comp Audit so must head off.

    Everyone have a good day drinking all your water, logging all your food and doing all your exercise.:drinker:

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning lovely ladies:flowerforyou:

    Wow, finally caught up reading all your posts!:smile: Not sure what is on the menu for today yet. I did finally accomplish a task that I've successfully procrastinated doing for about a month! My computer desk with six shelves has been very cluttered with receipts, paperwork and just junk and every time I passed it just looked like a daunting task to de-clutter it. In reality, it took less than an hour this morning and even put pictures back up there of my parents and my husbands parents! Both sets of parents have passed quite some time ago and I'm glad I remembered where the pictures were!:heart:

    Now on to more paperwork and bills while I'm still motivated! Have a great day! :drinker:

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning Ladies

    Lovely sunny day here in Ottawa, Canada and I think it is supposed to go up to about 15c today.

    Barb - thank you for checking with Chiclet for me. I was so sad when I read her reply. I wish I was near so I could perhaps help.

    Someone mentioned that they had not had a good tomato crop this year. Were you in an area where it was very hot? We had a very hot, dry summer and although I watered my tomatoes on a regular basis I had a very poor crop. Then I heard on a gardening program that when it is very hot the pollen deteriorates very quickly so it is a lot harder for the flowers to be fertilized. I had more tomatoes towards the end of the summer when we started getting rain, but then we didn't have the sun to ripen them.

    Just received this link from a friend and thought I'd pass it on to you all, especially after the talk of going for mammogram exams


    When I went to one of our local lace group meetings there was a new member, but she looked somewhat familiar. Other people arrived and we all felt that we knew her, but didn't know from where. Eventually she said that she knew most of us intimately - she was the nurse at the local breast screening clinic! We all had a laugh when we realised where we had met her before.

    Now I've caught up with all the thread and posted, I think I'd better put my shoes on and go out to mow the lawns before the rain starts.