

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning ladies. Cool and overcast this morning, and I am pretty sure I saw the sky falling...in tiny white flakes!!

    Jane - Have a fantastic time in Mexico. and say hello to my ocean (and beach!!) for me! what will the weather be like there this time of year?

    wanda- Oh the challenge of the bike!! I bought a granny bike (ie Mary Poppins bike) last year because I could not get my 'bad' hip over the bar:grumble: I do love it because I sit up so straight but I am still not a confident cyclist. I avoid traffic routes and times and only go for 30 minutes or so. Of course, winter will put a stop to that:cry: good for you to get up and go again....keep it up!

    wessecg - Hooray for the move towards normal (BMI) And you should be proud of your successes - we need to celebrate all of these positive accomplishments :smile:

    Lynn - I love the baggy versus snug clothes switch up. what a great turn around:happy:

    Kathy - Oh, doesn't it feel GOOD to have that scale heading in the right direction again! Keep at it:flowerforyou:

    texasgal - wow! good for you maintaining that 4 lb loss - it is really yours to own now!:love:

    jb - happy birthday tomorrow:flowerforyou: ...in case I don't make it back here

    Today will be lunch and a movie with my oldest grand daughter - she reminded me this week that we hadn't had a 'date' for a while:happy: and off to a concert with a friend this evening. My day for entertainment and culture. And the weekend will be full of family fun and thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for!:love:

    Happy thanksgiving weekend Canadian friends. Good fall weekend to all!:flowerforyou:

    With a grateful heart
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone!

    I’m a bit late getting started today – after working out (which I totally did NOT want to do), I had to drag myself to the gyno for “that” appointment . . . which these days is very non-eventful. The one thing that came out is she suggested I try getting a cancer gene screening for colon cancer because of my father’s family history . . . I’m trying to decide if it would be worth it. What if it turns up positive? What would I do? The options are kind of limited . . . anyway, food for thought for this morning.

    Jb, CONGRATULATIONS on that great weight loss! I’m afraid my loss is plateauing, but I’m OK with that (I keep telling myself). My personal opinion on vitamins is if you’re eating a balanced diet (and it sounds like you are), you won’t need them. If you’re taking them strictly for mood change, I’m not sure they’re going to help. I know my husband takes his fish oil, but I throw a tablespoon of ground flax seed in a protein smoothie and get the same thing – plus the fiber and other benefits of a healthy food. It’s my opinion only.

    Gene, just saw your new picture of the lace you make – beautiful! Good job on keeping your hands busy to keep your mind off of food :bigsmile: . I understand what you mean about the turkey, but if you like it it’s a good food to keep in the freezer. They do sell a turkey breast roast that might be nice for you. Good luck with DBF. I hope he’s able to take advantage of all those wonderful programs.

    Cheryl, I do that some days too! Sometimes the meal is very small compared to my noshing. So long as the total equals less than your daily goal, you’re good . Congratulations on the weigh-in! And very good job on sticking with your treat. My visit to the doctor brought this little snippet: she was so glad I was losing weight because it’s too easy to get discouraged if you’re not. The fact that you had a positive weigh-in might help your mind make better choices – because you know it WORKS! It’s not easy, it’s not always fun, but it’s what we need to do in order to lose weight. I’m so proud of you for making these wise choices in your food.

    Lin, Hope you feel better soon.

    StarDancer (and all of our Canadian friends), Happy Thanksgiving! Your casserole and mashers sound delicious. I cracked up at picturing you walking down the hall with your undies falling down. A nice problem to have!

    Deborah, I hope you had a lovely shopping day.

    Meg, good for you on holding your daughter responsible for the damage to the car. She sounds like a responsible person too (or she will be). I hope you enjoy your weekend and time off.

    Robin, is Olivia your daughter? She sounds adorable. Keep your goals in mind.

    Tigress, good for you on the cleaning job. I always feel so much better when I clean out junk I’m not using anymore. Hopefully I don’t have anything that’s 46 years of dragging around with me, but I might have to check.

    Glenda, Yay for a whole night’s sleep!

    Jolene, welcome! Hopefully we can pick you up.

    DeeDee, I’m so glad you got out and enjoyed the good weather. I hope you get a good shine from that mop!

    Teri, Hope that cold moves on out. It’s no fun being sick when the weather’s picking up. Yay for keeping the weight off!

    JaneH, I hope you have a wonderful vacation. I’m so jealous. Your daughter is moving to Washington? I can vouch for the fact that it’s beautiful and hopefully you’ll enjoy visiting there. Bonus: I’ve always wondered where Gonzoga is – now I know, and I believe they have some good sports teams there too.

    Kackie, I can relate to that feeling. I’m hoping you’re getting some of this nicer weather now.

    JaneM – congrats on your husband finally getting to start his job!

    Michele, They punctured a pipe?!? Good thing they found it and fixed it!

    Liz, that garden walking sounds lovely. Good for stopping at one at Sees – I would have a hard time too! Are you eating all of your calories? I found my stomach shrunk quite a bit at first, so I’m generally not too hungry; if I am hungry, I figure it’s because I’m genuinely not eating enough. I did go in and change my settings to go up to 2lbs a week, which is 1200 calories/day for me, but then I exercise another 800 – 1000 calories a day, so I have over 2000 calories to eat. Are you logging your exercise so you can get those extra calories?

    Janie, You little rebel you :laugh: . I hope you get back on your PT schedule too.

    Wanda, Congratulations on being the IB coordinator – it’s a great program! Funny story about your bike. Good luck getting back on that bike.

    Lynn, I’m glad you got to wear baggy clothes – doesn’t it feel good?

    Cathy, I’m sorry you’ve been feeling down. I hope they figure out the brace and you start feeling better.

    Kathy, congratulations on the weight loss! I love the picture too.

    Laura, So glad you’re feeling better!

    OK, I’m off – I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, especially if you’re celebrating a holiday.


  • erd1954
    erd1954 Posts: 12 Member
    I am so sorry about the loss of your friend.
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Good afternoon ladies - cold and rainy here in Ohio - no walk outside today. Guess it will be an exercise bike kind of evening.

    I have been here - just lurking...got off track somewhere along the way and finally found my way back. Even though I didn't have anything to say, I kept coming back to read and look for motivation. I'm actually spending way too much time on the board reading. I guess I'm still looking for that magic bullet. I'm having trouble coming to grips with the fact that I will have to pay attention to what I eat for the rest of my life if I want to maintain a reasonable weight. I'm quite honestly tired of it all. The truth of the matter however is that I have not been putting in the required effort to lose the weight. I have been playing with the same 5 lbs for the last year and it's time to let it go for good.

    So - I am back on track. Day three of limiting carbs and added sugars in an effort to get rid of the brain fog I have been dealing with lately. I'm having a very hard time staying focused on anything which I know is related to amount of carbs and sugars I have been eating for the last few weeks.

    Still trying to figure out what my food plans is - but I know what it isn't!

    Other than that - I picked up some more freelance work today so things are looking up. I guess I am now officially "Self employed".

    Looking forward to enjoying a nice fall weekend.

    Best to all!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Robin, is Olivia your daughter? She sounds adorable. Keep your goals in mind.

    She is my one and only granddaughter. She was born late last January.


    Holding strong. Last night I was so cranky that DH said, "Will you please just have a small cocktail?" I told him I couldn't and he told me he was proud of me. Then he proceeded to give me a neck massage to calm my tension. I think I will keep him. :bigsmile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    I just corresponded with a buddy and she was complaining to me about how she ached and was totally tired and had been sleeping all the time. I didn’t tell her I had some (most) of the same symptoms but I’m starting to think it’s some little *bug* that’s on the hunt in our area. I’m glad I skipped my visit to my dad this week. Thanks for all the good wishes, loads of sleep and a big cup of coffee and I’m on the mend (I think).

    @Robin – great job holding on with the no alcohol goal.

    @Gini – congratulations on becoming *self employed* and for realizing you need to change things to maintain/add to the wonderful weight loss you have achieved.

    @M – glad you have your gyno appointment out of the way. As far as genetic testing, that is difficult to sort out isn’t it? I wish you all the best in trying to make your decision.

    @Glenda – what a lovely day---movie and lunch with GD. I wonder when the Frankenweenie movie comes out. I saw the old one but I’m sure the new one will be good as well. Just checked; it’s in theaters now. Ooops.

    @wessecg – good work on your resolve and stay away from your children’s rooms when they have candy in them. Perhaps that would be each and every day?

    @genealace – lovely profile picture! Wishing you and DBF much success on the diet and nutrition courses. That sounds like a wonderful idea.

    @jb – I adore this profile picture as well. Another winner! On the topic of vitamins my eye doctor recommended I take a multi-vitamin. I take one that’s formulated for women over 50. I also tested as deficient in vitamin D when my doctor checked on that so I also take that vitamin separately.

    @Laura – glad to hear that you’re doing a bit better. Sorry you are so snowed under with work. Hope the dentist’s appointment goes well.

    @Kathy – lovely picture! And congrats on the scale cooperating with you again.

    @Cathy – how frustrating that the brace doesn’t fit well. I’m so sorry you are having continuing issues. I do hope you enjoy Thanksgiving with the family.

    @Lynn – congrats to you on having loose clothing. It’s great. I’m so use to the other side of the coin. Ack. It’s nice to not have to fear the closet.

    @stardancer7 – SNOW!!!! Oh my gosh. It’s cold here but no snow---yet. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

    @Jane – happy birthday to your son. I’m sure it doesn’t seem possible that he’s 27 already.

    @Wanda – please take care of yourself. You are definitely a bold lady---one or two falls and I would have quit for the day…..or the week…..or for an indefinite period of time.

    @janie – that’s gutsy of you to get in there and keep working out. You are so determined. I hope your insurance gets straightened out very soon. Stay strong.

    @Timo113 – there will be no extra Halloween candy at this house; I will not be purchasing any. I’ll be out of town on beggar’s night.

    @Liz – you get so much walking in each day. That part is wonderful---some of the other aspects of your job don’t sound too good. You are very determined to do this; I cannot believe you would ever give up or slip back.

    @Yardtigress – I went to an arts and crafts sale over the weekend and noticed there were quite a few jewelry vendors displaying their creations. Two or three had lovely dichroic glass pieces---pendants, bracelets, rings and more. Lovely things.

    My apologies for everyone I did not respond to. I've read the posts and have enjoyed them all but I've run out of steam.

    Best wishes. Again, Happy Thanksgiving to all in Canada.


    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi! I actually feel a bit better already, just reading everything you folks are posting. Its nice to know I am not the only one going through this stuff. Thank you:bigsmile:

    Robin, what a beautiful girl:heart: I am a new Gigi too! My granddaughter is 16 months. Aren't they a blessing...
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    thanks, Lin!
    i guess squeaky wheels DO get greased~ all that time spent on-line and on the phone w/ the insurance folks paid off! :bigsmile:

    they will pay for 7 more visits. i'm hoping my doctor can get that extended.... if not, the therapist and i will work something out. i told him today when i went back that i wanted a list of what all i need to do so i can take it upstairs to the regular gym and keep on following the plan. he mentioned that he might be able to refer me to a trainer to set up a program to make sure that i continue to PROGRESS, so i'm REAL HAPPY about that! :bigsmile:

    goin' over to Mama's to see her Brand-NEW TV set, and watch our beloved Cardinals baseball team. hope they win! :bigsmile:

    hope everyone does something FUN this weekend outside, to enjoy this beautiful Fall weather! :heart:

    take care~ you're WORTH it! :flowerforyou:

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Lin-Glad you're one the mend!:flowerforyou:

    Robin-Your granddaughter is beautiful and precious!:smile:
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    What a cutie!!! I love my Arabella, but yours is sure darling too.

    I'm not having trouble with alcohol, but I'm sure having trouble tonight period. I made a cake, which I had planned for, because the kiddos are here tonight. I already planned out my calories to include a small piece, but I'm just in a tired, dragging mood - want to eat my cake and go to bed :).
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Teri:smile: it's good you can resist the goodies at your women's league! I can usually do that too, I tend to like to talk more than eat.

    JaneHadji:smile: hope you have a fabulous time in Mexicao!!!

    Deborah:smile: Happy Thanksgiving!!! Isn't it wonderful getting things on sale!!!

    Kackie:smile: I bet you do miss the crisp mountain air:sad: , I know I would!!! Humidity :mad: , one of the main reasons I'm looking forward to winter!

    Michele:smile: reading about the pool guys and wife made me giggle, it sound like a soap opera going on there:laugh: . I know it's disappointing having to have Christmas a week later:sad: . Is Denise another daughter? My hardwood floors are light wood too, I do love them but you're right every speck of dirt shows up:angry: . I usually vacuum 3 times a week, however doggie brings in "stuff" every time we go out, I'm like you, always bending down picking specks up!!!

    Cheryl:smile: YAY!!!

    Liz:smile: I love See's too! Have you thought about maybe going for 1 pound a week, it would give you more calories for the day, and if you're hungry, you might need them!

    Genealace:smile: your scarf looks beautiful!!! Hope you and DBF enjoy the opportunities at the rehab place! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Janie:smile: Glad everything is worked out now!!! It sounds like you've got a great Dr.!

    Wanda:smile: keeping up with this group is work:laugh: ! We are a chatty bunch, however, while we're typing we shouldn't be eating:laugh: . Good for you continuing on your bike, that sounds like something I would do, falling off trying to get off the bike:laugh: . Hope your foot heals soon!

    JaneMartin:smile: Happy birthday to your son:flowerforyou: ! Congrats on hubby getting started!

    Stardancer:smile: snow already:noway: , brrr.... Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

    Lynn:smile: woo hoo, your NSV is great, baggy clothes YAY!!!

    Cathy:smile: hope they can figure out how to get your brace to stay up!!! Baby steps on that bike, you'll be up to 25 minutes in no time! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Kathy:smile: love your new pic!!! Congrats for the scale moving in the right direction!!!

    Laura80111:smile: glad you're feeling better!!!

    Jb:smile: your post reminded me to take my vitamin D!!! I take 50,000 IU of Vit. D twice a week, prescription, I feel so much better now, more energy, etc... I used to take a lot of Vit. C for my allergies, don't know why I stopped, it seemed to help, I need to start back on it, my Dr. told me to take a multi B, however I had forgotten about it, I need to pick some up soon. I get tired of taking pills even though I do believe that make me feel better!

    Glenda:smile: snow, you too:noway: brrr....Hope you have a fabulous time with granddaughter, and a wonderful lime at the concert! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    M:smile: good for you getting your workout in even though you didn't want to!!! Sounds like you've got a bit to think about with the cancer screening, take your time, you'll make the right decision!

    Gini:smile: glad to see you back!!! Just take it one day at a time!!!

    Robin:smile: YAY for you!!! Hubby sounds like a real gem:love: !!! Olivia is so cute!!!!

    Lin:smile: sounds like a "bug" going around in your area:sick: ,Glad you're feeling better!!!!

    Jolene:smile: glad you're feeling better!!! We all go through losing our motivation, or having a pity party:sad: ( I've had several ), or just ranting about how it's just not fair ( done that too). :angry: ! These women on this thread are awesome, they accept us the way we are, motivate us, congratulate us, and cry with us, give great advice and wonderful recipes!!!

    Oh my ladies it's getting late and I still have to prepare dinner, thank goodness all I need to cook is a sweet potato and it can go in the microwave. My dinner out last night was so good, but so salty, the scale was up a couple of ounces this morning, but I knew what it was from, so it didn't bother me! I didn't get to mop last night, I was too tired when I got home and too tired tonight, so hopefully I'll get to try it out sometime this weekend.

    Hope all you beauties have a wonderful relaxing night!!!

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am borrowing a line from my cousin’s post on FB; somehow it embodies all the things I am trying to do.
    “Living one day at a time and loving it. New choices, new solutions, new humourosities!” (Love that word, humourosities!)

    For My Fellow Canadians, Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

    May your stuffing be tasty
    May your turkey plump,
    May your potatoes and gravy
    Have never a lump.
    May your yams be delicious
    And your pies take the prize,
    And may your Thanksgiving dinner
    Stay off your thighs!

    We are having our big dinner on Saturday as that is the one day we can all be together. I am making my pumpkin pie tonight while the guys are at football. I have been logging my food but haven’t been here for the posts for a couple of days so I am way behind. Hope all is well with each and every one of you.

    Hugs, Kate
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Ok, I hate to show my stupidity, but I was wondering why everyone was wishing a Happy Thanksgiving. I didn't realize it was Thanksgiving in Canada. So HAPPY THANKSGIVING LADIES:happy: . i love your poem Kate. It's terrific. I have really been fighting that "fluffy girl" inside me tonight. She is feeling bored, depressed, restless, and just wants to eat some Dove chocolate. But I'm not going to let her have her way. I think I will go work on my crocheting. I may not get to work for long. Its thundering outside and we may be in for a rough night.

    Thanks to all for letting me vent a bit. Have a nice night.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did 30 min of HIIT on the elliptical today then 30 min of speed intervals on the treadmill (30 sec run, 30 sec fast walk). Tomorrow yoga. I'm thinking that I may pass up the farmer's market, there really isn't anything that I want or need.

    Came home, had something to eat then went to mahjongg. If I'd known that so many people were going to be there, I wouldn't have gone. It was such a nice day today, I could have been putting down weed killer in anticipation of getting the river rock.

    4 guys were here today working on the pool. They cleaned it and the spa (which was a REAL mess), were burying pipes, put up the water slide. The concrete needs to set up longer before we can use the water slide. Tomorrow at least 3 guys will be here cleaning and finishing up the pipe work. It doesn't appear that the tile came in yet. Then we have the fencing, and then LOTS of landscape work for us to do.

    Thanks everyone for your answers about hiding things on the homepage. I still want to be able to see the daily diaries, I get so many good ideas from them. Guess there isn't a way to just show that. Oh well......

    timo - I try to buy candy that I don't like. As the trick-or-treating nears the end, I give handfuls of candy to kids. Wish I could be of more help. Many times I will either return the candy or donate it to the soup kitchen

    Janie - LOVE your attitude "I refuse to regress". Keep up the great work!

    jane - happy birthday to your son! Busy month for you, that's for sure

    I had a recipe for an applesauce cake but instead I made mini muffins for the guys, then I had a small package of sugar cookie mix which I know that Vince won't eat so I made that. In one sense, I'll be glad when all this baking is over. Then lucky me gets to start baking for Thanksgiving! Well, I will get somewhat of a break. They cleaned the pool and will clean it again tomorrow, the idea being that I can use it this weekend. But it's supposed to be rainy (or at least cloudy) Sunday, then cooler on Monday (but hopefully they'll be tiling anyway which translates into the pool will get filthy again, or so they tell me. My guess is not as filthy as it was now)

    Lynn - what a wonderful NSV you had!

    Laura - so glad you're better. Stay that way, gal

    Vince is at a gun club board meeeting right now. I just took the oven racks in the backyard to try to clean them. Only I thought I had some grill cleaner but I didn't. So Vince stopped at Lowe's Hardware for me and got a can. I'll finish up tomorrow. I did have about 1/2 a can of this degreaser, so I used that. Only the racks aren't totally cleaned.

    Robin - that's WONDERFUL that you refused that cocktail. Honestly, I'm a bit surprised that your dh even suggested it.

    When my kids were little and they had Halloween candy, I would take their candy, they could eat all the Skittles, etc. But anything chocolate I would freeze and then give them a piece or two in their lunch box.

    janie - hooray for you!!! How wonderful that he's going to refer you to a trainer. I'm sure those pt people really like seeing someone like you -- someone who is determined to get better, not just waiting for it to happen.

    DeeDee - yes, Denise is my third child, Jessica, then Bryan, then Denise. Really, I'm not feeling all that bad about having Christmas a week later for Jessica. It's not like she didn't try, she actually had things planned so that she'd be here for an extended period of time. But the company changed its policy (not for the future, but taking away half of her vacation). She does come here about once/month. It's just that I never get to see Denise. She doesn't make any attempt at all to come here. I had a Panasonic vacuum (well, it was about 20 years old) and I had the hardest time getting the pet fur up off two rugs, one in the sunroom and the rug in Vince's office. We got a new vacuum, a Kenmore. Consumers Reports rated it one of the highest in vacuuming up pet hair. It works fantastic. I'm planning to take the old one to the condo. At the rate I'll use it down there (maybe 2 or 4 times/year), it'll probably last another 20 years!

    Speaking of the condo -- Lynette called the other night and Vince answered. She said they were going down to see some launch and asked if there was something in the condo we needed they'd bring it back or take something down that we needed. Truthfully, what we think she was really trying to get at was us saying "oh, just stay at the condo". But to be honest, when I leave, I make sure I wash the floors, vacuum, wash the sheets. I don't think she realizes that there are quite a few things that have to be done, it's not like you can just walk in and everything is working. For one thing, we turn off the hot water. There is no way Ken could bend down and reach where the valve is, and I don't think she could either. All of the breakers are off except for the one for the a/c and one for a living room light that you can turn on when you walk in the door. The refrigerator is unplugged as are the TV's, etc. Then, of course, before you can leave you need to do these things in reverse. Vince just told her "oh, the head of the condo association lets the exterminator in each month and he checks the condo for us", which is really the truth. Last time they came down, we went down a day or two before them just to get the condo ready.

    Is it just me, or does it seem that lately restaurants are putting salt on the outside of baked potatoes? Anyone know why that is, what is the salt supposed to do?

    Hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Hello to everyone! Hope the day was good to you and you accomplished what you wanted to.

    jb, the pizza sauce and oven-dried tomatoes sound divine. You must have had a bumper crop of tomatoes this year. I believe in taking vitamins but not overdoing it. We should be able to get most of our nutrients from the foods we eat. I take a good multi, a B-complex, calcium+magnesium supplement, Omega 3, and a healthy dose of Vitamin D.

    genealace, your DBF will benefit tremendously from the heart rehab. I did it last year for three months and it helped build my stamina as well as teaching me how to handle stress and eat properly.

    Cheryl, good control in the break room today! I find that sometimes depriving ourselves of a treat leads to eating too many other foods to try and find a substitute. We then wind up having the treat anyway! As for Halloween candy, I will beg a little candy from each of my grandsons after we take them trick or treating, and then I'll go home. Out of sight, out of mind is my motto (sometimes).

    Glenda, hope you enjoyed the lunch and movie today with your DGD today. What concert are you seeing?

    M, what does cancer gene screen involve? Is it just taking in samples, or would you need to get a colonoscopy? In my opinion, if there is a history of colon cancer in your immediate family, it should be done. As for the results, I think it is better to catch something earlier than later. A dear friend of mine was diagnosed with colon cancer two years ago after waiting six months with blood in her stool because she was too afraid of seeing her doctor in case it was bad news. Well, it was ~ but she had surgery, doesn't need a colonoscopy bag (I think that's what they call it), didn't need radiation or chemotherapy either. They did remove a small portion of her colon, but she is fine now. She was very lucky...

    Gini, I think we are all tired of thinking about food all the time ~ what to eat, when to eat it, and how much to eat. It's a never ending cycle. When someone quits smoking, at least they can not buy or bring cigarettes into their homes, but we need food to live, so it has to be accessible. That's what makes it so difficult.

    Robin, I still can't get over how beautiful she is!! Oh, your DH must know he can't be offering you 'cocktails',:noway: but I'm so glad to hear you stuck to your guns and declined the offer. The neck massage was a much better idea. On a side note, can you please 'message' me explaining how to add a photo to a post or message?

    DeeDee, I get particularly excited when I don't know something's on sale and I get to the checkout ~ just like Christmas! Salty foods can really give us wacky readings on the scale, so when I'm up in weight after a day of excess, I don't worry too much. It's usually gone by the next day. Have a restful evening...:yawn:

    Kate, what a delightful Thanksgiving poem ~ thanks SO much for sharing it!! Gosh ~ I just noticed your name is 'Kate' and not 'June' as I've been calling you! My apologies...:blushing:

    Jolene, be strong ~ you can do it! Just crochet your little heart out...:wink:

    I'm off the board now and settling down for the evening.

  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    your soup sounds sooo GOOD!!:happy:

    i'm looking forward to trying it! it's finally FALL down here in Arkansas, and i just LOVE making soup! :love:

    i really enjoy reading everyone's posts~ it encourages me sooo much! :smile:

    thanks! :flowerforyou:

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just a quick drop in want to catchup on the posts. But will reply to all tomorrow evening. We are getting ready for our church women's day. Today was part one I just got home like 20 minutes than need to be in Boise tomorrow before 8 am for tomorrow is the main event all day. So busy will be back tomorrow evening. Today food wise ok but no walking done.

    @Lin glad to hear that you are on the mend.
    @Janie--thanks i home you enjoy the soup.

    Thank you all for your encouragement.
    Have a good night see you tomorrow.
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    Mostly marking my place. I cannot decide on my October goals. Seems like I'm stuck in a rut. I may need some Vegameatavitamina to get me going!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good morning one and all -- more yard work for us today. Hope to complete the retaining wall today and tomorrow. Back filling and planting another weekend. I still have to decide what to plant anyway. So many wonderful plants, but such a limited space yard-wise, which means I have to keep the mature size in mind. Definitely will be considering low maintenance and low water, but there are still many choices.

    Welcome to all those who found the thread this week. It is a fun place to visit and participate.

    It was a crazy, busy week at work and we were there until 8p last night. There is enough to do (always) that I could go in over the weekend, but I won't. Despite my internal tick-tick-tick on getting things done, it will still be there Monday.

    On Halloween and candy... we have not handed out anything since the late 1980's. The dogs would go crazy with the doorbell and people at 'their' door and on 'their' street, and my DH worked a midnight shift at the time, so then HE was cranky. The only part I miss is seeing the really little ones -- the ones that don't have a clue about it, but are cute as can be.

    The first Saturday of the month is my weigh-in / measurement day. The scale says just down 0.8 pounds, but the measuring tape says 2.5" gone. Also, it hasn't been that long since I got into my size 14 slacks and I noticed this week they are definitely looser now. (Enough that I now let them dry in the dryer, instead of partially and then hanging.) All in all, that is a good report. Thanks to all for their encouragement!

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member

    Vince is at a gun club board meeeting right now. I just took the oven racks in the backyard to try to clean them. Only I thought I had some grill cleaner but I didn't. So Vince stopped at Lowe's Hardware for me and got a can. I'll finish up tomorrow. I did have about 1/2 a can of this degreaser, so I used that. Only the racks aren't totally cleaned.

    Michele, is your oven self-cleaning? If so, you can leave the racks in the oven and they will clean along with the oven. I do that with my racks, my pizza stone and sometimes a really disgusting cookie sheet (although it will take the coating off of coated pans).

    Also, you asked about the salted crust? It's a way of cooking - my husband loves to make lomo al tropo, which is salt-encrusted tenderloin. For the item, potato or roast, you coat it in or lay it on a layer of salt, then roast it - the salt forms a hard shell that can be cracked off. I think it makes an even way of heating along with a crust that keeps the inside moist. Generally, the food doesn't absorb a lot of salt.