

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Meg – thanks for the recipe. I'm going to try it with non-dairy cream cheese and coconut milk. Sounds yummy! :bigsmile: I can't use milk due to lactose intolerance but thank goodness I can still eat hard cheeses. No cheese at all would really put a crimp my eating habits.

    Lin – I leave out this Sunday to meet DH and then head west. I'm excited about the trip to Idaho but a bit apprehensive about the drive to Indiana. I have decided to go through Knoxville and avoid Nashville, as it seems like every possible major highway runs through Nashville - way too many possibilities for getting off track. :noway: It will make the trip about an hour longer, but well worth it to me.

    Kackie - I'll wave to you if we get up into MT. :laugh:

    I thought I would be able to use a black powder rifle that we have. It would have been interesting to use it but even with a couple years of weight training I can't hold the darn thing still enough to use. So, it's back to my trusty old rifle that I am familiar with. It's lighter by a couple pounds and shorter, so I have no problem being accurate with it.

    Dixie – You are in my thoughts and prayers as well. It sounds like you have the strength to get through this very tough time.

    It is amazing how much we have grown here! I had to do an “edit/find” search to locate the comments directed to me.

    I have lots to do and not that much time to get it done, so I may well not be commenting again until Oct when we return from our road trip.

    Thank goodness for friends and relatives and neighbors that will pop in while we are gone and keep our place in order.

    Until then ladies!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy day!

    Just found out that I'll be getting the pin out tomorrow!:bigsmile: It's been so painful that I can barely walk today so I called the doctor. The nurse called me back and said come tomorrow instead of Friday! They'll do x-rays to make sure everything's ok and that it didn't get messed up Sat. when it got wacked. Fingers crossed that it's ok and I'll be back to water walking soon! Thanks to all that sent me messages of support and encouragement during my recovery!

    I really think coming to this thread with all of you great women helped me keep going and not get seriously depressed! I'll definitely catch up on all the posts soon!


    “It’s not where you are in life, it’s who you have by your side that matters.” :heart:
    ~ Unknown
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    O so depressed, didn't weigh myself for about a week and I am up 3 POUNDS - ARGHHHHHH
    Don;t wanna talk, don't wanna do anything.... but the tape measure moved around, down a little.
    Having a hard time typing here, Mookers the cat wants to walk on the keyboard.

    Anyway, will keep on logging and drinking but I am wondering about the 1200 calories. I seem to lose weight when it is less.....
    Any advice ladies?

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's been a very busy Tuesday,

    I finally caught up on all the postings, but no time to comment...looks like we will be over 500 posts for part 2 of August...we are a chatty bunch:happy:

    I have been working on the budget for the boss and finally got it all in and computing and boy is that depressing:sad:

    We will begin to get things together tonight as we leave on Thursday morning for Las Vegas, hoping that getting away will give me more oomph to want to do this job....I'm just not happy in my job anymore...sorry for the complaining.

    I ate bad last night, but managed to stay the same didn't exercise last night as it was so windy and instead of heading to the basement (because I really have NO excuse for NOT exercising) I headed to the kitchen and cooked a wonderful dinner for hubby and then felt I should dig in too:blushing:

    It's good to see so many of you sticking to the plan, exercising, eating right and drinking your water:drinker:

    Dixie- it was good to see you back:flowerforyou: one step at a time, one day at a time and so glad your hubby gave you some good words to live by, sounds like he was a good man and you were blessed to have him in your life:heart:

    Must go more budget stuff to complete and then tomorrow will be crazy busy so I can take 3 days off work.

  • janet0522
    Hello everyone. My name is Janet .. not quite 50 yet but it'll be here whether i want it to or not ;) I'm 49.

    Thought I'd love to join you all.
    I see someone mentioned blackberries - we grow blackberries and raspberries. It's only their second year though - so they aren't as abundant as I'd like. They are so expensive to buy.

    I work part time at my children's school at the front desk fielding calls and doing some computer work.

    Looking forward to chatting with you all !
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    hi Janet and welcome to the group. I'm fairly new myself so we can learn the names together.
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today is Tuesday. I had a pleasent surprise yesterday. I weighed and discoveed that I had lost three pounds. Yes, that was me you heard dancing and singing. LOL

    DeeDee - I hope you have a good week. I know you have several meetings you are not looking foward to. I hope all goes well.

    Take care everyone and have a great week. Feel free to email me anytime. I really enjoy having such sweet friends.

    Good luck and God bless,
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi my name is Doni. It is nice to meet you. Welcome to the group. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
    Good luck and God bless,
    Doni :flowerforyou:
    PS I am sending you a friend request.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi there lovely ladies! Hope you had a great day. I was in clinical chasing 7 students around and OMG I love those patients! I haven’t done ICU nursing before (I’m a trauma nurse) so it’s a whole new ball game for me, but it was really exciting and fun to be working with them. :happy: My students are good too.

    I haven’t had the best couple of days lately. I seem to be eating a ton and I haven’t logged anything in a couple days, so now I’m getting worried! As soon as I get done here, I’m logging my food so far for the day. I feel like I have lost my motivation. I’m so tired from working that this seems like a ton of work to me. :sad:

    Lila: your latkes sound great. I love zucchini and I’ll give that a try. That has to be disappointing to gain weight when you feel like you are doing it all right. The change in your measurements is great though! :smile:

    Michele: you rationalize like I do! :wink:

    Bobbie: great DEXA results!

    Teral: a new grandbaby? Congrats!

    Linda: great job on the clothing size and your daughter’s success!

    DeeDee: OMG pneumonia…you take care of yourself and take those darned antibiotics! :flowerforyou:

    Amanda: all that cake! LOL. So sweet of you to include MIL :flowerforyou:

    Tigress: my mom got very mean and ugly in her old age too. I used to say that she had been abducted by aliens and they left a pod-person in her place.:tongue: Then we found out (well much later) that she had dementia because of a series of small strokes. IT made that a little easier to bear, but boy could she be a pistol. Let me tell you my favorite story about her:

    One of our fav restaurants is a real dump (food’s great…2 items on the menu; fried catfish and fried chicken!) where you sit on the deck listening to big band music (love it) and boats go by and the people in the boats moon you. My mom was a real snot….very uppity and we took her there because we were finally so tired of trying to impress her with places that she always hated, we said, screw that, let’s go to this place. She was the epitome of the Southern Belle matriarch…queen of the world and usually very proper. She caught on to what was going on and LOVED it. We went one time and boat traffic was slow and she complained the whole time that she was not getting mooned. Finally a boat went by, she stood up on her walker (picture a humped over blue haired lady on a walker) and yelled at the top of her voice “MOON ME YOU SON OF A *****” and sat down. Everyone on the deck turned and glared at me!!!!!!!!! I thought I would die!!! We laugh about this now, but OMG was I embarrassed. I drank a lot of beer that night! :laugh:

    Nancy: I get migraines a lot when I have clinical. I really think it’s stress–related. I tend to carry my stress up in my shoulders and upper back and if I do that for too long, BOOM, headache time. If I take something right away, I can control it, but if I don’t I’m in trouble! I’m not sure why clinical gives me the migraines….why it’s so stressful for me, but it is a TON of work…lots of running around. 7 students this time is great, only 7 patients, but when there are 8-9 and they start taking 2 patients each, it’s nearly impossible to keep up with them. Otherwise I only occasionally get them, usually no nausea, and usually some meds and sleep and they go away. Can;’t snooze in clinical though! :laugh:

    Gini: hope your appointments all go well. I too have trouble times when I get frustrated about having to log food, plan my meals, and then I think I rebel!

    Shawna: we all have days like that! Everyone does. The good news is that you are in control, so you can decide to eat fries, then get back on track the next day and not just give up because you blew it one day.

    Faye: you’ll have to let me know how the coconut milk substitution works…isn’t it awfully sweet?

    Kathy: YAYAYAYAYAYAY for you! And your toe! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Laura: sounds like many of us had bad days lately. Maybe the moon is off its axis! We can do this!!! Just get back on the wagon and don’t give up.

    Janet: welcome! Come back often so we can get to know you.

    Wow we are such a chatty group! It’s fun to read everyone’s posts but hard to make sure to include everyone, so I hope I didn’t miss anyone! Have a good evening. Tomorrow is office day yay! Take care, Meg
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Had a wonderful, relaxing day kayaking with some friends. We paddled an inlet to a lake in the Adirondacks. It was totally silent with no houses or roads in sight. We saw herons, ducks, and pitcher plants. If I could only bottle some of that silence to take with me when my 7th grade classes start!! I will post a few pictures from out kayaking trips around the room as a reminder to slow down and reclaim the calm, peaceful feeling I experience when on the water.

    We will be going on a "Blue moon" kayak Friday evening. Never have kayaked at night, so this should be fun. I have family coming in over the weekend and then it is back to school next week. I don't feel at all ready for the year to start, but I'm sure everything will fall into place.

    I have been mostly "lurking", though I do read all of your posts. This thread keeps me motivated to eat well, drink lots (of water):drinker: , and move more. I will try opening two windows so that I can respond to individuals as soon as the world stops spinning! I have had an incredibly busy, enjoyable summer. Don't know how I'll be able to fit in work!:bigsmile:

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. You are truly a fabulous group of women!:flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,179 Member
    Just a quick check-in again. Back from taking care of my dad and his business a few hours from where I live. All was well out at his acreage but I despair every time I go there at the thought that someday I'm going to have to get rid of everything in the house, the basement, the giant garage and the extra little barn. OMG. I wish I knew what to do. It's just me. No other family. I can't see having enough strength to do all that work myself. Oh well. I'll wait until closer to when he'll need the $$ to stay in the Assisted Living Facility or Nursing home. He does't want to get rid of anything and wants to move back home. That's another story.

    Anyway, I'm back, I'm beat every which way. Going to do a few more things and then curl up and hibernate for a while.

    Sorry for those who are hurting. Congrats to those with good news, scale or NSV. Smaller clothing would be wonderful. Barbie thanks for that soup recipe, I've copied it to my healthy living subdirectory. Faye, safe travels.

    My brain is burned.....too much driving and too many waiting rooms.

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    OK Doni - you know those 3 pounds you lost, well I got them and you can just take them back - lol.

    Janet - great profile picture! Welcome, I'm fairly new here too and these are a great bunch of women.

    Laura - I hope you get away gives you some new incentive for your job. Working at something when you are so over it is just annoying. Wow, you've only got 4 pounds to go - wonderful!

    DeeDee - I'm glad you got the antibiotics, hopefully they will get the bugs moving, pneumonia is not to be trifled with, take good care of yourself.

    It seems a number of us are having some challenges - must be that Blue Moon someone mentioned. The office where I work is a little crabby this week as well. Maybe we are all feeling it.

    I think I will go stock up on salmon and eat nothing else until I get rid of the 3 pounds I picked up. Sounds like I am in denial, I didn't "pick them up", somehow I created them and I'd better figure it out.
    Off to make dinner, I planned it and logged it so I won't be eating anything else. I think I will avoid snacking too - I'll just exercise when I feel like a snack (or drink more water - ick)

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Meg - The coconut milk I use isn't the the canned sweetened kind, it's in a carton and no sugar is added. It's only 45 calories per cup. It has been a good substitute for milk so far. I have only been aware of my milk problem for a year or so. Before that I thought gas, bloating and associated issues were normal. :embarassed: It finally got bad enough that I figured it out. A case of too soon old and too late smart. :ohwell:

    I'm tired so me and the grand-puppy are off to bed. I'm dog sitting for the week.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Just a quick note tonight.

    Barbie:smile: I made the soup tonight and oh my, it is so good!!!!! I added a bit of fresh garlic, sprinkle of cinnamon and a small dollop of sour cream:love: . I also had a slice of crusty Italian bead with it. YUM!!!!!

    I have taken my antibiotic and now I'm going to go curl up in my comfy bed:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: .

    Hope everyone has sweet dreams!!!!! Until tomorrow.....

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Bobbie - that's absolutely WONDERFUL about your DEXA scan. I usually get mine in August but probably won't get it until September this year. I know how important bone density is. I'm just so happy for you!


    Linda Sundance - woohoo on those pants! Double woohoo you joined the Y

    DeeDee - feel better fast, hun

    Well, the guy finishined the wall to the spa today. I felt so bad, he spoke very very little English and I don't speak Spanish. I was able to get that he needed to come back (I figured that as there needs to be a sealant on the blocks), however I couldn't quite understand if he was coming tomorrow or Saturday. Again, it was just him, his wife, and their well-behaved son

    Amanda - that's awesome that you've been alcohol free for so long. Keep it up!

    jb - do wild blackberry bushes have thorns? I think some of the ones around me do. That's so cute that your dogs wait to be served. Congrats on the weight loss. That apple pumpkin soup sounds delish. Apples will be in season soon and so will pumpkins. Recipe, please.

    Faye - have a great trip!

    Kathy - that's wonderful. Tomorrow's the day! Oh, I do hope everything's OK

    Laura - have a great trip! Complain all you need to, sometimes it really helps to get things off your chest.

    Janet - welcome. Come back often

    Doni - super weight loss

    tigress - MIL had something that's called "sundowning". I'd never heard of it before then. Anyway, she was pretty OK during the day but at night -- watch out! When I'd go to see her during the day many times she was OK. But when Vince would see her after work, boy did he get an earfull!

    Meg - you mom sounds like a hoot!

    Did about 50 minutes of Gilad's step aerobics today. Tomorrow I'll go to water aerobics, then a little food shopping on the way home, then a meeting for our winter bowling league, then probably to Aldi's as we need more bottles of water.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: a friend gave me a zucchini from her garden and I sliced and steamed it and added to the last of the squash apple soup, sprinkled a bit of Parmesan and had a fabulous meal.

    :flowerforyou: In my lifetime I've had countless vain attempts to prove that I could eat like other people and finally at age 62 figured out that I can't do that.......I have had to let go of eating as a recreational or comforting pastime.....I have had to banish foods from my house that I can't eat in moderation....I have accepted who I am in relationship to food and have gone on with my life

    :flowerforyou: Amanda mentioned being alcohol free for several years and for me, besides being alcohol free, I've had to accept being free of peanut butter, cookies, cake, cheesecake, ice cream, and many other foods that have been a problem.

    :flowerforyou: Lila, when I've had surprise weight gains, I look at my food diary for clues and ask questions about sodium ( has there been too much??) nutrition ( has there been too little??????), protein (has there been enough??) calories (have there been enough healthy ones to support the energy I have expended ??) and perhaps asking others to look at my diary and make suggestions.

    :flowerforyou: jb, there are wild berry bushes where Jake is staying and the four standard poodles eat the ripe berries of the vine.

    :flowerforyou: Faye, I don't have a problem with dairy but I've used almond milk for years......I tried coconut milk but didn't like it enough more than almond milk to warrant the higher cost.

    :flowerforyou: Janet, welcome, I'm happy that you decided to join us

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I'm glad you're excited about your return to the classroom after your long absence......enjoy the new school year.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: time for bed so I can get up early for a great dog walk before my line dance class.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Michele, the Apple-Pumpkin (or squash) soup is Barbie's recipe that she posted on Sunday. The only thing I did differently is add 1/4 cup fat-free half and half before I pureed the soup. It needed a little creaminess for my taste. Otherwise, VERY good! 95 calories for a 2-cup serving. Thanks Barbie!

    Here it is:

    Apple- squash soup

    1 medium onion, diced
    1 winter squash or pumpkin(about 2 pounds), peeled, seeded, and chopped (cut in half and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees for easier peeling and chopping)
    3 apples, cored and chopped
    1½ teaspoons ground cumin
    ½ teaspoon ground ginger
    ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
    ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
    2 cups homemade or store-bought low-sodium chicken or vegetable stock
    2½ cups water ( I used less water and made it very thick)

    1. Put onion and squash in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add chicken stock, cook, stirring occasionally, until soft, about 10 minutes.

    2. Add apples, cumin, , ginger, cayenne, black pepper, and the water (just enough to cover). Bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, and cook until vegetables are very soft, about 30 minutes.
    3. Puree in a food processor or serve it chunky which is the way I like it.

    4. To serve, ladle into shallow bowls; garnish with diced apples, jalapeno slices, and sour cream or Parmesan if desired. (I didn't do any of this. It sounds good but will add calories)

    P.S. Yes, the wild blackberries here have wicked thorns!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just a quick note very tired today. Back on my reallty long days. Its a good tired but my brain is mush. Today went much better I try to eat smaller meals. today that seem to help and made sure to get my water in. Today i take my clients to do there volunteer work which is at an assisted living center. We walk and walk around that place for almost 2 hours plus walking Bella. My feet are tired but yay got my workout done.

    Welcome everyone who are new. Welcome back all who have been traveling. Sorry for anyone struggling, rejoicing with all who had victories.

    Good night everyone,
  • sjn0623
    sjn0623 Posts: 5
    Hello again to all you wonderful ladies out there! I haven't logged in for a couple weeks, but am determined to get back on track and stay committed now that I've healed from my surgery. It took a while to get caught up with the large volume of recent posts. So happy to welcome all the newbies here . . you've come to the right place for tremendous motivation and inspiration!

    Dixie - I just want you to know that you are being upheld in my thoughts and supported in my prayers. Be strengthened by knowing that many here are praying for you, as you grieve and take one day at a time. Cling to your husband's loving words of encouragement to stay on course and take good care of yourself.

    jb and barbie - thanks for the recipes. They sound delish!

    Jane - hope you can get your tooth issue resolved quickly so you can focus again on gaining control over the stress-related overeating.

    LindaSundanceB - Way to go on fitting into the smaller pants . . that's a noticeable accomplishment . . congrats!

    Kate - yes "choose happiness" . . . thanks for the much-needed reminder!

    Wish I could reply personally to more of you, but need to get to bed. Tomorrow comes early.

    Hard to believe summer is winding down already. As in many areas nationwide we've had an especially hot summer here in Wisconsin, and I am looking forward to a cooler fall season.

  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi everyone...I'm 53, just joined this site on August 20th. I'm a high school drama teacher and today was the first day of school, so I'm feeling a little tired. Looking forward to getting to know you...and making that soup this coming weekend!