
  • mkvilmin
    mkvilmin Posts: 46
    Hello all, I am new to this forum, but I am very excited to join. I hail from Illinois USA and look forward to the help and support of this forum. I am a 55 year old mother of 2 men, I have 2 beautiful daughter in laws, and seven grandchildren, with one on the way. Four of those grandchildren are "step", but they are mine and I love them. Looking forward to sharing. Blessings to all.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    It's Friday and I LOVE Fridays:love:

    Joyce- glad you are getting the help you need in your vitamins...sounds like there have been some parts out of wack:noway:

    Rose- hoping your weigh in is a success:flowerforyou:

    Jen- you enjoy the short time your kids are home and bottle up the memories because a month from now you will wonder if you just dreamed that they were home again:wink: As each one of our sons grew up to manhood there were several times that hubby and I wondered "who had abducted our son and replaced him with this wonderful grown man":laugh:

    Michele- so is this a receipe that I can find on line or is it one of yours? I'd love to have a healthy chocolate bran muffin around for that chocolate craving:blushing:

    Barbie- how good of you to call your cousin even if it's to hear complaining...but smart to follow it up with a friend that's up beat:drinker: which reminds me I need to call my cousin this weekend it's been awhile since I've talked with him:blushing:

    rpphillip- sounds like a fun outing with the grandkids, combining service with a little history very smart:wink:

    fitz- it's always such a feeling of success when you make something healthy and the family gobbles it up and they aren't aware that you are helping them along to eating better foods:wink:

    Kathy- will be praying that your tests show nothing serious is wrong:flowerforyou: could it just be that problem we all have...aging:blushing:

    wizzywig- sorry you aren't feeling well:sick: hope it passes soon.

    mkvilmin- Welcome:flowerforyou: this is a great place to get plenty of encouragement...come back often and let us get to know you.


    Here I am once again on the edge of the weekend and am determined that this weekend will NOT put me back. Last weekend we had three days of great bike rides and the weather is supposed to be just as good this weekend so I'm hoping for more outside bike rides and long walks.

    My realtor sent me the papers to lower the price on my parents place another $500 so i will sign them and get them back to her. The place next door is under contract, smaller not as nice and it sold for $39,500 which is what I will be asking. It just seems so wrong when in 2007 Mom & Dad paid $97,000 for it:sad:

    Must finish my payroll. Everyone have a good weekend. Don't forget to log that food, move your body and drink plenty of water:drinker:

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,276 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone --

    I had a gorgeous morning. After dropping my son off at school (yeah, I started a family really late!!) I went straight to my bike and pedalled down the bike path that follows an old train line that was removed ages ago. It goes through wetlands, past ponds, and is one of the most tranquil and beautiful rides possible. It is also fairly flat in a very hilly area, which is welcome! I have not been on this trail for some time with all the rain we have had, so it was great to get back out there.

    I enjoy picturing many of you in your different parts of the world, with such different scenery. Walks, bike rides, dogs, and our beautiful sweating bodies! It is inspiring to know that you are all there, becoming healthier and stronger even when it is hard. Thanks for being there!

  • rosiecotton24
    rosiecotton24 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi! I haven't been a member here very long. I'm not 50 "yet" (I will be in December!!) I have decided it's time to get really serious about losing weight and getting healthy. Before I was married, I really didn't struggle much with my weight. But, especially after having kids, I did. I lost 50 pounds back in 99/2000. But then in 2001 I had to go back to work and got a desk job (fulltime), and all the weight came back on. :cry:
    So, I really really want to get back in shape. I want to be "fit at 50", not "fat at 50" :happy: I have lost about 10 pounds total (I had lost a few before joining here). And that's without really having a good exercise routine. I've gotten some in, but not like I want to. I have been on vacation the past couple weeks, so that has made it hard to get in a routine.
    Once I get back home on Monday (I'm at a cousins house for the weekend), I'm going to get in a routine and plan my meals better.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning to everyone! I really enjoy this group! Even thought it's only been a week since I joined, I've already made some great friends and received nothing but kindness and support. I will gladly reciprocate-whoever wants to add me as a friend feel free!

    Finally going to do my measurements this am so I can track changes with those too (since that mean scale never wants to move for me):noway:

    On another note, I might not be on here too much this weekend, since my son and daughter-in-law are visiting from Missouri. They will probably only be here for a few days so want to spend as much with them as I can. Haven't seen them since January since they moved away.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I hope you have a freakin' fantastic fabulous feirce Friday!!
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I hope you have a freakin' fantastic fabulous feirce Friday!!

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Well ladies ...the bad penny has popped up again!! ....It's good to see everyone has been soooo good!
    Back from my travels... and now enjoying the new additions to the family. I'm sure it won't seem long before the #3 Grandson and the new Grandtwins will be "All grown up"!!

    Weight wise I'm back in the must try harder mode again and I do know it will be aided by MFP!! Grandson's christening in 3 weeks and Twins in August soooo ......must try harder indeed! Although.....I did not put on weight while we were in China and on the cruise! Food was great and we were very active on the tours etc.But ...that was a few months ago and it's time to knuckle down again!

    DH and I are soon to start decorating. My job being the wallpapering ...something to keep me occupied and stop the "Munchies" I think!!

    It feels good to be back!!

  • rowanctg2
    rowanctg2 Posts: 6
    I've just come back to MFP after finding it's not so easy to go it alone over the winter... I'm going to be 67 in a few weeks, and have decided that by the time I'm 68 next year, I'll have permanently shed at least 50 lbs if not all of the 80 lbs my doctor would like me to lose. so, here I am, down almost 6 lbs after the first two weeks of dieting...and needing help to keep the ball rolling! I either lose it, or I'm looking at knee surgery...and I don't want surgery....
    so for the month of June, I'm setting my goal to lose 2 lbs a week, and trying to figure out what exercises to do to tone up...since anything that causes impact on my knees and ankles is out.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    My new pic is a Danebrog Poppy (Danish Flag) which is a breadseed variety. I grow them every year but haven't ever saved the seeds for cooking since I don't use much poppy seed anymore. Anyhoo, pretty nice looking flower!

    Still cool and rainy here in the PNW. :ohwell: Last night I soaked some black beans since I had a feeling today would be yet another good soup day. And it most certainly is. :wink:

    Made Black Bean Soup this morning, :love: It's delicious! I gobbled down a bowl after SWSY routine, it sure hit the spot.

    1 c dry black beans soaked overnight, drained and rinsed
    1 c. chopped celery
    1 c chopped carrots
    1 c chopped onion
    3 c low sodium chicken broth
    1-2 c water
    1 can 5.5 oz low sodium V8
    1 bay leaf
    pinch oregano
    pinch thyme
    pinch rosemary
    1 t chili powder
    1/2 t powdered ginger
    pinch cayenne pepper or minced jalapeno pepper
    6 cloves garlic, minced

    Bring to boil then reduce to simmer for 1 hour, covered. Add salt to taste. 165 calories for 1.5 cups.

    :flowerforyou: Have a wonderful day, and weekend!

  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hi there !!!:flowerforyou: Popping in to say "have a wonderful weekend".....:laugh:
  • YamRector
    YamRector Posts: 74 Member
    Well...I am back...with 10 kilos more! Expected, not a big surprise.
    My name is Yam, I live in Argentina with my American husband and my mom. My kids and grandkids live in other country, what makes me sad. I just came back from the wedding of my second child, and got to know my new grandson I didn't see and he is a year old now. Not easy to leave them and come back "home"...I am a little depress.
    I have a cold too...
    I reached this weight now that crippled me, hard to move, or walk...pretty miserable, and I asked myself why I let myself suffer so much? ABSURD...so I am back, to try one more time.
    Happy to be here, God knows I need help and friends and support :-)

    My goals for June:
    :love: Log in as much as I can and keep my food diary
    :love: To drink SOME water!
    :love: To reduce the quantity of food I am eating way too much!!!

    have a good weekend everybody :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    . . . this weight now that crippled me, hard to move, or walk...pretty miserable. . ., and I asked myself why I let myself suffer so much? ABSURD...so I am back, to try one more time.
    Happy to be here, God knows I need help and friends and support :-)
    Welcome, Yam.

    Frinends and support are here in plenty.

    As hard as it is to move, can you move at all?
    If not on your legs, can you wave your arms around? your hands? anything?
    I truly believe that some kind of movement is crucial not just to weight loss but to well-being and even mental attitude.

    Dear Friends, need your wisdom. What works for you for thinning weakening skin? Supplements? Creams? Anything?
    I've never done much for my skin, just kept it clean mostly :ohwell: and now I'm paying. Its very thin and weakening and sprouting little surprise cracks and cuts.

    Is it too late?

    I'm at work so away from my signature, haven't done mat work every day nor hit the 10k step mark, but doing better than I did in May.

    And Jackie, is that YOU? So very good to hear your laughing voice again!
    Hugs to all,
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I have the <----GGS for the night and just put him down to sleep. He isn't happy about it but he's staying there. He does that when he is too tired.

    mkvilmin - Welcome! I used to live just down the road from you in Yorkville, IL 30 years back when it was just a little village. My friend who still lives in the area keeps telling me about all the changes in the area and it's hard to believe!

    Michele - I second the motion on posting the good for you chocolate muffins. I must have missed the recipe the first time around.

    Jackie - Nice to hear you are back from your travels and back with us.

    DH is wanting his dinner and I am getting hungry too, so that's it for now.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, just stopped by on my way to the stationary bike.:laugh: I really need him tonight:huh: I have good news and bad news. The good news first:bigsmile: I lost eight pounds this week:bigsmile: I had a date night with hubby and the bad news, I went over about 500 calories, so its off to the living room for a nice long ride on the torturer:laugh: It was really worth it though. We went to Olive Garden and I had 2 bowls of the most wonderful chicken Gnocci soup.:devil: So I am going to leave you all now and get to it.:happy: Everyone have a wonderful Friday, Rose:drinker:
  • laney4818
    laney4818 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm new to the site as a few others are. I turned 50 last December.

    I usually do Weight Watchers most of the time, but I lost 15 lbs last year on Nutrisystem and felt so good. Got to within 5 pounds of my goal, then had some really stressful things happen so I turned to food over the last 8 months and put it right back on.

    I started here about 8 days ago and weighed in this morning to see absolutely no loss! not a single pound!!!! I stayed within my calories, exercised 6 of the last 7 days and tried to do low carb because that's what I've heard works best for us at age 50 (perimenopause and all)! Darn scale!!:angry:

    So discouraged... I'll keep at it though!! Hope to get encouragement from you all...:happy:

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I read an article today that recommended that you "weatherproof your workout" that is an important concept for those of us who live in rainy places or places where it snows or places where it gets beastly hot....the point was to have workouts you can do indoors when the weather inside won't let you do what you really want to do....today after lunch it started pouring just as i was planning to go outside and work in the yard so I had to start examining my back-up plan (my first thought was to sit and sulk eat :laugh: :laugh: ) so I started on some housework and then put on my rain gear and took the poodles for a walk....for me, part of weatherproofing my workout is having the right clothing and shoes for going out in the rain and cold....I also have some DVDs to exercise on days I can't get out.

    :flowerforyou: Rpphillip, did you climb the steps to the observation deck on the Soldiers and Sailors monument?

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Kathy, best wishes on all the medical procedures you have ahead of you….keep concentrating on all the good stuff

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Viv, I hope you’re feeling better by now.

    :flowerforyou: Mkvilmin, welcome to the most supportive group of women you’ll ever meet…..keep coming back and become part of the family……I’ve been posting on this thread for over three years and it has changed my life.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, it’s disappointing to have to lower the asking price for your parents’ house…..we had to lower the price on our house last summer and we were so grateful when it finally sold…best wishes in getting it sold and getting rid of the responsibility.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Liselyn, you ride bikes and horses----wow, you are really versatile

    :flowerforyou: Rosiecotton, if you stay connected with the women on this thread you will get inspiration, encouragement and ideas for workouts

    :flowerforyou: Kathyszoo, I’m glad to hear that you’re already reaping the benefits of being part of this thread.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jackie, I am thrilled to see you back from your trip and back on MFP…..I’ve missed you.

    :flowerforyou: Rowancfg, this is the place to find suggestions and encouragement…..I didn’t start a serious weight loss journey until just before I turned 63 and thanks to MFP and the ladies on this thread, some miraculous things have happened in my life.

    :flowerforyou: Yam, welcome….I hope you find the help you need here.

    :flowerforyou: Rose, restaurant food always does me in no matter how careful I am

    :flowerforyou: Laney, do not be discouraged, just keep doing the right thing and you’ll get the results you seek

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    fitz - I'm so glad your family loved the muffins. Maybe deep down inside I don't WANT to share them because I like them so much and they are low in calories, and make me want to drink lots therefore getting full. Who knows? I agree, Chris sounds super, wish I had someone like him.

    I ordered and paid for the pizzas for tonight, but I also got myself a grilled chicken salad.

    Kathy - all the best to you. Have you ever been to the computer museum in Boston? My kids thought that was pretty neat. Yes, the MFA is neat, too.

    Did 30 min of walking on the treadmill sideways and then 30 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical today. Tomorrow...yoga

    Went and exercised, then came home and finished breakfast, then left with Vince to go to Sears. We got a new vacuum cleaner, it's one of the most lighly rated for pet fur by Consumers Reports. That's what we needed. We'll take the old vacuum down to the condo. It really is on its last legs, but at the condo I only use it about 4 times/year so it's good enough. Then went to the healthy food demo (the topic was herbs), then ordered the pizza, then went bowling some (just 4 games), then to WalMart since it's on my way home and they price match. One store has butter on sale for $1.99 so I got WM's brand. Then home to FINALLY skim the paper, just now logging onto the computer, will have to leave in a few to get the pizzas.

    Viv - sorry you're feeling so badly, hope it goes away quickly. I hate when I get dizzy.

    Welcome mkvilmin

    barbie - the recipe for the bran muffin isn't something online. Basically, it's 3 cups of wheat bran, one egg (for the binder) 1-1/2 cups of water, a box of low fat brownie mix. Bake it at 350 for 30 minutes. I've found that it works best if I use nonstick spray on the muffin pans rather than the muffin liners since it's so low in fat. The calories, etc. are on MFP, under something like "recipe from a friend".

    The guys just called, can't come tonight but Ken & Lynette will be here.

    lyselyn - I've ridden on a rails-to-trails lanes and have loved it each time. It was so serene.

    welcome rosiecotton - I love the Big Bang Theory too and loved Desperate Housewives. Unfortunately, for some reason, I didn't DVR the last episode. Turned the TV on when it was 1/2 over. BooHoo.

    Kathy - have fun with your son and DIL!

    Jackie - welcome back!

    rowanctg - welcome back! What about water aerobics? That's no to very little impact. Bikeing? Elliptical?

    jb - thanks for the recipe. Sounds good, I'm going to print it out

    Yam - welcome. Your goals sound real good

    Rose - congrats on the loss! Some days you will go over, just so it isn't all the time (and I'm sure it won't be) you'll be fine. It's important to enjoy yourself, too

    Off to take a shower then get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Marking my spot. Heading into city to see Burn the Floor (dance show) will go with daughter. Husband I'd going to wander around city and see lIght festival. He and I will go home on train it's going to be late and cold. This is a last minute decision heard it was a good show and managed to get a 2 tickets for price of one deal. Had lunch with girlfriends today. And stuck to my guns and had a salad so proud of myself. But now have to eat dinner out. Oh The temptations. I will be strong.

    Jenni in Sydney Australia on a cold but fine Saturday night.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Saturday my lovely ladies -

    I'm at work today and it's going to be a long one as we have an exhibition to go to straight after we leave. Not sure what I'm going to do about eating tonight, but I've logged all my food choices for the day and will stick to it as well as I possibly can. I always log my food in the morning for the whole day and then just delete it after I eat it. It's a back to front way of doing it, but it works for me.

    I had a little talk to myself last night re clothing. I splurged £800 (that's a little over 1200 US dollars) on a designer jacket yesterday and then felt guilt pangs. However ..... I am now the size that I intend to stay at forever, so I may as well buy quality clothes that I love and will get lots of wear (and pleasure from). For too many years I wandered around looking like a bag lady, only able to buy clothes because I could actually squeeze into them rather than because I looked good in them. I remember so well buying a jacket for my DD's wedding and I had to get a size 30 (UK dress size which is about a size 28 US size). I hated it, but it fit - kind of. I compensated by buying an enormous hat and looked positively awful. Now that I wear a UK size 8 with ease, I can feel more confident in what I buy and wear. So I'm letting go of the guilt and I'm going to enjoy my purchases from now on (or at least until I bankrupt myself!)

    Thinking of it, all those years when I worked in the diamond trade, making tiaras etc, I always felt out of place because I looked such a mess. I would either try to make myself invisible or make a joke of myself - the typical 'jolly fat girl' puttng myself down before others got the chance to. Now I feel that I can hold my own with anyone. It's really such a shame, because the person inside me is the same - I'm still the little fat roly poly girl - just with less of an outer layer. I will never let that fat girl go though, she had just as many good qualities as the slimmer girl, she was just scared and holding herself back. I will try to remember her with kindness - she made me what I am now.

    Right, enough introspection for now! Time to work.

    Have a good weekend my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x