debwilson Member


  • If you have started running have you checked into the C25k OR THE C210k? Last year I started running using the C25K and ran 2 5Ks last year, not bad for a 54 year old overweight woman!! Now I am working on the C210k!!
  • No jogging burns more calories. If you go to "exercise and look on the calories you can burn you would burn less calories walking 3mph for 60 minutes than if you ran 4mph for 60 minutes. If you are thinking about jogging/running and are out of shape I would strongly suggest you check out Couch to 5K!!
  • That is exactly what I need to loose to get below 200, my goal for December 31st!! Count me in!!
  • I finnished the C25K about a month ago and have ran 2 5Ks this month. I am now getting ready to do the C210K program. I truly think giving your body a rest every other day is a good thing. Although there were times on my "off" days I walked around 3 to 4 miles, just to burn some extra calories!! Good luck and I would love…
    in C25k Comment by debwilson November 2010
  • If there were using chips it should be very accurate. It starts the time when you cross the start line. I just ran my first 5 K a couple of weeks ago in Chicago with 30,000 people. My daughters who are avid runners have gps watches and they set their watches for me and what the watch said and my time was exactly the same.…
  • I can't say enough about the C25K App!! I just graudated from it last Sunday. I am a 54 year old woman who is overweight and not the least bit athletic. This coming Saturday I am running in my first 5K!! I could not have done it with out this app. The most important thing to remember is not to get discouraged. There were…
  • Good Luck with this. When is your 5K? I was on week 7 day 1 and got very ill with asthmatic bronchitis. It has really set me back in my training. I am going back to Week 6 and start on day 1 and try to regain my strength. Couch25K is the greatest. I am a middle aged really overweight woman and never thought I would be…
  • Good Luck with this. When is your 5K? I was on week 7 day 1 and got very ill with asthmatic bronchitis. It has really set me back in my training. I am going back to Week 6 and start on day 1 and try to regain my strength. Couch25K is the greatest. I am a middle aged really overweight woman and never thought I would be…
  • Great job on finishing the run!!! My first 5 K is in 6 weeks and I am just praying for a time of 45 minutes!!! You are making this old lady feel bad LOL
  • My daughter had problems with shin splints and she is very slim. She went to an orthopedic specialist and he had her get an insole for her shoes. You might try that
  • You did the C25K??? Did you ever have to repeat any weeks? Right now I am on week 5 and tomorrow am suppose to run 20 minutes. I weigh 210 and read somewhere that if you weigh over 200 a person shouldn't try running. I have to admit it has been a struggle, but so far I have mastered it. Tomorrow really scares me!!! Have…
  • I walk 4 miles the days I don't do C25K. A High School Cross Country Coach told me pay attention to my body. If I am up to walking do it, if not then take the day to rest. I have found that I really miss it if I don't do one of the other every day!! Even if I have to wait until 10:00pm when the humidity and temps are down…
  • Last night I also finished W3D1. Are you listening to music as you run? I couldn't do it without my Ipod!!! One of my daughter is a long distance runner and she doesn't use her Ipod. I think she said they can't in marathons, so she just uses the time she runs to meditate. She also said it gives her time to mentally go over…
  • Can't say enough about C25K!! I am a 54 year old very overweight woman. My two oldest daughters run so I thought what the heck I would try to run a 5K at the age of 55. My oldest told me about this app and I love it. I am actually going to attempt run a 5K in Chicago this November instead of waiting until next April. In…
  • OK kids now you get to hear from an old lady!! On my C25K playlists I have Meat Loaf(you should see people look at me when I they ask me how I am losing my weight and I say Meat Loaf!) His songs All Reved up, Paradise, and you took the words right out of my mouth. Then I have some Jimmy Buffet, Surfin in a Hurricane,…
  • I didn't want to spend $100.00 on these, but found a "Knock off" pair at Payless. I only use these when I walk. They sure take some getting use to and because of the way I walk I am wearing the inside of one of the soles more than the other. At first I loved them, but now when I walk I am having some back issues and not…
  • I am a 54 year old woman who is training to run a 5K in November. I never thought I would ever run. Now it is true that I have only started the training program, but every mountain climb starts with that first step!!
  • Sometimes I just forget to log it in since it doesn't affect my calorie intake, or projected 5 week loss. Besides drinking at least 8 glasses of water I also drink a ton of coffee and unsweetened Ice tea, both have zero calories, I always wonder if I should add those also to my water intake.
  • I wasn't planning on starting the couch to 5K until August 1st , but what the heck why wait!! Count me in!! I have a 5K race that I want to run with my adult daughters on November 6 in Chicago called the Hot Chocolate Run. Have you bought your running shoes yet?
  • I have been eating these darn Lean Cuisine meals since April!! And what is showing on the website I am on right now as I write this a Lean Cuisine Ad!!