C25K success

I want to download the iphone app/start this program.
Has anyone completed it? Used the app? Lost weight? Just curious to hear and maybe see everyones results


  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I started couch to 5 k and hurt my knee. Dr told me that a lot of knee injuries come from people doing this program. I am not knocking it. I enjoyed it while I did it lol
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I graduated C25K. Excellent program. I highly recommend it.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I started couch to 5 k and hurt my knee. Dr told me that a lot of knee injuries come from people doing this program. I am not knocking it. I enjoyed it while I did it lol

    How can a knee injury be specifically related to this program? Maybe because there are a lot of people trying it that are beginners, maybe don't know how to run properly, or the shoes. There are so many things that can cause it - why pinpoint the program?

    I just got my parent's treadmill and want to start this, maybe this weekend. I've thought about it a couple times, but have a fear of running outside. So, inside it is. I hope I follow through.

    I've read of many success stories with people using this program. Many have gone on to do longer runs than a 5K.
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I'm on Week 3 Day 3.

    I'm over 200lbs so I'm focused on remaining injury free while I run. I have good shoes and I stretch constantly throughout my day.

    I enjoy running cos it keeps my heart rate up for extended periods & its something I can do outside.

    I'm loosing about 1.5lbs/week and I run/walk, bike, & do strength training on a bowflex.

    If you're already getting active and interested in stepping up your game C25K will keep you motivated.
  • kdblev
    kdblev Posts: 18
    I'm currently doing C25K to try to catch up with my triathlete husband. It's a simple plan to get you on track and it works.

    As far as injuries, I think it pays to do little research into how to run properly to avoid those things and if you already know you are prone to a problem, then make sure with your dr that running would be ok. (and mommyhof3, please know that I have no idea how or why your knee was injured and am in no way commenting on your experience :) ) Knee injuries are most common when heel striking, creating too long of a stride, or pushing yourself too hard too fast. Pace and time should increase gradually and even with this program you have to really evaluate how you're doing and slow it down if needed.
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    I have the C25K app on my ipod touch. The only problem I have with it is that it doesn't really post to facebook...or I couldn't get it to work. Other than that...I like the way that it works. You can use your own music and it will give you spoken alerts. I am not much of a runner so it is helping me build up tolerance. I have mixed it up with 30 Day Shred, Turbo Jam and Zumba so I am not sure what is helping me most but I can tell that I am less tired when running now.
  • debwilson
    debwilson Posts: 24 Member
    I can't say enough about the C25K App!! I just graudated from it last Sunday. I am a 54 year old woman who is overweight and not the least bit athletic. This coming Saturday I am running in my first 5K!! I could not have done it with out this app. The most important thing to remember is not to get discouraged. There were several times I had to re do a day because I couldn't complete the task, but my it sure felt good when I did complete a week!!

    Make sure you get a good pair of running shoes! Go to a running store(look up on google for running stores)

    At the end when I got upset I would remind myself how much I had accomplished in such a short time frame. From barely being able to run 60 seconds to now running 30 ,minutes!! Good luck!!

    As far as the weight loss went I lost over 20 pounds while doing this program, I still have a long way to go, but will do accomplish that also. When I would get done running, I would not be as hungry and really wanted to eat healthier.

    I think running is very addictive!!
  • Keisha604
    Reading these make me excited to start!. My goal is to run in the Race for the Cure race in Columbus. I think it's in the spring which is pretty far away but why not start now?
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I started couch to 5 k and hurt my knee. Dr told me that a lot of knee injuries come from people doing this program. I am not knocking it. I enjoyed it while I did it lol

    How can a knee injury be specifically related to this program? Maybe because there are a lot of people trying it that are beginners, maybe don't know how to run properly, or the shoes. There are so many things that can cause it - why pinpoint the program?

    I just got my parent's treadmill and want to start this, maybe this weekend. I've thought about it a couple times, but have a fear of running outside. So, inside it is. I hope I follow through.

    I've read of many success stories with people using this program. Many have gone on to do longer runs than a 5K.

    Thanks for the snotty reply. I knew someone would though. I only repeated what my dr said to me. He knew the program so must know something about it and injury. I wore good shoes, I stretched, etc. I know how to exercise and started this program when I was almost finished doing P90X. All my post was is to let others know what my dr had said.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I started couch to 5 k and hurt my knee. Dr told me that a lot of knee injuries come from people doing this program. I am not knocking it. I enjoyed it while I did it lol

    How can a knee injury be specifically related to this program? Maybe because there are a lot of people trying it that are beginners, maybe don't know how to run properly, or the shoes. There are so many things that can cause it - why pinpoint the program?

    I just got my parent's treadmill and want to start this, maybe this weekend. I've thought about it a couple times, but have a fear of running outside. So, inside it is. I hope I follow through.

    I've read of many success stories with people using this program. Many have gone on to do longer runs than a 5K.

    Thanks for the snotty reply. I knew someone would though. I only repeated what my dr said to me. He knew the program so must know something about it and injury. I wore good shoes, I stretched, etc. I know how to exercise and started this program when I was almost finished doing P90X. All my post was is to let others know what my dr had said.

    Wasn't meant to be snotty. Reread...I said the same thing that others said just with quoting what you said. Just because your dr said it, doesn't make it certain.
  • fullagrace
    I started going to the gym last Sunday (10 days ago) and I have been everyday since. My goal is to go everyday until my 5k (Jan 30th). I can NOT run and have NEVER been able to. I have tried about 4 times to complete day 1 of C25K and failed. I have asthma and I just couldn't breathe or finish.

    I FINALLY DID DAY 1 last night!!!! Yay!!! I didnt pause it or skip any of the runs. Tonight I just plan on doing low impact (elliptical and stationary bike) and wall attpemt C25K Week 1 Day 2 tomorrow. I had to push myself so hard to complete Day 1 but it felt so good when I finished (mentally, because physocally I was gasping for breath).

    I have the app on my android phone. It was free, and it beeps at me when I need to transition from walking to running and vice versa. I can listen to music on my phone or on pandora while it goes which is awesome!

    I am hoping by the end of 9 weeks I will be ready for my 5 k. I have 14 weeks until then so I will be able to repeat a few weeks if necessary.

    Good luck! If I can do it anyone can (if I can do it is still yet to be determined lol).
  • maureensm
    maureensm Posts: 172 Member
    I am very fond of this program. I never had the app (sounds awesome!) though. I started with this program when I could barely do the 60 second intervals. I was amazed how quickly I progressed. It really can bring a completely non-runner into the world of running. Three years ago, I couldn't run for more than a minute at a time and now I'm a marathon finsher. Just takes persistance! Good luck!
  • Keisha604
    After reading a few of these replies I downloaded the app and laced up my shoes. I try running off and on. Usually I can make it about a mile...another 1/2 mile if I really push myself. So, I started on Week 3 Day 1 and I feel good. I'll let you know how I feel 6 weeks from now! lol
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I finished this program 18 months ago and I am getting ready to run my first half marathon on Saturday! Good luck, this is a great program and the app makes it so much easier!
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    I graduated C25K in June. I did it in the 9 weeks alloted and did lose weight. The weight was more due to staying in my calories -- can't exercise yourself out of a bad diet. I did the program in a good pair of running shoes with low milage on them. I had to buy a new pair of shoes before the 5K because my ankles were so much stronger as a result of the program that the old shoes I had -- which were good for weak ankles -- were making my knees hurt. Once in new shoes I completed the 5K in June and immediately started a 13 week triathlon training program. I've now completed 2 triathlons and did a 5K swim this summer. It all started with C25K. The strength and stamina that I built through the program gave me a great foundation to increase my workouts.

    That being said, I've always been relatively active, even at the height of my weight. On the facebook C25K page there are lots of great discussions and articles. From keeping up with that I noticed that there were many others who would repeat weeks if they didn't feel strong enough to increase their run time. Some did get injured and took the break the doctor required and then started over. Your starting level of fitness will determine the right path for you. If you listen to your body and take cues when it's telling you something you should be fine.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I'm nursing an ankle sprain from a soccer game, but as soon as I can get running again I will have one more run left to finish C25K and will run my first EVER 5K on Dec. 4...so I'm all for the program.
    I think injuries are possible with any exercise program, you always have assume some sort of risk. For many it may be not stretching or warming up or even running incorrectly (which is possible).
    I say stick with it if you see it working for you, I have heard more good than bad from it.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I LOVE the C25K program. I had to stop at week 7 though because I got plantar fasciitis. It's been super stubborn and will not go away so I haven't done the program in a while.
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    I am a C25K graduate and completed my 2nd 5K today. I highly recommend it. It took me 13 weeks to finish the 9 week program.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I just started the c25k today!! I'm 222 pounds as of this morning, and the running is kind of an additional thing to the rest of my work outs, a mini-goal I guess.
    I made sure to get the proper shoes first. I went to a really great athletic store here in Vegas and was properly fitted and the salesmen were very knowledgeable. They noticed my high arches and slightly wide toes without me having to say a word and then from watching me walk, they were able to tell that I over-pronate. The guy brought me a few different shoes to chose from, and they all fit!! That's pretty unheard of for me!
    Now, after my first work out in them I can say without a doubt, they are the best running shoes I've ever owned. (I used to run a lot in high school)
    But anyways, I agree that you can not blame a plan that just says jog this long, walk this long, on an injury. It's not telling you how to jog or walk.. its not telling you to do it on an uneven surface, or with the wrong shoes.. for gosh sakes, it doesn't even tell you how fast you have to go, or that you have to push it! hahaha
    Ok, bragging about shoes and ranting about a silly comment over. (gets off soap box)

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