Dumbbells have a much better range of motion, and while more weight can be used on barbell it's not on a 1:1 ratio, someone that can only BB bench 225lbs once won't be able to get up 110lbs dumbbells per hand. Someone that can lift heavy DBs is going to have more muscle growth than someone lifting the same weight with…
Take a 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar, it curbs hunger.
Do some rear delt work, I had shoulder impingement from over developed front delts, once I worked on the rears and corrected the balance issue everything cleared up. I feel most people have underdeveloped rear delts.
I find a gym and get a week pass when I'm on vacation.
I never liked flat barbell bench, I started with it and transitioned over to using dumbbells for my power days after about a month. I can handle 155 pounders per hand now, 3-5 reps when I'm bulking. In my opinion dumbbells are far superior for growth and making rapid gains, there's less fear involved with not having a…
Depends on your body type, I have a naturally big frame (8" wrists 11" ankles) , my goal is between 10-12% body fat which will place me right around 215-225lbs. I don't think I'd like my look in sub 10% ranges, I like being a bit more solid looking.
That just seems like something you either have naturally or you just can't attain it, women with wide hips usually have the thigh gap naturally.
I was in Rhode Island on a family trip waiting for my family to meet me @ Walmart, got bored and just took a pic.
I had a stomach virus a few weeks ago, it went on for a week, then I took some Probiotics and my stomach issues cleared up within a day or two.
I'm 6"1 Yeah when I started I just stopped focusing on the scale because it rarely moved, yet everyone told me I was losing weight, there was even a stretch where I gained weight and people commented on how much thinner I looked. My body fat was low for the weight I carried when I started, a lot of that is due to the fact…
Buy an RV, head down to KFC or Popeyes and see if the owner is really a drug kingpin looking for a new cook.
Over the last two years I've gone from 268lbs @ 23% body fat, down to 241lbs @ 13% body fat, the weight loss doesn't seem like much but during most of that time frame I was eating anywhere from 3500-4400 calories a day. How much food are you taking in a day? My daily meal was usually - Breakfast - 5 scrambled eggs/turkey…
Weigh yourself every week on the same day as the previous, your weight fluctuates too much day to day. I can gain or lose 3-4lbs a day just from water weight.
I'm not a fan of jogging, a bad right knee and shin splints usually don't mix well with the monotony of jogging. So, I just do sprinting instead, usually a 10x100m session takes about 25-30minutes and I feel like it's a much better workout.
New York, NY.
My motivation is to think there's someone out there working harder than me, which means I have more to give. If you haven't already, incorporate some weight lifting into your routine, and the weight will fly off.