melch Member


  • a this site is a brilliant aid to help you make as many friend on here as you can as that also helps I have lost 41lb so far and would like to lose another 40 so I still have a way to go but I know I can do it .... add me as a friend if you want and good luck on your journey I am sure you will achieve your goal :o) Created…
    in Hellooo Comment by melch August 2010
  • haha nope I am the opposite and get pretty upset if people dont notice I didnt work this hard and lose over 45lb for no-body not to notice that my body has changed completely I think if people show an interest it means they care ! the others well ........ well done for losing the weight and be proud of it after all its a…
  • I am usually heavier on the wii than the bathroom scales and I have always put my bathroom scales weight down on MFP makes me feel a bit better and if I get the wii fit out the kids want to take over lol good luck Melch
  • I try to work off my daily calories before going to anything like that as I know I cant resist and you dont know how things have been cooked so I know if I have a good banked amount of cals before going out that I can treat myself without feeling guilty and I usually come away with calories left :O) so far I have been to…
  • you will be fine just go with the flow ..... will keep my fingers crossed for you :o)
    in Pregnant? Comment by melch July 2010
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter hiya I have been doing this site for 80 days now and love it in fact think I would be totally lost without it ! if you want to be friends for encouragement etc look me up Melch
  • I am an MBT girl through and through - love them really feel my legs working out when I wear them :oD
  • so envious ... thats my first aim too I have 9lb to go :o) well done
  • I have been having seasame ryvitas and making them into a sandwich with loads of salad - the crunch makes me think I am having a bag of crisps - sad I know but its working :o) happy shopping
  • I know so many people are saying the same ... but I felt I had to write it anyway - well done you !!!! to have achieved that is amazing and something I am aspiring to do you are a huge inspiration to a lot of people right now so thank you for putting your story into words I honestly thought the peeps on Biggest Loser where…
  • I found a great drink at the weekend whilst at a wedding vodka, lime juice and soda water with ice - really yummy and very refreshing and I didnt have the urge to snack which I do when I have a beer or wine ... gets my vote ! lol
  • hiya good luck with this it is brilliant I have lost 22lbs so far and I am putting it down to MFP , if you need a friend for support add me sure everyone will say the same its a great support network :o)
    in Hi everyone Comment by melch May 2010
  • hiya I am from the UK also and have alot to lose and so far I am 22lb ......... I am just loving this site its definately working for me and me as a friend if you want :smile: Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • to follow on from logs and horses its a bumpy road that we are treading at the moment and sometimes the road is going to trip us up so long as we dont stay lying down but eventually get up and get walking again its fine - good luck ! (by the way I have tripped many a times but decided not to look at it as failure ! :smile:…
    in Confession! Comment by melch May 2010
  • now that cant be good for you .... can it ???? I preferred him the way he was !
  • looking for friends too if I can work it out I will add you to -- keep going it will be worth it in the end its what I have to tell myself everytime I walk down the chocolate aisle whilst shopping :laugh: