vilyli6 Member


  • I am definitely not an expert on this subject, but you do have one huge advantage -- your age. The younger you are, the more elasticity your skin has so if you do it slowly and in a healthy way, incorporating exercise (walking I hear especially at this point in your journey), you should really not have as big a problem as…
  • I think everyone has their story and their reasons why overeating is a part of their life. One thing that I do know is that there is something inside of each and every overweight person that causes them to feel that food is a comfort. It doesn't have to be abuse or something horrible, but there is a reason. The most…
  • Any person reading your response to her that she posted who has a decent moral bone in their body would take your side on this. Child molestation is not and should not be posted in any way as being humorous. Only sick people would tolerate it and think there is anything funny about it. You did what you believed in as…
  • I am definitely getting it, but going to make sure I am home alone when it happens LOL. If my kids saw me trying to Zumba, all the neighbors and family and friends would get a full description of what they witnessed and it wouldn't be pretty. I will be in my room with the door locked :laugh:
  • I met my husband on a religious matrimonial website. I had met others before and they were losers. I think the thing that caught my attention with him is that he asked the right questions, not about my looks or size, etc., but how I felt about issues, what mattered to me, what I was looking for in a partner. He came from…
  • Please feel free to add me as a friend. I know how it feels to cook for a big family. I have 6 boys who can eat me out of house and home if I let them. I started this journey in 2006, and it has gone up and down. I am now more determined than ever. I actually am starting a weight loss challenge tomorrow and posted a blog…
  • Wow EdDavenport!!!!!! You are truly an inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing.
  • I have been going through the same thing for the past month. My husband, the love of my life, left for 3 months to go overseas to spend time with his family and I feel completely lost. I promised him I would lose weight and take control of this problem and I intended to, but the sadness took over. Because I am an emotional…
  • Originally from Ohio....Family transplanted to Texas in the early 80s. I joined them 5 years ago. Currently live in Wylie.
  • It was so cold here in Wylie that I actually had a little snow on my car this morning when I was leaving for work, but....a non-running car that decided to have a dead battery from the cold :( .....well on the bright side, I got a vacation day from work!
  • Hi. I live in Wylie Texas. Would love to have friends on MFP who live in my area!
  • I definitely don't have the answers, but I do have the exact same problem. Some people have told me I have a perfectionist personality. If I can't do it perfect, I give up. When I make a decision to eat healthy and lose weight, I give it my all. I track everything, I eat perfectly, I exercise every day and then, life…
  • I certainly don't have all the answers because I have a hard time also maintaining motivation. I have to force myself to think about how I really feel about myself and ask myself if I had a best friend who was the same like me, what would I say to him/her. Then be your own best friend. Tell yourself what you would say to…
  • My husband promised me that if I put all my effort into this and lose the weight and after that I am not happy with wrinkling/sagging skin, he will do everything in his power for me to have the plastic surgery necessary to repair the damage. What more could you ask for. I feel I have a new chance at life and I am going to…
  • Whatever you do, consistency is important. I personally started out doing 30 min a day on a stationary bike, then after a few weeks added 15 minutes of elliptical trainer. I increased the time on the elliptical over the next weeks to 1 hour and at the same time steadily increased the intensity of the stationary bike so I…
  • I have the same problem, especially after the kids are in bed and I am alone. One trick I have been doing to help me is to save some of my calories available for that part of the day so that when those moods hit, I can have something like a yogurt or get some sugar-free pudding or even a piece of fruit (which is actually…
  • Welcome. To say you have come to the right place is an understatement. I started actually going to the community part of this site only 2 days ago and was floored by the support and responses of all here. They are encouraging, uplifting and you really get a sense they care. I love it. Please feel free to add me if you like.
  • I completely understand what you have been through and how that can take away your focus completely. I had the same experience except with my son when he was diagnosed with brain cancer, medulloblastoma. He spent 6 weeks every single day with radiation and 18 months of chemo. I called the Childrens Hospital my home away…
  • I am totally blown away and so grateful for all your responses. I didn't imagine anyone would respond. And thanks for the suggestions. I think for me, the biggest trigger is the alone time. Maybe because that's the time when you think you feel least embarrassed to eat what you know you shouldn't. If I am at work, or I am…
  • I did have a physical from the doctor and overall my cholesterol is just below the borderline (could be better but not over), my sugar is fine, my thyroid is not good but I have been on medication for about 10 years for that, and I am going to the gym every day and on the elliptical for 30 min to 1 hour about 6 days a…