Help! - Trouble getting back and staying on the diet wagon.


My name is Andy. A few months ago my doctor told me that I had to loose weight for some operations. I managed to loose two stone and I had the first operation about 2-3 weeks ago. The doctor said that he found it difficult operating through the fat (I still have plenty more) and that he wanted me to loose more weight before the next operation in January. The first time he said this, it motivated me and i stuck to my diet and lost the weight, but since the last operation it feels almost impossible to get back on the dieting wagon. In fact, I have been binging rather than dieting and have probably put a half stone back on (i'm also avoiding the scales so I can't be sure). I don't know what is wrong with me and why I can't get motivated and focused again. I think it might be ok, if I could just get started and into the swing of it all again.

It's a long shot, but if anyone thinks they have some advice or can help me, I would desperately love to hear from you.

Thank you.


  • kybrandyb
    kybrandyb Posts: 52 Member
    I had to lose 15 pounds for my surgery.... I got to drink 3 protein drinks a day and 1 meal. I used my drinks for breakfast lunch and a snack and drank alot of water between if i was still hungry. Then ate a good supper with my family. Lost it in 2 weeks. I was 332 lbs at the time.
  • vilyli6
    vilyli6 Posts: 38 Member
    I certainly don't have all the answers because I have a hard time also maintaining motivation. I have to force myself to think about how I really feel about myself and ask myself if I had a best friend who was the same like me, what would I say to him/her. Then be your own best friend. Tell yourself what you would say to someone you love. Love yourself the same way. When you go to reach for that food that is bad for you, make it a conscious thought to ask yourself, is this food I am about to eat good for me, is it going to benefit my health, is it worth shortening my life over? Then get a very cold glass of water and wait 10 minutes. If you still crave something, eat a very small amount. But chances are, the impulsive craving will pass and you will logically think about it and pass on it. I don't always manage to do this myself, but over time it has gotten better and better. Good luck, hang in there, and DON'T GIVE UP!
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    I've sent you a 'come on' CAN DO THIS!!!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • lindyloo7
    HI! Lets do this together! I am having such a difficult time staying on track and avoiding the temptation. I promise to HONESTLY log my food and exercise for the next five days (lets start small), if you agree to join me. And HEY! how about everyone else who responded to your post. Lets do this together! I'm so tired of feeling bad about my inconsistencies and stupid addiction to food. What do you say?

    PS - how much is two stones?
  • prendy1977
    Thanks everyone. I am resolving to make a fresh start tomorrow.

    2 stone is 28lb or 12.7kg
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    One day at a time is all you can do. Make the decision to change and follow the rules of the tools :)

    I sound like a cliche generator don't I?

    Seriously though, all the kit is here, as long as you're ready to do it. Address your relationship with food and prepare to get better :)

    Good luck!

    Feel free to add me if you like!
  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm not sure where you are to know your circumstances but for me I suffer from seasonal depression as soon as the weather starts to get cold. It is natural to want to stay home, inside and eat during the colder weather and definitely during the holidays. I had about a 2-3 week period when I really fell off the wagon. I kept logging my food but didn't seem to care that I was WAY over my calorie limit. I had to have a serious talk with my husband and I explained to him that offering me dessert was like offering an alcoholic a drink - it only takes one dessert to throw me into a downhill out of control spiral. If possible, get outside, stay active, and surround yourself with positive, encouraging people. Good luck, you can do this.
  • taylords
    Reading everyones troubles with getting back and staying on the diet wagon has helped me. I hear alot of what I feel,I've just started on the myfitnesspal site and I think it will help me. Thank you all.
  • Art63
    Art63 Posts: 87
    It is tough. No doubt about it. And it's hard to get back into the swing of things once you go off. Of that I am 100% positive. Last night I splurged at a party. Went way over my calorie limit for the day. Today I've been miserable. Even went to the store and said screw it. Bought a bag of potato chips and came home. Grrr....Sat around most of the day staring at that stupid bag.

    Finally had a sandwich for lunch and a power bar (yeah, I's a glorified candy bar with a hint more protein). Then, I checked out the potato chip bag. 150 calories for 13 chips. Okay, I dumped out 10 chips (sort of) and woofed them down. Jeepers, 10 potato chips? I mean why bother? That was nothing. I'm used to eating half the bag in one sitting. Oh well. Still beating myself up.

    So, I go get some pistachios. At 4 cals a nut I can have 25 and not feel bad. Woof. They're gone in like a minute. Still hungry as a hippo. But I stopped. I don't know how but I did. Still didn't feel good about myself from the night before.

    Long story almost over. A couple of hours ago I finally got up the spirit to go walk outside. Wasn't going to but I did. Plodding along, plodding along. Step by sluggish step. Okay, a few minutes pass and I upped the tempo. 47 minutes later I'm back home. And now? I'm sitting here writing feeling like I'm back in the saddle.

    Did this help anyone? Probably not, but I want to contribute and say to Andy and whoever is reading that despite sluffing off and going backwards it doesn't mean you have to keep going in that direction. Just start doing the right things from whatever point you're at. So what if it's not a straight line success story? Just try to pick it up right where you are.
  • gailashton
    Andy, you know what to do. I'm so sad to hear you are struggling so terribly, but once you feel better you will do this because nothing feels as good as this does. Don't be so hard on yourself. Tomorrow is another day. Pick up the pieces and go for it. Just don't overdo or over indulge. It's simple. You can do it and you have all the support you need here! Let us help. We're all in this together.....
  • gailashton
    Andy, you know what to do. I'm so sad to hear you are struggling so terribly, but once you feel better you will do this because nothing feels as good as this does. Don't be so hard on yourself. Tomorrow is another day. Pick up the pieces and go for it. Just don't overdo or over indulge. It's simple. You can do it and you have all the support you need here! Let us help. We're all in this together.....
  • AlbertWong
    AlbertWong Posts: 36 Member
    I agree with the "one day at a time" encouragements here. It sounds trite but that perspective has helped me out of a few disappointments in my self. When I've done my worse is when I've let my bad days set the tone for the day to come. The other thing that has really helped is having a long term mentality - seeing this as a rest-of-my-life change rather than a quick diet.
    I know that it's really easy to spout a few one-liners and the reality is the continuous choice to put the cookie tin back rather than empty it or to go for the walk even though the couch is so comfy but you can do it bro!!! Bit by bit and day by day. :smile: