

  • Yes drinking water will help but not really with fat loss, it will help you not to reatin water as much. I made a goal to drink a gallon of water a day. The first 2 days I gained 8 pounds! I weighed the gallon of water and guess how much it weighed? Yep 8 pounds lol. After a few days I went back down to my "normal" weight…
  • I'm not sure, but it happens to me when I workout hard. I breakout like a 15 year old teenager :laugh: No clue why, so I'm intrested in the responces you are going to get...
  • I haven't heard of the video but I do a workout at my gym that they call kettleworks (with the K not the X :laugh: must be my gyms way of not abusing copyrights) Anyway, I love it. It's an hour long class the swinging motion of the weights really works cardio and strength at the same time!
  • I'm not a guy but yep, that movie made me cry and get mad at the same time lol! I freakin hate her mom!
  • If you have access to gym classes, I reccomend TRX it's a total body workout, not ment to build bulk, but will tone you up. I've just started doing it and after the first class I was sold on it!
  • 5'3".5 currently 132 lbs. I am trying to get to 125. My main goals are fitness and exercise though. I've enlisted in the Army and go to basic in a few months. I'm aiming at 28 pushups in 2 mins, 75 situps in 2 mins, and run 2 miles in 18:40 :happy: I have a loooooong way to go :laugh:
  • I do because I'm tracking some things that are in my vitamins.
  • Since you enjoy walking the dogs, maybe try to find a walking trail with a huge hill? I had a boxer pup a few years ago and we used to walk 6 miles at a lake 3 times a week. I remember there was a huge hill I used to play fetch with him there and I ended up running up and down the hill a few times playing with him. That's…
  • I'm all about gaining muscle :happy: Walking with weights shouldn't bulk you up though. Keep in mind when you gain muscle it burns more calories when you do workout. :wink:
  • @sucha65, I never heard that term before, so I had to look it up (Google is my friend). I think most who are new to the running game are more used to the terms flat footed, normal, or high arch. Looking at my shoe I do have wear on the outside of my heal which would mean I'm an over pronator. However I did the wet foot…
  • Thanks everyone, new shoes aren't really an option. Plus when I go to basic I'm going to be made to purchase new ones. I don't want to buy new ones now then 3-4 months later buy new ones again. New soles sound like a place I could start. The stretching thing makes sence. I do alot of foot stretches, shin stretches and…