debwaid Member


  • Daily Goal: 10,000 6/1 - 3691 6/2 - 3872 6/3 - 5586, 9 floors 6/4 - 5638, 22 floors 6/5 - 8410, 40 floors 6/6 - 3607, 11 floors 6/7 - 4992, 12 floors 6/8 - 2976, 10 floors - took off my FitBit today since we tubed down the river. Had to walk well over a mile just to put in the tube! 6/9 - 4299, 13 floor - driving home from…
  • I totally agree!
    in Phase 2 Comment by debwaid June 2012
  • Always do weights first! Congrats on making it to Phase2! That's where I saw the best results!
    in Phase 1 Comment by debwaid June 2012
  • Thanks and I will...I have more weight to lose too!
    in Phase 1 Comment by debwaid June 2012
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 6/1 - 3691 6/2 - 3872 6/3 - 5586, 9 floors 6/4 - 5638, 22 floors 6/5 - 8410, 40 floors 6/6 - 3607, 11 floors 6/7 - 4992, 12 floors 6/8 - 2976, 10 floors - took off my FitBit today since we tubed down the river. Had to walk well over a mile just to put in the tube! 6/9 - 4299, 13 floor - driving home from…
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 6/1 - 3691 6/2 - 3872 6/3 - 5586, 9 floors 6/4 - 5638, 22 floors 6/5 - 8410, 40 floors 6/6 - 3607, 11 floors 6/7 - 4992, 12 floors 6/8 - 2976, 10 floors - took off my FitBit today since we tubed down the river. Had to walk well over a mile just to put in the tube! 6/9 - 4299, 13 floor - driving home from…
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 6/1 - 3691 6/2 - 3872 6/3 - 5586, 9 floors 6/4 - 5638, 22 floors 6/5 - 8410, 40 floors 6/6 - 3607, 11 floors 6/7 - 4992, 12 floors 6/8 - 2976, 10 floors - took off my FitBit today since we tubed down the river. Had to walk well over a mile just to put in the tube! 6/9 - 6/10 - 6/11 - 6/12 - 6/13 - 6/14 -…
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 6/1 - 3691 6/2 - 3872 6/3 - 5586, 9 floors 6/4 - 5638, 22 floors 6/5 - 8410, 40 floors 6/6 - 3607, 11 floors 6/7 - 4992, 12 floors 6/8 - 6/9 - 6/10 - 6/11 - 6/12 - 6/13 - 6/14 - 6/15 - 6/16 - 6/17 - 6/18 - 6/19 - 6/20 - 6/21 - 6/22 - 6/23 - 6/24 - 6/25 - 6/26 - 6/27 - 6/28 - 6/29- 6/30 - Total Steps to…
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 6/1 - 3691 6/2 - 3872 6/3 - 5586, 9 floors 6/4 - 5638, 22 floors 6/5 - 8410, 40 floors 6/6 - 3607, 11 floors 6/7 - 6/8 - 6/9 - 6/10 - 6/11 - 6/12 - 6/13 - 6/14 - 6/15 - 6/16 - 6/17 - 6/18 - 6/19 - 6/20 - 6/21 - 6/22 - 6/23 - 6/24 - 6/25 - 6/26 - 6/27 - 6/28 - 6/29- 6/30 - Total Steps to Date: 30849 Daily…
  • After doing Phase 1, 2 and then going back to Phase 1, getting to the 3rd week of Phase 2 again, I decided to change up completely by doing Body for Life. Well since then and after straining my ligaments in my left ankle, I've been resting up and re-thinking my weight lifting program yet again. Itslessofme has started…
    in Phase 1 Comment by debwaid June 2012
  • Welcome aboard and good luck to you!
    in Phase 1 Comment by debwaid June 2012
  • Way to go Tasha!!
    in Phase 3 Comment by debwaid June 2012
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 6/1 - 3691 6/2 - 3872 6/3 - 5586 6/4 - 6/5 - 6/6 - 6/7 - 6/8 - 6/9 - 6/10 - 6/11 - 6/12 - 6/13 - 6/14 - 6/15 - 6/16 - 6/17 - 6/18 - 6/19 - 6/20 - 6/21 - 6/22 - 6/23 - 6/24 - 6/25 - 6/26 - 6/27 - 6/28 - 6/29- 6/30 - Total Steps to Date: 13149 Daily Average: 4383 Hoping to step it up a notch since I've…
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 6/1 - 3691 6/2 - 3872 6/3 - 6/4 - 6/5 - 6/6 - 6/7 - 6/8 - 6/9 - 6/10 - 6/11 - 6/12 - 6/13 - 6/14 - 6/15 - 6/16 - 6/17 - 6/18 - 6/19 - 6/20 - 6/21 - 6/22 - 6/23 - 6/24 - 6/25 - 6/26 - 6/27 - 6/28 - 6/29- 6/30 - Total Steps to Date: 7563 Daily Average: 3280
  • Good for you ladies! You are gonna see some awesome results!!
  • This month has started out bad. Last Sunday, I woke up with pain in my left ankle.....don't know why. It has continued to hurt, so yesterday I went to the doctor. Basically, the ligament is inflamed. So I am wearing an air cast and need to rest it some. I still have the okay to do my lifting program. I will be resting over…
  • Hi!! I'm not doing this program anymore but I am still lifting 3 times a week, HIIT in between those days during the week, and trying to be active with hiking as well! This was a great program for me though! Good luck! PS sending a friend request!
    in Phase 1 Comment by debwaid June 2012
  • Daily Goal: 10,000 6/1 - 6/2 - 6/3 - 6/4 - 6/5 - 6/6 - 6/7 - 6/8 - 6/9 - 6/10 - 6/11 - 6/12 - 6/13 - 6/14 - 6/15 - 6/16 - 6/17 - 6/18 - 6/19 - 6/20 - 6/21 - 6/22 - 6/23 - 6/24 - 6/25 - 6/26 - 6/27 - 6/28 - 6/29- 6/30 - Total Steps to Date: 0 Daily Average: 0 In again this month! Definitely gonna work harder!
  • Goal 10,000 steps and 10 floors climbed 5/1 - 14085, 10 floors 5/2 - 14427, 13 floors 5/3 - 5087, no floors climbed.....spent the afternoon chillaxin on the lake!! 5/4 - 2515, no floors.....not feeling well today 5/5 - 4195, 2 floors 5/6 - 6262, 1 floor 5/7 - 4789, 2 floors Put my FitBit on the charger in the afternoon and…
  • Some really good ideas...the frittata ones sounds delicious! I make several different ones from that Jamie Eason has recipes for:
  • WOW!! You had some spectacular days!! How did you get those super high days done??
  • Goal 10,000 steps and 10 floors climbed 5/1 - 14085, 10 floors 5/2 - 14427, 13 floors 5/3 - 5087, no floors climbed.....spent the afternoon chillaxin on the lake!! 5/4 - 2515, no floors.....not feeling well today 5/5 - 4195, 2 floors 5/6 - 6262, 1 floor 5/7 - 4789, 2 floors Put my FitBit on the charger in the afternoon and…
  • [/quote] I think I split up the four day routines over 5 weekdays - I didn't even attempt anything on the weekends. So my 5 days stayed within the work week as well. Right now I'm on the 6 days, and honestly I miss some. I try to make up for it and do two workouts in one day (legs and chest/abs/cardio, etc), or just cut…
    in Phase 1 Comment by debwaid May 2012
  • . Haha, I would never pass up snuggling time either!! :bigsmile:
    in Phase 1 Comment by debwaid May 2012
  • So Proud of you!! You have inspired me to finish!!
  • We are on the same day and I was thinking the same thing! Just want to finish this!
  • Started level 2 on Monday! I have lost a couple of inches and 3.9 pounds. I have been doing the program M-F, each level 10 days.
    in 30DS Level 2 Comment by debwaid May 2012
  • Yes that's what I did...then maybe walked some on the other days. But no major cardio
    in Phase 1 Comment by debwaid May 2012
  • Goal 10,000 steps and 10 floors climbed 5/1 - 14085, 10 floors 5/2 - 14427, 13 floors 5/3 - 5087, no floors climbed.....spent the afternoon chillaxin on the lake!! 5/4 - 2515, no floors.....not feeling well today 5/5 - 4195, 2 floors 5/6 - 6262, 1 floor 5/7 - 4789, 2 floors Put my FitBit on the charger in the afternoon and…